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New Thought Lectures, Volume 1
New Thought Lectures, Volume 1
New Thought Lectures, Volume 1
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New Thought Lectures, Volume 1

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Experience the life-changing power of F. W. Sears with this unforgettable book.
Release dateNov 7, 2020
New Thought Lectures, Volume 1

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    New Thought Lectures, Volume 1 - F.W. Sears

    New Thought Lectures, Volume 1

    F.W. Sears



    F. W. Sears, M. P.,

    General Lecturer, New Thought Church,

    New York.

    In the old thought world we have been taught that some power outside of ourselves, which we have called by various names but which most of us call God, created us, and created us in the image and likeness of Himself. As we have gone on down the line and taken an inventory of ourselves, the more imperfect we have been found, the more glad have we been to attribute the creation to God; while the more perfect we are, the more glad have we been to ascribe that perfection to ourselves.

    We are taught by the Bible, and in fact by all religions, that in the beginning God created the universe and everything that is in it, and that he had nothing whatever out of which to create it but Himself. In other words, that everything in the universe, whether manifested in what we call material form, or manifesting in any form; animate or inanimate, seen or unseen, was the projection of God and as God had nothing out of which to create it but Himself, it must therefore be God.

    Every religion has been founded upon this idea, and after it has promulgated this wonderful truth, has at once attempted to disprove it; and in attempting to do so has created a devil, or some destructive force, which was outside of and separate from God.

    As a matter of fact there is only one power, one energy, in the universe, but there are two manifestations of it; one is constructive and the other destructive; one is the creating and the other the destroying manifestation. This must always be so because only as matter is projected into form or created, the form destroyed, recreated, refined and re-destroyed, can the process of refining matter into spirit proceed.

    Without going into a long outline and tracing the evolution of this thing we call matter from the atom in the mineral kingdom, through the various kingdoms into that of man, let us start with man at the beginning of this incarnation; the beginning of ourselves with this present life as we know it.

    We must go back momentarily, however, before we can begin with the birth of this particular physical body which we are now occupying, because it had its beginning in this particular form in this incarnation at the time of our birth, but the ego which came and inhabited it at birth and which leaves it at death, has always existed, and | has inhabited many physical bodies prior to this one. At the time of our birth we, and when I say we I mean this ego, this interior consciousness, selected this physical body; we selected the parentage and environment which it was to have at birth, and we made that selection because the parentage and environment produced in this incarnation the effects which related us with the causes we had set in motion in former incarnations.

    There is no such thing as an accident in the universe. Every so-called accident— everything that has ever occurred, has a natural, normal cause which produced its effect; and when we learn to go deeply into these things, back beyond the external world, we are able to trace the effect back to its cause again and again; and so I say to you there is no such thing as an accident. The time of our birth, the moment that we were born, right down to the very second, was not an accident; it was* the natural result of a natural law.

    We may not believe it, but that makes no difference with the law. The world, before Columbus, did not believe the earth was round, and the church excommunicated those who were brave enough to come out and deny such a belief; but that did not make the earth square, as the church and the world declared, and so with these other truths; whether we believe them or not makes no difference with their truth. The truth exists and it is for us to learn what that truth is.

    The time and place of our birth was not an accident. We were born in this physical body at that particular time, place and parentage because of the causes which we had set in motion in our former incarnation, and we could not have been born at any other time.

    When this body was born it is true that it inherited from its father and mother the combined cell consciousness which they imparted to its atoms, and to that extent do we have the law of inheritance, but our ego would not have come and incarnated in this body had it not been that the causes which it set in motion in former incarnations related it with such inheritance. So, that being true, we really do not inherit anything; the body was simply the instrument which the Universal Law used to work out, at the beginning of life in this incarnation, the effects of the causes which we had set in motion. As we grew and unfolded from infancy, where did we get the material with which to build our body? In the old thought world we have been taught that the material which goes to build the bones, the tissue, the blood and the various cells of the physical body comes from what we eat, but it is not true. While science has not promulgated broadcast the result of its experiments, practical tests have been carried on by scientific men which demonstrate conclusively that the food we take into our physical body has but very little to do with the upbuilding of the cell tissue. The food we take in is the fuel we put under the boilers in the firebox to generate the energy with which the machinery is run. We must have fuel, otherwise we could not generate the energy, but many experiments have been made with men, weighing them and then having them eat several pounds of food, as much as they could stuff into themselves, and weighing them again immediately afterward. In many of these tests it has been found that they showed a loss of weight. In other words, had they weighed 172 pounds before eating, and ate four pounds of food, thus making a total of 176 pounds, they would weigh perhaps 170, or 171, or 169, after consuming all that food,—showing what? Showing that the energy used in eating the food was greater than the weight of the food consumed.

    Now where did this loss go? How did that four to six pounds disappear? We have been taught to believe that the principal eliminating organs were the bowels and kidneys, but we know from these experiments that cannot be so.

    We also know by persons who have worked hard and dissipated their energy but who ate little or no food, yet sometimes-they gained rather than lost weight.

    A case came under my notice several years ago of a man who had been carrying on a series of experiments in fasting. At first he fasted from one to ten days at a time. Finally he started on a twenty-five day fast. He weighed immediately after he had eaten his last meal. During the twenty-five day period he walked from ten to twenty-five miles each day, and performed his usual work, which was that of a magazine editor. During the time of his fast, only water was taken into his stomach. On the twenty-fifth day he completed his period of fasting by taking a twenty five mile walk, and upon being weighed it was found he had lost just exactly one pound.

    The above is only one of many illustrations I could give, but it is sufficient and shows that it is not the food

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