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Supernatural Annointing
Supernatural Annointing
Supernatural Annointing
Ebook73 pages2 hours

Supernatural Annointing

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This book is for those who want to understand how to minister under a supernatural anointing that will cascade into every area of their life.  It will equip the reader with the necessary tools to fulfill their God given potential.
PublisherM-Y Books
Release dateNov 14, 2015
Supernatural Annointing

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    Supernatural Annointing - Joseph Boadu


    Understanding supernatural anointing

    Zechariah 4:6 …’Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts.

    God is Spirit. He is all-powerful, all knowing and is not limited to time, space or natural laws. He is in essence supernatural since the word supernatural is defined as that which exists outside the boundaries of nature or that which is not subject to explanation according to the laws of nature. The word anointing is defined as the act of applying oil or an oily liquid to something. As such supernatural anointing in our context refers to the application of the power of God in a given context to have an effect that goes beyond the established laws of nature.

    Whilst the anointing speaks of ability or enablement, the supernatural speaks of that which is spiritual and beyond the realm of natural possibilities. Ministering under supernatural anointing therefore is where one’s service or activity is rooted from the spirit and influenced by the divine.

    We must never confuse the supernatural with the spectacular. Whilst the supernatural may at times be spectacular and dramatic, often it is inconspicuous and may appear ordinary. What makes it significant is if its source is spiritual or if that which is supernatural empowers it. Throughout this study, unless explicitly stated otherwise, we will be examining supernatural anointing exercised through the power of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Bible.

    The origin of the practice of anointing

    The practice of anointing originated from the shepherds of old. Insects such as lice or fleas would often get into the wool of sheep posing a life threatening danger if they got near the sheep’s head and burrowed into their ears. Ancient shepherds therefore poured oil on the sheep’s head making it impossible for insects to get near their ears because the insects would slide off due to the slippery effect of the oil. Through the ages the practice of anointing became symbolic of blessing, protection, and empowerment. It was used in the Old Testament to anoint priests (Leviticus 16:32), prophets, and kings (1Kings 19:16). It was also seen as a marker of the endorsement of God. It spoke of His empowerment for a specific office, and His protection upon the life of those being anointed as they fulfilled their duties. This effect of the anointing still holds true today for those God anoints.

    As mentioned earlier, it is important for us to note that anointing is the application of oil to something in order for it to become effective or productive. In the case of sheep, it was in order for them to stay alive and be useful for their owners. In our case, it would be God’s influence upon what we already have in order to make us more effective or productive in whatever endeavor we are engaged in. There is no such thing as anointing nothing! Something or someone has to be offered to God for Him to anoint. What I am trying to say is that anointing speaks of an empowerment to ability already in existence – either latent or in use. It is in essence God’s super on our natural abilities, resulting in supernatural ability or supernatural anointing! We are called not only to impact our world with our natural abilities as witnesses of Jesus Christ; we are also called to be His witnesses through the supernatural empowerment of the Holy Spirit upon those same natural abilities:

    Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

    The word power in this verse is from the Greek word dunamis; which refers to power, strength or ability. It is inherent power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or power which a person or thing exerts and puts forth. Thus the power our Lord refers to is inherent to the Holy Spirit – miraculous power. It is miraculous power not limited to the context of religious observance but applies to every context of life, which according to Strongs Concordance include:

    Moral power and excellence of soul

    The power and influence which belong to riches and wealth

    Power and resources arising from numbers

    Power consisting in or resting upon armies, forces, hosts

    Our call to minister under supernatural anointing is to whatever facet of life, field of study, or place of employment one is engaged in. From the world of business, to entertainment, sports to politics, education, religion or family, wherever we find ourselves, we are called to exhibit the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit as evidence of the reality and relevance of Jesus Christ and His kingdom to our world and people group.

    The purpose of supernatural anointing

    Mark 16:20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

    One may be forgiven for believing that the anointing is given as a badge of honor or a sign of divine approval if we were to look at how some anointed folk behave. The truth of the matter is that one can be anointed and still be completely deceived and out of the will of God. The best example of this is the most anointed created being who became Satan:

    Ezekiel 28:14 I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire.

    As anointed and as beautiful as Satan was, it

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