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I Have Bipolar, Bipolar Isn’T Me
I Have Bipolar, Bipolar Isn’T Me
I Have Bipolar, Bipolar Isn’T Me
Ebook113 pages1 hour

I Have Bipolar, Bipolar Isn’T Me

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About this ebook

This is a journal of my experiences with depression and mania, which I experienced after being diagnosed with bipolar type II. Its the hopelessness and desperation of living with this illness, from thinking of death by suicide to finding a way of healing. I wrote this book in the hope of helping other bipolar sufferers and to educate the general public about the bipolar disorder.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 10, 2017
I Have Bipolar, Bipolar Isn’T Me

Wendy Taylor

Wendy Taylor is a Metaphysical Mentor and Life Coach. She is an energy practitioner and a practitioner of modalities such as Footology, Indian Head Massage, and Body Cleanse to name a few.

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    I Have Bipolar, Bipolar Isn’T Me - Wendy Taylor

    Copyright © 2017 Wendy Taylor.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-7620-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-7622-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-7621-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017903448

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/07/2017


    Author’s Note



    Part 1

    I Would Like To Share Some Of The Events From My Childhood

    My Life Experiences After Leaving School

    My Time I Spent In Hospital

    My First Job

    Marriage To Mark

    Fire In Our Home


    Bipolar And Suicide

    Part 2 The Healing

    Alternative Treatments Used For Healing

    The Right Medication Assisted Me In Living A Balanced Life

    I Claimed Healing For My Mind, Body, And Soul

    Here Is Some Food For Thought

    I Have Bipolar, Bipolar Isn’t Me

    Let’s Look At Some Famous Bipolar People And Their Contribution To This World

    Friends, Their Diagnoses, Their Medicine, And Living With Bipolar

    Contributions Made By My Family And Friends

    The Feelings And Thoughts I Experienced While Writing My Book

    The Author’s Recommended Reading


    About The Author

    Contact The Author


    Author’s Note

    A window into living my life with bipolar .This is a view of my personal experiences with bipolar. My book is not to influence you or make any allopathic or homeopathic declarations. It is merely my journal of my life experiences with this illness.

    I share my story in the hope that it will be a comfort to others and ultimately help people get a better understanding of this illness. My story details some of the highs and lows experienced with this illness.

    I would like you to take this journey with me so you know that you are not alone in your bipolar. I am a Metaphysical Mentoring Life Coach and Alternative Therapies Practitioner.

    This book is about being bipolar for 39 years; I feel that qualifies me as a specialist in this field.


    To my husband, Mark, without whom I would have been lost. Thanks for all your love and support. I love you.

    Thanks to my son, Denzil, who I love with all my heart. You understand and gravitate towards people suffering with bipolar disorder. Thanks for your belief in my ability to help them. I love you.

    To Allison, my dear friend, who gave unselfishly of her time and love. I cannot thank you enough. I love you.

    Thanks to my mom and dad who are no longer here. You both supported me the best way you knew how. I hope you are looking down on me and are proud of who I have become. I love you.

    Thank you to Taryn and Kirstin Rehbock for sharing your stories. I love you girls. You are beautiful.


    This book is a dedication to all the people who have suffered and are still suffering with bipolar. May you find the strength and support you need to live a happy and for filled life.

    Live, love, and laugh. Be the miracle you were born to be.

    Secondly, to my husband, Mark, who believed in me and stood by my side. I owe everything to you. Your support in my battle against bipolar has helped make me into the person I am today.


    Why would somebody so young,

    Desire death so strongly.

    I found out why through a lot of pain, the answer came.

    There is no control over the dark demons controlling your life.

    Death would be bittersweet,

    As I long for peace.

    Holding a gun to my head,

    Tears streaming down my face,

    I wonder if heaven, or hell, is a better place.

    ~Wendy Taylor ~

    I never thought I would wake up sick one day, and never get better.

    PART 1


    I would like to share some of the events from my childhood

    As far back as I can remember, I felt different from other people. In my early childhood, I recall how my mom and dad jokingly told friends and family that they painted the whole house at night. They also read the entire town library in the evenings, trying to get me to sleep.

    I was on medication to assist the hyperactive symptoms I displayed, which my parents said helped calm me so I could sleep. My energy levels dropped when

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