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Kindred Spirits
Kindred Spirits
Kindred Spirits
Ebook306 pages4 hours

Kindred Spirits

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A case of mistaken identity spells trouble for Gabriel Ash and Hazel Best in this intriguing mystery.

A kidnap attempt outside the school gates in broad daylight convinces Gabriel Ash that his renegade wife is trying to steal their sons from him. Only the intervention of his friend Constable Hazel Best kept them safe. It’s a simple if alarming explanation, but is it the truth? Hazel uncovers disturbing information about another crime, the repercussions of which are still threatening innocent lives seventeen years later.

Once again Hazel finds herself at loggerheads with her superiors. Did they really conspire to protect a murderer? And this time she isn’t getting the support she needs from Ash. She’d thought they were kindred spirits: now she’s not sure what his motives are.

One thing is certain: with her life in imminent danger, Hazel’s going to need friends like never before …
PublisherSevern House
Release dateSep 1, 2018
Kindred Spirits

Jo Bannister

Jo Bannister started her career as a journalist after leaving school at sixteen to work on a local weekly newspaper. Shortlisted for several prestigious awards, she was editor of the County Down Spectator for some years before leaving to pursue her writing full time. She is the author of the Brodie Farrell mystery series, which began with Echoes of Lies (2001).

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    Book preview

    Kindred Spirits - Jo Bannister


    The woman said, ‘You know what to do?’

    The man said, ‘Yes.’

    The woman said, ‘Don’t make any mistakes. You won’t get a second chance.’

    The man said, ‘There won’t be any mistakes.’

    The woman said, ‘You have the photograph?’

    The man sighed. ‘Yes, I have the photograph. I have made copies of the photograph. Everybody will have one. Anyway …’ He didn’t continue.

    The woman raised an eyebrow. ‘Anyway what?’

    ‘She shouldn’t be difficult to spot. How many Chinese girls do you think will be outside the school at chucking-out time?’

    ‘I don’t know,’ the woman said pointedly. ‘Neither do you. That’s what the photograph is for. So you can be sure.’

    The man nodded. ‘I’ll be sure.’

    ‘The hired help. You can count on them?’


    ‘How much do they know?’

    ‘Almost nothing. Just enough to do the job.’

    ‘Where did you find them?’

    ‘Up north. And they’ll be on their way back there as soon as their job is done and they’ve handed over their … consignment.’

    ‘They know not to hurt the children?’

    The man bridled. ‘Of course they know not to hurt the children.’ His head turned and he looked past her. ‘Where’s the wall-art?’

    The woman smiled. A cold, cold smile. ‘Where people wandering into my office won’t see it, of course. Don’t worry, it’s safe. Personally, I’d as soon have a nice print of The Monarch of the Glen, but perhaps I’m a philistine. The main thing is, it’s back where it belongs. No one on this earth has a better right to it.’

    ‘You won’t tell’ – discretion won – ‘anybody?’

    Her gaze was withering. ‘Who would I tell? Who would I trust with that kind of information? Who deserves to know? This is our secret, yours and mine. And I know I’ll keep it safe, so you’d better be sure you do too.’

    He shook his head. ‘I have as much to lose as you have.’

    ‘More, in fact.’ She looked him up and down, seemed to find him wanting. ‘The only thing that ever really mattered to me, I’ve already lost.’

    He had no answer to that. ‘This will be over soon. Then …’ Frowning, he couldn’t find a suitable end for the sentence. That painting she saw no merit in, that oblong of ancient paint on ancient canvas, had been valued at millions. To him, and to her, it was just a symbol, but an important symbol. It meant that a quest which had dominated so much of his life was entering the end-game. Right now he couldn’t imagine what they’d do with themselves, what they’d talk about, what would occupy their thoughts, when it was finished.

    The woman said, ‘Just don’t make any mistakes. I’ve waited long enough.’


    Gabriel Ash pivoted on his heel, gazing up at the shelves stacked to the ceiling, and considered the distinct possibility that he’d gone mad. Again.

    If there was ever a time in the history of the printed word not to be opening a bookshop, surely it was now. Hardly anyone he knew bought books. He didn’t know that many people who read books, but those who did bought them on-line, and more often than not downloaded them digitally to one of those … gadgets. Perhaps he was the last man in England – the last man in the civilised world – to enjoy the sensation, both sensual and intellectual, of paper pages curling away under his fingers. Of words, and the ideas they encoded, waiting for him to find them – and staying close at hand after he’d read them, in case he needed to flick back a page or two to check something. If he was, his venture was doomed before it had even started.

    It wasn’t as if he had any experience of the book business. He’d never run a bookshop before. He’d never worked in a bookshop, or any other kind of shop. He’d taken the gamble for two reasons, and only one of them was good. He had to open his own shop because he didn’t think anyone would employ him in theirs, and in that he was probably correct. And he’d chosen to stock it with books for the commercially absurd reason that he didn’t think they would attract too many customers. Gabriel Ash had spent too long as a recluse to be comfortable with crowds now.

    The one saving grace of the whole enterprise was that he didn’t need it to make much money. He’d be satisfied if it broke even in the first three years. He wasn’t working because he needed an income, he was doing it because he needed to work. He had two young sons to raise, and it seemed to him that one of the best things he could teach them was that the way to get the life you wanted was to work for it.

    Almost as if she’d read his mind, the young woman standing high on the stepladder feeding the last few books into the top shelves turned her head and smiled down at him. ‘It’s time I went for the boys.’

    Ash looked at his new watch. He hadn’t worn one for so long that the strap was still irritating his wrist. ‘Frankie will meet you at the school gates.’ His gaze dipped, embarrassed. ‘I wanted her here too. She’s part of the family now.’

    Hazel Best regarded him fondly. Coming from a man both physically and intellectually substantial, that schoolboy diffidence still had the power to charm her. ‘Of course she is. She’s the best thing that’s happened to you since … since …’

    ‘Since you,’ said Gabriel Ash simply.

    Hazel jumped the last three steps to the ground with a grin. ‘And don’t you forget it. I’ll be about fifteen minutes. If you can refrain from reading the merchandise, you’ll have the last of the stock on the shelves by the time the mayor arrives to cut the ribbon.’

    Ash looked up and down his new shop, daunted by the task he’d taken on. ‘I’m still not sure about this cataloguing system.’

    ‘For today,’ Hazel said firmly, ‘all that matters is emptying the cardboard boxes and filling the shelves. Just do that. From tomorrow you can arrange the books alphabetically, by subject, or even by the colour of the covers, in the gaps between customers.’

    Ash suspected he’d be able to write some new books in the gaps between customers. But he said, ‘Go get the boys. Patience and I will finish up.’

    After she’d gone, he emptied the last box onto the long table running down the centre of the shop, and attempted to find logical places for its contents on the fast-filling shelves.

    When it was done, he glanced at his assistant. ‘What do you think?’

    Patience gave a non-committal shrug with her eyebrows. Not really my field of expertise.

    ‘You think it’s mine?’

    It’s your shop.

    Ash sighed. ‘Humour me, will you? Just tell me the books look fine, the shop looks fine, everything’s going to be OK.’

    His assistant gave this some thought. Then: There aren’t enough blue ones.

    ‘Blue …?’ He hadn’t even thought of the colours. But she was right, the shelves were heavily weighted towards the red end of the spectrum. Ash fought the urge to pull all the books out and start again. Then he frowned. ‘I thought you were colour-blind.’

    Believe that, yawned Patience, and you’d believe anything. And that’s the mayor’s car arriving.

    She was never wrong about sounds. Or smells. Ash raked a distracted hand through his thick dark hair and hurried to the door, pinning in place a smile that he hoped looked competent and welcoming, and not harassed and confused which was what he felt. ‘Your Worship. Welcome to Rambles With Books. It’s very kind of you to perform the official opening.’

    Norbold’s mayor was a stout, astute man who sold shoes for a living. He’d put on his chain of office but not his robes and certainly not the hat with the plume in it, which he considered ridiculous and donned only for state occasions. ‘Funny name,’ he remarked, tilting his head back to scrutinise the new signage. ‘Still, ours is called Parsons, so who am I to judge?’ He extended an arm. ‘This is my lady wife, Mrs Parsons.’

    In contrast to her husband, the mayoress positively relished a fancy hat. Hers had both plumes and beads on it, and she wore a lighter version of the mayoral chain about her narrower shoulders.

    ‘Madam Mayoress.’ Ash hoped that was the correct form of address. ‘I’m Gabriel Ash. And this is Patience.’

    A mayoress has to attend a lot of events she wouldn’t choose to. The ability to look at least mildly interested at a school play, a cattle show or a ball-bearing production line is an important qualification for the job. Audrey Parsons had climbed down from the mayoral Rover with polite interest pinned securely in place, ready to make admiring noises about the town’s new bookshop for the twenty minutes this was going to take, for the sake of the love she bore her husband.

    But at the sight of Patience, waiting by the door, her expression changed – warmed, softened, became animated. ‘What a delightful little doggie!’

    Patience rolled her toffee-coloured eyes at Ash, and in the privacy of her head she said, The things I do for you!

    Ash ushered them inside, taking them on a brief tour of the shop. Returning to the table where Hazel had laid out his mother’s silver tea set, he glanced apologetically at his watch. ‘My sons were supposed to be here to show you round.’

    Mrs Parsons took the cup he offered. ‘How old are they?’

    ‘Seven and nine. My friend Miss Best went for them in her car. Do you know Miss Best?’

    The first citizens exchanged a significant glance. Oh yes, they knew Miss Best.

    ‘I expect they’ll be here in a minute,’ said Ash, a shade desperately as he ran out of small talk. ‘Something must have held them up.’

    ‘That must be it,’ agreed the mayoress, while the mayor helped himself to the smoked salmon sandwiches.

    Hazel pulled up outside the school just as the boys spilled into the playground. She spotted the diminutive, self-assured figure of their nanny Frankie Kelly waiting by the wrought-iron gates, then shifted her attention to the parking space that was opening up as a big 4x4 trundled off with its cargo of small children.

    So she didn’t see the start of the incident. Even the sound of children screaming was not enough to distract her from claiming the space. It was her experience that young children needed very little excuse to scream, and several hundred of them had just been released from classroom confinement with energy to burn. They were running and bumping into one another, and dropping their school bags and yelling and laughing and, yes, screaming, just as they did at this time five days every week.

    Then one voice reached her through the general din, and it was a voice she knew. It was only one word – ‘Frankie!’ – but Hazel knew that shocked tone was no part of playground histrionics. Gilbert Ash, aged nine going on thirty, was not a child for football, or running round with a gang of mates, or shouting mindlessly because other boys were doing it. He was a quiet, stubborn, difficult, intelligent boy, and getting him to ask for help was like pulling teeth. But Hazel knew instantly that he needed help now, and she was shrugging out of her seatbelt, abandoning her car still halfway into the road, before she was aware she’d made the decision to.

    Hazel tended to act on instinct. It was a habit that had got her into trouble before now. And also, before now, had saved lives.

    What she saw, as she dodged between the cars, was a grey van backed up against the pavement with the rear doors open. One man – average height, average build, nondescript clothing – was bundling a small Asian woman into the back of the van while another was wrestling with two young boys. The boys were Ash’s sons, the woman was their nanny.

    There must have been forty parents, mostly mothers but some of them fathers, standing within a few metres; and they were decent people who would not have stinted the effort or even the risk involved to prevent a crime. But shock affects most people like a powerful tranquilliser. They freeze. They don’t know what to do. They wait for someone who might know what’s going on to give them a lead. None of those forty people lifted a hand to help, and it wasn’t because they were afraid for themselves or even for their children but because nothing in their lives before had prepared them for a kidnapping in broad daylight outside their local primary school.

    What set Hazel Best apart from the other people at the school gates that afternoon was the fact that she was no stranger to criminal activities. That was only partly because she was a police officer. Partly it was because she was a friend of Gabriel Ash.

    So instead of freezing, Hazel moved into overdrive. She fixed her eyes on the grey van, and used all the strength she could muster to force her way through the startled, confused, indecisive crowd until she reached the van.

    Whoever these men were, whatever their purpose, she didn’t think they’d consent to being arrested so she didn’t try. She used her momentum to ram shoulder-first into the man holding Frankie Kelly by the arm. As he staggered forward, Hazel bounced off him into the van’s back door, slamming it shut. It might only buy a few seconds, but you can’t force someone through a closed door. She flung one fist in his face, hoping he’d have ducked before he realised how little he had to fear from her, and grabbed Frankie with her other hand.

    By now the crowd was starting to react, to gather around the second man and the boys. A handful of them were moving purposefully towards the van. The man holding Frankie hesitated, then throwing her arm back at her reversed quickly towards the driver’s door. Two of the fathers moved to intercept him but he shoved them aside, banging the door shut behind him.

    There was a second’s pause then, where nobody seemed to know what came next. Hazel looked at the second man, who was holding Gilbert Ash’s wrist in one hand and Guy’s collar in the other, and he looked back at her with furious dislike. Then Frankie swung her bag – a substantial piece of kit that contained not only personal items but spare hankies, shoelaces and socks for the boys, a simple first-aid kit and a small selection of fruit to last them until dinner – with real venom, and the brass reinforced corner laid his cheek open.

    That was the end of it. By now everyone had recovered their wits and the power of movement, and there was no possibility that the two men could finish what they’d begun without producing a sub-machine gun. The one still on the street dropped Guy and slapped a palm to his bloody face; Gilbert writhed determinedly out of his grasp; the man pushed past Hazel and piled into the van beside his colleague, and the vehicle took off at speed, adults and children skipping out of its way.

    ‘Are you all right?’ Hazel shook Frankie’s arm to get her attention. ‘Frankie – are you all right?’ The other woman blinked rapidly several times and then nodded. ‘Gilbert, Guy – where are you?’ Hazel scanned the bank of agitated faces until she found them. ‘Are you all right? Are you sure?’ But they both nodded, and apart from Gilbert’s torn blazer and the tears on Guy’s face they seemed unharmed. ‘Stay here. Stay right here with me. I’m calling the police, and they’ll be here in two minutes.’

    She raised her voice. ‘I need everybody to stay right here. We’re all witnesses to a criminal act, and it’s important that we tell the police what we saw while it’s still fresh in our minds.’ Even as she was speaking she had her phone out, her fingers keying the number automatically.

    Before Hazel had finished speaking to Meadowvale Police Station, Elizabeth Lim had raced across the playground to the scene of the drama she’d seen unfolding from the principal’s office on the second floor of the secondary school next door. ‘Is everyone all right? Miss Kelly? Gilbert, Guy? Miss Best? You’re sure? Thank God for that. What happened?’

    Hazel used her free hand to calm the anxious teacher. ‘Everyone’s fine. The police are on their way. But I need to call Gabriel. I need to let him know there’s been an attempt to kidnap his children. Another one.’


    It was just as well Norbold wasn’t full of people itching to get into a bookshop, because even those few who were interested were barely through the doors before they were being turned out again. It was the shortest official opening anyone could remember, and it only lasted as long as it did because Hazel arrived at Rambles With Books in time to pour the mayor a second cup of tea. White-faced, Ash was already heading for his car before it occurred to him to ask where his sons were now.

    ‘Highfield Road,’ said Hazel. ‘Frankie’s with them, so are a couple of coppers. Just in case. Everybody’s fine, Gabriel – everybody but you. Don’t drive. The area car’s right behind me – they’ll take you home.’

    When she’d seen him safely dispatched, she returned to the shop. The mayor raised an interrogative eyebrow: Hazel replied with a sickly smile. ‘You didn’t really expect everything to go smoothly, did you?’

    Parsons gave a prodigious sniff. ‘I remember when Norbold were that quiet you could have a reign of terror with a balloon on a stick. Look at it now. Murders. Abductions. Drug dealers, corruption … What’s the place coming to?’

    Some sort of answer seemed to be required. ‘I wasn’t here when it was that quiet,’ said Hazel politely.

    ‘No,’ rumbled the mayor darkly. ‘I know you weren’t.’

    ‘This was Cathy,’ said Ash.

    Hazel felt her eyes rounding, her jaw dropping. ‘Someone saw her?’

    ‘No. She’s too smart to come here in person – she’s still too high on Scotland Yard’s wanted list. But this is her doing.’

    By the time Hazel was able to shut the shop and drive round to the big stone house in Highfield Road, Ash had got over his first, entirely natural reaction which was panic. The boys were indeed fine: Hazel hadn’t lied about that. Frankie too was largely intact, although she was going to have bracelets of bruising on both arms where she’d struggled with her assailant.

    Ash had tried to make her go to bed for an hour while they waited for Detective Inspector Gorman to arrive, but the tiny Filipino woman, with her sun-touched skin and her glossy black hair, only looked like a delicate doll. In fact she was as tough as a Royal Marine, and she was more concerned with calming her young charges than going to bed with a cup of hot sweet tea. She had lit a small fire in the sitting room – the June day was mild but there was a chill on every heart – and was kneeling in front of it with them, toasting marshmallows and talking quietly about what had happened. Hazel and Ash, and Patience, were in the kitchen.

    ‘I don’t see how that’s possible,’ said Hazel reasonably. ‘Cathy must be half a world away by now. She knows she’d be arrested on sight anywhere in Britain.’

    ‘Who else could it be?’ Ash was now struggling to contain his second entirely natural reaction, which was fury. ‘They’re not princes of the blood, or heirs to a great fortune. They’re two unremarkable young boys. The only people they have any value for are their father and their mother. We already know what Cathy would do to get them back. She killed one man. She almost killed me.’

    It was true. There had been a time when they’d thought Ash’s sons had been kidnapped to keep him from exercising his skills as a government security analyst. But that, it turned out, was Cathy too. His wife and sons had been living comfortably in Cambridge for four years while Ash, believing them dead, went mad with grief and guilt.

    Hazel sucked in an unsteady breath. ‘If it was her, she won’t stop because her hired hands got run out of town. You’re going to have to look at your security.’

    ‘What do you suggest? Bodyguards?’ He meant it as a joke. But before the words were out, Ash knew that was exactly the kind of security he would have to look into. They had been lucky at the school. The next attempt would be made somewhere quieter, with no bystanders to get in the way, when Wonder Woman was busy doing her laundry, when only Ash or Frankie stood between the boys and their mother’s twisted love, and it would succeed. Next time the hired hands would be hired guns.

    ‘Yes,’ said Hazel simply. ‘Gabriel, you need the best protection you can buy. Don’t wait until she tries again.’

    ‘I’m not sure how Dave Gorman will feel about that.’ Ash was finding it hard not to snarl at her, and that was crazy; he owed his sons’ safety to Hazel’s quick thinking, and he knew it and was incredibly grateful. But he was so wound up by the episode, so full of anger and adrenalin, that being in the same room with him was like cleaning out a tiger’s cage with the tiger still in it.

    ‘He won’t like it,’ agreed Hazel. ‘But it’s not his sons who are in danger. I promise you, if it was, he’d want the best too.’

    She tried to explain in a way that was fair to Detective Inspector Gorman without misleading her friend. ‘He’ll tell you that protecting the public is the job of the police. And he’s right. He’ll do his level best to keep the boys safe. But Norbold CID’s best is the area car running up and down the street two or three times a night. We don’t have the budget to do anything more. You need someone who has only one job to do, only one task to focus on, and that means a security expert specialising in close protection. I’ll make enquiries, if you like – help you find someone suitable.’

    It was a big step to take, to entrust the safety of his family to someone working outside law enforcement. It wouldn’t gain him any Brownie points at Meadowvale. ‘You really think it’s necessary?’

    Hazel’s eyebrows rocketed. ‘You don’t? Gabriel, if I’d hit traffic lights driving across town, you’d be sleeping in this house alone tonight. They were seconds away from succeeding. Those men would have pushed Frankie out of the van a mile up the road, got onto the motorway, changed cars at the first truck stop and vanished. We’ve been lucky to get a warning. We won’t get a second one.’

    The bell jangled at the front door, making both of them jump. DI Gorman wasn’t alone: he’d brought two of his DCs. Emma Friend went through into the sitting room to join the marshmallow brigade, Mark Lassiter went upstairs and pulled a chair near to Gilbert’s bedroom window, watching the street from the shadow of the curtain.

    Dave Gorman helped himself to coffee from the pot on the kitchen table. ‘Nasty business,’ he growled. ‘I take it we’re all thinking the same thing?’

    Ash nodded grimly. ‘Cathy.’

    ‘Have you heard from her recently?’

    Ash’s eyes widened briefly, then narrowed. ‘I haven’t heard from her at all. I promised to tell you if I did.’

    ‘No offence, Gabriel,’ said the detective. ‘Only, I know how you felt about this woman.’

    ‘That was before she traded my soul for a nice flat in Cambridge! I haven’t seen or heard from her since she left me bleeding on the floor of a houseboat on Ullswater. All right?’

    ‘All right,’ agreed Gorman. ‘I had to ask.’

    ‘Now you know the answer.’

    Gorman nodded. He

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