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CORE JAVA Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
CORE JAVA Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
CORE JAVA Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
Ebook213 pages2 hours

CORE JAVA Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked

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  • 290 CORE JAVA Interview Questions
  • 77 HR Interview Questions 
  • Real life scenario based questions
  • Strategies to respond to interview questions
  • 2 Aptitude Tests

CORE JAVA Interview Qu

Release dateDec 16, 2016
CORE JAVA Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked

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    CORE JAVA Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked - Vibrant Publishers

    Core Java

    Interview Questions

    You'll Most Likely Be Asked

    Job Interview Questions Series


    Core Java Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked

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    Table of Contents

    1. Flow Controls and Assertions

    2. Wrapper Classes, Garbage Collection, and Exception Handling

    3. Threads

    4. Object Oriented Programming Concepts

    5. Declarations and Access Controls

    6. Java Assignments

    7. Java Operators

    8. Inner Classes and String Handling

    9. Streams

    10. Collections

    HR Questions



    Core Java

    Interview Questions

    Review these typical interview questions and think about how you would answer them. Read the answers listed; you will find best possible answers along with strategies and suggestions.


    Flow Controls and Assertions

    1: What would be the output if boolA is false and boolB is true?

    public void foo( boolean boolA, boolean boolB) /* Line 1 */


    if(boolA ) /* Line 3 */


    System.out.println(X); /* Line 5 */


    else if(boolA && boolB) /* Line 7 */


    System.out.println( X && Y); /* Line 9 */


    else /* Line 11 */


    if ( !boolB ) /* Line 13 */


    System.out.println( notY) ; /* Line 15 */


    else /* Line 17 */


    System.out.println( In here ) ; /* Line 19 */





    Output: In hereIf boolA is false line 5 will never happen and X will not be printed. If boolA is false line 7 will also be false so X && Y will also not be printed. So the next option is line number 13. If boolB is true the condition is wrong and control goes to the else part and print In here.

    2: What will be the output?

    public class SwitchTrial


    final static short caseVal = 2;

    public static void main(String [] abc)


    for (int iterNo=0; iterNo < 3; iterNo ++)


    switch (iterNo)


    case caseVal: System.out.print(a );

    case caseVal -1: System.out.print(b );

    case caseVal -2: System.out.print(c );





    Output: c b c a b c

    Since caseVal is declared as a final variable, it can be evaluated at compile time. When interVal = 0, the 3rd case is true, caseVal – 2 = 0 so it prints c. Then in the 2nd iteration, iterVal becomes 1 so the 2nd case iterVal = caseVal – 1 is true so it prints B and the next one C. The 3rd time interval is 2 and the 1st case iterVal = caseVal = 2. So all a, b and c are printed. Then the loop exits.

    3: What is an assertion in Java? How is it different from if – else conditions?


    An assertion is a Boolean expression which is assumed by the programme. If true it executes the next statement and if false the program throws an exception and ends. If - else conditions are different from the assertions as if the condition is false the else part takes over in if-else but in case of assertions, if the assert expression is false, the program ends throwing an error but will execute the second expression in assert statement.


    public static void main(String [] abc)


    int var = 0;

    System.out.println(Enter a value bigger than 20 : );

    var = in.nextLine();

    assert var / 2 >5 : System.out.println(Please try again and enter the correct value);

    System.out.println(Good Choice!);


    Case 1:

    Enter a value bigger than 20:10

    Exception in thread main java.lang.AssertionError: Please try again and enter the correct value

    Case 2:

    Enter a value bigger than 20:30

    Good Choice!

    When Case 1 executes the output will be - Exception in thread main java.lang.AssertionError: Please try again and enter the correct value. Case 2 will not throw any exception as the assumption or assertion is true and hence the next line in program will execute and the output is Good Choice!

    4: Name the decision structures used in Java.


    The Decision statement is a statement which evaluates a given expression and based on the logical result, performs the execution. There are two decision statements in Java. They are:

    a) if

    b) switch

    5: What are the looping constructs in Java?


    Looping constructs are statements which are executed again and again based on the logical result. Java has three types of looping constructs. They are

    a) for

    b) while

    c) do

    6: How will you legally define if else statement. Give an example.


    The valid format of if else statement is described below:

    If(iValue > 1000) {

    System.out.println(iValue is > 1000);


    else {

    System.out.println(iValue is < 1000);


    7: What happens when you execute the code below? If it compiles, what will be the output?

    int iValue1 = 100;

    int iValue2 = 200;

    boolean isTrue() {

    return true;


    if(((iValue1 > iValu2) && (iValue2 < 50)) | isTrue()) {

    System.out.println(This is True);


    else {

    System.out.println(This is False);



    The code compiles just fine and it displays the below output:

    This is True

    It is because, isTrue() method returns TRUE and the && expression returns FALSE. The | returns TRUE for FALSE TRUE combination.

    8: What is the use of break and continue statements?


    As the name implies, the keyword break is used to stop executing the statement and come out of the loop.

    The continue keyword is used to stop executing the next statement and continue executing the first statement below the loop.

    9: What happens when you compile and execute the code below? What will be the output?

    for(int iValue=0; iValue<5; iValue++) {



    System.out.println(iValue + 1);



    The code compiles and on executing it displays the below output:






    It is because continue statement will stop executing the next statement and start executing the first statement of the loop.

    10: What happens when you compile and execute the code below? What will be the output?

    for(int iValue=0; iValue<5; iValue++) {



    System.out.println(iValue + 1);



    The code compiles and on executing it displays the below output:


    It prints just 0 because the break statement will stop executing the next statement and push you out of the loop.

    11: What happens when you compile and execute the code below? What will be the output?

    for (;;) {

    System.out.println(Will this get printed?);



    The above mentioned code compiles fine but it never stops executing. This is because it is an infinite loop and keeps on printing the output Will this get printed?.

    12: What happens when you compile and execute the code below? What will be the output?

    int iValue = 50;

    for (;iValue < 100;) {




    In the above code, the iValue is never incremented. So, this becomes an infinite loop; it infinitely prints the value 50.






    13: What is the benefit of an enhanced for loop?


    The enhanced for loop is mainly used to loop through an array object or a collection object. It is introduced in Java 5 and the valid format is described as below:

    for ( Declaration : Expression)

    The Declaration must be a type that you assign based on the expression type.

    The Expression can be of the following:

    a) Array variable

    b) Call to a method that returns an array

    Also, the array can be a primitive, an object or an array of arrays.

    14: How will you declare a valid enhanced for loop?


    A valid enhanced for loop is described below:

    Integer [] integerArray = {10, 100, 1000};

    for(Integer integer : integerArray) {}

    int [] iValue = {10, 100, 1000};

    for(int iValue1 : iValue) {}

    Electronics [] electronics = {new Camera(), new Laptop()};

    for(Electronics e : electronics) {}

    15: What will be the output of the following code?

    for(int iValue = 0; iValue < 10; iValue++) {}



    The above mentioned code will not compile. It is because the variable ‘iValue’ scope is available only within the for loop and not beyond the for loop.

    16: Which lines of below code will compile and which will not?

    while (iValue) {} //Line 1

    while (false) {} //Line 2

    while (iValue = 5) {} //Line 3

    while (iValue == 5) {} //Line 4


    Line 1 and Line 3 will not get compiled.

    Line 2 and Line 4 gets compiled.

    It is because the return type of an expression must be a boolean.

    17: Look at the code below. What will happen when you execute the below code? If it compiles fine, what will be the output?

    int iValue = 10;

    switch(iValue) {

    case 5: System.out.println(5);

    case 8: System.out.println(5);

    default: System.out.println(This is Default);

    case 9: { System.out.println(9); break; }

    case 11: System.out.println(11);



    The above mentioned code compiles fine and displays the below output.

    This is Default


    Although 10 is not available, default it gets executed and executes the next statement as well. The code will not print 11. It’s because of the break statement.

    18: What are the benefits of assertions?


    Below are the benefits of Assertions:

    a) It is used to test your logical assumptions when you develop your code.

    For example:

    if(intNumber >= 0) {



    We are not supposed to make assumptions. It is not the case when you write code. So, the above piece of code can be written as

    assert(intNumber >= 0);


    b) It is also useful to write the code clean and we have the option of turning the assertions on and off. i.e., if we know that the above assumption is correct in all the scenarios, then we don’t need to write the exception handling code.

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