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Tea for Two: A 30 Day Devotional
Tea for Two: A 30 Day Devotional
Tea for Two: A 30 Day Devotional
Ebook178 pages1 hour

Tea for Two: A 30 Day Devotional

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About this ebook

These daily devotions are filled with nuggets of wisdom that the Lord has shared with me during our quiet moments together. It is through these moments with the Lord that I have experienced breakthrough, healing, and unexplainable joy and peace. It is my hope and prayer that these daily devotions will leave you free of worry and fear and that th

Release dateJul 23, 2019
Tea for Two: A 30 Day Devotional

Andria Singletary

Andria Singletary was born and raised in Southern California. She graduated from California State University, San Bernardino with her Bachelor's Degrees in Psychology and Human Development and her Master's Degree in Child Development. Andria has worked in the early childhood field for the past seven years. She currently works as a Program Director for a preschool that caters to both typically developing and medically fragile children. Andria first fell in love with writing at the young age of 12. It wasn't until her early 20s that she began to share her writing with the world through her blog, Sweetly Broken. Andria attended and served at Abundant Living Family Church for nine years. During that time she served in the young adult ministry and children's ministry. Andria recently started attending Elevate Life Church and still resides in Southern California with her loving husband Antoine Singletary.

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    Book preview

    Tea for Two - Andria Singletary

    Tea for Two

    A 30-Day Devotional

    A n d r i a S i n g l e t a r y

    Copyright © 2019 by Andria Singletary

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

    Permission requests should be emailed to:

    First Edition: June 2019

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN: 978-1-7331508-0-4

    Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the ESV © Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ©), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Use by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), copyright ©2015 by The Lockman Foundation used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc. TM

    Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

    Cover Design: Vision 2 Life Corporation

    A Note to Readers

    Please note that this book should not be used in lieu of professional medical care or treatment. Readers should consult with their doctor or other qualified health professionals prior to implementing any of the teas discussed in this book into your daily diet. The information in this book is intended to introduce readers to selected teas as herbal remedies. These natural remedies should first be discussed with your healthcare provider. This book is not to be used in place of medical advice given by a trained medical professional. All health conditions and treatments should be discussed with a doctor or other qualified health professional. The author does not assume any liability for any possible consequences from any treatment or action by any person reading or applying the information in this book.


    This book is dedicated to the One who gave me the strength, wisdom, and creativity to complete this book. If it was not for my Lord and Savior, Jesus, I would not be able to share this amazing book with you all. He honestly stayed on me about finishing this book. Even when year after year would pass by and this book was not completed, He would constantly remind me of the importance of finishing this book. Thank You Lord for using me to share this great message.

    I would also like to dedicate this book to my incredible husband. Thank you for always supporting my dreams and for letting me hog your computer when my laptop quit on me. I love you baby and I am so grateful for your constant encouragement. You da best!

    Lastly, this book is dedicated to my incredible parents. Mommy and Daddy, you have both been my support system since the very beginning. You both have encouraged me to always achieve my goals. Thank you for always pushing me to further my education. It was honestly through my schooling that I discovered my passion for writing. I love you both dearly.


    First, I would like to say thank you to Chanel E. Martin. Chanel, I know I have said this to you quite a few times but thank you again for creating your group Write with Me. It was in this group that I was motivated to finish my first book. It was in this group that I was showered with so much love and encouragement. Chanel, you have truly been a blessing! I would also like to thank Nicholas Bartley of Vision 2 Life Corporation. Thank you for bringing to life my vision for my book cover.



    Day 1 : Tunnel Vision

    Day 2 : Your Thoughts Towards Others

    Day 3 : The Comparison Game

    Day 4 : Forgiveness. Is it necessary?

    Day 5 : Be Still

    Day 6 : Peace that Surpasses All Understanding

    Day 7 : God Opportunities

    Day 8 : But What About Me Lord?

    Day 9 : The Power of Our Words

    Day 10 : Does God Care About the Small Stuff?

    Day 11 : How Do You Handle Criticism?

    Day 12 : A Season of Relentless Storms

    Day 13 : Shut the Flesh Up!

    Day 14 : Anchor of My Hope

    Day 15 : Loving as Christ Loves Us

    Day 16 : Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands

    Day 17 : Same Body, Different Callings

    Day 18 : Awaiting a Response

    Day 19 : Living a Life of Excellence

    Day 20 : Righteousness

    Day 21 :Patience in Affliction

    Day 22 :Consistency

    Day 23 :Knowing Abba’s Voice

    Day 24 :What Are Your Eyes Seeing?

    Day 25 :Jealousy

    Day 26 :Thinking We Know More Than God

    Day 27 :Fumbling Through the Dark

    Day 28 :God, My Helper

    Day 29 :A Root of Bitterness

    Day 30 :Responding to God’s Promises


    About the Author


    Writing Tea for Two has been a long journey for me. When this journey first began in 2015, it was met with an empty road and smooth cruising ahead. Those empty roads were soon filled with bumper-to-bumper traffic called life. Between meeting my now husband in 2015, finishing graduate school in 2016, going on my first mission trip, starting a new career, planning a wedding all in 2017, getting married and figuring out how to balance life with my career in 2018, writing this book happened sporadically over the past four years. I will be honest, there were times when I lacked the motivation and energy to write. There were times when I forgot my why for writing this book. And there were times when life just happened. Despite the twists and turns and the unexpected hindrances that came my way, Jesus would not let up on me about writing this book.

    Maybe I’m exaggerating, but I feel like every time we would spend time together in His Word, prayer, or worship, I could hear Him telling me, "So Andria, when do you plan on finishing Tea for Two?" Finishing this book and walking in obedience to my Lord and Savior has given me a peace like never before.

    The idea for Tea for Two first came to me four years ago, back when I was an avid blogger. My blog was filled with inspirational and encouraging posts. These posts were birthed from scripture and revelation I would receive during my one on one time with Jesus. One day I was reading through my previous blog posts and the thought dawned on me, Wow...these posts could actually be daily devotionals. In that moment, I knew I

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