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Leading with Courage: Daily Reminders for the Decision Maker
Leading with Courage: Daily Reminders for the Decision Maker
Leading with Courage: Daily Reminders for the Decision Maker
Ebook180 pages1 hour

Leading with Courage: Daily Reminders for the Decision Maker

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About this ebook

Even the greatest leaders get distracted by the less meaningful details of daily life and lose sight of what is important. At their worst, we see leaders get way off course and rationalize unethical or illegal activity, and at their best, we see leaders distracted by the day-to-day minutia, losing sight of the dynamic vision that drives their success. They need a quick reminder to serve as a "true north" and keep on track.

Leading with Courage: Daily Reminders for the Decision Maker is an opportunity to spend a few minutes in the busy day reminding yourself of the personal and professional things that matter and the impact your decisions have on others.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 16, 2016
Leading with Courage: Daily Reminders for the Decision Maker

Matthew White

Matthew White is a priest, poet and songwriter as well as an accomplished singer and musician. Born in Liverpool in North West England, White has been writing and performing for as long as he can remember. He obtained his degree from the London School of Theology where he studied Music and Theology before later graduating from Trinity College in Bristol where he trained for ordained ministry in the Church of England. White is passionate about faith, poetry and music and has always had a keen fascination with words. His debut book, "Propelled Into Wonder," was released in September 2024 (Wipf and Stock Publishers) and is an original collection of poetry featuring hand-drawn illustrations and honest reflections on grief, beauty and leadership. Matthew is married to Sarah and lives in Essex in South East England where they are parents to 3 lively and delightful children and 1 very silly dog.

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    Leading with Courage - Matthew White


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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1623-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1621-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015916800

    Bookmasters, Ashland Ohio

    WestBow Press rev. date: 1/22/2016




    1 • Live a Balanced Life

    2 • Trust Yourself

    3 • Develop Yourself

    4 • Be a Leader

    5 • Value Innovation

    6 • Beware Self-Deception

    7 • Embrace Ethics

    8 • Learn from Failure

    9 • Pay it Forward

    10 • Lead Your Family Business Well


    11 • Be Confident

    12 • Learn to Listen

    13 • Create a Learning Environment

    14 • Develop Your Employees

    15 • Cultivate a Positive Attitude

    16 • Become a Great Team Leader

    17 • Practice Good Decision Making

    18 • Lead Through Choices and Accountability

    19 • Create Partners, Customers and Vendors for Life



    I dedicate this book to my employees, mentors, clients, and customers---to those who have taught me so much of what is written here.


    Thank you to Judith Bell, the world's best coach. Thank you for reading, editing, and adding to my original draft, helping me to bring structure to my flood of thoughts.

    Thanks also to Mike Rossman, my college roommate and amazing friend. Thank you for seeing that this book was completed.

    Lastly, a special thank you to

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