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Nutritional Dinners for Two Lovers as If They Are Loving Angels Descending from Heaven: Nutritional Dinners for Maintaining Good Mental & Physical Health
Nutritional Dinners for Two Lovers as If They Are Loving Angels Descending from Heaven: Nutritional Dinners for Maintaining Good Mental & Physical Health
Nutritional Dinners for Two Lovers as If They Are Loving Angels Descending from Heaven: Nutritional Dinners for Maintaining Good Mental & Physical Health
Ebook563 pages3 hours

Nutritional Dinners for Two Lovers as If They Are Loving Angels Descending from Heaven: Nutritional Dinners for Maintaining Good Mental & Physical Health

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About this ebook

All recipes are composed of nutritional ingredients. The implications of foods on health are also presented. In this second cookbook, there are two types of desserts: food dessert and thirty-four written presentations of desserts. The presentations are composed of interesting and significant events in several areas: humanity, medicine, science, literature, arts, and music.
Release dateApr 11, 2019
Nutritional Dinners for Two Lovers as If They Are Loving Angels Descending from Heaven: Nutritional Dinners for Maintaining Good Mental & Physical Health

Dr. Mary M. Tai

She is a highly educated nutrition scientist, researcher & educator. Her Cookbook I has published recently, which is a nutritional cookbook, teaching people how to preparing nutritional meals for healthy eating.

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    Book preview

    Nutritional Dinners for Two Lovers as If They Are Loving Angels Descending from Heaven - Dr. Mary M. Tai




    For Two Lovers as if

    They Are Loving

    Angels Descending

    from Heaven

    Nutritional Dinners for Maintaining Good

    Mental & Physical Health

    Each dish recipe includes:





    Nutritional Scientist, Researcher, & educator

    Copyright © 2019 Dr. Mary M Tai.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2194-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2193-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2192-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019903376

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 04/10/2019


    In Memory of and Dedication to

    My Parents

    Mr. Tein -Chu Tai, Attorney, Congressman of the Republic of China

    Mrs. Song-Fen Hu Tai, Elementary School Principle of the

    Republic of China

    My Brothers

    Dr. Fu Hu, Politician, Educator of the Republic of China

    Dr. William Tai, Scientist, Educator of the US and China

    With Love, Mary



    I would like to thank:

    LifeRich Publishing Ltd, for the publication and marketing of this unique, cook book.

    LifeRich Publishing Senior Consultant Mr. Ryan. Herndon for his valuable guidance and help to the author in the composition and production of the current Cookbook II.

    LifeRich Publishing Agreement Control Representative Ms. Therese Gerald for her guidance to complete the Agreement Document.

    LifeRich Publishing Concierge Publishing Services Fulfillment Ms. Marisa Mortires for her guidance in the submission process of the Cookbook II.

    By: Dr. Mary Tai

    Cookbook II Author



    The Essence of the Cookbook:


    Nutritional Recipes


    Profile of the Author


    I had published a nutritional cookbook (cookbook I) recently, with essence focused on the scientific presentations on "Health & Illness & Food & Nutrition. Thus, Cookbook I is a physical approach in the hope to help the public to consumer daily nutritional meals.

    I have now written my Cookbook II, with an additional mental approach to Cookbook I.

    The reasons are as the follows:

    1. The life expectancy for American is 78.7 years, which put the US behind other developed nations. Why has the US, a global leader fallen so far in its metric for quality in the nation’s health?

    2. A new study published in the BMI Journal looked into a broader cause behind the decline: despair.

    3. Professor Steven Woolf of Emergency Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University indicated that: We are seeing an alarming increase in death from substance abuse & despair. A decline in the emotional wellbeing of Americans have been significant enough to drag down the country’s average length of life.

    It is a well-known fact that Physical health keeps us alive, however, metal health keeps us living a normal life. Taking care of one’s mental emotional health is just as important to a long health life as taking care of your physical health.

    From the above rational, in my Cookbook II, I have presented 2 types of desserts:

    Type 1: a delicious food dessert to please your tongue & sending delights to your brain –

    Type 2. An intriguing written presentation, to please your eyes, and sending nostalgic memory to your brain. The 34 presentations rage from topics as: Humanity, Medicine Science, Literature, Arts, & Music.

    The humanity session is inspiring, the medical session saves lives; the science session explains the scientific world we live in; the literature session describes history, current events; provides Intriguing writings by great writers; The art session paints the world beautiful; the music session whispering gentle, reminiscence & nostalgic sound. Therefore, rather eating in silence, they would enjoy a Happy Meal!

    With the above approach, when family members sitting at the dinning table, not only enjoy the foods, they have something interesting to talk about from these written presentations by great writers; The art session paints the world beautiful; the music session whispering gentle, reminiscence & nostalgic sound; therefore, rather eating in silence, they would enjoy a Happy Meal!

    From the national statistics, the devoice rate is miserably high – However, before it takes place, most couples still living together & sharing family meals with their children. It is a well-known fact that they would sit around the dining table, stone faced & silent with nothing to talk about – but wish finishing eating & leaving the table as soon as possible! I sincerely hope that in my Cookbook II, after reading the written presentations as desserts, will Inspiring eaters to be more kind, generous, sympsatic, & forgiving, towards their family members, and expressing love, and caring, sharing a happy family meal!

    In conclusion:

    From the above reasons This is why I have to write a revolutionary cookbook with different strategy and contents from some current cookbooks on the market.

    It is utterly important for us to live a long life to be healthy and free from illness and suffering from pain, anxiety, worries and hopelessness!

    The purpose of this book is providing you guidelines and nutritional recipes to help one eating healthy meals. In this cookbook, all meals are: made with healthy ingredients; no process foods, no genetic modified foods, and no additives; No unusual, hard to purchase food items; Made with simple, easy to follow steps; Presented with effective nutritional information of each dish.

    Like most food lovers, I love to cook and eat delicious food, I too, had collected many well-known US and international cookbooks. I have decided that to create this cookbook, not only using healthy ingredients for consuming, but also make the recipes entertaining. Aiming at helping eaters not only consume a healthy, delicious meal, but also, be entertained with unusual desserts choices; Such as:

    A Delicious Food Dessert to Eat, or A Written Presentation to Read or Both.

    Such unusual desserts, each one does serve a unique purpose:

    Eating a palatable food dessert, not only pleases your tongue, but sending a delicious message to your brain!

    Reading an intriguing presentation, not only pleases your eyes, but sending a nostalgic memory to your brain!

    May I humbly admit that, creating meals following this cookbook’s recipe, one’s family will have a healthy, and happy meal!

    Finally, I wish all my readers of Cookbook II, a healthy & happing dinning! And always!

    Cookbook II Author, Mary Tai

    The Essence of the Cookbook:

    I. On the ingredients:

    All healthy ingredients are applied as possible as it can be done:

    II. On the seasonings:

    Two major types of seasonings are used in each recipe:

    Vegetable and herb seasonings: such as garlic, ginger, parsley, cilantro, etc.

    Liquid seasonings: There are 4 major types of liquid seasonings;

    For more glamorous dishes: more exotic seasonings are included, such as wine, champion, and other special seasonings.

    III. On the processing of food:

    Simple procedures are applied: For example:

    On cutting vegetables: Cut into bite sizes, instead of cut into 2x3 inches, etc. No procedures are needed: such as: Squeeze the lemon, peer the orange, etc.

    IV. On cooking:

    Simple, easy to follow steps are used for cooking. Cooking steps are presented in 4 to 5 or 6 separate statements titled number 1 to 5 or 6. Unlike cooking methods in most cookbooks with long paragraphs of instructions lasted nearly half or 2/3 of a page.

    For example: In a Chinese cookbook: instructions of making egg or spring rolls wrappers -

    The instruction is a long paragraph, presented in 2/3 of the page – While one may purchase from any oriental grocery store for $ 2.5 - 3 (30 - 50 wrappers). The ones made of whole wheat are now available. Besides, it’s difficult to make them to be as thin or as uniformed in shape as those made with a machine. Oriental grocery stores are abundant in any city or town in the US.

    V. On Nutritional information of each dish:

    Caloric profile will not be presented. The implications of major nutrients in food to health are presented. Because caloric profile in one meal is a useless information to plan a healthy dietary intake for the whole day- For example: a profile of a recipe from a cookbook:

    330 calories, 55 g carbohydrates, 1.5 g fat, 26 g protein:


    a). One does not know what type of carbohydrates, protein, particularly fat, saturated or unsaturated? How do the nutrients they contain to affect health?

    b). No information on vitamins and minerals are presented.


    a). To use this information, one needs to know: One’s needs for calorie, macro, and micro nutrients per day: Suppose - needs 1200 calories: 1200-330 = 870 calorie

    b). One needs to distribute the remaining 870 calories allowed to other meals, snacks, and select foods to fit the nutrients requirements of all day.

    It is obvious, it requires a professional dietitian to figure that out. Even with a dietitian, who will not be able to figure out qualitative nutrient needs.

    This is why Information in these cookbooks the general public cannot relate to.

    In recent years, every cookbook presents such a caloric profile. I believe, in these authors’ minds, this makes their cookbooks and recipes nutritional and would help people to consume a healthy meal! I cannot help but to wonder, there are millions health and nutritional professionals, why it takes little me to question this and point it out?

    It is ideal and best to present nutritional information the general public is able to apply both qualitative and quantitatively. For the above reasons, it has not been done in most cookbooks. I therefore decided to do the second best, by presenting in each recipe: The implications of major nutrients in food to health. These are accurate qualitative information to present precisely what are the nutrients in food and their function(s) to health. So that the readers use my cook book would know the nutrients in each recipe and how would these nutrients affect health.

    Fially, I hope this chapter will help those who use this book with ease, and satisfaction -

    May I wish you all - happy cooking and enjoy these delicious meals!!

    or, Mary Tai


    Nutritional cooking

    Do Not Eat Your Heart Out!


    You are


    You will be

    what you eat !!

    Nutritional Recipes

    1. Grilled lean beef steak with vegetables

    2. Chinese stir- fry beef with vegetables

    3. Tournedos rossini steak foiegras - French cousine

    4. Roasted lean beef tenderloin with mushrooms

    5. Lean beef, bell pepper and onion kabobs

    6. Lean beef stew with vegetables

    7. Low fat ground meat loaf

    8. Pork spare ribs grilled with brown and Hoisin sauces

    9. Chinese Mu Shu Pork

    10. Green apple pork chop

    11. Pork tenderloin with onion and red cherries

    12. Pork loin with pears, and red cabbage

    13. Lean pork meat ball with herbs and tomato sauce

    14. Ham rolls stuffed with cheese and vegetables

    15. Roosted lamb shanks with leeks, garlic, and rosemary.

    16. Lamb chop grilled with mixed greens and tomato vinaigrette:

    17. Lamb loin baked with green peas and carrots:

    18. Veal Chop baked with asparagus, carrots, and green scallion

    19. Veal scallopini with avocado and red bell pepper :

    20. Steamed lemon chicken:

    21. Baked chicken with ginger and stuffed with red onion and mushroom

    22. Baked chicken legs with ginger and mushrooms

    23. Chicken roasted in lemon and herbs

    24. Grilled chicken, potato, and red bell pepper kabobs:

    25. Curry chicken with spices

    26. Stir-fried chicken with peppers, scallions and onions

    27. Spicy Chicken braised wit shallot, carrots, small apples and ginger

    28. Chicken, pear and red bell pepper stew:

    29. Stir-fry chicken liver with red bell peppers and green scallion

    30. Orange Chicken with shallot and green scallion in Hoisin Sauce

    31. Golden chicken nuggets – French cosine

    32. Semi-homemade roasted chicken and vegetables wraps:

    33. Grilled Cornish Hens in barbecue sauce:

    34. Chinese Kung-pao chicken

    35. Duck with pears (Pato con Peras)

    36. Chinese roast duck in ginger & scallion

    37. Chinese roast duck in ginger and Hoisin sauce

    38.Turkey with mushroom, cranberry sauce, and orange juice:

    39. Shrimp scampi with artichokes:

    40. Shrimp fettuccine alfredo

    41. Stir-fry shrimp and asparagus

    42. Poached pears stuffed with shrimps, cream cheese, and artichokes:

    43. Scallops and shrimps in sherry sauce:

    44. Seared scallop risotto with asparagus, lemon, and champagne sauce

    45. Fried lobster with ginger, oyster sauce, and sherry:

    46. Lobster crepes with mushroom, and red onion in white wine:

    47. Chilly mud crab

    48. Oyster on the half shell with white wine and lemon juice

    49. Steamed salmon with garlic, ginger and vegetables:

    50. Steamed salmon in lemon sauce:

    51. Fried fish with mash potato and vegetable salad

    52. Sand pot stowed fish head:

    53. Red Snapper in curry sauce and green scallions:

    54. Grilled salmon with Chinese Hoisin Sauce and Oyster Sauce

    55. Baked Salmon with leeks and artichoke hearts in White Sauce

    56. Fish baked in coconut milk:

    57. Stir-fry green beans and cherry tomatoes with Romano cheese and basil

    58. French vegetable ratatouille

    59. Stir-fry string beans in garlic and sesame seeds

    60. Asparagus and Tomato

    61. Broccoi stir-fry with ginger and sesame seeds

    62. Stir fried Pok Choy with ginger and garlic

    63. Roasted mixed vegetables:

    64. Roasted fresh Brussel sprout and red bell pepper:

    65. Grilled vegetables of eggplant, zucchini, mushroom & bell pepper:

    66. Steamed eggplant in garlic, ginger and hot sauce:

    67. Baked beans with ginger, garlic and onion

    68. Sesame sweet and sour tofu

    69. Green apple, walnut & cranberry salad:

    70. Strawberry, spinach, and cheese salad

    71. Red pepper & asparagus salad

    72. Red, black, beans and chick peas salad

    73. Vegetarian quinoa salad:

    74. Classical Greek Salad

    75. Vegetarian salad:

    76. Roasted butternut squash, couscous, and arugula salad:

    77. Roasted carrot, cheddar cheese and mint salad

    78. Chicken salad with fresh vegetables:

    79. Spicy tuna, avocado and mango salad

    80. Crab, asparagus, and red pepper:

    81. Lobster, avocado, and orange salad

    82. Broccoli and cheddar cheese soup:

    83. Clam with leek and potato chowder:

    84. Crab and brie soup:

    85. Oyster with tofu mushroom and onion soup:

    86. Sea foods, onion, and cheddar cheese soup:

    87. Shrimp, cheese, and potato soup

    88. Oyster, clam, shrimp, & tofu soup:

    89. Mackerel, potato, and leek chowder

    105. Strawberry banana cream dessert

    106. Peach cobbler with banana cream

    107. Poached pear in light cream and raspberry

    108. Raspberry with whip cream in martini glasses

    109. Chocolate pears

    110. Apple crunch with oats and walnut:

    111. Strawberry and chocolate syrup desert crepe

    112. Pear crepe dessert:

    113. Mango and banana cream mousse

    114. Chocolate expresso mousse

    115. Chocolate fruit dip

    116. Mango and cream cheese mousse desert:

    117. Sweet potato mousse

    118. Orange cake roll with cream and wine:

    119. Low fat carrot cake with walnut and raisens

    120. Low fat blueberry cheese cake

    121. Lime mousse pie

    122. Tofu, blue berry, custard dessert (Recipe: Modified from Alexa Krueger’s recipe)

    123. Tofu, banana, cream cheese pie

    124. Almond tofu dessert

    125. Silk almond vanilla milk chiffon:

    126. Red bean soup as dessert

    127. Fruit tree as edible and decorative dessert

    128. Strawberry and cheese canape

    129. Eggplant ratatouille rolls

    130. Low fat vegetarian spring roll:

    131. Baked zucchini, tomato and cheese - An appetizer

    132. Stuffed mushrooms with scallops & shallots:

    133. Low fat sea food spring roll:

    134. Shrimp toast with sesame seeds and green scallion:

    135. Steamed sea food dumplings

    136. Shrimp on a stick

    137. Crab salad on toasts:

    138. Mussels with almond and bacon toppings

    139. Smoked salmon and cream cheese on crackers:

    140. Salmon and cucumber

    141. Low fat bacon wrapped scallops

    142. Dolma: Grape leaves stuffed with Arborio rice and vegetables

    143. Shrimp fried brown rice:

    144. Stir-fried whole-grain rice with vegetables:

    145. Lean pork fried rice with garlic and ginger

    146. Lobster, artichoke hearts and pasta

    147. Bowtie pasta with shiitake mushroom, sun-dried tomato, and basil:

    148. Basil pesto pasta with low-fat cheese and pine nuts

    149. Low fat cheese and spinach souffle:

    150. Three- cheese and egg soufflé

    151. Stuffed potatoes with low fat cheese and sour cream

    152. Baked low-fat French fries with garlic and parsley

    153. Quench & Spinach –French Cuisine:

    154. Mongolian hot pot with beef, chicken, shrimp, and scallops

    Here are Your Nutritional Meals:

    Do cook them every day!

    These dishes will keep you Living

    A long, delicious, healthy life !!

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