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How to Love
How to Love
How to Love
Ebook341 pages8 hours

How to Love

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Relationship, no…but threesome, hell yes!

A San Amaro Singles Book

Ever since Jules’s new neighbor moved in, she’s been undressing him in her mind. Mike is the fresh inspiration she needs to make her erotic photography studio a success, if she can convince him and his equally buff roommate, Carlos, to strip for her lens. And maybe indulge in a little off-camera fun as well.

But Jules isn’t too worried. She doesn’t do relationships, but she loves men and sex—and in her experience, most men are okay with that.

Judging from the raw emotions leaping from the images in Jules’s gallery, Mike senses there’s a lot going on beneath her flirtatious, slightly cynical exterior. He and Carlos are happy in their committed relationship, but they’ve always felt there’s a piece missing. They want a woman. Jules could be that woman.

A threesome with two committed men? Sounds like an emotionally risk-free dream come true for Jules. But when they make it clear they want more, her deepest fears push to the surface, straining bonds forged in incredible heat to the breaking point…

Warning: The book features two hot men brave enough to climb cliffs, strip naked for erotic photographs, have sex in a portrait studio and on a cliff, and who have the courage to teach a commitment-phobic woman how to love.

Editor's Note

Three's Company...

“How to Love” is book No. 2 in Jamieson’s “San Amaro Singles” series, and this installment follows a committed queer couple who is considering adding a woman to their previously all-male relationship. The sex is hot, the emotions run high, and the ending is satisfying and sexy.

Release dateAug 17, 2021

Kelly Jamieson

My name is Kelly Jamieson and I write romance. I like to read it, too. I believe in the power of romance stories to portray strong, loving, romantic, sexual relationships that succeed, and to celebrate strength, courage, honour, and love. I believe love, romance and sex teach us about ourselves, about each other and about relationships, and break down barriers and boundaries.

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    Book preview

    How to Love - Kelly Jamieson

    Chapter One

    What more could a girl ask for than a handsome new neighbor with a body worthy of a Men’s Health magazine cover?

    Jules’s neighbor, who’d just introduced himself as Mike Lacasse, stood on her tiny front doorstep, his muscular self taking up a lot of space. Hazel eyes creased attractively at the corners when he smiled, and wow, that smile—boyish but super sexy. His golden brown hair stood in all directions, either carelessly casual or carefully styled, Jules wasn’t sure which. From his black T-shirt, wrinkled khaki cargo shorts and worn leather flip-flops, she was going to guess he hadn’t spent an hour in the bathroom using hair products.

    Well, wasn’t this nice. She smiled back at him. Hi. Nice to meet you, Mike. I’m Jules Stockwood.

    He nodded. I knew that. He glanced at the magazine in his hand and held it out to her, tapping at the address label with his other hand. This was…uh…delivered to us by accident. I found it in the mailbox this morning.

    She took the magazine, her monthly copy of Nude Photo. She looked up at him and caught the faint color that washed into his face. Aw…was he embarrassed by her reading material? She smiled. Thanks. I appreciate you bringing it over.

    No problem.

    I’m a photographer. She held up the magazine. I do some nudes. This is a good resource.

    Oh. Well. I didn’t even look at it…

    She laughed. Yes you did. But don’t worry, it’s not porn and I’m not some crazy perv living next door to you. Although… She paused. Maybe that’s what you were hoping for.

    He blinked and then he smiled too, dimples flashing in his dark gold-stubbled cheeks. She almost sighed aloud. What a smile.

    He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his cargo shorts and shook his head. Nope. Wasn’t hoping for a crazy perv. There’s nothing wrong with looking at a little soft porn once in a while.

    I couldn’t agree more.

    Not that that’s what that is. He nodded at the magazine. "But I’m not going to claim I’ve never picked up a Playboy magazine."

    And not just for the articles.

    They stood there smiling at each other and Jules felt it…a slide of heat through her veins, a tingle down low inside. She could read the interest and attraction in his eyes too, those green eyes with flecks of brown and gold.

    I was going to come over and introduce myself this weekend. Are you getting settled in to your new place?

    Yeah, getting there. The house needs a lot of work, though.

    She nodded. True. Mrs. Kedding who lived there couldn’t keep up with a lot of the things that needed to be done. Matt and I tried to help her out as much as we could, but it’s good for her that she’s living in a condo now.

    Matt? Is that your husband?

    She laughed. God, no! I’m not married. Matt’s the neighbor on the other side of you. I guess you haven’t met him yet.

    He shook his head. No, not yet. Mrs. Kedding seemed like a nice lady. We knew the place needed some work but I don’t mind. I like doing stuff around the house. Hey, I should tell you—we’re going to paint the fence between our yards. Do you want us to paint your side too?

    Us? Damn! Was he married? She hadn’t seen a woman around since he’d moved in last weekend.

    Me and my roommate. Housemate, I guess. Carlos.

    Oh. Her smile returned. You don’t have to paint my side. I can do that. Or my landlord.

    Well, we could help. I’ll let you know when we’re going to buy the paint, and we can pick up an extra gallon for you.

    That would be great. She tipped her head to one side. Um. Do you want to come in for a cup of coffee or anything?

    That’s okay. I have to get to work.

    What is it you do?

    We—Carlos and I—own an adventure tour company. Intrepid Adventures.

    Cool. Here in San Amaro?

    Just outside town. We take people on bike tours, kayaking, climbing, hiking…all kinds of things.

    She nodded, impressed. No wonder he had such a great body. Her gaze tracked down again over the wide chest and the flat abs. She licked her lips. Yes, there was professional interest in her study of him, but there was also…sex. Attraction.

    Their eyes met again and the air around them heated. Wow. This time it was his gaze tracking over her, and her nipples tingled inside her bra at his perusal. She was used to men looking at her, hell, she liked men looking at her, but for some reason Mike’s appraisal of her made her really, really hot. There was something about him…the physicality of him, the boyish grin with sexy dimples, the intelligence in those steady eyes. It all made him crazy appealing.

    And you’re a photographer?

    Yup. She stepped back into her small foyer and retrieved a business card from the table. She handed it to him. This is my gallery on Deep Sea Drive. I have a small studio there where I do portraits. I do some framing too, and sell some of my photographs. You should come see my work. It’s very tasteful.

    He took the card. Ah. Okay. Maybe I will. Sometime.

    My hours are on the card. Today’s Friday so I’m open until nine tonight, but I’ll only be there until about six. Tomorrow from ten to five.


    Well. I’ll see you around. Thanks again for bringing this over.

    You’re welcome. See you. With a casual wave he turned and lightly ran down her front steps. She watched him walk down her short front sidewalk, his shoulders broad under the black T-shirt, his ass tight beneath the shorts, his calves tanned and muscled.

    Mrs. Kedding had been a nice neighbor, but whoa, having this guy next door was going to be even better. Jules glanced at her watch. Nearly ten o’clock. She’d better get her butt in gear and open the gallery. Weekends in the summer were busy in San Amaro, with hordes of tourists arriving in town for the weekend to enjoy the pretty beaches for sunning and surfing, the high-end shops along Deep Sea Drive, the extensive selection of restaurants from fine dining to brew pubs to the best pizza in Southern California.

    And apparently adventure tours.

    Hiking, biking, rock climbing…not her kind of thing. She definitely enjoyed being adventurous in certain settings, but more so in the bedroom than the great outdoors. Although sex in the great outdoors could be good too. She grinned as she grabbed her purse and car keys to head to the gallery.

    She parked in the space behind her building, let herself in the back door and walked straight through the framing room and gallery and out the front door onto Deep Sea Drive.

    She paused briefly on the red brick sidewalk and inhaled the cool morning air. The salty tang of the Pacific Ocean, the damp scent of Mr. Gunn hosing off the sidewalk in front of the physical therapy clinic, the freshness of the flowers spilling out of planters lining the curb and baskets hanging from the pretty vintage-style lamp posts filled the air.

    Across Deep Sea Drive, a broad, smoothly paved boulevard, people walked, jogged and biked in the soft morning sun along the path that followed the curve of the ocean shore. Beyond the path, a wide beach of pale-gold sand stretched down to the water’s edge, and beyond that, the Pacific Ocean extended all the way to the horizon, blue water meeting blue sky in a hazy blur. The sun glinted off waves and whitecaps, and the bright sails of a few sailboats travelled briskly across the water.

    Jules loved San Amaro.

    She started down the sidewalk, an expansive feeling of satisfaction and happiness growing inside her. She’d only moved there two years ago, because she’d wanted a place to start over. She’d visited the small beach city a few times and loved the relaxed atmosphere and the pleasing aesthetics of the city, important to her artist’s eye. Sure, there were some not-so-nice areas, the northeast corner of the city home to an industrial area with some small manufacturing businesses and warehouses, and the homes near that area not as well-to-do. But most of the city had been planned with careful attention to detail that put beauty everywhere a person looked.

    She pushed the door into The Black Bean Coffee Shop and inhaled the rich, dark aroma of Arabica beans, roasted and brewed to perfection. Being a bit of a coffee snob, this was another thing she appreciated about San Amaro. Well, not only the upscale coffee shop but all the little businesses that catered to a well-off clientele—designer clothing and jewelry shops, small cafés and a bakery. Her little art gallery and portrait studio fit right in, with a surprising number of people, both locals and tourists, willing to spend big bucks on her prints or her custom frames. Her portraits were her bread and butter, but she was working on doing more creative ones and trying to increase the framed prints she sold in her gallery.

    Except that wasn’t going so well. She’d sold photographs that she’d taken on some of her travels to Indonesia and South America. She’d travelled locally, taking pictures of ocean and desert. They were selling okay, but she’d felt the lack of inspiration, the flatness of them. Then she’d gotten the idea to do some nudes.

    Those had sold spectacularly well. In fact she only had a few left on display in the gallery, with people asking for more. But nude models weren’t that easy to come by when she couldn’t afford to pay them anything. She’d tried to convince her friend Neve to pose nude, but even when she’d assured Neve that her face wouldn’t be seen, she still wouldn’t do it. Jules herself would do it, but it was a little tough to take pictures of yourself.

    Hey, Jules. Neve smiled at her from behind the counter, a tiny diamond stud glittering on the left side of her nose, a barbell piercing her right eyebrow. She wore her long, perfectly straight blonde hair in a low ponytail and customary white shirt and black pants, so conservative compared to the kinds of outfits she wore away from work. Her usual eye makeup—lots of liner and shadow—emphasized pretty hazel eyes.

    It still amazed Jules a little that she had a girl best friend. It had always been hard for her to make friends with other girls. Guys—no problem. With guys there was always the sexual layer, which was usually the only layer for her, because she didn’t do relationships, but with girls if you wanted a relationship, a friendship, you had to actually open up a little about yourself. Which wasn’t something she was good at.

    With Neve it was surprisingly easy to talk about things, maybe because she accepted that there were topics Jules didn’t want to discuss and never tried to probe too deep. Jules liked that Neve was a bit of a rebel who didn’t try to conform to what others thought she should be. Neve accepted Jules for who she was, which included the fact that she liked men and she liked sex. Neve never made her feel like she should be ashamed of that. And it was nice to have a friend to talk to and laugh with and do fun things with.

    Hi, Neve. How’s it going?

    Excellent. What can I get for you? The usual?

    You bet.

    What are you up to this weekend? Neve asked as she steamed the milk for the macchiato.

    Not much. I’m working tomorrow, Min needed the day off for a wedding.

    Tomorrow night the Surf Sisters are having a beach party.

    The Surf Sisters’ beach parties were legendary. I guess I’m not invited.

    Bella Chesley still held a grudge about the fact that Josh Busher, one of the local police officers, had dumped her soon after he’d met Jules. Josh was a great guy and sexy as hell, and yeah, they’d gone out together for a while after that, but it wasn’t as if Jules had stolen him away from Bella. She’d never done a thing to cause their break up, but Bella didn’t see it that way. Months later, she still hadn’t gotten over it.

    Yes, you are invited. A voice behind her spoke up. Jules turned to see Bella’s sister Jaden sitting at one of the small tables. Jaden gave Jules a sunny smile, her blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail. Luckily Jaden didn’t carry the same grudge as her sister. As usual she was dressed in board shorts and a fitted tank top, ready for the surf lessons she and her sister taught at their shop, Surf Sisters’ Swim, Surf, Sun. I told Bella I was going to invite you.

    Jules smiled back at her. Hey, Jaden.

    "Hey. We’re having the party to welcome our new neighbors, who are also your new neighbors, so you have to come."

    My new next-door neighbors? Jules handed money over to Neve and accepted the cup of coffee now topped with a plastic lid.

    Yeah. Have you met them?

    I just met one of them this morning, as a matter of fact. Some of my mail got put in their mailbox by mistake and he brought it over. Mike. He said he has a roommate named Carlos.

    Yeah. So we’re having a party to welcome them.

    Sounds like fun.

    Just warning you, though—Bella has her eye on Carlos.

    Jules pursed her lips, clasping her coffee in both hands. Yeah. So?

    Jaden held up her hands. I’m just saying.

    Jules really hated when people did that. Like they thought she went around trying to steal away people’s boyfriends or husbands or whatever. She would fully admit to being a bit of a flirt—she liked men and they liked her. But she would never steal a guy away from another girl on purpose. And what made Jaden’s comment even more annoying was that Bella and Carlos weren’t even a couple. They could barely know each other, after all. Why shouldn’t Jules be able to talk to her new neighbor and maybe flirt a little if he was nice?

    But maybe it was Mike she wanted to talk to and flirt with, because, oh yeah, he was hot and there had definitely been a spark of something between them earlier.

    She didn’t even know what to say to Jaden. She’d sound like a bitch if she told her she’d flirt with whatever guys she wanted to. And it was hard to let that go. But then, she wasn’t interested in this Carlos—she’d never even met him—so it probably wasn’t worth getting her thong in a twist over. She looked at Neve and rolled her eyes.

    Since she wanted to go to the party, she said, Okay. He’s all hers. But then she couldn’t resist adding, If he wants to be.

    Neve grinned, leaning on the counter. I’ll come to your place tomorrow night. We can walk to the party together from there.


    The street Jules lived on ran perpendicular to the beach, and the two houses at the end both sat right on the ocean. One of those houses belonged to Jaden and Bella. Their little business obviously did very well, because those beach houses were pricy. Hell, so were the other houses on the street. Jules’s house was one of the tiniest cottages, six houses off the beach, and the rent on it set her back a tidy sum every month. But she loved it and wished she could afford to buy it.

    Thanks for the invitation, she said to Jaden and left the little shop with her coffee. Now she had that party to look forward to, another chance to meet Mike and get to know him a little better and see if he was really as smokin’ hot as she’d thought that morning.

    What’s the neighbor like? Carlos asked when Mike walked into the kitchen. He sat at the table, spooning Cheerios from a bowl to his mouth while he read the paper.

    Hot. It was the first word that came to mind.

    Carlos looked up at him and lifted one black eyebrow. Yeah?

    Mike met his eyes and lifted one shoulder. Oh yeah.

    What was with the skin mag?

    Mike filled his coffee with what was left in the pot and turned it off. "It’s an art magazine, he drawled. She’s an artist. A photographer."

    Carlos grinned. She takes nude pictures of men?

    Uh…I don’t know. I assumed men and women. She gave me her card. She has a gallery. Maybe I’ll go check it out.

    Carlos eyed him. Yeah?

    Why not? She seemed nice. Really…sexy.

    Carlos sat back in his chair. Well.

    Mike shrugged sheepishly. Whatever. She lives next door. We’ll see her again.

    No doubt. Okay. Let’s get going. My afternoon is booked for a bike trip into the hills. And what are you doing?

    Mike sighed. Payroll.

    Don’t pretend you’re pissed about that. You love that shit.

    Mike smiled. Yeah. I do. But I like getting out of the office and doing something physical too.

    Heh. He’d like to do something physical, all right, something physical with his sexy next-door-neighbor. He shook his head and turned his thoughts back to their business.

    Someone’s gotta do it. Carlos rose from the table. He picked up his bowl and set it on the counter above the dishwasher.

    Mike groaned.

    What? Carlos looked at him.

    "For fuck’s sake, in the dishwasher! Not on the dishwasher. How many times do I have to tell you?"

    Carlos put the bowl in the dishwasher. You just love riding my ass, that’s all. He turned back to Mike and gave him a look, a heated, sexy look with those dark eyes rimmed with long dark eyelashes.

    Mike’s groin tightened. Oh yeah, he drawled. You got that right. He eyed Carlos. Speaking of doing something physical… He moved closer, slid his hand around the back of Carlos’s neck and pulled his face in for a kiss.

    Don’t have time, babe, Carlos murmured against his mouth.

    Sure we do. Mike’s other hand moved to Carlos’s hip, then around to his ass and he hauled him against him. Mike’s dick swelled and lengthened and he rubbed against Carlos, who was also getting hard. Their mouths opened against each other, tongues sliding, the kiss getting deeper and hotter. Heat rushed through Mike’s veins.

    That new neighbor got you all hot and bothered. Carlos grabbed Mike’s face in both hands.

    Mike grimaced. Maybe a little. But I’m always hot for you. You know it.

    Yeah. But I also know you—

    Mike cut him off with another long, heated kiss and their hardening bodies pressed tighter. C’mon. Come back to bed.

    Gotta go to work.

    We’re the bosses. We can be a few minutes late. He slid his hands up under Carlos’s shirt, sliding his palms over smooth skin and muscle. When he found Carlos’s nipples and flicked them, Carlos groaned. Mike smiled against Carlos’s mouth. He knew all his good spots, the ones that could make him moan and drop to his knees. Wanna suck me?


    Carlos’s hands were already at the button and zipper of his shorts, and when they delved inside to grip him, heat surged right to Mike’s balls. His dick leaped at Carlos’s touch, and when Carlos lowered himself to the floor, it was his turn to groan. Mike’s head fell back, his hands slid into Carlos’s hair, and when Carlos’s mouth closed over his cock, his mind went hazy and sensation rocked through his body. Carlos’s sure hands freed his balls from his boxer briefs, cupping them with one hand, holding his dick with the other as he licked it up and down.

    Fuck, Mike moaned. Fuck, I love your mouth.

    Carlos made a noise in his throat, then lifted Mike’s dick and set his tongue to his balls, lapping at them with long, wet strokes that sent Mike’s mind spinning into uselessness. His hands tightened on Carlos’s head and his hips thrust helplessly toward the other man’s face.

    Oh yeah. Yeah…love that. Suck ’em. Suck my balls.

    Carlos obliged and took one testicle into his mouth, tonguing it, sucking it, then releasing it with a soft pop. He did the same to the other, then traced his tongue up the puckered seam, lingering at the base of his shaft. Mike’s chest tightened and sweat broke out on his forehead as Carlos set fire to every nerve ending in his body. Then Carlos took him in his mouth again, fiery wet, his tongue swirling around the sensitive head, his mouth pulling on him in hungry draws. Christ, he was good at this.

    Mike’s thighs tensed as pressure built inside his balls, and when Carlos’s teeth caught the tender rim of his cock, exquisite pain flashed through him and heated his veins. He gave a guttural cry.

    Carlos’s hands disappeared. Mike lifted his weighted head to look down and saw Carlos opening his own zipper, pulling out his dick, hard and pulsing with heavy veins. Carlos fisted himself and began to pump in quick, hard strokes. Then Carlos fingered Mike’s balls again, his mouth sliding up and down his shaft in a sublime rhythm, and Mike’s skin buzzed in anticipation. Tingles built at the base of his spine, hotter, faster. Carlos continued to jack himself as he sucked Mike, and then…fuck! Sensation exploded through Mike’s nerves, up his spine and shooting out his dick as he came, hard, pulsing against Carlos’s lips and tongue.

    Fuck! He gripped Carlos’s hair, his body bowed and tensed. Oh Christ…yeah.

    When he stopped pulsing moments later, Carlos drew back, letting Mike’s semi-hard and wet cock fall with one last sweep of his tongue over the head that made him twitch. Carlos looked up at him, his mouth wet, dark eyes gleaming, still stroking his own cock. Gonna come, he mumbled.

    Let me. Mike grabbed Carlos’s hand and yanked him up. Carlos fell against the counter and Mike let his shaky legs lower him to the floor. He shoved Carlos’s shirt up and kissed his groin, his belly, replacing Carlos’s hand on his cock with his own to resume the stroking. Carlos started to come immediately and Mike closed his mouth over him, let the taste of his come fill his mouth, sucking and swallowing, his eyes closed in delight. His body still pulsed with his own orgasm as he filled his senses with the taste and scent of the other man, the weight of him on his tongue. Heat washed over him, and then he released Carlos, sank to sit on the floor and leaned against the cupboards.

    Holy shit. He wiped his mouth.

    Carlos slid down to sit beside him and they slumped into each other, forehead to sweaty forehead, panting. Yeah.

    Silence surrounded them as the thudding of his heart in his ears gradually faded. Love you, babe.

    I know.

    They both grinned.

    Chapter Two

    Mike wasn’t sure why he was there.

    He opened the door and walked into the gallery on Saturday afternoon—not the type of place he usually hung out. Cool air washed over him in contrast to the hot summer day outside. Soft music played somewhere in the background, some kind of jazzy saxophone music. To his surprise, a number of customers filled the store, some looking at images hung on the wall, a man and woman talking to another woman who appeared to work there. The murmur of their voices echoed a little in the space with its high ceiling, white walls and gleaming hardwood floor.

    He didn’t see Jules anywhere in the space. Had he come there for nothing?

    Well, even if she wasn’t there, curiosity about her work had driven him there. And to be honest, curiosity about her. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but this classy, elegant space wasn’t it.

    Tiny lights suspended from the ceiling artfully lit the work on the walls and he wandered over to look at some of them. There were no nude photos at all that he could see, rather, some incredible landscape photographs—stark black and white images of bare trees, sand dunes, rock formations, then colorful images of what appeared to be beaches in a tropical location. He surveyed them, slowly walking past. Another area featured portraits, but all unusual—an elderly Asian woman with sad eyes and a heavily wrinkled face, a man sitting on a bench near a beach, clearly homeless, head bowed with defeat, a little girl in a ballet tutu sitting on the floor looking up at someone or something with sad longing on her small face.

    Mike paused in front of that one, his chest clenching. Then he shook his head. Obviously she was a talented photographer if one of her images could grab him like that.

    He passed through a wide opening in the wall, into another smaller gallery. Ah. Here were the nudes. Not as many photos as there were in the front part of the gallery, in fact there were very few, some black and white, some color. Some were of very specific body parts only—a round breast with a tightly puckered dark nipple. A seductive curve of a hip and thigh. He blinked as he studied the close-up of a woman’s vulva, naked of any hair and gleaming with oil. He stood there for a long moment, staring at that one, unable to take his eyes off it. Damn.

    His cock stirred in his shorts, which luckily were baggy.

    None of the images showed a face. Even if it was a full body image, the model’s face was usually in shadow or turned away from the camera.

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