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Blood and Water: Solving the Mystery of How Jesus Died by Scripture and Medical Science
Blood and Water: Solving the Mystery of How Jesus Died by Scripture and Medical Science
Blood and Water: Solving the Mystery of How Jesus Died by Scripture and Medical Science
Ebook349 pages4 hours

Blood and Water: Solving the Mystery of How Jesus Died by Scripture and Medical Science

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The sacrificial death of Jesus Christ is the most important and cherished event in human history. Still, the accurate cause of how Jesus died remains a mystery to this day.

Dr. Gary Hassmann relies on his years of experience as a physician and surgeon to utilize his findings gathered from three decades of extensive scriptural studies, medical research, and pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Rome to unravel and solve the mystery of how Jesus died. By shining a fresh light on the prophetic scriptures, the transcendence of blood and water, the effects of the Christ event such as redemption and reconciliation, and a new perspective collected from the twenty-first century medical sciences, Dr. Hassmann invites others to contemplate a fascinating theory about Christ’s death and ultimately glean more robust spiritual truths about God’s meaning and prophetic messages.

Blood and Water presents original research of the sacred scriptures and the modern medical sciences that faithfully and thoughtfully deciphers and solves the mystery of how Jesus died.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 7, 2018

Gary C. Hassmann M.D.

Gary C. Hassmann, M.D. is a specialist in trauma and orthopedic surgery who was trained at Johns Hopkins and Columbia Presbyterian Hospitals and served as a surgeon during the Vietnam War. He currently resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is his first book.

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    Blood and Water - Gary C. Hassmann M.D.

    Copyright © 2018 Gary C. Hassmann, M.D.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/03/2018


    Medical and Miscellaneous Abbreviations

    Biblical Abbreviations

    Index of Charts

    Index of Figures

    Photographic Credits



    Part 1:   Basic Science

    Chapter 1     The Sacred Scriptures

    Chapter 2     The Human Cell

    Chapter 3     Homeostasis

    Chapter 4     Psychopathology

    Chapter 5     Pathophysiology

    Chapter 6     The Shroud of Turin

    Part 2:   Charts and Figures



    Part 3:   The Passion and Death

    Chapter 7     Introduction of the Blood and Water

    Chapter 8     The Blood Covenants

    Chapter 9     My Challenges and Objectives

    Chapter 10   Fear, Horror, and Terror

    Chapter 11   The Journey and the Way

    Chapter 12   The Preliminary Traumas and Sufferings

    Chapter 13   The Stations of the Lord’s Passion



    Biblical Abbreviations

    Old Testament


    Biblical Abbreviations

    New Testament


    Index of Charts

    Chart I            Estimated Blood and Water Losses

    Chart II-A      Normal Water Balance

    Chart II-B      Water Balance In the Passion

    Chart III        Comparison—Survival Time On A Roman Cross

    Chart IV-A    General Adaptation Syndrome

    Chart IV-B    Acute Stress Reaction With Psychosomatic Disease

    Chart V          Multifactorial Shock Syndrome and Death

    Chart VI-A    Estimated Wounds of the Passion

    Chart VI-B     The 255 Wounds—Acute Inflammatory Response

    Chart VII-A   Causes of Multifactorial Shock

    Chart VII-B    Hemorrhagic Shock—Classification

    Chart VII-C    Shock Syndrome—Clinical Manifestations

    Chart VII-D    Hemorrhagic Shock—Lethal Triad

    Chart VIII-A   Acute Respiratory Failure In the Passion

    Chart VIII-B   Acute Cardiac Failure In the Passion

    Chart IX         Prophetic Scripture and the Passion

    Chart X          The 10 Pillars of the Blood and Water

    Chart XI         The Human Cell During the Passion

    Chart XII        Estimated Laboratory Values In the Passion

    Index of Figures

    Figure I-A, I-B, I-C      The Blood and the Water

    Figure II                        The Human Cell—The Fundamental Unit of Life

    Figure III                      The Human Brain During the Passion

    Figure IV                      Mortality Peaks After Severe Trauma

    Figure V                        Survey: What Caused the Death of Jesus Christ?

    Figure VI                      The Cycle of Death In the Passion

    Figure VII                     Multiple Organ Dysfunction (Mds) In the Passion

    Figure VIII-A               Shroud of Turin—Frontal Image

    Figure VIII-B               Shroud of Turin—Dorsal Image

    Figure IX                      Space of Destot—X-Ray of the Left Wrist

    Figure X                       The Blow of the Lance Pierced the Heart

    Photographic Credits


    Destiny often taps you on the shoulder in the most unlikely places. Odd or simply ordinary events can carry the nucleus from which other significant dots emerge that you connect later in the composite design of your life’s purpose. It was like that for me one day in 1962 while I was studying with my friend and math tutor, Bob Swaffar, so I could be accepted into medical school.

    At the time, I was a driven and talented basketball star whose future in that sport abruptly ended when I blew out my knee. Academics were of little interest to me because athletics had become my life. In fact, I had not graduated from high school, but suddenly, I was forced to channel my overachieving energy in another direction, and medicine fascinated me. I was intrigued as I read case studies concerning impossible situations that had been turned around through innovative surgical techniques.

    On that fateful evening in the field house laundromat while I was working on a math problem, my friend Bob was washing and drying his jeans in a huge water extractor. When Bob casually reached inside, his right arm was caught, twisted, and amputated in a split second about three inches below his shoulder joint. I heard his deafening scream and looked up. To my complete amazement, he was standing in shock and without his arm.

    I had read about a similar tragedy at Harvard: surgeons had reimplanted a young man’s arm by first stabilizing the humerus (the bone in the upper arm) and then sewing the veins and arteries together to reestablish circulation. The nerves were repaired at a later date, and they regenerated very slowly—less than a millimeter a day.

    This medical emergency was much more than a fascinating medical procedure—it was a real-life crisis. I attempted to remain calm as I jumped into action. I placed Bob’s detached arm in a laundry bucket filled with ice while my teammates called a doctor, who transported Bob and his severed arm to a hospital in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

    At the University of Oklahoma Medical Center, a surgical team had been performing limb reimplantation surgery in their animal lab, so they risked performing the experimental procedure on Bob. That saved his arm. His reimplantation was the third recorded case in medical history.

    Today, more than fifty years later, he has good sensory and motor function in his right arm and hand! This landmark case, a breakthrough in trauma surgery, made news around the world. Walter Cronkite did a news feature, and various magazines interviewed me and even offered me money to tell my story. As a result, numerous doors were opened for me. With my new focus on academics, I became a Rhodes Scholar finalist and later received a surgical residency appointment at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

    From Hopkins, I went to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, a receiving center for trauma and orthopedic patients from around the world. These two training centers prepared me to be a good trauma surgeon and to undertake several research projects.

    Later, my military experience at Ford Hood, Texas, offered me invaluable experience with many patients who suffered from shock-trauma and massive blood and water losses. I learned to calculate the losses of blood and water and studied exactly how much transfused blood and IV fluids would make the difference between life and death; these were life-threatening situations in which each drop of blood loss and every second mattered.

    When I finally entered my private practice in orthopedic surgery, I became very successful financially. I should have returned to Columbia and become a teacher, no question about it, but I did not. Honestly, I got a little bit too big for my pants. I now find it comical that back then, I had a stretch limo with a British chauffeur. Can you imagine the absurdity of a physician driving up and down Interstate 35 to different hospitals wearing a cape, smoking a cigar, and saying, I’m ready to perform surgery?

    As the Bible warns us, Pride goes before disaster and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). In the end, I found myself caught up in a drug situation and spent a couple of years in Club Fed. Like Paul on the Damascus road, I too was knocked off my high horse, which ultimately led to the most powerful experience of my life: I was born again through the influence of Chuck Colson’s prison ministries.

    I had been a Roman Catholic most of my life, and I didn’t know very much about the Bible or my faith. However, I have learned it now. I experienced a rebirth of my faith and a rekindling of my passion for my area of expertise: trauma surgery. I came to Tulsa, where I attended Catholic Mass daily and taught Bible study at the First Baptist Church for about fifteen years.

    One day while teaching an abdominal training class, a student asked me something that ultimately propelled me into a three-decade-long quest to find the answer to his question—How did Jesus Christ really die? Clearly, that young man had recognized as I had that it must have required more than a thorn-pierced scalp and a beaten back for death to have resulted after only three hours.

    The combination of my biblical insights and trauma training prompted me to probe deeper for the truth. I discovered that the accepted theories on how the crucifixion actually led to Christ’s death ranged from the ridiculous (a broken heart secondary to sorrow and grief or divine intervention) to the incorrect (the German death-camp asphyxiation theory or three Roman nails). I wondered, Wasn’t Jesus born to die as a sacrificial lamb? And what about His shed blood and broken body?

    The more I studied, the more I discovered how completely Jesus had suffered mental and physical afflictions to purchase our salvation. In the process, I discovered that my experiences—whether tragic or triumphal—connected like dots and revealed the outline of my purpose in this season of my life. From the supposed pinnacle of notoriety and sweeping success to the pit of poor choices and the slammer and even a post-conversion, near-death experience, I finally discovered the power of the blood and water of Jesus Christ concerning my transformation and new creation in Him.

    Moses spent forty years on the backside of the desert after what seemed to be a plummet from prominence. Joseph spent time in prison but never lost his zeal to exercise his skills. The great apostle Paul redirected his rash and injurious passion away from murdering followers of Jesus Christ to making converts and building the kingdom of God he had once sought to destroy.

    Our sovereign Lord often takes the characteristics that could throw us over the edge in one area, graciously channels them in His direction, and makes a positive impact for eternity.

    When Paul encountered the glorified Christ and acknowledged His lordship, he redirected his passionate focus by devoting fourteen years to hearing directly from the Lord. During that time, Paul received a revelation that would transform the world through the knowledge of what Jesus Christ had accomplished by His shed blood (blood loss and severe shock) and His broken body (water loss and severe dehydration).

    I believe the sovereign Lord has called me to utilize the talents and attributes He has given me—the grace of teaching the Word of God, the grace of the medical and surgical sciences, and the grace to seek the truth and solve the mystery of how Jesus suffered and died, a mystery no one else has comprehensively solved.

    I have concluded that Jesus Christ’s sacrificial shed blood (blood loss) and broken body (water loss) fulfilled and perfected the prophetic scriptures and satisfied the twenty-first-century medical sciences. I am confident that Blood and Water will teach, bless, and inspire you to grow in the grace and the knowledge of how the Lord Jesus personally identified with you, suffered and died for your sins, and granted you eternal life and heavenly bliss (2 Peter 3:17–18). For it is by His stripes that you are forgiven and healed mentally, physically, and spiritually (1 Peter 2:24).


    Through our friendship and teamwork, Bob Swaffar (right) and I triumphantly raise his reimplanted arm during the fiftieth reunion of the Oklahoma State championship basketball team (1965).

    Regarding Bob’s miracle arm, he has regained about 60 percent of its function. This unprecedented surgical achievement inspired and motivated me to specialize in orthopedic and trauma surgery.



    The passion and sacrificial death of the incarnate Son of God is the most sacred and cherished event in history, but the exact cause of His death remains a mystery no one has comprehensively deciphered and solved.

    After nearly three decades of research and pilgrimages to Jerusalem and Rome, I discovered the unexpected—that solving and deciphering the mystery of how Jesus died would necessitate modern medical science and demand the fulfillment of prophetic scripture, the theological effects of the Christ event such as redemption and reconciliation, the transcendent participation of blood and water, and the sovereignty of our Lord and Great Physician.

    Blood and Water is not another medical discussion about the grisly carnage of Roman crucifixion but rather an extensive scriptural and scientific investigation introducing original scientific thought and a fresh light on God’s words. The collection of twenty-one specific prophecies along with exhaustive research of the twenty-first century medical sciences have made it possible to solve the mystery of how Jesus died (chart IX; chapter 5). Furthermore, it will become obvious to you—the reader—exactly why the blood and water are such important biblical concepts (chapters 1, 7).

    As an experienced trauma surgeon, I began my investigation with a vigorous review of the recent medical, psychiatric, surgical, and traumatologic literature. During my several pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Rome, I meditated in the presence of the Lord to gain a deeper understanding of His sovereignty, the fulfillment of prophetic scripture, the transcendent nature of the blood and water, and the theological effects of the Christ event.

    As my scriptural and medical research progressed, I developed a deeper trust and appreciation for the beauty and grace involved in the incarnation, passion, and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Romans 8:32, 35–39; Ephesians 3:17–19; 1 John 3:16, 4:9–10). I began abiding in the effects of the Christ event that grant my eternal salvation (Hebrews 5:9), my unlimited access to God (Hebrews 4:16, 6:19–20, 10:19–22), and my gracious sharing in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).

    Second, I understood why Jesus had been sent in human flesh (70 percent water) and human blood (93.5 percent water)— like His brothers in every way except sin (John 1:14; Hebrews 2:14, 17, 4:15). The miraculous incarnation—the first step of the passion—made it possible for the Son to identify with every member of the human race and fulfill the prophetic scriptures (Genesis 3:15; Matthew 5:17–18; Mark 14:49; Luke 18:31–33, 24:44; Romans 5:15–21; chart IX).

    In His foreknowledge, the sovereign Lord and Great Physician perfectly directed Jesus’s mental afflictions of fear, conflict, sorrow, and anguish and His physical shock-trauma including the multiple wounds and fatal losses of blood and water (Acts 2:23; 2 Timothy 1:9; 1 Peter 1:20). Almighty God coordinated each episode of the passion and sacrificial death to fulfill the prophetic scriptures and satisfy modern medical science. These included the acute stress reaction (1CD-10) in Gethsemane that was complicated by hematidrosis (blood and water losses) and adrenal fatigue ( 14441.png cortisol; chart IV-B) and the savage and excessive scourging in the Roman court that resulted in multiple wounds (chart VI-A; figures VIII-A, VIII-B), severe losses of blood and water (charts I, II-B), decompensated multifactorial shock (charts I, V, VII-A, VII-D), and internal injuries (charts VIII-A, VIII-B).

    During the Passover meal with His twelve apostles, Jesus boldly proclaimed the shocking revelation that He—the Son of Man, and not a sacrificial lamb—would cut, seal, and memorialize the new blood covenant of grace for the forgiveness of sin: My shed blood (blood loss → acute hemorrhagic shock → death) and My broken body (water loss → severe dehydration → death; Matthew 26:26–28; John 6:53–56; 1 Corinthians 10:16, 11:23–26; Hebrews 9:22, 10:5, 10, 19–22; charts I, V, VI-A; figure VI).

    As part of my research, I randomly questioned Christians of various denominations what they thought caused the death of Jesus Christ. I received the following responses (figure V).

    1. the tetany/asphyxiation theory—death by suffocation

    2. the broken/ruptured heart theory—death caused by excessive grief and sorrow resulting in massive internal bleeding and cardiac arrest

    3. the divine-intervention theory—out of His infinite love and compassion, the Father ended His Son’s incomprehensible pain and suffering

    4. the piercings by Roman nails and lance—death from severe pain and blood loss

    My research in the Blood and Water discusses each incorrect cause of death listed above (chapters 4, 5, 9, 12; epilogue). In particular, the most troubling—tetany/asphyxiation—continues to be favored in many notable publications: Barbet (1950), the Ignatius Study Bible (2010), the MacArthur Study Bible (1997), the Life Application Study Bible (2007), Edwards (1986), Renner (2008), and O’Reilly (2013).

    My fundamental challenge and objective is for the Blood and Water to be your teacher, consulting physician, and surgeon as we investigate the sacred scriptures and the modern medical sciences

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