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Five Things Every Christian Must Know
Five Things Every Christian Must Know
Five Things Every Christian Must Know
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Five Things Every Christian Must Know

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There are times when the hectic pace of life can distract us from accepting and fulfilling our unique, God-given design. We then settle for a worldly identity that is woefully inadequate. A continual encounter with Jesus Christ will enable us to enjoy our healthy and fulfilling destiny that produces a lifestyle of purpose, grace, and peace.

Release dateJul 11, 2018
Five Things Every Christian Must Know

Floyd Bland

Floyd Bland has served as elder, teacher, chaplain, and administrator to help others grow in their faith through sound, practical, Bible-based models for Christian living. A seminary graduate, Floyd's other books include Radical Forgiveness Through the Eyes of Jesus, Five Things Every Christian Must Know, Oh For The Joy! Forgiven and Free in Christ, and The Last Words of Jesus to His Disciples: Enduring Lessons of Faith, Hope, and Love. Floyd married his best friend and helpmate. Together, they have two grown children and a grandson.

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    Five Things Every Christian Must Know - Floyd Bland

    © 2018 by Floyd W. Bland. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced without permission, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions, please contact:

    The views expressed in this book are those of the author and are intended for Christian inspirational purposes only. Every effort has been made to ensure its content is insightful for Christian living at press time.

    This book is not written to be an exhaustive treatment of its content, and no liability is assumed for losses or damages from the information provided. Also, it is not written to provide legal or clinical advice. If clinical or legal advice is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The reader is advised to take full responsibility for their personal safety and well-being.

    Some content has been recreated from events, locales, and conversations from the author’s memory. Unless otherwise stated, all details have been altered to maintain anonymity. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, organizations, events, or locales is purely coincidental.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Some images used for chapter headings are officially licensed from ©Graphics

    ISBN: 978-1-7325342-0-9





    With Gratitude

    Introduction: Yearning for More

    ▪ A Private Meeting ▪ My Private Meeting ▪ Five Important Things

    Chapter 1: In Christ, We Are Forgiven

    ▪ Son of God and Son of Man ▪ The Forgiveness of Sin ▪ Freedom in Christ ▪ Peace with God

    Chapter 2: In Christ, We Have Ultimate Assurance

    ▪ A Fleeting Allusion ▪ We have Security ▪ Faithful and Enduring Promises ▪ God Sustains Us

    Chapter 3: In Christ, We Have Purpose and Identity

    ▪ Fearfully and Wonderfully Created ▪ God’s Purpose and Grace ▪ More Than Conquerors

    Chapter 4: In Christ, We Have Eternal Fellowship

    ▪ One in Christ ▪ Communion with God

    Chapter 5: In Christ, We Are New Creations

    ▪ A New Perspective ▪ A New Lifestyle ▪ Making a Difference

    About the Author

    Jesus Christ is Lord!

    With Gratitude

    I am grateful to God for sending His Son to die for my sins, to raise Him for my justification, and for His Spirit who is the security deposit for my glorious, eternal home He has prepared for all those who love His appearing (2 Timothy 4:8).

    I am grateful for my parents whose love, faith, and piety inspire me to live for Christ even today. For my loving and supporting wife and family, I will always thank God for you.

    And to those many unassuming, unsung heroes and heroines who make up my extended family, I thank God for your prayers, encouragement, and assistance that helped to make this book possible.

    Finally to Paramita Bhattacharjee of Creative Paramita and Pam Lagomarsino of Above The Pages Editorial Services. Thank God for your cover graphics and final edits to help prepare this book for its publication.


    Yearning for More

    A Private Meeting

    The moon must have been especially bright on the evening when Nicodemus met Jesus privately, as John records in the third chapter of his gospel. A distinguished community member, Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a Sanhedrin member.

    The Pharisees differed from the Sadducees and the Scribes—the two other major religious sects at that time. Not only were they the largest and most influential, but they were also recognized as the ceremonial purists and religious traditionalists for God’s chosen people, Israel and "the true and loyal standard-bearers of traditional Israel¹."

    The Sanhedrin served as the supreme Jewish authority. It consisted of esteemed Jewish leaders from all three major religious sects, a priest, and a presiding high priest. Much like the three branches of our government in the US capital today, this assembly provided governance for all public matters both civil and religious.²

    Sacred Scripture is silent regarding the meeting’s exact time and place except where John tells us it happened during Passover, which is a major Jewish observance that runs concurrently with the Feast of Unleavened Bread (from the fourteenth day through the twenty-first day of the first month of the Jewish calendar or Nisan³).

    During this week of feasting and celebration, massive throngs of people flooded Jerusalem from all over the world as these scholars attest:

    The number of permanent residents in the Jerusalem that Jesus knew was about six hundred thousand. A conservative estimate of the vast multitude of Passover pilgrims is about two million, who swelled the city’s population to almost four times its normal size.

    Every Jewish male was required to attend this observance,⁵ which commemorates Israel’s Exodus from over four hundred years of Egyptian slavery (see: Exodus 12:1-13:16, 23:17; 34:23)Every Jewish male was required to attend this which commemorates Israel’s Exodus from over four hundred years of Egyptian slavery (see: Exodus 12:1-13:16, 23:17; 34:23).

    Yet with all the festive merry-making, Nicodemus was deeply troubled. He yearned for an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ so he could talk privately—and listen. Something intrigued him about the Lord. Perhaps it was His many miracles, or maybe it was His remarkable teachings about the Kingdom of God that somehow resonated within his heart.

    t could have been the stories from people whose lives had been changed completely after they met Jesus that fascinated him. Ultimately, there was something about Jesus both captivating and disturbing to Nicodemus, as one author notes⁶:

    [Nicodemus] recognized in Jesus something he had never yet encountered. He was so impressed that he sought a private interview with this new teacher, and arranged an appointment with Jesus by night. The fact that Nicodemus came to Jesus by night certainly is no evidence of cowardice on his part. It was the natural thing to do.

    ne can only imagine what must have gone through his mind as he made his way through the streets of Jerusalem with its multitudes of festive revelers, musicians, and celebrators to a secluded place where he could spend time with the Lord one-on-one.

    Although this meeting was outside the norm since both the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin opposed Jesus, Nicodemus saw it as crucial. Ultimately, it would help him find the answer to the age-old question many of his contemporaries were asking: "Is this teacher our long-awaited Messiah?"

    John records the meeting in John 3:1-21:

    ¹There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. ² This man came to

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