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Loving Money: Your Spiritually Practical Path to Financial Freedom
Loving Money: Your Spiritually Practical Path to Financial Freedom
Loving Money: Your Spiritually Practical Path to Financial Freedom
Ebook177 pages7 hours

Loving Money: Your Spiritually Practical Path to Financial Freedom

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About this ebook

Do you have any negative beliefs about money? Are you frustrated when dealing with money? Are you dissatisfied with your current finances? Are you looking for a prosperity consciousness that works? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then join us on the journey to financial freedom!

Loving Money is a practical and inspirational interactive guidebook designed to eliminate any negative beliefs you have about yourself and money.
The author uses insights gained from experiences on her spiritual path and as a financial life planner. The content is grounded in love, with concern for folks struggling with issues related to money.

Spiritual practices are suggested to dispel harmful beliefs interfering with you and your financial success.

Simple, yet comprehensive sections, explaining how money and investing work, allows you to gain the knowledge and confidence needed for making financial decisions.

Using these tools, learn how to love money so you can claim the prosperity you desire.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 31, 2019
Loving Money: Your Spiritually Practical Path to Financial Freedom

Kathleen Kempf

Kathleen Kempf, founder of Your Path Financial is a financial advisor, educator and speaker for over 20 years. As an advisor, friend, mother and grandmother, she learned to provide guidance by sharing her knowledge with wisdom and heart—all key elements in helping create a positive relationship with money. Her innovative workshops on money and finance developed for schools, non-profits and veterans have helped thousands find their way to greater financial stability and a new attitude toward money.

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    Loving Money - Kathleen Kempf



    Your Spiritually Practical Path to

    Financial Freedom

    Kathleen Kempf


    Copyright © 2019 Kathleen Kempf.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3315-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3317-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3316-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019912176

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/31/2019



    Chapter 1: Getting Out of Your Own Way

    •   Are You the Problem

    •   Understanding Divine Intelligence

    •   What About Money

    Chapter 2: Decisions

    •   Eliminating Indecision

    •   Where’s Your Compass - The Past or The Future

    •   What About Money?

    Chapter 3: Becoming Self-Aware

    •   Tools for Loving Life

    •   What If Money Were No Object?

    •   Money Is No Object Worksheet

    Chapter 4: Developing Prosperity Consciousness

    •   Exploring Prosperity

    •   Maximizing Prosperity Opportunities

    o   Credit & Eliminating Debt

    o   Saving Makes Sense

    Chapter 5: Understanding Sets You on the Path

    •   Stewardship

    •   Compound Interest

    •   The Value of Time and Money

    •   Understanding the Effect of Taxes

    o   Taxed Now

    o   Taxed Later

    o   Taxed Advantaged

    •   Developing a Mental Equivalent

    Chapter VI: Choosing Practical Tools

    •   Investment Accounts vs Investment Types

    •   Understanding Risk – Eliminating Fear

    •   Creating a Plan - Some Important Questions to Consider

    Chapter VII: Overcoming Doubt

    •   A Sacred and Practical Approach

    o   Visioning and Visualization

    o   Visualization Worksheet

    •   Practical Techniques

    o   Goal Setting

    o   Implementing A Plan

    Chapter VIII: Where to Go from Here

    •   Choices

    •   Evaluation

    Unexpected Dividends

    About the Cover


    Motivational Websites

    Positive Resources


    For my children; Aaron, Joshua, Elizabeth and Nina and my 12 grandchildren. Daily they remind me of the magnificence of my life and the gift they are to me.


    Being a financial advisor for nearly 20 years, I came to realize that a primary reason for people failing to succeed financially is due to their poor relationship with money. The words they use to describe money, their attitude and often-unconscious feelings about money have led directly to the difficulties they experience with money. It’s not easy for them to imagine liking money, let alone loving it. For example, if someone believes that there is never enough money, the universe complies, and not having enough money is their continuous experience. Consider the meaning of the familiar expression, Money doesn’t grow on trees! which implies scarcity or lack.

    Surprisingly, I found my attitude, words and thinking were quite different. I love everything about money. I love seeing it, touching it, talking about it, working with it, spending, growing or saving it. I love being able to help friends, family and the world with money. When you think about it that way, what’s not to love? And yet I seldom hear anyone say they love money.

    Because of my beliefs, my experiences when dealing with money have been positive, joyous, exciting and empowering.

    So, I began to explore some important questions. If people change their thoughts about money, could their feelings and outcomes pertaining to money also change? If so, how could I create a process to facilitate that change and improve their attitude and outcomes related to money?

    I began to look at this idea in earnest and found it uncannily accurate. My research uncovered significant support for the belief that people live from a place of thoughts, that lead to the words they use, and ultimately the life they experience.


    This wonderfully powerful truth can be used to our advantage to attract the life experiences we desire. It is the basis of the Law of Attraction—a very real spiritual law. And isn’t that great news? The thoughts we hold and the words we speak do result in our life experiences.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to money, this powerful law can (and often does) work against people as easily as it can work for them. I discovered this to be exactly what was happening with many of my clients! They wanted their finances to grow but hated to think about money. How is the universe to respond when we send out mixed messages?

    A fellow in a finance workshop might claim, I want to be a millionaire! But even as those words are spilling out of his mouth, he is thinking, But that’s ridiculous! I’ll never have a million dollars! When he leaves the class, he looks at his takeaway materials and thinks, I wish this stuff really worked, but it doesn’t; I know I’ll never be a millionaire. So, the universe takes him at his word and he never achieves his desire to acquire a million dollars. The spiritual Law of Attraction is very real and extremely powerful, it will act on your thoughts and words to create your life experiences!

    Just like gravity, the Law of Attraction works without being seen. You can deny the existence of both laws, but that denial will not affect their impact. Just as you can jump off a cliff believing gravity has no influence on you, and then die on impact, you can unconsciously keep holding thoughts and speaking words to push money away—all the way to the poor house!

    Based on this thought, I’ve concluded that a spiritual healing regarding money is actually a prerequisite to creating financial success. It’s more important than simply learning how to manage money.

    You read that right! It’s easier to learn practical principles about money than it is to change your thinking. That’s not to minimize the value of understanding how money works. But the real work comes in learning to remove the resistance that keeps you from applying what you’ve learned.

    The truth is that you are a magnificent being! Can you imagine how much better your life would be if you felt, believed, and were willing to live from that place of absolute knowing? Changing how you think changes everything! You must learn to believe in your ability to create financial success in order for it to occur.

    To do this, let’s set out on a journey together that will nurture a belief in your magnificence, while digging deeper into your personal relationship with money. This journey will couple spiritual concepts with the practical side of dealing with money. My goal for you is twofold:

    Spiritually: to learn how to connect to your divine self and then apply that belief to your life and your relationship with money. If you are uncomfortable with this thought, give me a little time to present some ideas that might remove your discomfort. For me, connecting with my divine self is the most important thing I have ever done. It has created a profound change in my life and given me the passion to share my experience with you.

    Financially: to learn some very basic principles about money and finance that you could apply to your own circumstances. These are principles I learned and realized have the potential to change all areas of your life that are impacted by money.

    Once you have all of this information, it will be up to you to supply the necessary volition to act. The choices you make will directly correspond to the outcomes you experience.

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