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The Promise Keeper
The Promise Keeper
The Promise Keeper
Ebook176 pages1 hour

The Promise Keeper

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About this ebook

Society has changed dramatically during the past thirty years. We are witnessing the breakdown of the traditional family, the rapid erosion of basic morality and the slaughter of unborn children through abortion on demand. Education has been hijacked and history is being rewritten.

Whereas the children of earlier generations grew up with the knowledge of the Bible and Christian principles through the State education system, this avenue has been methodically closed by government with the vigorous assistance of humanist and atheistic teachers unions. As a result most people have a minimal, even nonexistent knowledge of God and his wishes for man.

The Bible is Gods Word to man, and Ive taken a very brief walk in scripture to distil the essence so that the reader learns of Gods infinite love and salvation but is also encouraged to read the Bible and learn more.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJan 13, 2015
The Promise Keeper

Kathleen Ford

Kathleen Ford spent many years as a primary school teacher as well as teaching religious education on a voluntary basis in the community. She is a mother of four and a grandmother to thirteen. Her concern is that people of all ages in this twenty-first century know little about the Great God of the Bible and the purpose he has for individuals and for the world; hence, this book.

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    The Promise Keeper - Kathleen Ford

    Copyright © 2015 by Kathleen Ford.

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    Zondervan Title: Case for a Creator, The

    Zondervan Author: LEE P. STROBEL Zondervan ISBN: 0310241448

    Credit Line: Taken from Case for a Creator, The

    by LEE P. STROBEL. Copyright 2004 by Lee Strobel. Used by permission of Zondervan.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

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    Table of Contents



    1. The Bible

    2. The Tri-Une God Of The Bible

    3. Man

    4. Satan

    5. Prophets & Prophecies

    6. The Magnificent First Book Of The Bible

    7. Exodus – Numbers

    8. The Jewish People

    9. The Cosmic Battle Continues

    10. Darwinism

    11. Knowledge Of God’s Truth Brings Peace

    12. The Messiah Intervenes

    13. Religion In 21St Century

    14. How To Spot Truth From Untruth

    15. Climate Change? Not As A Result Of Man!

    16. The Stage Is Set For The Return Of Christ

    17. What Will It Be Like After Christians Leave The Earth?

    18. Is God Cruel?

    19. Common Questions And Answers

    20. What Happens When We Die?

    21. Heaven

    22. To Believe Or Not To Believe

    Reflection Notes


    MYLES                      MESHA

    CONNOR                      NETANYA

    EZRA                      TAYLOR

    JARED                      SAM

    CHARLOTTE                      MATTHEW

    AVA                      EMILIE


    That they may all experience the salvation and fullness of life that God wants them to know

    The fear of the LORD

    Is the beginning of WISDOM


    How would you explain the overall theme of the Bible to someone who’s only ever heard isolated accounts?

    The same theme runs through from Genesis to Revelation and this book is intended to give readers a pocket-version of God’s plan and to encourage them to read the full account for themselves.

    The majority of churches cannot be trusted anymore to tell the truth as God sees it.

    Jesus knew this would happen when he asked this rhetorical question in the first century.

    When I return will I find FAITH on the earth? ¹

    Paul said, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. ²

    He wasn’t ashamed of the GOSPEL (good news) of Christ because it is the POWER of GOD unto salvation to everyone who believes. ³

    The Greek word for POWER is DYNAMOS, from which our word dynamite is derived.

    The DYNAMOS of GOD is in the Bible!

    It is a personal, powerful, life-changing and life-giving book.

    Charlotte Elliot (1789 – 1871) wrote:

    The Bible is my church. It is always open and therein is JESUS, my High Priest, ever waiting to receive me.


    Luke 18:8

    Romans 10:17

    Romans 1:16


    For more than 70 years Western Governments have been trying to eliminate all Bible teaching from society. They think that by freeing us from its morality the world will become a better place.


    We now have in our generation:

    Anger, rebellion, violence, bullying, eating disorders, insecurity, depression, self-hatred, self-harming and suicide.

    Many young people have no firm foundations to build on, no boundaries of behaviour and no coping mechanisms except for the taking of drugs and anti-social behaviour.

    Purpose, hope and inner peace have gone!

    There is a solution!

    It’s never too late to read the Bible for yourselves and to teach your children as early as possible. They need to know there is a living God who loves them and has a purpose for each individual life.

    Here’s a promise from God which cannot be broken.Your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace. Isaiah 54:13

    Perhaps this pocket-book of the Bible will encourage you to read more about the PROMISE KEEPER in His inspired WORD.



    Ever feel that life is just the pits?

    Like you’re sinking in quicksand with not a soul in sight to help?

    The Solution?

    "Cry out to the LORD.

    He will hear and bring your life out of the pit and set your feet upon a rock and establish your paths.

    Many are his wonderful works and his thoughts towards you are more than can be counted."

    Psalm 40

    How Can I Get To Know Him?






    TRUTH is a person – JESUS CHRIST.

    JESUS said – I am the way, the TRUTH and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me.

    John 14:6

    JESUS prayed to his Father saying – Thy WORD is TRUTH.

    John 17:17

    JESUS SAID – You shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free.

    John 8:32

    "God is not a man, that he should lie.

    Has he said and shall he not do it?

    Has he spoken and shall he not make it good?

    Numbers 23:19

    Society will claim there’s no such thing as an ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

    Have a look round at the world! It has more problems than it can handle.

    Society has tossed the Bible out of our schools and our governments.

    Look at the results.

    If ADULTS disregard the true authority – Jesus Christ – it will have a domino effect.

    Our children will disregard the authority of:

    • God

    • Parents

    • Schools

    • Laws

    • Police

    There IS an absolute authority – GOD.

    JESUS CHRIST will return and will judge the world in righteousness and TRUTH.

    Psalm 9:8

    Words written in the Old Testament 2,800 years ago describe conditions today:

    Isaiah 59 depicts a society where the deception within men’s hearts caused by their rejection of God leads to a breakdown of justice, with right being judged as wrong and truth falling by the wayside.

    This is demonstrated in such common areas as:

    • Business

    • Politics

    • Everyday life

    • The legal system

    And, in the New Testament the same idea is echoed in 2 Timothy 4:3 where it is said that men will be so selfishly satisfying their own pleasure that they won’t listen to sound teaching any more but only to false teachers who feed their ego.

    Ever since the time Adam and Eve sinned man has been opposed to God.

    Romans 8:7 tells us that we no longer care about or even understand God’s laws.

    Be astounded that


    Should have written to us!

    St Antony of Egypt 251 – 356 AD


    Scholars through the years have said

    "God is not silent. It is in the nature of God to speak.

    Jesus Christ is called THE WORD" and contained in the Bible we have the mind of Christ.

    The Bible is the inevitable outcome of God’s continuous speech. It is the infallible declaration of His mind."

    Tozer 1897 – 1952

    You have (in your Bible) the mind of CHRIST.

    1 Corinthians 2:16

    We must hear JESUS speak if we expect Him to hear us speak.

    Spurgeon 1834 - 1892

    "There is a living God

    He has spoken in the Bible

    He means what He says … and

    Will do all He has promised."

    Hudson Taylor 1832-1905

    As in the Garden of Eden, God walks in scripture seeking man.

    St Ambrose 339 – 397

    "The Holy Scriptures tell us:

    • What we are

    • Who we are

    • How we got here

    • Why

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