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The Secrets to Deliverance: Defeat the Toughest Cases of Demonic Bondage
The Secrets to Deliverance: Defeat the Toughest Cases of Demonic Bondage
The Secrets to Deliverance: Defeat the Toughest Cases of Demonic Bondage
Ebook156 pages3 hours

The Secrets to Deliverance: Defeat the Toughest Cases of Demonic Bondage

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About this ebook

In recent years deliverance ministry has become increasingly difficult. Even the most seasoned ministers struggle to locate and expel demons. Individuals think they're free from demonic bondage only to be blindsided by another oppressive force. 

But for New York pastor Alexander Pagani, one experience changed everything. He realized how demons lodge themselves in hidden areas of our lives. First, a demon can quite literally reside in an area of the body. Second, demons can live deep in the soul and remain undetected. Deliverance is like a labyrinth with trap doors, backward stairs, and secret rooms. 

In The Secrets to Deliverance Pagani shares biblical strategies and his own experiences for evicting the demons in the "rooms" of your soul and body. Featuring prayers and declarations, this book will instruct you how to strategically and powerfully overtake the enemy so that you can live the life God intended for you. 
Release dateMay 1, 2018
The Secrets to Deliverance: Defeat the Toughest Cases of Demonic Bondage

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing revelations and insights for the body of Christ! Praise God!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is what every Christian who are serious about deliverance ministry needs.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of my favorite books! So very informative and I’ve never heard these things broken down like this from another minister.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great insights. It has material that I have not seen anywhere else.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have been dealing with witchcraft by my own grandmother, and this has helped me gain insight and have the proper understanding of how I can fight this. I thank the Holy Spirit. Its a good book, very thorough and based on scripture. Thanks Alexander, much love from Puerto Rico❤️❤️

    1 person found this helpful

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The Secrets to Deliverance - Alexander Pagani



ALEX, WHAT ARE you doing? You’re embarrassing yourself in front of the core leadership." That’s what I was thinking as I felt myself being pinned to the floor by an unseen supernatural force. I was a pastor who’d helped dozens of people get free of demonic oppression. But a church business meeting took an unusual turn, and I found myself on the floor with what felt like a giant foot on my back and my ministry team taking authority over a demon that was manifesting.

As I wondered how in the world I’d ended up in such an embarrassing position, I heard a voice whisper in my ear, I’ve been sent to remove this demon. I’m allowing it to manifest so I can remove it. Those words from the angel with its foot on my back helped me later. But at the time knowing God was allowing the situation didn’t make it any easier to swallow. Because I couldn’t control what was happening to me, rage and embarrassment filled every part of me. I squirmed on the floor, wanting to throw something but unable to really move because of that huge unseen foot on my back. Then suddenly a loud shriek came out of my mouth, and I heard my core ministry staff begin to take authority over the demon. Thankfully that was the beginning of the end.

Prior to the demonic manifestation, we were having a staff meeting, and some minor disagreements quickly escalated into an argument. I was angry over something that I knew was insignificant, but I couldn’t control myself. I’d felt that anger before, and to be completely honest, I was tired of fighting it, so I took my glasses off and said, I really need to get free from this. That is the last thing I remember before I woke up on the floor with the angel’s foot on my back, wondering why I was embarrassing myself.

I spent about five minutes on the floor before I let out that loud shriek (which lasted for at least thirty seconds), and then the demon left. Immediately I heard the voice in my ear again, this time saying, The demon of destruction is gone. Don’t look for it. An overwhelming peace swept over me, and I noticed that my chest felt different. Even after I accepted Christ, I carried myself with a kind of bravado that I learned growing up in the Bronx. It wasn’t just a way I walked or talked; I literally felt something in my chest. But now it was gone, and everyone who knew me could tell the difference.

I got saved in prison and learned deliverance because I and people I ministered to were dealing with issues that counseling and inner healing couldn’t seem to solve. Through the years God had been showing me step by step how to help people get free. But my experience at our church that day convinced me that there was even more to deliverance than I realized. Christians could not only need deliverance, but demons could lodge themselves in hidden areas of our lives—both in our souls and in our body parts. I knew the demon that caused me to feel such rage was literally residing in my chest, because after I was set free I felt a physical difference.

I realized that if a demon could live in a body part, then I needed to look further into where else an unclean spirit might hide so that as a deliverance minister I could be more targeted and specific in my prayers. I began seeking God for answers, and a couple months later I had a dream. In it I was approached by a well-known ministry leader who told me to open my hand. When I did, this person gave me a little book with the title The Secrets to Deliverance shining in gold letters. The minister then closed my hands, and I woke up.

From that day until now, my spirit has been receiving download after download of insight into the realm of the human soul and the demonic. Shortly after that dream God began showing me why it can take so long for some people to get free, myself included. God revealed that the human soul can be shattered in pieces as Psalm 7:2 says, Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver (KJV). Demons hide in these fragmented pieces in the human soul until someone cleans up the mess and picks up the pieces.

Each of these pieces represents a part of you, or a fragment of your personality. When I first received this revelation, I called these pieces fragments, but as time progressed, I began seeing this revelation throughout Scripture, and I recognized these fragments as rooms in the soul. I began to teach the revelation God was giving me during our midweek Bible study, and there was an incredible response each time. The most hardened members of our church were being instantly set free as we began going into the rooms of their souls and removing the most hidden demons.

This book shares my experience along with proven biblical strategies for evicting demons hiding in body parts and cleaning out the rooms of the soul to bring people into deeper levels of deliverance. If you’ve ever prayed for someone and just couldn’t seem to break through, or if you’ve sought deliverance for yourself again and again and nothing seems to change, this revelation is for you. God wants to upgrade your understanding of deliverance so you can finally experience breakthrough.


The demons that lodge themselves in the rooms of our souls and in our body parts don’t respond to cookie-cutter deliverance formulas. Getting rid of them requires targeted, specific prayer under the leading of the Holy Spirit. I’ve heard from many deliverance ministers who complain about encountering tough cases that seem to resist breakthrough. They’re not having this difficulty because they aren’t willing to roll up their sleeves and tarry with a person until he is set free. It’s because many still view deliverance as being one-size-fits-all, and they don’t realize all the places demons can hide in a person’s life or how to specifically address those areas.

Deliverance is less like a maze that you can trace your steps to find your way out of and more like a labyrinth. In a labyrinth nothing is where it should be, and nothing is as it seems. It’s a series of trap doors, backward stairs, and small doors, and what you thought was the exit actually places you right back at the beginning. Demons want you to keep applying certain strategies the church learned in the 1970s because they know you’ll likely never find their hiding places using those approaches.

Many years ago I was in a very difficult situation, and I didn’t know how to get out of it. During that time I had a dream in which I was facing a house, and sitting on the front steps was a bunch of young thugs who were making it difficult for me to enter the house. As I climbed over them, I ended up on the first floor of an apartment building. It was dark and gloomy. In the distance I saw a staircase and decided to take the steps leading upstairs. As I was walking up the steps, they seemed to be leading in many different directions. The steps finally led me to a room in the attic. When I opened the door, I saw a life-size mannequin sitting on the floor. As I approached the plastic mannequin, it woke up, terrified that it had been discovered. In fear it got up and ran out of the attic.

When I woke up from the dream, the Holy Spirit let me know that the situation I was facing wasn’t a maze that I could find my way out of by simply backtracking. It was a labyrinth that had many trap doors, and I would need wisdom to problem solve and find my way out. This is around the time when the Lord began giving me the revelation of demons hiding in our rooms and body parts.

Every person is unique. To assume that a cookie-cutter approach to deliverance will produce the same results with every person is foolishness. While some principles can be applied to every deliverance session, God wants to give us the specific strategies each individual needs to experience freedom.

That is why I have written this book. The Holy Spirit desires that the church gain a deeper revelation about deliverance. Using ineffective weapons and tactics in deliverance ministry does not please the Holy Spirit. I’ll even go so far as to say it is a form of idolatry because it prizes forms and rituals over the truth God wants to reveal. The Spirit of the Lord wants to release fresh insight, new strategies, and new weapons. He longs to take us deep and show us exactly where demons hide and how to expel them. He wants to upgrade our model for deliverance to one that is fresh, tactical, and effective. This is the inheritance of the saints: To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron (Ps. 149:8, KJV).


Jesus died so we could live in total freedom (Gal. 5:1), but so many people are not living in that reality. I wrote this book for those dealing with stubborn issues that they just can’t seem to overcome. Counseling hasn’t worked. Inner healing has helped some, but the problem persists, which is what was happening with me. This is not to say every issue a person faces has a demon at its root. Sometimes a person needs to be transformed by the renewing of his mind as Romans 12:2 says. But when you’ve done everything you know to do to overcome a persistent problem and still there’s no breakthrough, you’re more than likely dealing with a demon.

As you’re reading this book, you may begin to think, There seems to be way too much emphasis on the devil and demons. But I assure you, that is not the case. The devil’s number one form of deception is to make the world believe he doesn’t exist, and his number two form of deception is to make the church believe we blame him too much. Modern evangelical ministers don’t blame the devil enough because they’re too occupied saying things such as, It’s not the devil—it’s you! For some people that is the case, but there are times when the problem is 100 percent demonic and must be confronted as such! The average believer hears about Satan and the works of darkness only once a year during the annual spiritual warfare conference or when calamity strikes within the church and the congregation is forced to look more closely at the demonic. This book is designed to keep the demonic fresh in your worldview so you won’t be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor. 2:11).

As you might have guessed, I believe Christians can be oppressed by demons. When we accept Christ, we belong to God, but we can allow demonic spirits to gain a foothold in areas of our lives we haven’t surrendered to the Lord. I will explain this further in chapter 2, but for now I’ll just say that demons cannot possess a believer, but they can wreak havoc in the areas of a Christian’s life to which they have been given access.

But there is good news. Through the revelation in this book I have seen even those with the toughest cases of demonic bondage set free by the power of God. The authority we have been given through Christ is irresistible, and once you know where demons like to hide and how to remove them, they will have no choice but to leave.


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