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Why did Jesus Say, Salvation is of the Jews?
Why did Jesus Say, Salvation is of the Jews?
Why did Jesus Say, Salvation is of the Jews?
Ebook172 pages2 hours

Why did Jesus Say, Salvation is of the Jews?

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What did Jesus mean when he said, "Salvation is of the Jews"? Jesus spoke this to a Samaritan woman who was not a Jew. At Jesus' time salvation was of the Jews because no other religion had the oracles of YHVH God. So Jesus came to seek and save the lost Gentiles, and the lost Jews. Jesus brought reformation to Judaism, which changed under Jesus' influence - so it again would be a channel for God's saving grace. And for the non-Jew, Jesus didn't come to start a new Christian Religion, Jesus came to gather that other flock (non-Jews) to his flock (Judaism) (John 10:16). so there would be one flock with one shepherd. All Jesus told us to do for salvation, is what Judaism practices; keeping YHVH 'law and the Prophets' (Matthew 5:17-20) and to worship YHVH alone (Matthew 4:10). Those in the Christian Church do neither because they have been deceived by the 'most cunning of beast', the serpent beast from the Garden of Eden. All of this and much more I will share in this book.
Release dateJan 31, 2021
Why did Jesus Say, Salvation is of the Jews?

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    Why did Jesus Say, Salvation is of the Jews? - Donald Werner



    It is my understanding that the Bible is God’s word, and its authority supersedes all other authority, including religious instruction, doctrines, creeds, traditions, and teachings.  Therefore all ‘truth seekers’ must be willing to honestly compare what their church/synagogue teaches to what the Scriptures alone teaches.  If you are willing to do that, be prepared to be surprised and amazed.

    The New Testament testifies to the eternal nature of God’s word (Old Testament or TANAK).  Jesus said not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until heaven and earth pass away.  And we have that same Old Testament or TANAK, telling us that YHVH’s Anointed Prophet will come and speak His words with His authority. (Deuteronomy 18:17-19).  And we have Peter, Stephen and John all three agreeing that Jesus was that Prophet (Acts 3:22-23, Acts 7:37 and Revelation 22:8-9).  So we have Jesus’ words and YHVH’s words both as YHVH God’s timeless eternal words, and we must highly exalt them and discard any words that may disagree with them.  God told us to keep His law and Prophets, Jesus told us to keep God’s law and Prophets, so anyone that says anything different must be ignored – or re-interpreted to agree with their eternal words.

    We all grow up believing what we were taught as children is the absolute truth, but if we keep studying the Holy Scriptures, sometimes we learn that it not true, and if that is the case, we must be willing to set aside what’s in our old understanding and conflicts with YHVH’s or Jesus’ words.

    2Thesolonians 2:10, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And we read in the Book of the Revelation, Revelation 12:9, So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; ...  Revelation 13:3, ... And all the world marveled and followed the beast. What Thesolonians and Revelation are referring to is going on today, don’t think of them as some far in the future events. The world is deceived and they don’t know it, and we can only be saved from the deception by being ‘truth seekers’.  That’s by finding the truth that will set us free from that deadly deception.

    Although some people will be offended by what they read in this book, please note that it is not my intentions of offend anyone.  I know that religion can be a personal thing for many people, and, I have no doubt that what I have to say will go against most people’s personal beliefs.  And I’m sorry if what I say offends you, my only intent is to share what I have learned in decades of Bible study so that others may be snatched from the jaws of eternal death.


    Let me start out by asking, Why did Jesus say, "Salvation is of the Jews"?  (John 4:22). To answer that question we have to ask ourselves, what was it about the Jewish religion that we need for salvation? Jesus said he came to us to ‘seek to save the lost’ (Luke 19:10), and he came ‘to save his people from their sins’ (Matthew 1:21).  Jesus came to show us the way to eternal life in YHVH’s kingdom. So what was it that Jesus said we had to do to be saved?  How was it that Jesus brought salvation to the lost Jews and the Gentiles?

    Jesus mission was a two prong effort.  First he had to fix what was broken about Judaism ("But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel"). So what was wrong with Judaism?  Before Jesus began his work, the world had only one group of people to which YHVH had revealed Himself, and His eternal word.  There was only one religion which was based on YHVH’s eternal word, (the law and the Prophets), and that religion was Biblical Judaism.  But, unfortunately, Judaism had become toxic over the centuries.  In Matthew 23 Jesus issues a number of Woes against the religious leaders because of the toxic behavior.  Matthew 23:23 pretty well sums up what the problem was, But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go inThe religion was so messed up that even the religious leaders worshiped in vain (Mark 7:7-8).  That’s why Jesus had to fix Judaism first.  And that he did, many of his teaching, preaching, parables, stories, commands and rebukes help shape Judaism into what it is today.  And his corrections made their way into Jewish teachings and beliefs.  Today, Judaism again welcomes in repentant sinners and converts so they can again worship YHVH.  Today’s Judaism acknowledges that while obedience to YHVH is required, the foundation for that relationship is love.  I can’t imagine the Pharisees we read about in the Gospels saying that. Jesus changed Judaism.

    Then the second prong was to gather the Gentiles into that reformed Judaism. ("And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd").  It is through our conformity to Biblical Judaism which is based on the Holy Scriptures (the ‘law and the Prophets’ (Matthew 5:17-20)) that we will be shaped into the type of characters that YHVH is still searching for, to populate His eternal Kingdom – true worshipers of YHVH.  Jesus said ‘salvation is of the Jews’. (John  4:22)  He didn’t mean that all Jews are saved, or we can be saved just by being a Jew, but rather only the teachings of Judaism has what it takes for us to saved.  This will become clear as we study this book.


    Chapter 1 – Jesus’ Words


    If Jesus disguised himself and walked into a Christian Church, he would perhaps be embraced as a visitor, and there would probably be plenty of smiles and handshakes.  All would be good and happy until he spoke what he said in the Gospels, and the Book of the Revelation.  He would then be told that he was wrong, and if doesn’t stop saying those things, he’d have to leave the church. 

    By just speaking what Jesus said in the Gospels, such as when he told us to keep YHVH’s ‘law and the Prophets" (Matthew 5:17-19) or to worship and serve YHVH alone (Matthew 4:10), he would be speaking, teaching, and preaching against orthodox the Christian church doctrines which are based on Paul’s letters, and thus Jesus would be considered a heretic. The Biblical Jesus would be a heretic in today’s Christian Church. The person of Jesus may be accepted, but not his teachings.  Unfortunately, Jesus so identified himself with his teachings, that to reject Jesus’ teachings is to reject Jesus himself, John 12:48 (NIV), There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. It’s not the rejecting of the person of Jesus that gets a person condemned, it’s rejecting of his words, or his teachings, because according to Jesus, it is by keeping his word that we receive eternal life. John 8:51, Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.

      To reject Jesus’ teachings, his words, which were from YHVH, his Father (John 12:49, 14:10), is to deny Jesus and reject the Father. 1John 2:23 (NKJV), ‘Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also." When the teachings of Jesus are rejected, the Father is also rejected, when a church rejects Jesus’ teachings it is then despising God’s word and Jesus’ word, and it is no longer a ‘Christian’ church, but a church which worships God in vain (Mark 7:7-8).

    I know what I have to say in this book will not sit well with most ‘Christians’ because it is contrary to what they have learned in Sunday Schools, Sabbath Schools and in sermons.  But what I’m sharing with you is straight from the Scriptures – and much of what I write here is straight from Jesus’ mouth.  John 3:34a, "For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God..." John 3:36, Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. John 8:51, "Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death."  To reject Jesus’ words, which were YHVH’s words, and not keep or obey them, means to ‘see’ eternal death. John 6:68, But Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."  Don’t reject Jesus’ words, for he spoke the words of YHVH with His authority, accept all of Jesus’ words for your salvation is at stake.

    Jesus told us that he is to be our only teacher (Matthew 23:10), that is he will teach us all we need to know.  He said he spoke YHVH’s words with YHVH’s authority (John 14:10, 12:49).  He also said if we keep his words we would have eternal life (Matthew 7:24-25, John 8:51), and that’s because we will by Judged according to how well we kept his words (John 12:49), and Jesus will be that judge (John 5:22, 40).  We better listen to Jesus, and keep his word regardless of what Paul or anyone else tells us.

    As I will show you, the Christian church doesn’t follow Jesus’ teachings – and that may be a shock to the average church go’er, but I’ll show you that it’s true.  As strange as it may sound, the Jewish Synagogue actually follows what Jesus taught more than the Christian Church, which rejects much of what Jesus said. And Jesus said we must obey his teachings for eternal life.

    Jesus was not a Christian, but a Jew, and said (John 10:27 NKJV) "My sheep (disciples) hear (and obey) My voice (teachings), and I know them, and they follow Me (walk as I did)".  And John said (1John 2:6 NKJV), "He who says he abides in Him (Jesus) ought himself also to walk just as He (Jesus) walked."  Revelation 14:12 says that we are have the ‘faith of Jesus’. So the question that may pass through a person’s mind is, ‘Shall I walk the faith of Jesus, Peter, John, James and the rest of the Apostles and attend a Jewish Synagogue on Sabbath or should I be a Christian in a Christian church on Sunday?  As a Christian you may say that’s a no brainer and the obvious answer is – I must be a Christian and I must belong to a Christian Church to be saved.  Right?

    Before you answer that question, you need to see which of the two faiths (Christianity or Judaism) actually does what Jesus taught was needed for salvation.

    And while we study

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