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Roadless Rules: The Struggle for the Last Wild Forests
Roadless Rules: The Struggle for the Last Wild Forests
Roadless Rules: The Struggle for the Last Wild Forests
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Roadless Rules: The Struggle for the Last Wild Forests

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Roadless Rules is a fast-paced and insightful look at one of the most important, wide-ranging, and controversial efforts to protect public forests ever undertaken in the United States.
In January 2000, President Clinton submitted to the Federal Register the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, prohibiting road construction and timber harvesting in designated roadless areas. Set to take effect sixty days after Clinton left office, the rule was immediately challenged by nine lawsuits from states, counties, off-road-vehicle users, and timber companies. The Bush administration refused to defend the rule and eventually sought to replace it with a rule that invited governors to suggest management policies for forests in their states. That rule was attacked by four states and twenty environmental groups and declared illegal.
Roadless Rules offers a fascinating overview of the creation of the Clinton roadless rule and the Bush administration’s subsequent replacement rule, the controversy generated, the response of the environmental community, and the legal battles that continue to rage more than seven years later. It explores the value of roadless areas and why the Clinton rule was so important to environmentalists, describes the stakeholder groups involved, and takes readers into courtrooms across the country to hear critical arguments.
Author Tom Turner considers the lessons learned from the controversy, arguing that the episode represents an excellent example of how the system can work when all elements of the environmental movement work together—local groups and individuals determined to save favorite places, national organizations that represent local interests but also concern themselves with national policies, members of the executive branch who try to serve the public interest but need support from outside, and national organizations that use the legal system to support progress achieved through legislation or executive action.
PublisherIsland Press
Release dateApr 14, 2010
Roadless Rules: The Struggle for the Last Wild Forests

Tom Turner

Tom Turner has worked at the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, and Earthjustice. He is the author of Wild by Law; Sierra Club: 100 Years of Protecting Nature; Justice on Earth; Roadless Rules; and hundreds of articles and op-eds on the environment.

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    Roadless Rules - Tom Turner

    About Island Press

    Since 1984, the nonprofit Island Press has been stimulating, shaping, and communicating the ideas that are essential for solving environmental problems worldwide. With more than 800 titles in print and some 40 new releases each year, we are the nation's leading publisher on environmental issues. We identify innovative thinkers and emerging trends in the environmental field. We work with world-renowned experts and authors to develop cross-disciplinary solutions to environmental challenges.

    Island Press designs and implements coordinated book publication campaigns in order to communicate our critical messages in print, in person, and online using the latest technologies, programs, and the media. Our goal: to reach targeted audiences—scientists, policymakers, environmental advocates, the media, and concerned citizens—who can and will take action to protect the plants and animals that enrich our world, the ecosystems we need to survive, the water we drink, and the air we breathe.

    Island Press gratefully acknowledges the support of its work by the Agua Fund, Inc., Annenberg Foundation, The Christensen Fund, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, The Educational Foundation of America, Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The Kendeda Fund, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation, Oak Foundation, The Overbrook Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The Summit Fund of Washington, Trust for Architectural Easements, Wallace Global Fund, The Winslow Foundation, and other generous donors.

    The opinions expressed in this book are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of our donors.

    About Earthjustice

    EARTHJUSTICE, the nation's largest public interest environmental law firm, has been fighting for years to preserve roadless public lands from abuse at the hands of governmental and private interests. It's a significant part of the organization's mission to protect the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of the earth, and defend the right of all people to a healthy environment.

    Earthjustice represents—without charge—hundreds of organizations, commercial and sport fishermen, scientists, outfitters, Native communities, and others. Most of the firm's work is in federal courts and before federal agencies, but it also deals at the state level and in other arenas. A true advocacy organization, Earthjustice augments its legal work with public information and education campaigns and public events.

    Roadless Rules

    The Struggle for the Last Wild Forests




    Washington • Covelo • London

    © 2009, Island Press

    All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher: Island Press, Suite 300, 1718 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009

    ISLAND PRESS is a trademark of the Center for Resource Economics.


    Turner, Tom.

          Roadless rules : the struggle for the last wild forests / Tom Turner.

                 p. cm.

          Includes bibliographical references.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-59726-439-6 (cloth : alk. paper)

    ISBN-10: 1-59726-439-3 (cloth : alk. paper)

    ISBN-13: 978-1-59726-440-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)

    ISBN-13: 978-1-59726-439-6 (Electronic)

    ISBN-10: 1-59726-440-7 (pbk. : alk. paper)

    1. Forest conservation—Government policy—United States—History. 2. Forest roads—Government policy—United States—History. 3. Forest policy—Government policy—United States—History. I. Title.

          SD412.T87 2009



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    Keywords: Roadless Area Conservation Rule, national forests, environmental campaign, Earthjustice, environmental law

    Roads are the premier technology of empire, of centralization and homogenization . . . they are the literal avenues of conquest and colonialism. —STEPHANIE MILLS

    As long as roads cut through wild country, they will hold the land vulnerable to future whims. The road running through this meadow is nothing more than a potholed portal for bad ideas, a puncture wound that won't heal, allowing human fallibility to flow unchecked into the delicate heart of healthy land. —GUY HAND

    We now live in an America that is so vastly roaded and so thoroughly motorized that there is almost no place beyond easy reach of the recreational driver. —DAVID HAVLICK

    Put roads into unroaded country and you sign a warrant of ill health or even death for numerous species. —TED KERASOTE

    Where roads go, the life there in its million forms suffers, shrinks, pales, dies. —PHIL CONDON

    Thanks to the interstate highway system, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything. —CHARLES KURALT



    1 Introduction

    2 Showdown in Cheyenne

    3 The Road to Roadlessness

    4 Why a Roadless Rule?

    5 The Untold Story of the Pew Charitable Trusts

    6 The Rule Goes Final, the Lawsuits Fly

    7 The Economic and Spiritual Value of Roadless Areas

    8 Shootouts in Idaho and Wyoming

    9 The Biological Value of Roadless Areas

    10 Skullduggery in Alaska

    11 Hunters and Anglers Get Riled Up

    12 A New Rule is Proposed

    13 Historical Digression

    14 The New Rule Is Challenged

    15 The Petition Polka I

    16 The Bush Rule Is Blocked

    17 The Petition Polka II

    18 The Game Is Up

    Appendix 1: Roadless Area Acreage by State

    Appendix 2: Timeline of the Roadless Rule

    Appendix 3: Case Citations and Statutes

    Appendix 4: Glossary




    I AM GRATEFUL TO MANY PEOPLE for giving of their time and insights in helping me untangle this very complex story. First is Mike Dombeck, one of the heroes of the story, who was chief of the USDA Forest Service when the roadless rule was conceived and enacted. Dombeck's boss, Jim Lyons, was helpful and generous as well. Also Chris Wood, then a special advisor to Dombeck, later a staffer at Trout Unlimited and a key member of the Roadless Area Conservation National Advisory Committee. And Jim Furnish, whom Dombeck plucked from the Siuslaw National Forest in Oregon and brought to Washington to help shake up an inertia-bound bureaucracy.

    On the other side of the issue is Mark Rey, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment in the Bush administration, a former lobbyist for the timber industry, whom people in the environmental community tend to see as the arch villain. He was nonetheless gracious and helpful, knowing full well that I was affiliated with an organization that has sued him countless times, and I'm grateful for his consenting to an extensive interview. Much of what he says is disputed by partisans on the other side, of course, but I thought it only fair to give Mr. Rey free rein to express his views, which he was happy to do.

    At its heart, this a story of the interplay between litigation and public policy, with plenty of politics and vast dollops of community organizing thrown in for good measure. From the conservation community I was greatly assisted by Mike Francis of The Wilderness Society, Mat Jacobson and Rob Vandermark of the Heritage Forests Campaign, Suellen Lowry of the Noah Alliance, Josh Reichert and Steve Kallick of the Pew Charitable Trusts Environment Group, Ken Rait of the Campaign for America's Wilderness, and Marty Hayden of Earthjustice.

    The legal team that preserved the roadless rule through six-plus years of relentless attacks by industry and several states, working hand in hand with officials in the George W. Bush administration, includes Kristen Boyles, Todd True, Abigail Dillen, Deirdre McDonnell, Doug Honnold, Tim Preso, Jim Angell, and Tom Waldo of Earthjustice; Niel Lawrence of the Natural Resources Defense Council; Pat Parenteau of the Vermont Law School; and Claudia Polsky, an Earthjustice alumna now with the California Environmental Protection Agency. Heroes all, and all helpful.

    I also wish to thank Peter Barnes and the Common Counsel Foundation, which run the Mesa Refuge at Point Reyes Station, California, where I was able to spend two quiet and productive weeks working on the early stages of the manuscript. Finally, I am grateful to Barbara Dean of Island Press, who was encouraging right from the start and offered many useful suggestions.

    1 Introduction

    ROADS ARE CENTRAL TO HUMAN CULTURE. We sing about roads (Route 66, On the Road to Mandalay, Hit the Road, Jack, The Coming of the Roads). We write poems about roads (The Road Not Taken, The Silk Road). We study roads in school (the Appian Way, the Anasazi roads in the American Southwest). We write books about roads (On the Road, Blue Highways). We make metaphors of roads (take the high road, the road to fame and fortune, the road to hell is paved with good intentions).

    But roads are also tangible creations that have been around since the invention of the wheel, if not longer. A loose consensus has it that wheels were first invented for spinning clay into plates, cups, and pots around 3500 BC. The first use of the wheel in transportation is thought to have occurred around three hundred years later.

    Roads make our society and our economy possible. Roads allow cars, trucks, and buses to move from place to place, carrying goods and passengers. Those vehicles, in turn, have transformed our economics, our politics, our social interactions, our habits, our behavior, and our ways of viewing the world. They have opened once-remote areas to development. They have made life easier in many ways. They have also made it faster, more polluted, and less stable. Struggles over fuel to keep the engines running have dominated current events for decades, and, at present, concern over global climate change is causing hard reinvestigation of the effects of burning gasoline and diesel fuel to power our millions of vehicles.

    But this is not a story about automobiles or trucks or petroleum. It is a story about wildlands that have been spared from the road builders, at least so far: some deliberately, some accidentally, some by default, and some as the result of perhaps the most extensive public environmental campaign in the nation's history.

    So powerful, symbolically and physically, are roads and the idea of roads, that the lands that concern us here—undeveloped parts of our national forests—are defined by what they don't have: roads. They are called roadless areas. They could as well be called resortless areas, or prisonless areas, or universityless areas, but they are roadless areas, because it is roads that lead to all the rest.

    Nearly 400,000 miles of roads on the 193 million acres in the country's 155 national forests and national grasslands have led to a stunning volume of destruction. Hillsides have been clear-cut, leading to landslides that have destroyed homes and wrecked spawning beds for salmon, trout, and many other aquatic species. Roads have led to the decimation of numerous populations of wildlife—the northern spotted owl and the northern Rockies grizzly bear, to name just two. Roads have made it possible for alien species to invade, gain a foothold, and spread, crowding out native species, bringing instability to ecosystems, and costing the economy billions of dollars. In fact, it is now estimated that this invasion of exotic species poses as serious a problem to native wildlife as habitat destruction does.

    It is possible to obliterate roads (decommission them is how the Forest Service tends to refer to the practice) and restore landscapes, vegetation, wildlife populations, and streams, but it is expensive, and the backlog of roads needing attention is enormous. Once built, most roads remain in place for many years. Every road buries land that could be used for something else; destroys habitat for myriad creatures, if only the tiny, nearly invisible ones; and is likely to increase erosion that eventually ends up in one waterway or another.

    In addition, roads have increased the risk and severity of wildfire. They have left unsightly scars that persist for decades. Finally, roads have led to the replacement of verdant, complex, ancient ecosystems with tree farms, where all the trees are the same age and the same species. The lack of diversity makes such areas poor habitat for many species that once thrived in the undisturbed forests and increases the forests' vulnerability to pests and disease.

    In the following chapters, you will read about the Roadless Area Conservation Rule put in place at the end of the Bill Clinton administration to protect vulnerable national forest lands, and a substitute rule that the George W. Bush administration issued to replace the Clinton rule. The Bush rule invited governors to propose management schemes for the national forests in their states. We explain why the Clinton Roadless Rule was deemed necessary and how it came to be. We discuss why and how the Bush administration and its allies tried to undo it. We speak of the value of roadless areas—not just in dollars, but also for wildlife habitat, watershed protection, recreation, and the many other contributions these areas offer. We discuss the massive, unprecedented grassroots effort that pushed the Roadless Area Conservation Rule into being and kept pushing to force the inclusion of the Tongass National Forest in its purview, then rose again to defend the rule once the political tides changed. And we offer an extensive history and analysis of the legal battles concerning the two rules that raged back and forth for a half-dozen years and more—and in fact have yet to end. They may never end.

    The campaign for the Roadless Rule has been the most extensive national environmental campaign yet waged in the United States, combining grassroots organizing in nearly every state; massive infusions of philanthropic support; support from hunters and anglers, religious leaders, scientists, and the outdoor recreation industry; relentless lobbying of Congress and the executive branch; and complex and extremely long-lived litigation that kept the rule in place in the face of hostile opposition.

    This is what drew me to the story in the late 1990s. My organization, Earthjustice, where I've worked since 1986 as a writer and editor, was involved in protecting the nation's wildlands from the start, from well before the Roadless Rule itself came into being. At first it was very similar to a hundred other battles over the fate of public lands, but it veered into new territory when the Bush administration abandoned the legal defense of the Roadless Rule, and the private environmental organizations stepped into the breach and kept the rule alive for a half-dozen years and beyond.

    I believe this is a story to be learned from and, mostly, emulated. It was, and still is, an example of how the system can work when all the pieces fall into place, with cooperation among all the elements of the environmental movement—local groups and individuals determined to protect favored spots; national organizations that may represent local interests but also concern themselves with national policies; members of the executive branch who go into government to serve the public interest, but still need support from outside; and, finally, national organizations that concentrate on using the legal system to backstop progress achieved in the legislative arena or via federal rules and executive orders. Without these lawyers, the rest could be in vain.

    As long as there are valuable trees standing on public lands, there will be someone wanting to cut them down and feed them into sawmills and pulp mills. So far, many millions of acres have been spared by the Roadless Rule and many other efforts for people here now and for those yet to come.

    A note on sources: I conducted extensive interviews with the principal players in the story—Mike Dombeck, Mark Rey, Jim Lyons, Marty Hayden, Josh Reichert, Steve Kallick, Mat Jacobson, and many others. Unless otherwise noted, the quotes in the text are taken from those interviews.

    Likewise, I use extensive quotes from legal briefs and motions and from published court opinions, which are cited in appendix 3. The briefs are part of the various court records available from the relevant courts. Some are available online through the courts. Most are available from Westlaw, an electronic legal archive. Some are posted on various organizations' web sites. There are vast stores of information, legal and otherwise, on the Forest Service's web site (, and from the web sites of the Heritage Forests Campaign (, Earthjustice (, The Wilderness Society (, and many other organizations that participated in the struggle and continue to do so.

    2 Showdown in Cheyenne

    IT IS A BRIGHT DAY near the end of October 2007. The stark, faceless Joseph C. Mahoney Center in Cheyenne, Wyoming, crouches across the way from the beautiful old state capitol with its golden dome gleaming in the morning sun. The wind is blowing a fierce gale, whipping autumn leaves up and down the sidewalks. Inside the courthouse, a hearing is about to get under way before the honorable Clarence Brimmer, Wyoming District Court judge.

    Clarence Addison Brimmer Jr. is, in many ways, a prototypical twentieth-century westerner, determined to preserve the way of life that produced him, even in the face of vast changes. Brimmer was born in Rawlins, Wyoming, in 1922 and attended the University of Michigan for both undergraduate and

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