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Disobliging Reality: Heckling the Sly Illusionist of the Here and Now
Disobliging Reality: Heckling the Sly Illusionist of the Here and Now
Disobliging Reality: Heckling the Sly Illusionist of the Here and Now
Ebook129 pages2 hours

Disobliging Reality: Heckling the Sly Illusionist of the Here and Now

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When Frank Juszczyks wife died, he grappled with big questions: How could his reality persist without her being a part of it? And what was it about reality that interrupted their time together?

He told himself that hed discover the operative dynamic that split them apart and where shed gone. In this exploration of quantum physics, he seeks to answer questions such as:

Why does there have to be a here and a not-here?

Is reality taught to us or does it simply exist?

If we were to reduce or eliminate the persistence of reality, what would that be like?

Are there possible parallel universes that have the same degree of reality as ours, and if so, what does that say about how our reality is determined in the first place?

Albert Einstein said that reality is merely an illusion, and while the concepts in this book are complicated, you dont have to be a physicist to learn how his statement is true or how to deal with it on a personal level.

Overcome consensus thinking, minimize the persistence of an illusory reality, and discover freedom of choice with the powerful revelations in Disobliging Reality.

Release dateJan 11, 2016
Disobliging Reality: Heckling the Sly Illusionist of the Here and Now

Frank Juszczyk

Frank Juszczyk, Ph.D., is a professor emeritus of English at Western New Mexico University. He has spent more than a decade studying quantum physics and its inherent presence in traditional Chinese spiritual and philosophical thought. He is also the author of a novel titled Our Gal Someday: A Scalar Signature Western.

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    Disobliging Reality - Frank Juszczyk

    Copyright © 2016 Frank Juszczyk, PhD.

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    Frank Juszczyk is the author of a romantic adventure novel entitled, Our Gal Someday: A Scalar Signature Western

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    1. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

    2. Switching On and Off

    3. Double-Slit Awareness

    4. Wow, That Was Fast!

    5. Not Seeing the Forest or the Trees

    6. Moving Your Mind-Set

    7. If It Walks Like a Paradox and Talks Like a Paradox …

    8. Un-leveling the Playing Field

    9. Love Is a Frequency, So Resonate

    10. Is This as Real as You Get?

    11. Death. An Exciting Change of Pace?

    12. This and That

    13. Multiple, Probable, Loveable You’s

    14. The Game Is Afoot

    15. Aiming for the State of Grace


    This book is written for Jean, because of Jean, warm and sassy, always making divine mischief and lifting my heart to the nearest, most perfect paradise. No kismet was ever more welcome and even between the worlds now hovers so close, so close.


    This book was written on the fly. My heart’s companion, Jean, had made her passing less than two months before I began writing it. We had been together for forty-four years and married for forty.

    Many of you know how inexpressibly overwhelming grief can be. You know the tumult of emotions that consume your days following such a profound dismemberment. Friends suggested that I begin writing to dissipate some of the intensity of my sorrow. I took their advice, not caring much what I was writing about or what I had to say. Like so many who endure such a loss, I was as angry as I was saddened. What was it now that separated me from the woman who was the sum of my totality? Why did everything in my life continue with business as usual when she was no longer a physical part of it? Why did reality remain the same without her in it? She had defined reality for me for a major part of my life. How could it persist without her participation in it? What was it about this reality that interrupted our joint being?

    I became fixated on that specific question. I told myself that I would discover the operative dynamic that split us apart, that dislocated my place in this world and exposed the existence of another place where she had gone but that seemed impenetrable to me. Why had there to be a here and a not-here that were tied together by the same shared love, loss, joys, memories, thoughts, and values that inspired two lives lived as one?

    My beloved, always an artist and musician, and I shared a passionate interest in quantum physics because of its incorporation of consciousness and paradox into its application. We were thrilled by this new dimension of scientific exploration that appeared to answer so many previously puzzling inconsistencies in what passed for ordinary reality. It was adventure and discovery on a level we could not have imagined before the 1970s. We ate it up. We read constantly and began attending Matrix Energetics seminars around the Northwest, West, and Southwest. Miracles happened. Minds were blown. We had come home.

    Then home became a house divided. She moved, and I remained. I had overlooked a clause in our lease. There was a condition: nothing is permanent. After so much schooling in quantum physics, I couldn’t help suspecting an illusion in play. So as I wrote to assuage my sorrow, I tried to uncover the nature of the illusion and how it works. This book is the result of my investigation.

    I did not compose a rough draft and try deliberately to organize the material. I did very little editing and rewriting (not more than a sentence or two here and there). The words flowed, and I entered them into the computer. After all, I wasn’t trying to write a book; I was trying to lessen the anguish I was feeling. Frequently, when I reread what I had written, it sounded strange and not at all like me. There were unusual patterns of thought and unfamiliar turns of phrase, as if the words were coming from somewhere other than the well-worn left hemisphere of my brain, or even not from me at all. I believe they were coming from an outside source. I believe my deep distress leapfrogged my awareness into another dimension of knowing. I don’t exclude the possibility that Jean was a contributing author as well.

    I hope you find the result useful and even entertaining. I still don’t know why I remain here. Not everything can be contained in our specialized consciousness. The big stuff is just too big for our puny processing capacity. Yet we can think bigger than we usually do to some extent and continue beating the bush for that elusive hundredth monkey despite (and to spite) whatever our less-than-definitive, malleable mainstream science tells us is possible.


    What you are going to read (given the cautions alluded to in this introduction) is some complicated stuff about consciousness, reality, and yourself. If you are beginning without any previous general knowledge of quantum physics, you will probably be perplexed and disinclined to read beyond the first paragraph. I don’t apologize for that. This is not a primer to quantum physics. What there is of it in the following pages, however, a practicing theoretical physicist would consider to be quantum physics at a pretty elementary level.

    Even so, I hope I have not gone completely astray from the main concepts and principles of established quantum theory. At best, this is fringe or unconventional quantum physics in the way it relates to what we consider to be our familiar reality and how we experience it.

    If you wish, as an average reader, to pursue what I am setting down, you will have quite a bit of catching up to do. If your curiosity is sufficiently piqued, I recommend that you read one or all of the following three books to get you started:

    Quantum Enigma by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner, Oxford University Press, 2006.

    Bridging Science and Spirit by Norman Friedman, The Woodbridge Group, 1993.

    Taking the Quantum Leap by Fred Alan Wolf, Harper & Row, 1989.

    You will certainly find out if you have a taste for the quantum physics perspective on being alive in a world you are creating from moment to moment. Then, if you choose to go on, you can add supplemental reading along the way to fill in whatever gaps appear in your understanding. I know it sounds like some work, but the payoff will be worth it should you press on. As a result, whatever happens to you from now on in your life won’t be so scary.

    Also, some of your friends and relatives will find better things to do than stop by to see you anymore. That’s because the surprising element of what I am presenting is that most people simply don’t want to hear it. Even though the essential theories of quantum mechanics have been around for a hundred years, they’re still the elephant in the room. No matter how chaotic and damaged people’s lives have become, they would rather settle for a bogus external reality than face the prospect of being responsible for their own circumstances. That would mean never having the option of being a victim and never being able to blame others or operative causes, including fate, for getting the short end of the stick.

    I’m figuring that if you already have enough independent spirit to risk your comfort zone, your deeper involvement in comprehending what I am presenting will make Disobliging Reality a field trip instead of a detached contemplation of ideas having little or no effect on the rest of your life. If you try it, doubtless you’ll like it.


    Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

    —Albert Einstein

    Everyday or ordinary reality begins with a quantum wave function of infinite possibilities, one of which is collapsed into a single, specific, physical configuration as an object or thing. This process is initiated by either individual or group choice or both simultaneously. The catalyst for this transformation is the individual or group morphic field.

    Morphic field is a term that was created by biologist Rupert Sheldrake to describe a field that organizes a characteristic structure and pattern of activity for both individual and collective members of the field. The term includes behavioral, social, cultural, and mental as well as morphogenetic fields. Often, the group morphic field directs the choices of the individual one. The individual morphic field, in turn, just as often feeds the group field with attention, emotion, and information, making the group field larger and stronger. The group field then creates what we know as consensus reality. This is all the physical stuff we see, hear, taste, smell, and touch and with which we associate strong feelings of attraction and aversion. This is what we take finally to be the real world.

    Occasionally, something happens to one’s individual morphic field that shakes one’s trust and belief in what the group morphic field has created. This is a dramatically alarming and often

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