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“I Am” Imagination, Action, Memorization: The Way to Your Absolute Best
“I Am” Imagination, Action, Memorization: The Way to Your Absolute Best
“I Am” Imagination, Action, Memorization: The Way to Your Absolute Best
Ebook137 pages2 hours

“I Am” Imagination, Action, Memorization: The Way to Your Absolute Best

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I AM, Imagination, Action, Memorization—The Way to Your Absolute Best is a step-by-step guide to developing the power that makes your dreams come true. Clarita Bassett’s book teaches you how to use and develop your imagination to bend reality. Her formulas and techniques help you manifest your greatest desires. You are the master of your dreams, and the power to make life feel like a dream is within your grasp. Learn how to set, act, and track goals meant to lead you to your biggest and loftiest dreams. Develop discipline and prepare to do what’s necessary to stay ahead of the crowd. Train your body, mind, and spirit to seek and respond to positive vibrations and open yourself up to receive cosmic downloads. Align your purpose with universal principles. Then learn to live in the moment and appreciate all that you have here and now—your gifts, talents, loved ones, and the wonder of life itself. Finally, Clarita teaches you basic meditation techniques to help you live a longer, happier, and healthier life.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 16, 2019
“I Am” Imagination, Action, Memorization: The Way to Your Absolute Best

Clarita Bassett

Clarita Bassett has trained thousands of individuals to become their Absolute Best through the principles of health and wellness. Cuban born, her infectious energy motivates and inspires the best of the best. Her extensive career has allowed her to work along side huge stars, like John Travolta, Sylvester Stallone, and many others. She has choreographed and starred in several fitness videos and has developed and helped facilitate the release of many fitness products to the public via infomercials. Her unique experience as a professional dancer and fitness guru has helped her maintain a strong and healthy state of mind and body. Her effervescent approach to life defies the typical energy of a 62-year-old mind and body; she reflects youth and energy.

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    “I Am” Imagination, Action, Memorization - Clarita Bassett

    Copyright © 2019 Clarita Bassett.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2581-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2582-7 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  06/13/2019



    Chapter 1     Developing Positive Energy

    Chapter 2     Directing Your Intentions: Setting Goals

    Chapter 3     Empowering Your Dreams: Discipline

    Chapter 4     Realizing Your Dreams

    Chapter 5     Meditation: Making Reality a Dream


    I have been using the process of I AM to bring meaning, success, abundance, peace, and love into my life for many years now. The title of this book changed several times during this writing. I finally settled on I AM because it is a perfect acronym for my success formula of imagination, action, and memorization. It conveys a process that resonates with many — knowing who, what, and where I AM is a spiritual journey. I believe that spirituality leads me to success.

    Today the Internet is saturated with every Tom, Dick, and Harry who wants to be the next spiritual guru. They sell their processes and programs for hundreds of thousands of dollars to unsuspecting souls. They shout, Follow my 5-step program and become a real estate mogul. Or, Develop your psychic abilities, just give me five payments of $300, and you will see a brighter future.

    There is nothing wrong with charging for services rendered. However, in my opinion, one must be conscious of the difference in serving others and taking advantage of them. Some self-improvement leaders publicly share fantastic information for free! These people are true pioneers in the self-help industry, and most have freely shared success formulas that help others develop peace of mind, health for the body, and inspiration for the soul. Somehow, when one freely gives of themselves, the Universe knows how to repay their service one hundred-fold.

    We all want to get to the next level of success. Most of us know that following in our predecessor’s footsteps illumes our path. The genuine teachers are gracefully quiet and interested only in the process of guidance. They understand the gravity of their role and gladly share their knowledge of how to become successful. They have come to discover their true nature via the process of delivering their message.

    My wish for you is that, while reading this book, you open your heart and mind and learn to listen to your body. That is the core basis of my message and the reason why I choose to share, "I AM" with you.

    I – stands for Imagination

    A – stands for Action

    M – stands for Memorization

    I hope you will use this process while creating a more prosperous and fulfilling life for yourself.

    The written Word refers to I AM as a name for God. Source Energy is always available to us if we are open to receive it. The Lantern of Love shines eternally; however, only those who seek it will find it. You must become still, very quiet in mind and body, to discover that the soul, your Light, is beckoning you home. This book will ask you to join me in practicing the process of moving into the Light of Spirit, opening your heart to Love and sharpening your mind to understanding the key to your Absolute Best!

    The Process

    1. Developing Positive Energy – Everything is energy, and since you are part of everything, you are energy. Energy is constantly moving. It vibrates at different frequencies, from low to high. The process of I AM, imagination, action, and memorization, will elevate your energy to the highest levels leaving you with an optimistic and positive outlook on life. This is good.

    2. Directing Your Intentions – Setting Goals – It is essential to have a predetermined purpose for your life’s energy. Are you happy where you are? If so, great – if not, where would you prefer to be, exactly? Your goals pin your desired destination, and from where you currently stand, your internal GPS will guide you through the different routes to get you there. You follow your heart’s desires through your chosen path.

    3. Discipline – Skill requires consistency of activity. You must act daily on your goals. Every professional athlete practices their sport for hours each day. They perfect their movements, thought processes, and execute actions that will help them reach their personal best. No matter what you do, you must be like the athlete, day in and day out, hour after hour, minute after minute, second after second, strive to be your Absolute Best.

    4. Realize your Dreams – Acknowledge your successes along the way. You are your own worst critic. Be in the moment of your life and prosper. Be steady in knowing that you are in the process of becoming your Absolute Best. Even though fear and doubt will creep in and congest the route you have chosen, if you follow the Lantern’s Light back home again-you will never be lost. You may have to switch lanes, take a detour, or an alternate route; however, the destination will remain the same.

    5. Meditation – Discipline is taken to the next level. When it is all said and done, you fold back into yourself. You hold all the deeds and thoughts that you have ever experienced inside of you. The realm of Spirit lies deep within and is accessible through quieting the mind and stilling the body. In this realm, there is a unification of the conscious self, the ego, the physical body, and the spiritual soul. This union leads you towards Source Energy, back home again.



    Have you ever stopped to think whether your outlook on life is positive or negative? Has it ever occurred to you that you can look on the bright side instead of dwelling on dark, worrisome thoughts? Do you believe you are supposed to struggle? Have you ever thought, I’ll be happy as soon as I have more money or I’ll be happy as soon as I find the right guy or gal? I’ll have a positive outlook as soon as good things start happening. Perhaps you think it’s all a matter of luck; some people seem to be in the right place at the right time, and lack of success is the result of bad luck.

    I want to suggest that good things don’t just happen. Although luck, the arbitrary happenings of events or outcomes, does exist, the truth is that you create everything that happens to you. If you expect things to go wrong and worry about potential disasters that may befall you, your life fills with negativity. On the contrary, if you expect success and entirely convince yourself that good times are here now, you will attract joy, fulfillment, and success.

    Although some events seem to happen by chance, your response to them is what creates your reality. You can start down the road to success today by developing a positive attitude which in turn will produce positive, energetic vibrations that will manifest good things in your life.

    You are in charge! Better yet, you ARE the charge. You are the spark that ignites the flame within you. Do you want more money, a healthy life, and more satisfying relationships? Then learn to escort such things into your reality. Tune into your internal Source Energy and turn it inside out. Positive Source Energy comes from a secret weapon: your imagination.

    It does not come from wishful thinking. You must practice going deep into your heart, tap into its power, then bring it forth into your world. Do this consistently, and you will reach your loftiest dreams.

    This book will guide you through specific exercises that exert a dominant force on your life by using imagination, activation, and memorization. These processes can build realistic, positive energetic vibrations in and around you-starting today. Stop daydreaming and instead, start imagining, activating and memorizing how to create the life of your dreams. Transform your mental images into physical form and then remember the creative process.

    If you repeat the process regularly, you begin building a strong foundation and forming a solid base for manifesting your desires. Once you are firmly grounded and connected to Source Energy, you can design the great shape of your life’s hopes and dreams by using the principles of Spiritual Energy as building blocks to your success.

    Concentrate significantly on each level you build because then you will realize that the essence of support comes from the formation of its base. It is not necessary to completely rethink your approach to life overnight; all you need to do is build on one level at a time by following some simple steps. If you put forth a steady effort instead of trying to change everything at once, you will accomplish two things.

    One, you will have a better grasp of the mechanics of tapping into Source Energy and develop a synergistic relationship with it. The electromagnetic field surrounding you will begin to vibrate at a different frequency. You will become more receptive to the good things that occur. Most importantly, you will become intimately familiar with the gradual steps of change.

    Secondly, you will relax and allow life to give you its gifts at a pace you can manage. Frantic and

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