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The Incredible Journey: A Concise Road Map from Genesis to Revelation
The Incredible Journey: A Concise Road Map from Genesis to Revelation
The Incredible Journey: A Concise Road Map from Genesis to Revelation
Ebook240 pages2 hours

The Incredible Journey: A Concise Road Map from Genesis to Revelation

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The Incredible Journey is a concise survey, an easy-to-read guide through the Bible that will help readers navigate their way through the Scriptures from cover to cover. Each book is summarized and explained in order to maximize readers' daily reading and spiritual walk.
Release dateMay 6, 2019
The Incredible Journey: A Concise Road Map from Genesis to Revelation

Tom Doyle

Tom Doyle is the president of Uncharted Ministries, an accomplished author, popular international speaker, pastor, missionary to the unreached, and a veteran tour guide to Israel and the Middle East. He is the author of Dreams and Visions, Killing Christians, and Standing in the Fire.  

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    The Incredible Journey - Tom Doyle



    The Apostle and the Traveler

    Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

    —Psalm 119:105

    Life is filled with journeys. The most important one we take is the journey with God throughout our days on the earth. At the center of our relationship with our Father is the Bible. God revealed Himself to us with an up-close-and-personal picture on every page of Scripture. We can know what His character is like and we can know Him intimately by just opening this amazing book. The Bible was not written to merely give us information. It was written to transform our lives. But this will never happen if we don’t understand it.

    In the book of Acts, the apostle Philip encountered a man who was on a journey himself. While on the road, the traveler was reading from the prophet Isaiah, and Philip asked him this profound question: Do you understand what you are reading? The man from Ethiopia answered: How can I unless someone explains it to me? (8:30–31).

    The interchange between the apostle and the traveler explains precisely why The Incredible Journey was written. The Bible is a large book, and it also can be confusing at times. It requires explanation. Surely God didn’t write it and hope that somehow we might get a clue along the way as to what it means. He wants us to study the Scriptures, understand them, and then live them. But we must be trained how.

    The Incredible Journey is a short Bible survey that will help you navigate your way through the Bible from cover to cover. Each book is summarized and explained so you can maximize your daily Bible reading and aim at living out the truths contained in each one. Reading through the Bible is one of the most important things we can do, and we pray that this resource serves to guide you all along the way.

    Have an Incredible Journey!

    Tom Doyle

    The Word of God

    The Book that Changes Lives

    Give me a Bible and a candle and shut me up in a dungeon, and I will tell you what the world is doing. —an old divine saying

    [The] New Testament … is the best book that ever was, or will be, known in the world.¹ —Charles Dickens

    Let the world progress as much as it likes, let all branches of human research develop to the very utmost, nothing will take the place of the Bible.²

    —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    It is impossible mentally and socially to enslave a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the ground-work of human freedom.³ —Horace Greeley

    [The Bible] is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed.

    —Patrick Henry

    There is one thing more I wish I could leave you all—the religion of Jesus Christ. With this, though you had nothing else, you could be happy; without this, though you had all things else, you could not be happy.—Patrick Henry’s will

    The best evidence of the Bible being the word of God is to be found between its covers.—Charles Hodge

    The study of this Book in your Bible classes is a postgraduate course in the richest library of human experience.—Herbert Hoover

    If a man’s Bible is coming apart, it is an indication that he himself is fairly well put together.—James E. Jennings

    [The Bible] is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Saviour gave to the world was communicated through this book.—Abraham Lincoln

    This Book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this Book.¹⁰

    —Dwight L. Moody

    The Nature of the Bible

    The Eight Wonders of the Bible—God’s Masterpiece

    1. The Wonder of Its Construction

    God put it together over a period of 1,500 years.

    2. The Wonder of Its Unity

    God used forty different authors to write sixty-six books, yet it remains completely unified and consistent.

    3. The Wonder of Its Historical Accuracy

    The Bible has never been proved wrong.

    4. The Wonder of Its Scientific Accuracy

    Although not a book of science, when the Bible speaks on the subject, it is scientifically accurate.

    5. The Wonder of Its Indestructibility

    Though attempted repeatedly, the Bible can never be destroyed completely—by man or government.

    6. The Wonder of Its Prophecy

    The Bible has the ability to predict the future with 100 percent accuracy.

    7. The Wonder of Its Christ-Centeredness

    From cover to cover, the Bible presents Christ as the center of the Scriptures.

    8. The Wonder of Its Transforming Capabilities

    Since the Bible is alive, it has the ability to transform us inwardly.


    The Bible is the most amazing book ever written. God wrote it through human authors over several centuries, yet it remains cohesive and consistent in theme from Genesis to Revelation. It is a divinely written miraculous book that produces growth in believers and brings light to the world. It is the power of God that produced it, protects it, and propagates it around the world to be the true Bread of Life for all.



    The Book of Beginnings


    1.Event 1: Creation (1)

    2.Event 2: Fall (3:1–7)

    3.Event 3: Flood (6–9)

    4.Event 4: Babel (11:1–9)

    5.Great Men 1: Abraham (12:1–3)

    6.Great Men 2: Isaac (18:9–14)

    7.Great Men 3: Jacob (25:21–26)

    8.Great Men 4: Joseph (37–50)


    Genesis is in many ways the most important book in the Bible. In this pivotal book we learn who God is, how man failed, and how Satan tempts us to sin. God provides the solution to our sins in the descendant of Abraham, who would bless the whole world. His name would be Jesus.


    •Genesis was written by Moses in approximately 1450 BC.

    •Genesis through Deuteronomy is called the Law or Pentateuch—which means five books. The books were authored by Moses.

    •Genesis 1:1: In the beginning is to be understood as not the beginning of eternity but of the creation of the world.

    •The first verse of the Bible is the watershed verse on which everything else hinges. Why?

    ›If you can handle this, you can handle all other biblical miracles.

    ›God refutes all false belief systems—atheism, agnosticism, and other false religions—in this first verse of the Bible.

    ›It asserts that God was preexistent—man did not invent God.


    Created: Bara in Hebrew always means to make something out of nothing. This term is only used in Scripture with reference to God. We can’t create—we can’t even think of something that isn’t just a part of something else. Bara is used in the first verse of the Bible.

    Creation, therefore, is ex nihilo, or literally from nothing. A New Testament verse that describes this is Hebrews 11:3.


    In the nineteenth century, English philosopher Herbert Spencer was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature for his discovery that all natural phenomena are manifestations either vivid or faint, and are then segregated further into the following five categories:¹¹



    3.Motion (or, Action)



    Spencer was hailed as a genius, yet he never realized that God had already revealed this to man in the very first verse of the Bible!

    1.Time: In the beginning

    2.Force: God

    3.Action: created

    4.Space: heavens

    5.Matter: earth

    In Genesis we see three starts for mankind, beginning with a central figure in each start:




    Each figure is pivotal in the overall plan for mankind, and each represents one-third of the puzzle for all of human history. It is divided this way:

    1.Adam: fell to the power of sin

    2.Noah: the judgment of sin

    3.Abraham: redemption from sin


    The Bible teaches that God is eternal. He always was. God created all living things during Creation. God saved the best for last in His Creation. King David would write about this several centuries later: When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor (Psalm 8:3–5). Mankind is, as David demonstrated, the crown of Creation.

    Here is the order in which God made everything:

    Day 1 Light

    Day 2 Sky and water

    Day 3 Land, the seas, and vegetation

    Day 4 Sun, moon, stars, days, months, seasons

    Day 5 Fish and birds

    Day 6 Animals, man, and woman

    Day 7 God rested and declared that creation was good

    In the garden of Eden, God performed the first marriage between Adam and Eve. Man was incomplete without woman. Marriage was God’s idea, and He Himself gave it as a gift to humanity. The husband-wife relationship that produces children and is called family is the basis for all societies.

    Question: Does day refer to a twenty-four-hour period or a geological period that could be thousands of years?

    Answer: The Hebrew word used in the Creation account, yom, is a literal day used all through the Old Testament (e.g., Exodus 20:11). Therefore, it makes sense to see creation in terms of literal twenty-four-hour days, rather than geological periods.

    There are great implications from creation: Everything that exists is under God’s control, including nature, enemies, creatures, and all inventions.

    1.Basis of Law: If God is before all things and made all things, how foolish it is to have any other gods before Him. There are none!

    2.His Character: God’s plan involves bringing darkness to light.

    a.2 Corinthians 4:6: "Let light shine out of darkness."

    b.1 John 1:5: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.



    God’s commands were not followed. The plunge into sin was progressive:

    •Genesis 3:1: Doubt—Satan challenged everything God said and tried to place doubt in Adam’s and Eve’s hearts.

    •Genesis 3:2–3: Misunderstanding the word—Eve was not clear on what God had actually said concerning the tree.

    •Genesis 3:4–5: Unbelief—Satan again challenged God’s authority with a lie, and Eve believed it. We disobey God because we do not believe He will follow through on what He says.


    Sin permeated the human race through this one act. Romans 5:12 says, Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, … in this way death came to all men, because all sinned. Satan won this battle. Jesus showed in the New Testament that Satan could be defeated easily. How can we ensure victory against Satan?

    The answer is found in Matthew 4:1–11, where Jesus is confronted by Satan. Three times Jesus said, It is written. Jesus continually used the authority of God’s Word. Satan cannot defeat it since it is based on God’s power and authority.


    After only five chapters in the Bible, sin is so widespread that God must start over. In perhaps one of the saddest verses in all of Scripture, God reveals His feelings about the devastating effect sin has had on the human race.

    Genesis 6:5–7: The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the LORD said, ‘I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.’

    God found a man with whom to start the human race over. Despite sin infesting the entire world, one man rose above it and followed God. Noah was found righteous, and God selected him to build humanity again. Noah’s formula for remaining pure amid the evil was simple yet effective: Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God (Genesis 6:9).

    The Flood was a universal deluge of

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