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You Can Change Your Times and Seasons Through Prayer
You Can Change Your Times and Seasons Through Prayer
You Can Change Your Times and Seasons Through Prayer
Ebook46 pages34 minutes

You Can Change Your Times and Seasons Through Prayer

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One of the obstacles the enemy places in the path of believers is ignorance. Ignorance of the enemy and his strategies and modes of operation is very dangerous.

Your ignorance is the strength of your enemy; the amount of information that you have about the strategies of the enemy will determine your level of advantage over him. Satanic and demonic activities have intensified against the church in these end time because the enemy knows that he has a short time. I believe that through this book, the Holy Spirit has empowered me to share with you some wealth of experiential knowledge and research that I have gained over the yours in ministry. You Can Change Your Time and Seasons Through Prayers deals with subject that has ceaseless spiritual ignition power in the life of the Christian.

This book is written to give you the following:
The power in praying
What praying can do?
Kinds of prayer the Bible teaches
The command related to prayer
How to pray and receive answers

Rev. Samuel Sarpong Frempong is known for his bold compassion, preaching with an aggressive style that emphasizes deliverance and the establishment of people in foundational doctrinal truth. Rev. Samuel Sarpong Frempong, a very good education holder in art, painting, designing, and theology. In executing his assignment, Rev. Samuel has chosen prayer as his staff and rod.

Prayer, according to Rev. Samuel Sarpong Frempong, possesses two sharp edges. One sharp edge is the staff he uses to save individuals from Satans grips. He then uses the rod to destroy the activities of Satan in individual lives.

A man of God, as Rev. Samuel Sarpong Frempong is, has subjected himself to the Holy Spirit to give him lessons on the indispensable need and use of prayer in the Christians life.

The Holy Spirit has also made Rev. Samuel F. Sarpong a man of prayer.
Release dateMar 28, 2018
You Can Change Your Times and Seasons Through Prayer

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    Book preview

    You Can Change Your Times and Seasons Through Prayer - Reverend Samuel F. Sarpong

    © 2018 Reverend Samuel F. Sarpong. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/14/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9012-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9011-7 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Chapter 1   What Is Prayer

    Chapter 2   Hindrances To Prayer

    Chapter 3   Prayer In The Church

    Chapter 4   How To Pray And Receive Answers

    Chapter 5   How To Have Effective Daily Intercession

    Chapter 6   Be Faithful To Early Morning Prayers

    Chapter 7   You’re Privilege In Prayer

    Chapter 8   Aggreive Prayers


    I specially dedicate this book to my mother, Mrs. Matilda Agyapong and to Professor Ofori Attah Slazer a minister of God who understands the power of prayer


    Once an author decide to write a book and having settled upon its main outlines put in a lot of effort to gather a library of authorities who have already dealt with the general aspect of his subject.

    One can change his or her time and season with prayer. Prayer is a gift and a privilege which is offered to all to become wielders of power in prayer. A believer can change his or her time and seasons through prayer. In recent time believers have refused to pray thereby affecting their general wellbeing.

    Prayer has the potential to change your destiny and the pace at which believers are relaxing in prayer needs to be improved if they expect break thoughts. I have carefully outlined certain prayer point in this book which is important to certain need. Read and apply them for an effective prayer life.

    1. Start with prayer, remembering that you are entering God’s presence. Confess your sins and pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to understand and respond to what you read.

    You can now respond to the passage by prayer and share your discoveries in words and in practical action. This book is published for everyone who wants God to intervene in his time and season.

    Remember that praying aggressively will change every issue in your life. Bear

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