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My Journey to Grace: Shattering Mainstream Illusions and Creating My Desired Life
My Journey to Grace: Shattering Mainstream Illusions and Creating My Desired Life
My Journey to Grace: Shattering Mainstream Illusions and Creating My Desired Life
Ebook113 pages1 hour

My Journey to Grace: Shattering Mainstream Illusions and Creating My Desired Life

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About this ebook

This is the story of one woman's journey to grace from early depression and despair. Dr. Carey has learned to heal herself physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. She shares her views from her own healing journey and from her eighteen years practicing as a chiropractor. She's concluded that the mainstream narrative and living in the rat race is causing sick and disempowered individuals. This book is to remind people of their individual power, to take it back and to use it to create their desired lifestyle!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 20, 2020

Dr. Lynn Carey

Dr. Lynn Carey graduated from Life University in 1997 with a Doctorate in Chiropractic and a Bachelors in Nutrition, but her journey began way before when she had two spinal surgeries for scoliosis in high school. Afterwards, she was constantly sick. Chiropractic was the first step in her healing journey and truly changed her life. She opened her own practice in 1998 in her hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. She practiced there for 18 years. She has gone on chiropractic mission trips to Brazil and India where she discovered that there is only One-verse in this Universe and that is Love. During her years in private practice, she also realized that to be healthy, one needs to examine every area of their life. She loves to empower individuals to create their desired life of health, wealth and perfect self-expression. In December of 2016, she followed her bliss and moved to Miami Beach where she continues to be an entrepreneur. She also homeschools her teenage son teaching him how to be financially free.

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    My Journey to Grace - Dr. Lynn Carey

    Copyright © 2020 Dr. Lynn Carey.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5513-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5515-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5514-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020917999

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/17/2020


    Creating My Desired Life Became My Journey to Grace

    Chapter 1: My Dad

    Chapter 2: Scoliosis

    Chapter 3: Chiropractic

    Chapter 4: Opening My Practice

    Chapter 5: Figuring Out Financial Freedom

    Chapter 6: Personal Transformations

    Chapter 7: Taking a New Direction

    Chapter 8: Made It to Miami!

    Chapter 9: Recommendations for Creating Your Desired Life—Pulling It All Together

    Recommended Books, Videos, and other Sources




    From the time I was a child, I had a deep knowing that there had to be more to life besides what I was being shown. I felt a deep desire for more and a strong urge to help or save everyone else too. I was like a child asking why. However, the adults in my life did not have answers to many of my questions. They seemed annoyed when I asked. I decided to just be quiet, do what I had to do, be a good girl, and not cause any trouble until I could make decisions for myself. Unfortunately for me, I believed it when I was told continuously that to be successful in life, you had to get a college education. I thought that would lead me to become an adult who could make my own decisions. I dreamed maybe that was the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I worried about everything. I became a perfectionist in my attempt to do what was right and to get others’ approval. That perfectionism created a lot of pain physically and emotionally. Finding happiness was never discussed once; it was all about working hard. In fact, doing anything besides work was not really accepted. No one around me had fun. If others were having fun, it was criticized and judged: It must be nice or I don’t know how they can afford that! I was wondering what the point of all this hard work was since it never seemed to be enough.

    This asking why inside myself has led me to one of the greatest journeys, I call my life, and it keeps getting better. I have learned to step outside what the world calls normal and find my own bliss. The greatest peace and freedom you can ever give yourself is to truly find that space within and then learn to create it without. That is the journey I am going to share with you. It is a story of my opinions, viewpoints, and preferences. It is in no way stating this is the right way or the only way, but the intent is to share another perspective. I feel that we have been programmed to see life a certain way, and those programs limit our perceptions. What if we had a broader view? By finding a broader view and stepping outside the mainstream narratives, I found my greatest understanding and joy. I know in my heart that we can be, do, or have anything we want. We are here to create heaven on earth. Your bliss can be found every day. My bliss is my new normal.

    I do not want to be politically correct. I do not want to be right. I want to break down the barriers of societal thinking to start a conversation. I want to inspire a generation to think for themselves, to create the best version of themselves, and to become empowered leaders in their own lives. Only when everyone reclaims their joy, happiness, health, purpose, wealth, and mind-set can we truly have peace on earth.



    MY DAD

    M y parents were married for twenty years before I came along. For some reason, my mom could not have a baby; after trying with the help of the medical world, without any luck, she gave up. When she found out she was pregnant with me, she thought she was going through early menopause at age forty-one. This was in the early seventies when it was not so common to have a baby in your forties. The medical doctor scared her to death about everything that could go wrong with having a baby at her age. My mom said she left his office crying. She was in shock, not knowing if she should be happy or sad. I find this incredibly heartbreaking that a medical doctor took my mom’s joy away that day. My mom worries about a lot anyway. I think that is her normal vibration. So, I learned how to worry more so that I could soothe her; in turn, if she was soothed, I was soothed. This pattern probably started with me in the womb.

    I never felt heard as a child. I discovered later in life that I created drama in my life that would keep me in patterns of stress and worry. Only if I was really stressed out could I be heard, at least somewhat. The one person I remember always listening to me was my dad. I had terrible anxiety about going to school. The first day of preschool, my dad brought me, and I hung onto his leg, crying for him not to leave me. I still remember that. My mom listened to the teacher, who told her to force me to stay because I needed to get socialized with other kids. Now as an adult, I say, No I didn’t. They should have brought me home. First thing I learned from that experience is that your voice, your opinions, and your feelings do not matter. How many kids does this happen to today? We are trained from the start that our voice does not matter. But our voice is where our power is.

    In grade school, the nightmare continued. Here is where my worrying about everything took off. I took every book home with me every night. I wanted to give my all to homework, not forget anything, and make sure I was prepared for the next day. I got a lot of homework. How cruel too? After sitting all day watching the clock, praying to get through another day of torture, I had to go home and do more work. And for me, worry some more.

    In math, I got about fifty problems a night to reinforce the class lesson. My dad would see how distraught I felt. He would say, Show me you can do the first ten problems, and I will do the rest. I did the first ten, and then my dad would look over my shoulder for the next forty and spout off the answers as I quickly wrote them.

    I went to Catholic school for twelve years. There were some nasty nuns and lay people who taught in those institutions. They truly treated us like animals. They got off on themselves being in power. They probably did not like themselves, let alone children. My grade school principal was one of the evilest nuns I have ever met. May they burn in the hell they preach. I do not believe in a hell we go to but a hell we can create while in this physical body. She did a great job of that. I was an A/B student. I studied hard and behaved. I sat in the classroom, upset about the same kids who always got into trouble. I was always on the honor roll. I somehow was well liked. I knew how to put on a happy face and be kind to others amid the pain I felt inside.

    It never surprises me when I hear that a student who had everything going for him or her

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