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Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness: An Activity Based Perspective for Wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit
Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness: An Activity Based Perspective for Wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit
Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness: An Activity Based Perspective for Wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit
Ebook175 pages2 hours

Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness: An Activity Based Perspective for Wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit

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Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness is a principle based book that outlines the fundamental considerations we should each understand and internalize to create the highest possible wellness oriented lifestyle. We live in an era where the evidence is in...wellness works. Comprehensive wellness changes lives and changes them for the better.

Twelve Pathways lays out the foundations upon which any good personal wellness philosophy can be developed. It does not recommend specific programs, but gives the frameworks from which the best programs and habits can be identified and engaged in based on the reader’s understanding and preference. It provides ways to think about wellness and develop a more comprehensive mindset. Twelve Pathways is the primer for anyone interested in undertaking or expanding their own personal wellness oriented lifestyle.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 31, 2020
Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness: An Activity Based Perspective for Wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit

David M. Rogers

David Rogers is a father, grandfather, seasoned professional and entrepreneur. He has spent decades devoted to health and wellness both at the individual level and in group settings. He is currently the Executive Vice President of Zemi Wellness, a national wellness coaching company. His love of fitness based wellness began at a young age and has endured over a lifetime. In Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness he seeks to share the fundamental principles that define complete wellness for each and every individual, however unique. Let your wellness journey begin, or take higher flight, with the timeless and universal principles outlined in Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness.

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    Twelve Pathways to Personal Wellness - David M. Rogers

    Copyright © 2020 David M. Rogers.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4251-0 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4252-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020902082

    Balboa Press rev. date: 01/29/2020



    Pathway #1

    You are the One in Charge; You Control your State of Wellness.

    Pathway #2

    The Body was built to Move; Choose

    Activities You will Perform Consistently.

    Pathway #3

    Fitness Requires a Combination of Aerobic,

    Anaerobic and Flexibility Activities.

    Pathway #4

    Identify Your Body Type and understand your

    Capabilities; Strive for Compatible Activities

    Pathway #5

    Create a Wellness Plan and Execute goals to sustain that Plan.

    Pathway #6

    Overall Balance is critical, in Wellness and in Life

    Pathway #7

    Variety is the Spice of Life and a Key to Wellness Also

    Pathway #8

    Garbage in Garbage Out; You Must

    Properly Feed and Hydrate Your Machine.

    Pathway #9

    Rest and Recovery are an Important Part of Overall Wellness.

    Pathway #10

    Emotional Wellness; Attitude Influences Wellness Altitude.

    Pathway #11

    Nurture Your Positive Intellectual, Social, and Spiritual Passions

    Pathway #12

    Positive Renewal; Find Your Quiet Place

    Appendix I – Financial Wellness Principles

    Appendix II – Wellness from the Home to the Workplace



    It was the late fall of my sophomore year in college. A fellow teammate had been begging me to visit a new fitness club that he wanted to join to maintain a daily off-season training regimen. To me, there was no such thing as off season training. We would go jogging once in a while or play a little tennis, soccer or touch football, but I thought there were better and less strenuous ways to spend the days ahead. My friend was persistent in his requests. I sensed that he might want me to support him as a work out partner. This was apparently not an adventure he wanted to undertake alone.

    The day I walked through the door of the Berkley Fitness Center was a day that changed my life forever. The facility was located in a relatively cozy retail space in a local strip mall. As I entered the impeccably organized and maintained Center for the first time and looked around, I was met with a sight I had never seen before. A complete circuit of Nautilus® equipment was carefully arranged around the main room of the facility in a semi-circle. A small section of free weights occupied a distant corner. There were patrons working on the machines with a trainer at their side talking them through their movements and encouraging their performance.

    We were met by the Fitness Center manager and given a tour of the facility. The machines fascinated me. Upon examining them more closely I could immediately sense the engineering, ergonomic integrity and cutting edge technology of each machine as the manager took us around the circuit and explained their program, how each machine worked and the Center’s dedication to meeting our fitness expectations. I was intrigued. I had to try these captivating contraptions out. Within a few days I had become a member of the Fitness Center. Within a few weeks I was hooked.

    One thing I quickly realized is that I did not have any expectations for what activities I needed or preferred. I did not have any goals. I really did not have any idea of general fitness principles. All I knew was that I enjoyed working on these futuristic looking machines. I had no idea how general physical fitness would transform over the following years into a lifelong philosophy of wellness. The type of wellness philosophy that promotes excellence and a desire for balance and achievement in every aspect of life. Nevertheless, that day was a transformational moment and I knew that daily, ongoing competitive exercise was going to become an integral part of my life. I also knew that I had a lot to learn.

    Over the next few months and through the next few years my knowledge of fitness and the broader scope of wellness began to grow. The Fitness Center provided free personal training with my membership. And so I began my journey. Personal training sessions led to books on exercise methodology, health and nutrition. The Center offered fitness seminars with nationally renowned authors and trainers. Within a year I was invited to be an assistant manager of the center and personal trainer. Over these next several years, I enjoyed training and participating with fellow fitness enthusiasts, local high school and college athletes and corporate executives. I enjoyed this position until I graduated and left for a Master’s program in another state.

    Graduate studies opened broader horizons. Reading great authors of business, science, philosophy, religion, economics and other stimulating subjects opened to a young mind numerous doors, alluring pathways into a larger world. A more comprehensive life philosophy. A view of the universe that encouraged me to be my best. This is the foundation of lifelong wellness. Fitness came to mean more than a toned body. It encompassed soundness of mind and spirit. It transformed into a holistic view of being that embraced the fundamentals of overall wellness.

    Fast forward several decades and the journey continues. I have been faithful to that initial transformational experience and have enjoyed a lifelong relationship with activity based wellness. The programs, places and faces have changed over the years, but the principles remain the same. Every individual has the opportunity to learn and benefit from incorporating proper wellness principles into their daily routine. Whether you have already had those transformational experiences or wish to step on the path to developing a personal philosophy of wellness the Pathways in this book will be timeless and priceless to a wellness based understanding of the whole self.

    We live in an age where wellness programs abound. Gyms, holistic centers and specialized wellness facilities dot the landscape of every major city and suburb. Specialized routines that can be done at home are plentiful. The internet provides an almost unlimited stream of ideas and programs. Yet amidst this abundance of resources, the average person who commits to an activity based regimen of wellness usually does not stay with a program for more than sixty days. One of the main reasons for this is not necessarily motivational, it is a fundamental lack of understanding of the principles that sustain wellness. The Twelve Pathways will communicate those transformational principles in a simple and understandable manner.

    A lifestyle of wellness is easier, more permanent and more complete if the underlying principles of wellness are understood and internalized. Interest in programs and pet philosophies may come and go, but an understanding of the Twelve Pathways ensures you will have the tools to be more consistently engaged. You will also be able to see and understand the positive progress of your own wellness journey. Whether we choose to recognize it or not, we are all governed by certain principles. Wellness has associated principles every bit as predictable and repeatable as simple gravity. The positive results you may achieve throughout your life will depend heavily on a respect for specific universal principles. In the chapters ahead we will explore these principles as outlined in the Twelve Pathways.

    Wellness can be best defined as an overall completeness and soundness of being. Wellness assumes the incorporation of physical fitness into a framework that includes an equal balance of mental and spiritual capability. Wellness is generally viewed and defined as a healthy and balanced integration of the whole self, viewing the areas of mind, body and spirit as independently identifiable and sustainable parts of a greater whole. Wellness assumes application of beneficial principles in each of these areas, contributing to the fullest lifestyle possible in terms of overall health, enjoyment and achievement.

    This book is not about specific programs or activities. It is about internalizing the underlying principles that can be applied to the myriad of programs and philosophies extant. Each Pathway contains a number of principles that, if understood, internalized and regularly utilized, will result in more complete and fulfilling personal wellness. They will change your life, and change it for the better.

    No matter who you are, no matter what your circumstances, you can begin to become more proficient in all of these areas and increase your overall wellness starting today. The Twelve Pathways in this book are applicable no matter your age, weight, race, body type, gender or social status. The results these Pathways bring are consistently and universally applicable.

    With the exception of overriding congenital or medical problems that might be constraining, everyone can undertake a journey that will bring greater strength and stamina, emotional and intellectual satisfaction and greater spiritual strength. Wellness engenders greater energy, clearer thoughts, and an increased ability to enjoy the positive things in life. Greater wellness just makes you…a better and more complete you!

    As with all significant journeys, the journey to greater wellness begins one step at a time. Let’s get started exploring the Twelve Pathways that will consistently improve and enhance your life.

    PATHWAY #1



    Why consider wellness? If you ever heard the truism that wellness is a state of mind consider it as fact. But it is a fact that is linked to very real actions. The decision to form an ongoing dedication to wellness is a very personal one. It stems from recognizing that you have one life to live, one body to carry you through that life and one mind with which to navigate. The more thoroughly you maintain that whole being, strengthening and exercising every aspect of the body, mind and spirit, the more capable you will be to experience life’s many joys and challenges.

    A human being is a remarkable, complex and intriguing living system. There have been countless hours dedicated and funds spent throughout the years on researching, cataloging, identifying and understanding the various systems and functions of the human body. Yet, even at the rate new medical and scientific discoveries are being uncovered, we seem to have barely scratched the surface of the magnificent work of art and engineering that is a human being. The more closely we look at human existence, the more wonder and amazement we discover.

    Personal wellness takes that combination of science and wonder and channels it into philosophical and behavioral specifics, geared to create and maintain the highest levels of health, fitness and mental performance. And that

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