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Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer
Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer
Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer
Ebook158 pages3 hours

Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Atomic Power With God Thru Fasting and Prayer is a short work by the spirited evangelist Franklin Hall. The book describes how prayer during extended fasts can heal the body and soul, and bring practitioners greater spiritual power to exalt and glorify Jesus Christ.

Franklin Hall was born in Coffeyville, Kansas, in 1909. Hall's father died

Release dateMay 29, 2020
Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer

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Reviews for Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer

Rating: 4.375 out of 5 stars

32 ratings3 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a transformative and insightful book on fasting. It thoroughly explains the need and necessity of fasting and prayer, providing hands-on application and insights into the physical and spiritual health benefits. However, there is a concern about whether it is advisable for someone with a stomach ulcer to fast. Overall, this book is recommended for anyone interested in fasting and wanting to know God in His fullness of the spirit.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Vert insightful and transformative book on fasting! Hands on application on “how to fast”. I will especially recommend this book to anyone who is interested in fasting, and haven’t been able to do it before.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very interesting read. The need and necessity of fasting and prayer was thoroughly explained.
    The insights to the physical and spiritual health of fasting is awesome. But I wish to ask if it is advisable for one suffering from stomach ulcer to fast.
    Jesus Christ is Lord indeed. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book has stirred my soul. I will fast and prayer. THAT IS OUR ONLY SALVATION IN THESE LAST DAYS. I do know that fasting releases the revelation of the Word and that as a consequence releases faith.We need to move into the supernatural realm. Fasting and prayer with the revelation of the Word released in our spirits will take us there. I recommend this book to EVERYONE WHO NEEDS AND WANTS TO KNOW GOD IN HIS FULLNESS OF THE SPIRIT.

    3 people found this helpful

Book preview

Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer - Franklin Hall


Introduction: World-Wide Revival Thru Prayer and Fasting

Chapter I: Atomic Power with God

Chapter II: What is Fasting?

Chapter III: The Background for Revival

Chapter IV: Jesus’ Fast

Chapter V: One Hundred Reasons Why We Should Fast

Chapter VI: The Four Appetites

Chapter VII: The Four Great Essentials

Chapter VIII: How to Fast

Chapter IX: Fasting in Relation to the Physical Body

Chapter X: The Proper Care in Breaking the Fast

Chapter XI: Things Forbidden to Eat

Chapter xii: Results of Fasting and Prayer


World-Wide Revival Thru Prayer and Fasting

Historic developments are underway in the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is pouring out his gifts in an unusual way. In recent months we have been privileged to see mass salvation-healing meetings where nearly everyone prayed for, was delivered. Not only hundreds but sometimes thousands of unbelievers find Christ in a single revival campaign.

Surely there must be a cause behind the present spiritual awakening. Where there is even a spiritual condition, there must be a cause. Has Christendom made strides in any direction, it has not made in past years? Why have not we had these greater experiences years ago? These and other questions might be asked, yet there is a very definite answer that will explain the great manifestation of the Spirit, that we are witnessing now.

There is a spiritual law that is applicable to God. We have noticed that He never moves, without His creation moves first. If they move in a wrong direction, then man must suffer the consequences as in the judgments that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah, and the flood that came upon the people in Noah’s time. We have a contrast to this, with the city of Nineveh. Judgment was already pronounced by God. It would be overthrown in forty days, but the whole city repented and sought God, by proclaiming a fast. The city was spared. God reversed His decision.

God’s people, for the last number of years were in an almost powerless condition. There were few mighty revivals and but little power and demonstration of His Spirit. Denominational walls were created and prejudice existed everywhere. Every spiritual person knew something was wrong, but what was the lack? Many were praying dead prayers. Faith was dead and without works.

In the very beginning of 1946 a group of Holy Ghost people from many different denominations met together in all night prayer meetings and started fasting and praying longer than at any other time since the time of Christ. Some fasted ten, twenty-one and forty days. Some went longer. They were burdened for an old time world-wide revival of power, and the gifts of the Spirit—gifts of healings, where diseases would vanish and demons would be cast out, etc. Fasting and prayer was taught and it spread everywhere, beginning in Southern California. Many books and tracts were printed. There was a great demand to know more about it. Then Fasting-Prayer revival crusades started. Soon thousands of people all over the world began fasting for the old time revival power of healings and signs following.

What could not be accomplished without Jesus Christ’s truth of fasting and prayer was very definitely accomplished by the utilization of this vital process. A result is always traced to its cause. Many who were burdened and carried forward this fasting-travail, are now rejoicing, seeing the hand of God move forward. This resulted in moving much UNBELIEF FROM THE BODY OF CHRIST. Even those who did not have a special part in it are also reaping benefits today. These history making events were also prophesied in Joel’s prophecy of which we are now living. (Joel 2 and 3).

Fasting and prayer by thousands of the Lord’s people paved the way for the great SALVATION-HEALING CAMPAIGNS THAT FOLLOWED A YEAR LATER IN 1947, AND THE SPIRITUAL AWAKENING THAT I5 BEING SEEN AMONG GOD’S PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. Preparation is being made for Jesus’ soon return.

Much misunderstanding, confusion and abuse existed in people’s minds in regard to the subject of fasting. More enlightenment was necessary so more Christians could understand about a subject that had been hidden in plain sight for more than 1900 years. Jesus graciously supplied the needs in order to put out four million pieces of literature and two hundred thousand books (up to the present time), which almost entirely dealt with this truth. Seldom anything was ever published before upon this subject. The first book written was, ATOMIC POWER WITH GOD, in the early part of 1946. This was the year the fasting crusade began. It has since gone all over the world.

There is no time to let up. Still greater, yes much greater things than ever before are in the making, if men and women continue to fast, pray and get down to business with God. Veneering will not do. We must have reality in our fasting and prayer. We must converse with God. We should see even greater triumphs for our Lord because we have no confidence in ourselves, but our confidence is in God. Our Jesus wants more daring men and women—those who will dare all and be strong in Him to courageously step out and do exploits.

We wish to express our appreciation to members of the Lord’s body everywhere for helping to do their part in spreading (world-wide) this glorious part of our Jesus’ message, fasting and prayer.


(As given to the author while visiting with Brother and Sister Osborn in their new house trailer during their wonderful tent cathedral campaign in Reading, Pa. where 3,000 souls found Jesus as their Saviour and many hundreds were healed from all manner of diseases.) The East was stirred by this campaign. Thousands packed around the tent.

¹We are happy to let you know that we feel our lives have been revolutionized by fasting and praying to Jesus. It was through your books getting into our hands, that enabled us to go into many days and weeks of fasting and praying. Both my wife and I have had many deep fasting and prayer experiences. My life was changed so that God began using me in the healing ministry. As I began to exercise the ministry of praying for the sick, it seemed that more and more folk were healed.

One day while in deep consecration the Spirit spoke thus: My son, as I was with Price, Wigglesworth and others, so will I be with thee. They are dead but now it is time for you to arise, to go and do likewise. You can cast out devils; YOU heal the sick; YOU raise the dead; YOU cleanse the lepers. Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy. Be not afraid. Be strong. Be of good courage. I am with thee as I was with them. No evil power shall be able to stand before THEE all the days of thy life, as you get the people to believe my Word. I used those men in their day. Now I desire to use THEE.

The challenge of this commission given directly from the Lord caused me to tremble exceedingly, but I knew God meant every Word He had spoken.

More days and weeks of fasting and prayer followed this tremendous commission and more healings and miracles were the result.

We have been able to conduct Healing Campaigns already in over a dozen of our states on the Island of Jamaica, B. W. I. In a single campaign which we conducted as many as one hundred-twenty-five deaf-mutes, ninety totally blind and hundreds of other equally miraculous deliverances have resulted.

Happy and joyful conversions have numbered as many as nine thousand in one revival. We found people all over the island acquainted with your books and tracts. Many were fasting and praying for this revival before we came.

Brother Hall, we wanted you to know, we do appreciate your vision, and the tremendous way you have STIRRED THE WORLD with FASTING AND PRAYER. We shall do all we can to push that part of the Gospel.

We are going to handle your book in our meetings and shall order them in large quantities. You may send me one thousand of your, Because of Your Unbelief, revival booklets.

We are planning on going into other countries with the message of deliverance, in the near future.

Yours in Christ for the DELIVERANCE OF ALL


Box 4231—Tulsa 9, Oklahoma


From Missionary Department

June 11, 1948

Administrative offices

7 De Villiers Street

Johannesburg, South Africa

Beloved Brother in Christ:

Your books have been a real blessing and inspiration to my soul and many are already testifying of great blessings that they received through the reading and practicing of the protracted fasts. God has graciously helped me to complete a 24-day fast with much blessing and a new revelation for His work.

The message God has given you in your books has come in these closing days of time to do a great work for Him. I want to encourage you to go on with the job.

My Mission called for a Mission-wide fast for 21 days, and on one Sunday during that time about 60,000 people were fasting and praying. Many went the full length and fasted for 21 days and even longer.

We have testimonies of wonderful healings. One young man was released from a Leper Institute, perfectly healed. Another child who was paralyzed received healing and can now walk. Another was healed of the T.B. of the bone, another of stomach cancer; another who was involved in a motor accident and was unconscious for 18 days was healed and is now one hundred percent well. There are other outstanding healings coming in daily, that are too numerous to mention.

We have noticed reports from all over this continent how a revival tidal wave is coming about through fasting and prayer. We give Christ the glory.

With Warmest Christian Greetings,

Yours in His Royal Service,

F. J. Hawley



July 1, 1948

Dear Brother Hall:

Greetings to you in the Name of the Lord!

As you will see by this letterhead, I am the Australian Secretary of the Russian and Eastern European Mission, and by the magazine forwarded under separate cover, the Editor of an Australian magazine called, THE EVIDENCE. Mr. Chas. R. Bilby as manager of our New Zealand Office and they have been in touch with you in connection with your books.

At present I am visiting South Africa, although at the moment I am writing from Rhodesia, where I have three campaigns booked in the three largest towns of Salisbury, Bulawayo and Umtali.

Your books and literature on prayer and fasting have helped me a great deal.

Recently I had a 23-day fast as per the enclosed article. You are welcome to use this if you wish. (See August, 1949 issue of The Voice of Healing for an account.)

In addition to this fast the last eleven campaigns in South Africa and Rhodesia. I have started with a call to the people to fast and pray. The response to this appeal has been most encouraging, and the mighty blessings experienced as a result of the fasting have been remarkable. Eight of these campaigns were started with a three day fast, and the other three with a two-day fast.


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