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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 6
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 6
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 6
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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 6

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While sojourning in the Tower of Fangs, Orphen and Majic come across the “Browning Family’s World Transcript,” a divine history book. Unfortunately for the duo, they’ve come into possession of an item coveted by killers who will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. A magical power struggle begins to unfurl within the place Orphen once called home, and demons from the past come back to haunt him.

PublisherJ-Novel Club
Release dateFeb 9, 2020
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 6

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    Sorcerous Stabber Orphen - Yoshinobu Akita


    I’m not really going to kill you, you know, the woman said softly. As she did so, she twisted the man’s wrist with one hand, while her other lifted him by his lapels. She held him in the air as she pushed him up against the wall.

    His face stiffened, and as he glared at her face below him, his expression was filled with fear.

    The two of them were in what could only be described as a rundown flophouse. Between broken down and busted up walls stood support struts that smelled as if they were actively rotting. The posters that were peeling down from those busted walls were from past theatre productions.

    There were no windows. Gas lamps, made in an olden style, were hanging from a cracked and worn ceiling. The middle of the room itself was pure chaos. The man’s associates were lying crumpled here and there, scattered throughout the room.

    They were dressed unassumingly, looking like just about any old person anyone pulled off the street. One could go into town and find a hundred men walking the streets that looked just like them. But her? She was different. She wore black battle robes. She was one of only one hundred and seventy people in town that had the right to do so. Though they looked soft, the dim gaslight of the room caused the fabric to give off a more metallic sheen. Her black hair and deep brown eyes seemed to be the same color in the light of the room. And those eyes of hers were pleased, laughing at him as if she’d been playing tricks on him.

    As I said, I’m not interested in killing you. I’m not a murderer, you see, she repeated to him, laughing gently. I just want to know what you know.

    Interfering in our ritual, are you? Just what are you planning, witch? the man whispered from behind his thick mustache.

    She didn’t seem like she particularly cared about what he said, and instead looked around and spoke again. Hmm. I do feel a bit bad for interrupting your little meeting, but it’s not like you guys feel bad when you do the same thing during my meetings with my believers, either.

    Where she looked there lay utter chaos, evidence of some big fight with fallen furniture and men alike, a broken altar, and crushed candles that were usually used in sacrificial rites. The candles were ordinary ones, commercially sold in any town or market, but instead of tallow, chicken fat had been used to make them.

    She gave out a small, lamenting sigh.

    Well, I mean I’m not a complete monster. I do sympathize with you. The fact that we have dragon cultists in this town now living with us, or something like that... I honestly cannot imagine how stupid they must truly be.

    You fucking witch...! The man cursed at her once more with a groan. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake her hand on his chest. It made him so very, very angry.

    Her face was calm as she murmured to him, Actually, if we’re all being honest, I get it. I too live my life away from the public eye. And that’s exactly why I sympathize with you. Perhaps that’s a disadvantage on my end. Perhaps I should just be threatening the lives of your little two or three errand boys that I laid out so quickly. Perhaps that would be more expedient...

    After a moment, she spoke again, as if remembering something. Hm, yes. Perhaps that would be far more expedient indeed...

    Wa-Wait! The man screamed, panicking. At this point, even if this was just a threat and not something she was going to carry out, he quickly moved to the bargaining stage of things, even if he knew in his heart of hearts that that wouldn’t work.

    She smiled sweetly. Thank you. Ah... Before making sure I took care of things I wanted to give you my thanks. Because this means you’re going to tell me what you know now, right?

    Hrrgh... the man moaned, but he did not correct her.

    Then, once more, I thank you. You certainly measure up to your name as one of The Church of the Gathering on Sacred Ground. So sporting of you to talk with me. Oh, I’m so sorry. Perhaps ‘sporting’ is not a word that should be used to compliment religious societies such as yourselves.

    You little...! the man sputtered in fury.

    I wouldn’t get too excited now, my dear sir. After all, you have so much to tell me! She paused momentarily before continuing. I’ve been waiting for you to get proactive about things with me quite patiently, you know, she finished talking as her eyes narrowed. Not in laughter or merriment, but something far colder than that. Something quiet and deadly.

    Her eyes, which up until this moment had been charming, now turned sharp, like blades of ice in her face. Almost hungry. Her expression turned serious, and she opened her mouth to ask another question.

    There’s only one thing I want to know—

    She took a deep breath, and continued.

    Where is the Browning Family’s World?

    Chapter I: It Begins at Night

    As if from nothing—

    In a dream, someone had been beating at his shoulders, waking him. White flecks dimly floated across the deep darkness surrounding him. He stared, half-awake, at their dance. Usually, he’d think that it was ghosts, or something to that degree. But not tonight. The white flecks started to disappear from his field of vision, and Orphen properly awoke.

    He dug himself out of the sheets and looked around the room. It was quite wide, and well-supplied. It had certainly cost someone a pretty penny. There was no telling whether or not it was decorated in good taste, though — he never had an eye for things like that. After all, he had no interest in home decorating. However, the owner of this manor did tell him she’d readied this room in the hopes he’d use it.

    The pillows heaped on the couch were made of satin. The only really messy thing in the room was a beat-up old duffel bag. All of the worldly possessions he had left were inside of it; an always-too-light wallet, some clothes, and other small sundries. The rest of whatever else was in the room were possessions his sister, the master of this manor, had gathered for him.

    Though the master of this manor wasn’t truly his sister, at least not in any family registers or official paperwork. He’d always thought of her as his sister, ever since he’d been a child.

    The clock on the desk in the room was something she’d given him for his birthday. He thought she’d probably taken it from the Tower of Fangs.

    The clock read a little after 2AM, and Orphen scooped up his shirt from where he’d haphazardly thrown it on the eastern-style woven rug below. The shirt was black, clearly worn to its very threads, and he pulled it on over his head.

    When he lifted his face, he saw himself reflected in the mirror on the opposing wall. The stern look he had in his eye wasn’t something he was doing consciously. His serious face could be considered ironic, considering his circumstances. He had black hair and black eyes, like most others on the continent, really. None of his features had changed since he was born. The only thing that had changed was the sharp increase in the number of strange events that had started happening to him in the twenty years he’d been alive.

    At least, that was how he thought about it.

    A leather jacket hung above the bed, and next to it, his beloved bandana and Dragon crest pendant. Hanging on the chain was the crest of a dragon curled around a sword. It was an emblem that represented the absolute peak of black sorcery, The Tower of Fangs.

    Orphen quickly put it on. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and slid his feet into his boots while rubbing at his temples.

    For the love of... He muttered. He shook his head, irritated, and stood.

    He toddled sluggishly towards the door.

    Claiomh? You again? Stop this. You do this night after night... He grumbled, but there was no answer. Orphen answered the door.

    No one was there. That was easy to see as he looked around the pitch black hallway. There was only darkness, oozing endlessly wherever he looked.

    Hm? Must’ve been my imagination...

    And the moment he murmured that, a sharp hiss broke the dark silence around him. Orphen leapt backwards in a quick retreat. A few centimeters in front of his nose, there was a dark figure. He realized a bit belatedly that in its hand was a dagger, and that’s where the sharp hiss had come from. It had nicked his nose.

    Whether the figure had been sticking to the ceiling and then had decided to drop down and throw the dagger while it did so, or it had just come in from the open door, was something that remained to be seen.

    In the meantime, Orphen was calmly watching, assessing the situation as he retreated. The figure was as small as a child and had a mask on its face. It was completely dressed in black, and aside from the dagger, had no other weapons.

    Orphen was quite familiar with all of this, the figure, the mask, the dagger. It all came straight out of the Tower of Fangs’ playbook.

    Is this another black sorcerer that the Tower sent after me to do their dirty work for them? Or...

    Just by taking in the figure’s technique, it came to him.

    A Stabber! he shouted in his own head. Orphen deflected the figure’s fist with his own palm.

    The figure came closer.

    Orphen squared his shoulders and took another step forward.

    After a few more steps, Orphen hurled himself at the figure.

    If I can chase him... Then I can win, Orphen thought. But as he thought that, he stopped. If this were any other opponent, they would take the opportunity given to them by his sudden halt to beat and crush him entirely.

    But when one is a Stabber, if one were to follow through with that and try to beat the opponent now, one may be taken unawares and meet an unpleasant fate indeed.

    Orphen straightened himself up and corrected his fighting stance, then asked his opponent.

    Just what are you trying to pull here? You realize you’re in Leticia MacCready’s house right? You know, the big shot black sorcerer from the Tower of Fangs?

    And you’re Krylancelo, right? his opponent replied quietly.

    Orphen took a gulp of air and then narrowed his eyes. One could see in his steely gaze and the way he corrected his stance that he was clearly gearing up for a standoff against the figure.

    But his opponent continued to speak. At first, Orphen thought that his opponent had been a young boy, just by looking at their physique alone. But their voice was too low, and even if they had been altering their voice on purpose, they would still most definitely be an adult.

    Can’t really help the fact that you made me, eh? So I’ll just ask you one thing. Where is the Browning Family’s— the man started, and at that moment—


    Something echoed in the room and the window opened behind them.

    From the window, a black figure came jumping into the room.

    Another challenger appears?! Orphen thought, and quickly turned to face them. That is to say, he turned to the opponent before him, and shouted.

    I call upon thee, Sisters of Destruction!

    In that instant, a huge shockwave tore itself from the wall of air now protecting Orphen and flew towards his opponents.

    There was no real time to confirm whether or not that shockwave had taken out his first opponent. There was only time to turn to the window and anticipate another attack.

    The person that came at him from the window tried to hit him with what looked like a portable baton. The new foe looked a lot like the other one; same clothing, same mask, even the same body size. It made Orphen wonder whether or not this new opponent was also possibly a child.

    In either case, Orphen managed to dodge another blow from this new attacker that came at him from the side.

    The new intruder reacted a bit faster than he expected, kicking at Orphen’s foot. Their technique was pretty good, actually, and in response, Orphen shifted his body backwards with a movement so small it would seem like he was merely shaking his head. He dodged so quickly that the opponent’s trainer-covered foot merely grazed him as he moved.

    He quickly and lightly grabbed at the new intruder’s leg, and as if pulling up radishes out of the ground and throwing them into the day’s harvest pile, tossed them away.

    Eeek! the new intruder shrieked as they fell.

    Orphen stared down at them, and heaved a big sigh.

    You know... he started.

    Not yet! the intruder screeched from their place on the floor, and threw their baton at Orphen, who dodged it and instead stretched out his palm.

    He murmured, I call upon thee, Tiny Spirits.

    With a soft glow, his palm lit up with tiny balls of light, which started to brighten the room as a whole. From the darkness, the features of the opponents started to emerge.

    And when Orphen saw who he was dealing with, he groaned loudly.

    Enough, Claiomh. Stop screwing around.

    Grrr...!! The two opponents growled in voices as if they were choking, shaking their heads.

    I’m not Claiomh, I’m ‘Take me to the Tower’, The Beloved Masked Cutie: Clai!

    Uh... Orphen grunted, squinting at her.

    And then he realized what she meant.

    Shit! he shouted, and looked behind him. The first intruder seemed to have avoided his first round of magic attacks, and was rushing towards the window.

    And that’s when he saw the open window.

    I release thee, Sword— He started, but as soon as he started chanting his spell, the first opponent leapt out the window. He hurried to the window and looked around outside of it, all the while on his guard against more surprise attacks—

    But the first intruder was gone. There was no sign of them at all.

    They managed to run off, huh... Orphen tutted. Then suddenly, there were two more intruders there in the room with him. This time, they were glaring at him, arms crossed against their chests.

    I really had no clue that there was a second Beloved Masked Cutie running around out there. Wild...

    Isn’t that something you should keep track of?! Orphen yelled at her, while pulling off her mask. From beneath the slightly-too-large-for-her mask emerged a girl with long, golden hair.

    While closing the window firmly, Orphen clearly told her, No matter how many times you try to bring that back up, my answer isn’t gonna change, Claiomh. No. No, I am not going to bring you to the Tower!

    Hmmph, Claiomh said, stroking her face now that the mask was off of it. She took a deep breath.

    Did you get those battle robes from Tish? Orphen asked her.

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