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The Nasdaq100 Index Subtle Alchemy: This is the 2nd version, enjoy!, #2
The Nasdaq100 Index Subtle Alchemy: This is the 2nd version, enjoy!, #2
The Nasdaq100 Index Subtle Alchemy: This is the 2nd version, enjoy!, #2
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The Nasdaq100 Index Subtle Alchemy: This is the 2nd version, enjoy!, #2

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About this ebook

You will have heard the word 'probabilities' if you've been trading for any amount of time. One of the most difficult things you will encounter as a trader is to repeat the very thing that just hurt you. Imagine as a child you put your hand into a naked flame, it hurt, you cried. Your brain now links pain to doing this and now it's programmed to avoid this pain to keep you safe, help you survive. (Remember the section "Programmed for Survival"?) But in trading when you have a loss using a particular strategy our brain kicks in and alerts us "Hey stupid! This hurt last time, you lost money, it made you sad, don't do it again, go try something else that actually works, something that will give you pleasure rather than the pain". You have to overrule this programming and put your hand back into the flame! 

No strategy is fool proof and will work 100% of the time. Accept that. But whenever your strategy doesn't perform ignore the natural tendency to scrap everything and start from scratch. Traders who do this chase their tails for years and years searching for that perfect Holy Grail. How many times have you given up, switched strategy then several months later look back and realise if you'd simply stuck to your original plan and strategies you'd be a penny behind Warren Buffett! 

It's thinking in probabilities rather than certainties that will keep you in the game. You cannot move the chart as a retail trader, you have no control over that, but what you do have control over take advantage of. Stack as much probability on your side as possible. Do it long enough with a positive risk to reward and you'll do well in this game. 


PublisherUfo Trading
Release dateApr 27, 2021
The Nasdaq100 Index Subtle Alchemy: This is the 2nd version, enjoy!, #2

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    Want to read it 100 times ! simplified, straight to the point trading plan book

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The Nasdaq100 Index Subtle Alchemy - Ufo Trading
















Welcome to the Nasdaq 100 Index Subtle Alchemy. It gives me great pleasure to share this unique approach and wisdom with you. Many years of research, pain, trial and error have brought me to this point. This book will take you on a journey of enlightenment, step by step explaining each part of the Alchemy in as much detail as possible. By the end of the book you will have the knowledge and tools to trade the Nasdaq 100 profitably. Give yourself time, study the concepts, and enjoy the journey. 

Lots of Alien Love...



I know what you’re thinking. Urrghh! Psychology? Mind-set? Boring! Show me the strategy! Let’s make some money! 

There will be folks who’ll skip straight over this part, but will regret it in the long run. You can be the best Technical or Fundamental Analyst, have the best strategy on the planet but if your head is not in the right place the likelihood of your success diminishes drastically. 

Go grab something warm, a coffee, a tea, maybe a cheeky whiskey and let’s get to it.


Instant Gratification

As mere humans we’re programmed to seek instant gratification. Most of us want success, wealth and health right now, with the least amount of effort possible. This is why we’re obsessed with gambling, quick diet/weight loss pills etc. Very few put in the hard work and time required to achieve great things. So if you think trading is a get rich quick scheme, then you’re seeking that instant gratification. You’re likely to become impatient, risk too much and end up as another losing statistic. 

Think long term, have a broader outlook, give yourself time. Grow your skills and wealth slowly. Compare yourself to the Bamboo plant. It spends year’s underground, building a strong foundation before emerging victoriously with super strong shoots. It is often referred to as the world’s fastest growing plant. Be like Bamboo. Build your foundation first, do the work, commit the time, make the sacrifices and you will grow into something spectacular. 


Programmed for Survival 

Similar to instant gratification we’re programmed to seek pleasure and avoid pain. It may sound absurd but every single action a human being does is for positive intent

People who smoke cigarettes know it will kill them, how is this positive intent if it’s so destructive? Because when they first started smoking it was most likely a coping mechanism for a difficult time, or to be part of a social gathering. It served you. Now you’re brain attaches a greater amount of pleasure to smoking than not smoking.  Suicide is for positive intent. At that very moment you’re brain attached a huge amount of pleasure to not being alive. It was the better option. It may sound insane and it will take some understanding for 99% of people. 

Think about all the things you have done today; brushing your teeth, going to work, and eating your lunch were all done for positive intent. Don’t brush your teeth they’ll fall out! (You’ll look a mess). Don’t go to work and you’ll get fired (no income). Skip lunch and you’ll starve to death! 

There will not be one thing you did that was for negative intent. It was all done for pleasure/reward and to avoid loss/pain. 


How does this link to trading? 

Think about all the reactions you have done in the past when trading. 

•  Moving your Stop Loss too close to price to try and lock in as much profit as possible (Positive Intent).

•  Closing a winning trade too early despite having no technical reason to do so. Fear of losing what you’re currently making. Bank that cash now! (Positive Intent) 

•  Risking more than you would normally thinking if this trade hits target you’re going to be rich (Positive Intent) 

The above examples have a negative impact long term, yet due to positive intent you ‘feel’ at the time that it is the right thing to do. Your brain is protecting you, keeping you safe and helping you survive. In the animal kingdom it’s a good thing. It keeps you safe and alive, but in the world of trading this way of thinking will seriously damage your ability to make it as a successful trader. 

To overcome this natural programming you need to move to a more rule based method of trading. The more rules you have in place, the less room there is for emotions to take over and that survival/positive intent part of your brain to engage. By back testing your strategy, spotting all the

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