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What the Bible Says to the Minister
What the Bible Says to the Minister
What the Bible Says to the Minister
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What the Bible Says to the Minister

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God has called you to what? Understand your calling with What the Bible Says to the Minister. From the makers of The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible comes a new edition of What the Bible Says to the Minister. This beloved book is a practical manual of scriptural values and ethics for every pastor and minister.


Release dateDec 13, 2018
What the Bible Says to the Minister

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    What the Bible Says to the Minister - Leadership Ministries Worldwide



    Part One: Your Ministry

    You have been given the greatest ministry in all the world, that of ministering to people and reconciling them to the Lord and Majesty of the universe, God Himself. For this reason, you must understand and be fully committed to the great ministry He has given you.

    1. What Your Call as a Minister Is

    2. What Your Aim as a Minister Must Be

    3. What Your Purpose as a Minister Is

    4. What Your Resources as a Minister Are

    5. What Your Commission and Work as a Minister Are

    6. What Your Message—Your Preaching and Teaching—Must Be

    A. You and Your Message

    B. You and Your Preaching and Teaching

    7. What Your Duty as a Minister Toward False Teaching Must Be

    A. You and False Teachers or Heretics

    B. You and Other Gospels

    C. You and False Doctrine and Teaching

    Part Two: Your Personal Life and Day by Day Walk

    God’s Word tells you how to live and walk in Christ day by day. Consistency, obedience, faithfulness—this is what God is after. Following Him—doing exactly as He says—bears the most fulfilling and fruitful life and ministry imaginable. For this reason, you must be diligent in living and walking exactly as God says. Again, God’s Word stresses that consistency, obedience, and faithfulness must be the hallmarks of your life.

    8. What Your Daily Walk as a Minister Must Be

    A. You and Christ

    B. You and Scripture

    C. You and Prayer

    9. What Your Personal Life and Behavior as a Minister Must Be

    A. You and Your Body and Mind

    B. You and Your Conduct

    C. You and Your Financial Support

    10. What Your Relationship With Others Must Be

    A. You and Your Family

    B. You and Other Ministries

    C. You and Those Who Oppose, Criticize, and Persecute You

    D. You and Other Believers

    E. You and Unbelievers

    11. What Your Attitude Toward Suffering Must Be

    12. What Your Death and Reward as a Minister Will Be



    Part One: Your Ministry

    1. What Your Call as a Minister Is

    As a minister, you have been given the greatest privilege and responsibility in all the world: called to be a minister of the living God, called by the Sovereign Lord and Majesty of the universe.

    1. You are chosen by God Himself.

    2. You are chosen by Jesus Christ.

    3. You are chosen by the Holy Spirit of God.

    4. You are counted faithful—counted trustworthy—by Christ.

    5. You have been called to be a minister by the gift of God’s grace.

    6. You have been called to be a steward—a servant—of God.

    7. You have been called to be an ambassador for Christ.

    2. What Your Aim as a Minister Must Be

    As a minister, the aim—the target and mark—of your life is clearly spelled out in Scripture. You are to set your life upon these goals. You are to adopt these goals and be utterly consumed with reaching them.

    1. You must know, believe, and understand God.

    2. You must personally know Christ and the power of His resurrection.

    3. You must forget the past and press on for the prize.

    4. You must set this as your great aim and eagerly expect and hope to reach it.

    5. You must have one great concern: consistency, not to offend in anything. You must prove that you are a true minister of God—that you are faithful through all the experiences of life, through all trials and temptations.

    6. You must fulfill the supreme requirement of God: that you be faithful.

    7. You must be faithful, so faithful that you are totally abandoned and surrendered to Christ.

    8. You must be faithful to the end of life.

    3. What Your Purpose as a Minister Is

    Why has God called you to be a minister? What are His purposes for calling you? God has several very specific purposes He wants to accomplish through you. Scripture is clear in describing just what these purposes are.

    1. You are to be a pattern of the glorious truth that God saves sinners—a living example of God’s mercy.

    2. You are to go and make disciples of all nations.

    3. You are to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

    4. You are to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    4. What Your Resources as a Minister Are

    How can you fulfill the purposes of God for your life and ministry? God has not left you alone, He has not left you with only human wisdom and strength to accomplish your task. God has provided great help—unbelievable resources—to equip you to live for Him and to carry out His great purposes for you.

    1. You are given the grace and power of Christ.

    2. You are given the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

    3. You are given the presence and power of God.

    4. You are given the assurance—absolute assurance—of victory by God Himself.

    5. You are given a spiritual gift by God.

    6. You are given faith to sustain you in the ministry.

    7. You are given the love of Christ to compel you in the ministry.

    8. You are given the hope of the resurrection to sustain you in the ministry.

    5. What Your Commission and Work as a Minister Are

    As a minister, God has given you the greatest commission and work imaginable. Scripture spells out in great detail just what your duties are.

    1. You must challenge and lead people to worship the Lord, the only living and true God, in spirit and in truth.

    2. You must minister and serve even as Christ ministered and served.

    3. You must seek and save the lost even as Christ sought and saved the lost.

    4. You must work and labor for God right now: the harvest is ripe and the task is urgent.

    5. You must preach the Word of God: correcting, rebuking, and exhorting people.

    6. You must teach. You must instruct—root and ground—people in Jesus Christ and in the Word of God.

    7. You must edify and build up believers and equip them to do the work of the ministry.

    8. You must feed believers.

    9. You must watch over and warn believers.

    10. You must lead believers into a pure and faultless religion.

    11. You must do the work of an evangelist.

    12. You must oversee the administration of the church, set in order the affairs and organization of the church.

    13. You must build the church first and foremost in the homes, as instructed by Christ.

    14. You must build up the church as a wise masterbuilder.

    6. What Your Message—Your Preaching and Teaching—Must Be

    God wants to reveal Himself to the world; He longs for all men to know Him, to know Him personally. This was the very reason God created man, that man might know Him personally. Consequently, your first duty is to share the Word of God—His message, His revelation—with the world. What you preach and teach is, therefore, of critical importance to God. As a minister of Christ, Scripture has far more to say to you about your preaching and teaching than it does about any other subject. (See both Chapters VI and VII.)


    1. You must hold fast to sound doctrine and you must preach and teach sound doctrine.

    2. You must preach and teach the Word of God, the Holy Scripture.

    3. You must proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

    4. You must proclaim that Jesus Christ was buried and raised from the dead.

    5. You must preach and teach the kingdom of God and of heaven.

    6. You must not mishandle the Word of God.


    1. You must make absolutely sure that you live what you preach and teach.

    2. You must preach the gospel with a sense of urgency.

    3. You must preach in the power of God’s Spirit, not with the persuasive thoughts and ideas of men.

    4. You must preach and teach to please God, not men. You must not tone down the gospel and use flattering words in order to secure support.

    5. You must not glory in yourself; you must glory only in the cross. You must not seek worldly popularity and recognition, nor seek to make a good impression and attract attention to yourself.

    6. You must not preach yourself—lift yourself up—but preach Christ Jesus the Lord.

    7. You must be consistent and teach over a long period of time.

    7. What Your Duty as a Minister Toward False Teaching Must Be

    As a minister of Christ, you face false teaching at every turn of life. The world—both the secular and the religious world—is bombarded with false teaching. What does Scripture say about false teaching? What is your duty as a minister toward false teaching? Scripture is very clear in its instructions to you as you deal with false teaching.


    1. You must make sure you are genuine, that you yourself are not a false teacher—not a ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    2. You must test yourself: Do you believe—really confess and preach—that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh: that God actually sent His Son to earth to save the world?

    3. You must ask yourself: Am I really truthful? Do I honestly believe and confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God?

    4. You must not depart from the faith.

    5. You must guard against those who resist the truth.

    6. You must guard against those who deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

    7. You must reject heretics, false teachers.

    8. You must reject those who do not teach the words of Christ and the doctrine of godliness.


    1. You must not pervert the gospel of Christ nor preach any other gospel.

    2. You must not bring destructive heresies into the church, heresies that deny the Lord and His death for man.

    3. You must not preach another Jesus, a Jesus other than the Jesus proclaimed by Scripture and true ministers.


    1. You must not teach the traditions, ideas, and commandments of men as doctrine.

    2. You must not be carried away with different kinds of teachings. You must not preach or teach the fables, myths, speculations, ideas, and false doctrines of men.

    3. You must turn away from empty talk and the opposition of false science and false knowledge.

    4. You must guard against the false teaching of religion and of the state.

    5. You must not preach man’s empty ideas and discussions—questionable things—but love and faith and the need for a pure conscience.

    Part Two: Your Personal Life and Day by Day Walk

    8. What Your Daily Walk as a Minister Must Be

    As a minister of Christ, you must walk in three things every day of your life: in Christ, in the Scriptures, and in prayer. These three things are absolute essentials as you live and minister for Christ in the midst of a broken and hurting world.


    1. You must make sure—absolutely sure—that your belief in Christ is the right kind of belief.

    2. You must make sure—absolutely sure—that you are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

    3. You must constantly examine yourself—make sure you continue in the faith of Christ—lest you become disqualified, unfit, and rejected.

    4. You must always walk in Christ: you must always seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

    5. You must live a crucified life in Christ, a life of self-denial and sacrifice.

    6. You must be inwardly renewed day by day, changed into the image of Christ.

    7. You must put on the whole armour of God and be strong in Christ.


    1. You must study and obey the Scriptures daily: you must live by the Word of God and proclaim it.

    2. You must memorize the Word of God; let it dwell in your heart and life all day every day

    3. You must be consistent in the Scriptures—studying and living as Scripture dictates.


    1. You must pray daily, pray as Christ taught you to pray in the Lord’s prayer.

    2. You must pray daily for the church and for believers. Paul’s prayer for the church and for believers is a good pattern to use and to pray through.

    3. You must pray daily for the whole world—for all people everywhere.

    4. You must pray daily for more laborers.

    5. You must pray always—moment by moment—striv- ing to gain an unbroken consciousness of the Lord.

    6. You must take some extended time for fervent prayer when very special needs exist.

    9. What Your Personal Life and Behavior as a Minister Must Be

    How you take care of you body and mind, how you behave and conduct yourself, and how you handle financial matters are of critical importance to God. He cares deeply about how you live and behave among both the godly and ungodly of the world.


    1. You must present your body as a living sacrifice to God.

    2. You must know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

    3. You must struggle to control your mind—even every thought—and think only positive thoughts.

    4. You must discipline and subject your body to Christ lest you become a castaway.

    5. You must exercise your body both spiritually and physically.


    1. You must live a life of godly character.

    2. You must live a life of separation, a life separate from the world.

    3. You must be a man of God.

    4. You must be faithful through temptations and trials, faithful no matter how severe the temptations and trials may be.

    5. You must flee youthful lusts.

    6. You must shun godless and empty talk and avoid questionable teachings and arguments.

    7. You must know that perilous times are coming and turn away from selfish and ungodly men.


    1. You must receive financial support without being embarrassed or feeling guilty, but you must not seek luxury.

    2. You must not covet worldly wealth.

    3. You must work at secular employment if needed in order to preach the gospel.

    4. You must trust God to meet your financial needs.

    10. What Your Relationship With Others as a Minister Must Be

    Relationships are very sensitive within any society or body of people, no matter how small or large. The relationship you are to have with your family and with other ministers, and even with those who oppose and criticize you, is clearly spelled out by Scripture.


    1. You must walk in a spirit of submission and love with your wife.

    2. You must be the husband of one wife.

    3. You must manage your own family well.


    1. You must understand that you are one with all other ministers and that you are equal in God’s eyes, that all ministers are coworkers together with God.

    2. You must leave judging other ministers up to God.

    3. You must receive and support travelling ministers: evangelists, Bible teachers, missionaries, and other preachers.

    4. You must not ordain other ministers too quickly, and you must restore fallen ministers.

    5. You must make sure—absolutely sure—that accusations against another minister are true before correcting the other minister.


    1. You must go forth and preach the gospel, but know that you go into an antagonistic world.

    2. You must know that the world will persecute you.

    3. You must trust God when you are criticized, judged, slandered, censored, and attacked.

    4. You must love your enemies, love all who curse, hate, persecute, and despitefully use you.



    11. What Your Attitude Toward Suffering Must Be

    Suffering is a universal experience: we all suffer and suffer much throughout life. As a minister of God—as a leader within society—you must help to ease the suffering of everyone. To do this, you must have both a healthy and a Biblical attitude toward suffering.

    1. You must trust God to deliver you through whatever suffering afflicts you, no matter its severity.

    2. You must conquer your sufferings—your thorn in the flesh—for Christ’s sake.

    3. You must triumph over all sufferings—all the trials and temptations—that attack you.

    12. What Your Death and Reward as a Minister Will Be

    1. You will be carried immediately into heaven, transferred quicker than the blink of an eye into God’s heavenly kingdom.

    2. You will receive eternal life.

    3. You will receive a new body, a transformed body, a glorious incorruptible body.

    4. You will receive the crown of righteousness.

    5. You will receive the crown of life.

    6. You will receive the crown of incorruption.

    7. You will receive the crown of rejoicing or soul-winning.

    8. You will receive the crown of glory.

    9. You will receive the perfection of all things.

    10. You will receive an eternal inheritance, be made an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ.


    What Your Call as a Minister Is

    As a minister, you have been given the greatest privilege and responsibility in all the world: called to be a minister of the living God, called by the Sovereign Lord and Majesty of the universe.


    1. You are chosen by God Himself.

    2. You are chosen by Jesus Christ.

    3. You are chosen by the Holy Spirit of God.

    4. You are counted faithful—counted trustworthy—by Christ.

    5. You have been called to be a minister by the gift of God’s grace.

    6. You have been called to be a steward—a servant—of God.

    7. You have been called to be an ambassador for Christ.


    What Your Call as a Minister Is

    1. You are chosen by God Himself .

    Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me (Is.43:10).

    Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycamore fruit: and the LORD took me as I followed the flock, and the LORD said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel (Amos 7:14-15).

    "There was a man sent from God

    , whose name was John" (Jn.1:6).


    It is God the Father—the only living and true God, the Sovereign LORD and Majesty of the universe—who has called and chosen you to be a minister. You have been given the highest privilege in all the world: you have been called and chosen to be a minister by the LORD GOD Himself.

    Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak (Jer.1:5-7).

    2. You are chosen by Jesus Christ .

    Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you (Jn.15:16).

    "Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my father hath sent me, even so send I you

    " (Jn.20:21).

    "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me

    into the ministry" (1 Tim.1:12).


    It is the Son of the living God, Christ Jesus, who has called and chosen you to be a minister. He has chosen you to go and bear fruit among men. You are the most privileged person in all the world: you have been chosen to be a minister—chosen by the Son of God Himself.

    3. You are chosen by the Holy Spirit of God .

    "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers

    , to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood" (Acts 20:28).

    What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s (1 Cor.6:19-20).


    It is the Holy Spirit of God who has called you to be a minister. He has chosen you so that He can live within you—chosen you to be His instrument, His channel, His person through whom He can live and work upon earth.

    •The Holy Spirit wants to use your body and your life to show how a person is to live upon earth.

    •The Holy Spirit wants to conform you to the image of Christ—to make you an example for the world, an example of how God wants people to live: in all godliness and righteousness.

    •The Holy Spirit wants to use you to preach and teach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

    You have been given the most glorious privilege in all the world. You have been called and chosen by the Holy Spirit of God: you have been called to live just like Christ lived—a holy and righteous life—and you have been called to proclaim the gospel of Christ to a world lost and reeling under the weight of enormous need.

    4. You are counted faithful—counted trustworthy—by Christ .

    "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful

    , putting me into the ministry" (1 Tim.1:12).

    Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful (1 Cor.4:2).

    "I am made a minister, according to the dispensation [stewardship, trust] of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil

    the word of God" (Col.1:25).

    Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, here am I; send me (Is.6:8).


    This is a most wonderful thought, that Christ Jesus counts you trustworthy (1 Tim.1:12). He trusts you to be faithful, and in the final analysis, He knows that you will be faithful to Him. This is one of the reasons He has chosen you and put you into the ministry.

    Note the word enabled. It means strength and power. The power of your ministry comes from Christ. Christ gives you the power to minister and to conquer all. You must always remember this:

    •No matter what may confront you or how far down you may fall, Christ counts you faithful and Christ will give you the power to be faithful. Christ knows that you will arise and begin to serve with renewed fervor.

    This is the reason Christ called you: because in the final analysis you will be faithful. How can you know and be assured of this? Because of the forgiveness and the power and faithfulness of Christ. Christ will lift you up. Therefore when you fall, you must arise and seek the forgiveness of Christ and begin to walk anew in the strength and power of Christ.

    5. You have been called to be a minister by the gift of God’s grace .

    "I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God

    given unto me by the effectual working of his power. Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles [unbelievers] the unsearchable riches of Christ" (Eph.3:7-8).

    "Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ

    , and stewards of the mysteries of God" (1 Cor.4:1).


    You have been called to be a minister of Christ (1 Cor.4:1). Note four significant facts.

    a) The word minister means an under-rower . It refers to the slaves who sat in the belly of the large ships and pulled at the great oars to carry the boat through the sea. Christ is the Master of the ship and the minister is one of the slaves of Christ . Note: you are only one of many under-rowing servants. Remember also that slaves in the belly of the ship were bound by chains. They were allowed to do nothing but serve the master of the ship. You are a bound slave of Christ: you exist only to row for the Master. You do not and cannot serve anyone else.

    b) God has showered His grace upon you and made you a minister (Eph.3:7-8). God has been merciful to you, forgiven you so much. You owe God your life, to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. No greater call and privilege could ever be given a person.

    c) Your greatest glory is God’s call and God’s work. This was certainly true of Paul (Eph.3:7-8). Paul saw the dignity of the ministry, the dignity of being especially chosen by God. William Barclay points out that the ministry was a radiant privilege for Paul. God did not have to persuade Paul to be a minister. No one had to persuade Paul to teach (Eph.4:1); to sing (Eph. 5:19); to speak for God (Eph. 4:17); to visit (2 Cor. 13:1f); to administer the affairs of the church ( 1 Cor.7:1f); to give his money (2 Cor. 8:1f; 9:1f). Paul did not have to be coerced. He saw his call to be a minister as the greatest of all privileges. As a minister of God, you must see the glorious privilege you have in serving Christ (The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, p.145).

    d) Your call to be a minister and a preacher is a gift, a free gift of God’s grace. This is exactly what Paul says (Eph. 3:7-8). God had the right to call Paul simply because God has all rights. God is God. There was no merit, no worth, no value within Paul that caused God to choose him as a minister and as a preacher. Paul simply exclaims, What a privilege! What a responsibility! The less of the least called by God to minister and to preach!

    •The salvation in Christ caused Paul to become a minister (Eph.3:7).

    •The salvation in Christ caused Paul to become a preacher. Note Paul’s utter humility. He had what we all need: a deep, intense sense of unworthiness before God.

    As a minister of God, you have the greatest of all calls. You have been privileged with the highest of privileges. God has showered His grace upon you and called you to be His minister to a world that reels under the weight of suffering and death.

    6. You have been called to be a steward—a servant—of God .

    "Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards

    of the mysteries of God" (1 Cor.4:1).

    "For a bishop [minister] must be blameless, as the steward

    of God" (Tit.1:7).

    "As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards

    of the manifold grace of God" (1 Pt.4:10).


    You are the steward of God. The word steward (oikonomos) means the overseer of an estate. The steward was always a slave, subject to a master, but he was placed in charge of the other slaves throughout the master’s house or estate. He controlled the staff and ran the whole operation for the master. He was set over others, yet he himself was still a slave of the master. His work was not closely supervised; therefore, he had to be trustworthy and responsible.

    Note what the minister is made a steward over: the mysteries of God. A mystery is not something hard to understand. Rather, it is something that has been hidden and kept secret. It is something that was undiscoverable by human reason, but now is revealed by God. It is crystal clear to those to whom it is revealed, but it is completely alien to those who do not receive it. What are the mysteries of God? They are the truths—the glorious truths—of God’s Word. Who are the ones to whom the mysteries are revealed? The stewards, the ministers, the believing servants of Christ.

    As a minister of God, you are to be esteemed highly for your work’s sake. You are only a servant of God’s, but you are the servant whom God has made steward over His household, over His church and His people. You have been honored by God: you have been made responsible for the imperishable mysteries of God, the great truths of God’s Holy Word. You do not deal with perishable things such as money and possessions, but with the eternal things of God Himself, the eternal truths that God wants proclaimed to the world.

    7. You have been called to be an ambassador for Christ .

    "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit [oh! to know], that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ

    , as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God" (2 Cor.5:18-21).


    God has called you to be His ambassador to the world. He has given you the ministry of delivering the message of God to the whole world, the message of reconciliation. No greater call could ever be issued; no higher position could ever be held. Note two significant points.

    a) You are given the highest of titles: you are an ambassador for Christ. The ambassador (presbeuomen) is a person who is sent forth as an official envoy to represent the Sender and to announce the message of the Sender. Four things are always true about the ambassador.

    •You belong to the One who sent you out.

    •You are commissioned to be sent out. You exist only for the purpose for which you were sent.

    •You possess all the authority and power of the One who sent you out.

    •You are sent forth with the message of the Sender. The message is not your own.

    b) You are given the greatest of messages: Be reconciled to God. The message is so critical that you are to beseech (deometha) men: beg, intreat, cry, and plead with them to be reconciled to God.

    Note that it is for Christ’s sake that you are to plead with men. Christ has paid the ultimate price to make reconciliation available to men: He has taken the sins of men upon Himself and borne the condemnation for them. Because He has done so much, every person owes his life to Christ—every person should be reconciled to God. For Christ’s sake, a person should give himself to God.


    What Your Aim as a Minister Must Be

    As a minister, the aim—the

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