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Your Soul Purpose: Learn How to Access the Light Within
Your Soul Purpose: Learn How to Access the Light Within
Your Soul Purpose: Learn How to Access the Light Within
Ebook293 pages5 hours

Your Soul Purpose: Learn How to Access the Light Within

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About this ebook

Discover your soul purpose by harnessing your own energy and accessing the world beyond in this expert guide from the world-famous psychic medium and author of The Happy Medium.

Everyone on earth has a purpose for being here, but it can be difficult to discover. Luckily, each of us has a guru residing inside—a spiritual guide to lead us on the path to fulfillment.

As “The Happy Medium,” Kim has reached beyond the realms of the known. Her gift allows her to sees what many of us cannot: that the world is filled with distractions and barriers that can derail us from living our lives with meaning and purpose. By explaining spiritual laws—including divine oneness, balance, vibration, and resistance—and providing practical, illuminating exercises, Kim unlocks our spiritual toolbox to help us reframe our world.

Wise and compassionate, Kim teaches us how to embrace love, reject fear, and rid ourselves of negativity bias, through a series of helpful quizzes and assignments that make it easy to discover who we are. Your Soul Purpose will empower readers to recognize love, leave their fear and egos at the door, and use the spiritual tools they already possess to fulfill their destiny.

Release dateApr 2, 2019

Kim Russo

Kim Russo, known as “The Happy Medium,” is the star of Lifetime Movie Network’s most popular show, The Haunting Of . . . , as well as the series Psychic Intervention. She has previously appeared on A&E’s hit shows Paranormal State and Psychic Kids and on The Biography Channel’s Celebrity Ghost Stories: The Haunting of Loretta Lynn. Kim also enjoys speaking at hundreds of engagements across the country, addressing eager audiences of all different ages, religions, and beliefs. She won the 2015 title of “Best Psychic on Long Island” from the Best of Long Island Press.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thanks, Kim, for this very inspirational masterpiece. This publication is a must-read to help people understand their spiritual purpose on this Earthly dimension.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have earmarked many pages and copied some. Will start herother book next. Great read.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Your Soul Purpose - Kim Russo

There Really Is Something About Mary

My Dearest Mary:

I can’t believe the day has come, we had to say goodbye;

We stood beside you hopelessly and tried so not to cry

When we were kids you took the lead among our little crowd;

You guided us and mothered us and were always very proud

You talked us up and made a fuss, you bragged relentlessly;

With pride and joy, and eyes so wide, you loved your family

What will we do? Who will we ask the answers we don’t know?

Who will promote and cheer us on when putting on our shows?

You cared so much about us all and put yourself as last;

You laughed so hard until you cried as you spoke about our past

Your name is very special, as our Mother up above;

Your name is filled with faith and hope, but most of all just love

I know you hear us when we cry and try to ease our pain;

We know you had a job to do and didn’t die in vain

You always knew the things to say to make us feel at ease;

But now you’re gone and we are lost, and trying not to grieve

The fun we had, the things we did as cousins till the end;

What made our bond was not just blood, we were each other’s friend

Until we meet again, my dearest Mary—save a spot for me right next to you.

You are always in my heart,

Kim Ellen (as only you would call me)


There are two great days in a person’s life—the day we are born and the day we discover why.




Title Page



1: Indestructible: Understanding Frequency, Vibration, and Universal Laws

2: Who Are You? Finding Your Worth, Letting Go of Fear, and Learning to Be Authentic

3: How Did I Get Here? Rediscover Childlike Intuition, Become Your Own Authority, and Return to Your True Self

4: Showing Up for Love: Understanding the Whispers of Your Soul by Letting Go of Fear

5: What’s Your Vibe? Mastering Vibrational Frequencies and Understanding Chakras

6: Find Your Team: Learn How to Love Yourself More and Become a Team Player

7: Surrender! Let Go of Control and Let Your Soul Take the Lead

8: Everything Is Shaping Up Perfectly: Remembering Your Purpose Through Sacred Patterns of The Universe

9: It’s a Numbers Game: Understanding the Universal Language of Numbers and Why They Hold the Power to Positively Influence Your Life

10: The Sky Is Not the Limit! Reaching for the Stars Through the Art of Astrology and Learning to Shine as Bright as Your Sun Sign

11: Rising Above It All: Ascending to New Spiritual Heights



About the Author

Also by Kim Russo


About the Publisher


Dear Reader,

Thank you for picking up Your Soul Purpose! As you read through these pages you might wonder if this book really can answer the questions you have. Will they point you in the right direction to find your own truth and the peace within that truth? Because I only deal with truths—something that often scares us—you might already be contemplating whether or not you should continue reading. Let me say this: If you have gotten this far in your thinking, this far on the page, then the answer is yes! Go for it!

Like many people alive on Earth today, you may be wondering What is this life all about? For what purpose was I born? Am I really who I think I am? Am I really who others think I am? If you believe in reincarnation (and I’ll explain that in the book) you might be wondering if you’re here to suffer through the lessons you didn’t learn in a previous life. Maybe you’re worried you had previously slanted toward evil and now it’s payback time. I can hear you asking if your purpose is really to wake up every weekday at 5 a.m. to catch a crowded train, or sit in backed-up traffic, only to get to a job where no one even notices your accomplishments. There are many of you who are wondering when your current job will be taken over by a computer software program. (Hint: That may be sooner than you think.) And there are the voices of so many of you in my ear, who are reevaluating the relationships in your life that don’t seem to be serving your highest good or highest purpose. These relationships pull energy from you and from your soul, leaving you empty and wrung-out like a used dishrag. You are continually searching for ways to escape these relationships, but the lies creep in and convince you that you made your bed and now you must lie in it. The only word in that sentence that is true is the lie.

If any of the above applies to you, then keep on reading!

You may have done a bit of soul-searching online already. Or maybe you went to a bookstore or to the library and worked your way through nonfiction, religious, and spiritual books, all the way to Your Soul Purpose. Some of you may have selected this book simply because you are familiar with The Haunting of . . . , the TV show where I help celebrities solve the mysteries surrounding their otherworldly experiences. If so, then you already know me, my face, my Long Island accent—and you know I don’t mess around. I have to tell it like it is! Others of you may have read my first book, The Happy Medium: Life Lessons from the Other Side. In those pages I told my personal story of finding, accepting, and understanding the spiritual gifts that have led me to discover my soul purpose.

In The Happy Medium, I also shared stories of how I met and got to know my many spiritual teachers. These teachers range from Kali, my husband’s spirit guide, whom I stumbled into by accident, to a woman I met by chance (or not!), Holly, who stalked me until I stopped to listen to the many truths she was offering to share with me. One of the things I came to know through Holly was that no matter what your faith, following, beliefs, or disbeliefs, the spiritual world exists outside these distinctions, transcends them, and can peacefully coexist with them. These messengers, and many others I’ve met over the past 20-plus years, have imparted valuable wisdom that they’ve collected since the beginning of time. They have helped me to better understand the mysteries of The Universe and the seemingly unknowable; they’ve uncovered answers to questions I’d been asking since before I could even form words.

I consider these wise teachers, here on Earth as well as in the spirit world, to be the gurus who have shown up for me when I, the student, was ready to open my heart and receive the wisdom of their teachings. As is expected, there have been some ideas thrown at me that did not resonate with my soul. In those cases, I took what I needed and left the rest. My goal in writing this book is not to convince you of anything, and not to be your personal guru. My goal is to help you find the guru that resides inside each and every one of you. So, as I do when I’m receiving lessons, take what you need and leave what doesn’t work for you.

In Your Soul Purpose, I’ll walk you through the steps necessary to get to know yourself and to get to know God through yourself. I’ll help you identify your passion, which is your purpose, so that you can live a life honoring that passion and gift. And I’ll tell you about a new spirit guide who recently showed up when I least expected. He’s the one who’s helping me write this book and he told me about the major paradigm shifts occurring in the world today. There are many more details on that in the final chapter of this book.

Whether you’re a celebrity, a stay-at-home mom or dad, a construction worker, a surgeon, a librarian, a physics professor, a college student, or anything in between: You are holding the very book designed to help you. No matter what your profession, level of education, level of wealth, religion, or country of origin, you and I and all the other readers are essentially alike. We are one and the same in our needs and desires.

Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, each one of us yearns to find our way home, the place where we are loved and feel safe. We’re usually not sure where that place is or how to get there. We pick up friends along the way, people with brains, courage, and heart. These people are searching too; together we wander down the yellow brick road of life. Of course, there are good witches and bad witches. And let’s not forget those crazy-eyed flying monkeys who scare the heck outta us on this journey! The world has an endless number of external barriers trying to distract us on our way home. What we fail to realize during this seemingly treacherous journey is that we don’t need to take that yellow brick road at all. We don’t need to wander so far. The answer, the home we’re looking for, is nesting inside each of us, pulsing with energy and purpose. And this purpose, this passion, is what we are supposed to do with our lives. That, along with the other details of your life, is written on what I call the Master Blueprint.

Naturally, you’re wondering where this blueprint is and why you don’t have access to it. Well, you do! The blueprint is held by a Higher Intelligence and creator of all things. We are all sparks of this Divine Energy, also known as Love (first and foremost), The God Force, The Omnipresent One, The Universe, Your Higher Self, Higher Power, Infinite Wisdom, Divine Mind, Higher Intelligence, The Light, Spirit, The I Am, or Source. The most popular name, and what most people call this energy, is God. You will see these titles referred to interchangeably throughout this book. The God Force is all-encompassing, and is a Supreme Energy Source. God is neither male nor female; therefore, to make things simpler, I will use the pronouns He and Him when referring to God. Whatever you choose to call it, it is connected to each one of us. Our infinite connection to this energy is our birthright. It is contained in our DNA like wires or microchips in a computer’s hard drive. Just like the wireless internet, by using the right side of our brains, and through our hearts, we are able to make an instant connection to this energy. It is always available, remembers what you forgot when you were born, and transcends logic, time, and space.

Remember Dorothy finding her way to the Wizard, only to find out the Wizard held no power to help her? It turned out that the only way home was through herself. It was information she already knew but had to be reminded of: There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home . . . (It amazes me how enlightened L. Frank Baum was. I might have to find his spirit, so we can further discuss the Oz books and the movie.)

When you use the blueprint and work in tandem with the divine knowledge of The Higher Power, you can evolve individually while also contributing to the elevation of all of humanity. Together on this journey, we can hammer away at the walls that separate us through judgment and fear. These twin forces are the driving emotions behind hate, war, and all the negativity that corrupts humanity. With faith, courage, and the knowledge of The Higher Power, we can collectively move toward peace, compassion, and love.

Throughout this book, I will help you understand who you truly are and why you are meant to be here at this very tumultuous yet wondrous time on the planet. I will blow open the lid on the many lies that were taught to you at an early age by authority figures. These were lies that often led you to feeling hopeless, helpless, and confused.

Like holding a map to a treasure chest, this book will lead you across the terrain of your life, to the discovery of your soul purpose, your passion. You’ll learn the spiritual truths about your soul, the spiritual laws that govern your soul, and much, much more.

I am a soul who has decided to incarnate—to join a body—at this particular time in history. My purpose is to demonstrate the highest and purest expression of my unique soul energy; to learn, teach, create, and love. Your purpose is connected to my purpose. I am so grateful that you are allowing me into your life to deliver the tools you need to find the answers you are seeking.

Before we get started, find a highlighter pen and a cozy nook where you can settle in. Take off your shoes, take off your tie, and take off any resistance or hesitations you might be grasping onto. Try to release the awareness you have of your body or the room you’re in, or the room you’re not in. (Forget about those shoes scattered across the floor, or the stacks of things to go upstairs sitting on your stairs.) Pretend you have just landed here from another planet and have no expectations or ideas of how life works on Earth. Pretend you’ve never learned any of the things that limit, restrict, and divide our spirits such as religion, social and economic status, gender expectations, and more. Our spirits are meant to soar like an eagle. Essentially, I’m asking you to cast out all your preconceived ideas about life and death. Along with that, you need to eliminate doubt and skepticism, defensiveness, ego, fear, and trepidation. Those are the things that create noise and chaos in your mind and cut you off from the greater good, the spirits, the love, and the divine forces that are all around you.

Once you open your mind and heart, you will be amazed by what streams into all that space you’ve cleared away. What you’ll find is that deep inside yourself, in your authentic core self, you already know everything I’m about to tell you to be true.

When you sit with these truths, you will finally be able to break the negative cycles you have been living with. You will be able to understand the impermanent and irrelevant titles and roles you have created or that have been cast upon you, making you feel different, not accepted, or as if you don’t belong. If you listen closely to this inner wisdom, you will hear it whispering in your ear, telling you that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be. Right here. Right now.

Soon enough, you will understand why you were born and why you continue to exist.

Remember when Dorothy’s world turned from black and white to color? It’s one of my favorite moments in The Wizard of Oz because it reminds me of something I see every day in my teachings. People who thought their lives were one way, without color and texture, suddenly feel their eyes have been opened and they can see all the beautiful, glorious colors of the world. I truly hope that this book will turn on the great shining light of The Universe so that you can see all the rich, vibrant colors that were always around you, just hidden out of sight.

Now forget about what you thought was your sole purpose in life and join me in discovering your true soul purpose. This book is my word, this book is the truth, this book is me, and this book is you.

With love and peace,

Kim Russo


Indestructible: Understanding Frequency, Vibration, and Universal Laws

To change, you must face the dragon of your appetites with another dragon:the life-energy of the soul.


JUST AS you need to understand simple arithmetic—addition and subtraction—to move on to algebra or geometry, you need to understand a couple of basics about the spiritual world to move on in this book. I’ll break it down into two sections to make it easier to follow. If you know me, or my work, you know I always say it as simply and straightforwardly as I can. Don’t worry—you aren’t getting a grade as you did in math class. Just read and enjoy!


To find anything, you have to know what you’re looking for. You couldn’t find a Chapman stick in the middle of Times Square if you didn’t know what a Chapman stick was. (I’ll tell you eventually what it is.) So, if you’re going to find your soul purpose, you have to begin by understanding exactly what a soul is.

Let me explain.

I’m a doubter. A questioner. No matter what you tell me, I’ll ask the why, the where, the how, or the who. Even though I consider myself to be a spiritual person living a spiritual life, I need a little science in order to fully back up what I’m being told by the spirit world to get me on board.

I don’t want to get too complicated and textbooky here, but to understand me and the world where I communicate, you need to understand quantum mechanics. Let’s start with something that anyone who paid attention in seventh-grade science class knows for sure (science was my favorite subject, by the way): The total amount of energy in the universe has always, and will always, be the same—even as the universe expands. The form that energy takes is constantly changing. Or, if you prefer to listen to Einstein instead of me: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change from one form to another. And, again, this is seventh-grade science. Everything in the universe is made out of indestructible energy.

Quantum mechanics is the study of this energy. As scientist Niels Bohr said, Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. In other words, energy is all there is, all we are. Intense magnification of atoms (the building blocks of everything that is) shows that they are made up of spinning vibrations of energy. When you focus in closer and closer on an atom you see nothing: a physical void. An atom has no physical form. It is simply radiating energy. Additionally, each atom gives off a unique energy signature. Every human on Earth, and every human who ever was, is composed of these atoms, which radiate energy in ways that are unique to each person. Whether a body is there or not, the person—those radiating atoms—still exists.

In the words of Johns Hopkins physics and astronomy professor Richard Conn Henry, Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial. In other words, the realm where I communicate by interpreting the language of energy is within the authentic and true state of the universe. The realm where I reside as I type these words, and where you reside as you hold this book in your hands, is within the illusion of material or physical permanence.

Wait a minute, you’re saying. Wait one gosh-darn minute!

I’m waiting.

Okay, I’ve waited long enough. I know what you’re wondering. Since all matter is atoms and all atoms are radiating energy, and since all energy cannot be created or destroyed, does that mean . . .

Yes. It means that all the people who have passed on, who we think are no longer with us, are really just in the next room (as my spirit guides like to say).

One day, while I was meditating, hoping to understand more truths about the soul and its purpose, pictures started flooding into my mind’s eye. I was shown a vision of a beautiful Victorian-looking birdcage, standing approximately five feet from the ground, made out of an antique-like sturdy metal. In this cage was a beautiful bird with vibrant colors, peacefully perched as if she didn’t have a care in the world. After watching this slideshow, I immediately began to understand the analogy of the bird and its cage. Let me explain it to you here.

If your body is the cage, your soul is the bird. This beautiful, feathery bird will certainly live in that cage for a while, eating the pebbles of seed. But, really, the cage is irrelevant to the bird. The bird does not exist simply because there is a cage to hold it. In fact, a cage isn’t even the ideal place for the bird—the tree is. If and when that bird leaves the cage, it doesn’t cease to exist—it just ceases to exist in that cage. Really, the bird has flown into the lush, leafy tree. The tree is the ideal environment for the bird. It is the place where it is in perfect harmony with its surroundings, getting all of its needs met. Being in the tree is like being connected to The Divine. Now, you might come home from work, stand in the middle of your living room, and start hollering because your beautiful bird is gone. The cage is empty and there are some yellow feathers strewn across the floor, but no bird. At that moment, it might be difficult to believe that the bird still exists. You miss seeing it in your living room; you miss its sweet, dulcet song. But if you could open up your heart to another dimension, the dimension of the tree—the light of The Divine Intelligence—you would see that the bird is still here. But to perceive her, however, you need to rely on senses from another dimension.

I know, I know: You want to know more. You’re saying, Kim, are you telling me that my beautiful nana, who slipped on the ice in Trenton, New Jersey, broke her hip, and never recovered, is up in a tree? Or maybe you’re saying, Where exactly is my uncle Bob, who went on that fly-fishing expedition in Montana, had the greatest week of his life, according to the postcard he managed to send, but then ended that week in a head-on collision? Or, you might be asking, How do we locate my aunt Mary Catherine, who passed on in her sleep at age 81 while on a missionary trip to Aspen, where she managed to both ski and attend services at the Catholic church? Yes, there are many souls who are missing from our lives. Think of all the billions and billions of people, going back to when time was first recorded. Or, think of all the people going back to Ardi, the 4.4-million-year-old skeleton that was dug up in Ethiopia. Each person who has existed since the beginning of time, since Ardi, was made up of atoms, of an indestructible but fully mutable store of energy. A soul!

Where that soul goes after leaving the cage of the body is up to the soul. Free will extends across the dimensions. A soul—let’s go back to our bird—might leave the divinity of that tree and enter another cage. In that new cage, with a new family, maybe in a new country, she’ll learn the lessons she needs to learn, the lessons that will lead her to full enlightenment. Or, maybe our bird isn’t ready to be rehoused yet and she’s decided to stay home, near that empty cage, checking in on the cat that was left behind. (My Aunt Mary would do that because, really, who could love Philomena, her mangy, dagger-tailed, one-eyed cat, other than Aunt Mary?)

Other souls, as many of you can attest, hover near their loved ones. One might be watching over you now as you read this. And some souls are shining with their lights as bright as the sun. They’re in the spiritual realm, the metaphorical tree for our metaphorical bird: their natural habitat, the place where the fit is perfect. They are

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