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The Science of Successful Living
The Science of Successful Living
The Science of Successful Living
Ebook126 pages2 hours

The Science of Successful Living

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“FEW PEOPLE think of life as a creative experiment. Most of us are so busy with routines that we take life for granted. We expect an endless routine of work, a hectic social life each weekend and two weeks’ vacation each year. I trust that the readers of this book will derive from it a new interest in life, a zest for doing what needs to be done, and a technique to live with joyous enthusiasm.

“Looking at life from an inspired viewpoint you can see those things which are on the side of greatness and cease resisting the petty and the unimportant. Life is a process of intelligence. It always acts intelligently. Problems are the result of living life unintelligently.

“The universe is actually a mental system. Its primary nature is the process of ideas becoming form. Every fact in your world is also an idea in your mind. To get new things in your world you must have new ideas in your consciousness. Few people do enough abstract thinking to create new ideas in their minds. They continually think about what they already know and have known for years. This explains the monotony of their lives.

“Select the idea of some new experience you want and then think it without ceasing. Mind will deliver to you everything you need in order to accomplish your demonstration. This is far from being impossible. The great, the wise, and the true have proven this to be so. You have done it and so have your friends. You may not have thought of the process as being either spiritual or psychological. You intuitively knew a new idea. Your thinking in terms of this idea caused something to happen in your experience.

“This book has been written for that large section of today’s population which is spiritually liberal and psychologically aware. Those bound by traditional beliefs will cast it aside. It is my desire that thousands will be helped and healed by reading these pages.”—Raymond Charles Barker
PublisherMuriwai Books
Release dateDec 1, 2018
The Science of Successful Living

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book, of course, since it was written by master teacher Dr. Raymond Charles Barker.

    I have read and loved all of Dr. Barker's writings.

    I will immediately put these wonderful teachings to use and I recommend this book to all thinking people.



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The Science of Successful Living - Raymond Charles Barker

This edition is published by Muriwai Books –

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Text originally published in 1957 under the same title.

© Muriwai Books 2018, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electrical, mechanical or otherwise without the written permission of the copyright holder.

Publisher’s Note

Although in most cases we have retained the Author’s original spelling and grammar to authentically reproduce the work of the Author and the original intent of such material, some additional notes and clarifications have been added for the modern reader’s benefit.

We have also made every effort to include all maps and illustrations of the original edition the limitations of formatting do not allow of including larger maps, we will upload as many of these maps as possible.








1—The Necessity of Creative Ideas 5

2—The Operative Action of Mind 11

3—God and Your Subconscious 17

4—Resentment Is Ruin 24

5—The Divine Intangible 30

6—The Intangible and Business 36

7—Why Spiritual Thinking Heals 42

8—Your Mind Is Your Future 48

9—The Necessity of Flexibility 54

10—The Technique of Demonstration 60



FEW PEOPLE think of life as a creative experiment. Most of us are so busy with routines that we take life for granted. We expect an endless routine of work, a hectic social life each weekend and two weeks’ vacation each year. I trust that the readers of this book will derive from it a new interest in life, a zest for doing what needs to be done, and a technique to live with joyous enthusiasm.

Looking at life from an inspired viewpoint you can see those things which are on the side of greatness and cease resisting the petty and the unimportant. Life is a process of intelligence. It always acts intelligently. Problems are the result of living life unintelligently.

Work with your world the way it works. To drive a car, you have to drive it the way a car should be driven. You can’t drive it as you would a locomotive, an airplane or a boat. Life can be lived fully, provided you live it according to the basic patterns of Life itself.

The creative power in life is mind. That is its primary quality and its most basic function. The universe is the result of a mathematical thinker, thinking mathematically. One authority said that the only real difference between matter and mind was that mind is an area of ideas in fluidic form and matter is an area of ideas temporarily locked up in form.

The universe is actually a mental system. Its primary nature is the process of ideas becoming form. Every fact in your world is also an idea in your mind. To get new things in your world you must have new ideas in your consciousness. Few people do enough abstract thinking to create new ideas in their minds. They continually think about what they already know and have known for years. This explains the monotony of their lives.

To increase the area of human consciousness has been the aim of all religion and education. The infiltration of new ideas in the mind is essential to healthy living. You exist in an infinite Mind which offers you an ever-expanding variety of ideas. Ideas are seeking to be born in your mind.

Select the idea of some new experience you want and then think it without ceasing. Mind will deliver to you everything you need in order to accomplish your demonstration. This is far from being impossible. The great, the wise, and the true have proven this to be so. You have done it and so have your friends. You may not have thought of the process as being either spiritual or psychological. You intuitively knew a new idea. Your thinking in terms of this idea caused something to happen in your experience.

This book has been written for that large section of today’s population which is spiritually liberal and psychologically aware. Those bound by traditional beliefs will cast it aside. It is my desire that thousands will be helped and healed by reading these pages.

1—The Necessity of Creative Ideas

POWER IS NOT in what you do, what you own nor in the health of your body. Power is in the use of your mind and emotions. Your consciousness determines the way life works for you, for it can only work for you by working through you. Ideas have to use the materials which are within you. These materials are your mental attitudes, your fears, your memory, and your desires.

Ever since human beings began their first primitive groping for a belief in God, and thereby developed religion, the spiritual thinking of humanity has revealed one central idea. Every religion has taught it and every savior has exemplified it. This idea is that belief determines your experience. What you are on the inside determines what you experience on the outside. Your faith in good increases your area of good. Your faith in negatives, which is fear, increases your problems.

There is a science of the mind, a way of handling thought and feeling to get the most out of life. This science does not teach that you can be happy, prosperous and healthy all the time. That would be nonsense. However, this science does teach that you can greatly improve your mental attitudes and as a result you will certainly be happier and healthier, and have greater ease in finance. These areas of life are determined by the types of ideas functioning in your consciousness, and you can always improve your ways of thinking and feeling.

Spiritual thinkers have realized the importance of directing the mind to great ideas rather than keeping it at the level of daily routines which absorb you with the petty, the tiresome, and the disconcerting. Their advice has been to think of the nature of God, the living spirit within you, and of those elements of life which are creative, expanding, and eternal. If you have done this you have proven to yourself that this technique works. Fixing your attention on a positive goal causes Life to back you up with all its processes and you realize that the universe is for you and never against you. You live with greater ease and are able to give ease to others.

The Infinite Mind created your consciousness to be a positive, creative, active area of influence. Fears, unhappiness, sickness, and lack are a misuse of your mind. It was never designed to work with these vicious and destructive emotions. That is why they wreak their havoc upon you. The Infinite Mind, of which you a part, imbues you with the capacity to think in large terms, to perceive great truths and to experience love in its highest forms. You are divinely equipped to think what the great have thought, through their books, music, art, theatre, and science. In addition, your equipment of consciousness includes your ability to have original ideas arise within you.

No person has ever contemplated his or her Divine Nature and not been benefited. From within comes the urge to select in life that which is greater than you now know. From this same intuitive source comes the whisper of God saying you need not be sick, unhappy, or frustrated; you need not struggle with financial problems. Life is an inlet and an outlet, an ebb and a flow. It is something you receive and give. Ideas enter your mind and actions follow. Thoughts come to your mind and you do something about them. If they are negative you worry, fear, and doubt. If they are creative, you are inspired to right and loving action.

You are forever immersed in and a part of a Creative Mind. This Mind is thinking new ideas into your consciousness. Accept them by knowing that they come to you in order to operate through you and bring to pass something greater in your experience than you have had previously. Welcome them as you would a dear friend. Life seeks in every way to inspire your mind. It wants you to have more and more of all good things. It knows no lack, limitation, nor impossibility. God never knows defeat.

There is no virtue in pain, poverty, or unhappiness. Unhappiness has never improved a living soul. It cannot increase your area of good; it will only diminish it. It warps, destroys, and contracts. The Infinite can only release Its ideas into the consciousness that is at peace with itself and enjoying the experience of living.

Happiness is determined by the ideas working in your consciousness, not by your environment, possessions, social activities, or your hopes. Happiness knows no time, it is always a present action. Your mentality is always under your personal control. Your mind always displays itself. It makes itself obvious. As you enter a room people glance at you and know your mood. You give to others only what you are. In my book Treat Yourself to Life is this sentence: Your happiness is in direct ratio to your ability to give yourself to others.

Givingness is the basis of all living. It is the cause of all friendship, love, family life, and social activities. However, the boundaries of your mind determine your capacity to give. The ideas that predominate in your thinking are what you share with your world. Greatness offers itself to you. All of love gives of itself in you. Life has never imprisoned anyone. It cannot, by its own nature, limit you. God offers to you Ideas which will make you free from the false conclusions of your own negative thinking. Take them and rejoice.

You are free to take what you want from life and give what you will to life. You are spiritually free, though for the moment you may be materially in bondage. Lack of income may, for the moment, prevent you from doing what you want. Poor health, a sense of duty to family, or an obligation to business is a passing experience to those who let in the ideas of God. You are free to think anything

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