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The Trial of the Chicago 7: The Official Transcript
The Trial of the Chicago 7: The Official Transcript
The Trial of the Chicago 7: The Official Transcript
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The Trial of the Chicago 7: The Official Transcript

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Republished fifty years later to coincide with the release of the Academy Award–nominated film of the same title written and directed by Aaron Sorkin with an all-star cast, this is the classic account of perhaps the most infamous, and definitely the most entertaining, trial in recent American history.

In the fall of 1969 eight prominent anti-Vietnam War activists were put on trial for conspiring to riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. One of the eight, Black Panther cofounder Bobby Seale, was literally bound and gagged in court by order of the judge, Julius Hoffman, and his case was separated from that of the others.

The activists, who included Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and Tom Hayden, and their attorneys, William Kunstler and Leonard Weinglass, insisted that the First Amendment was on trial. Their witnesses were a virtual who’s who of the 1960s counterculture: Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, Arlo Guthrie, Judy Collins, Norman Mailer, among them.

The defendants constantly interrupted to protest what they felt were unfair rulings by the judge. The trial became a circus, all the while receiving intense media coverage. The convictions that resulted were subsequently overturned on appeal, but the trial remained a political and cultural touchstone, a mirror of the deep divisions in the country. The Trial of the Chicago 7 consists of the highlights from trial testimony with a brief epilogue describing what later happened to the principal figures.
Release dateOct 6, 2020

Aaron Sorkin

Aaron Sorkin is a writer, producer, and director who has worked in film, television, and theater. He first gained attention for his play A Few Good Men, a major success on Broadway, which he later adapted into an acclaimed movie. He is the author of many screenplays including Malice, The American President, Charlie Wilson’s War, The Social Network (winner of an Academy Award for best-adapted screenplay), and Moneyball. His well-known work in television includes the highly acclaimed The West Wing, which won nine Emmy Awards in its first season alone, and The Newsroom. Sorkin made his directorial debut with Molly’s Game, which he adapted from a memoir by Molly Bloom (and which was nominated for an Academy Award for best-adapted screenplay). In 2018 Sorkin’s adaptation of Harper Lee’s classic To Kill a Mockingbird premiered on Broadway, and was nominated for nine Tony Awards.

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    The Trial of the Chicago 7 - Mark L. Levine


    Opening Statements


    SEPTEMBER 26, 1969

    Officer of the Court:

    THEREUPON a panel of twelve veniremen and four alternates were called to the jury box and duly sworn for examination upon their voir dire, and examined until twelve jurors and four alternate jurors were accepted by the Counsel for the Plaintiff and Counsel for the Defendants.

    AND THEREFORE, the panel of twelve jurors and four alternates was duly sworn to try the issues.

    [Prior to the introduction of evidence and testimony of witnesses, the attorneys for the opposing parties are granted the opportunity to explain to the jurors the issues they intend to prove—ed.]

    Opening statement on behalf of the Government by Mr. Schultz

    Mr. Schultz:… The Government, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, will prove in this case, the case which you will witness as jurors, an overall plan of the eight defendants in this case which was to encourage numerous people to come to the city of Chicago, people who planned legitimate protest during the Democratic National Convention which was held in Chicago in August of 1968, from August 26 through August 29, 1968. They planned to bring these people into Chicago to protest, legitimately protest, as I said, creat[ing] a situation in this city where these people would come to Chicago, would riot… [T]he defendants, in perpetrating this offense, they, the defendants, crossed state lines themselves, at least six of them, with intent to incite this riot.

    [Without the presence of the jury]

    The Court: This will be but a minute, Mr. Marshal. Who is the last defendant you named?

    Mr. Schultz: Mr. Hayden.

    The Court: Hayden. Who was the one before?

    Mr. Schultz: Davis, and prior to that was Dellinger.

    The Court: The one that shook his fist in the direction of the jury?

    Mr. Hayden: That is my customary greeting, your Honor.

    The Court: It may be your customary greeting but we do not allow shaking of fists in this courtroom. I made that clear.

    Mr. Hayden: It implied no disrespect for the jury; it is my customary greeting.

    The Court: Regardless of what it implies, sir, there will be no fist shaking and I caution you not to repeat it.

    [Mr. Schultz continuing with his opening statement—ed.]

    Mr. Schultz:… The Defendants Dellinger, Davis and Hayden joined with five other defendants who are charged in this case in their venture to succeed in their plans to create the riots in Chicago during the time the Democratic National Convention was convened here.

    Two of these defendants, the Defendant Abbie Hoffman who sits—who is just standing for you, ladies and gentlemen—

    The Court: The jury is directed to disregard the kiss thrown by the Defendant Hoffman and the defendant is directed not to do that sort of thing again.

    Mr. Schultz:… Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the Government will prove that each of these eight men assumed specific roles in it and they united and that the eight conspired together to encourage people to riot during the Convention. We will prove that the plans to incite the riot were basically in three steps. The first step was to use the unpopularity of the war in Vietnam as a method to urge people to come to Chicago during that Convention for purposes of protest. The first was to bring the people here.

    The second step was to incite these people who came to Chicago, to incite these people against the Police Department, the city officials, the National Guard and the military, and against the Convention itself, so that these people would physically resist and defy the orders of the police and the military.

    So the second step, we will prove, was to incite, and the third step was to create a situation where the demonstrators who had come to Chicago and who were conditioned to physically resist the police would meet and would confront the police in the streets of Chicago so that at this confrontation a riot would occur.…

    First they demanded, when these people arrived in Chicago, to sleep in Lincoln Park. At one point they were talking in terms of up to or exceeding 500,000 people who were coming to Chicago to sleep in Lincoln Park and they demanded free portable sanitation facilities, they demanded free kitchens and free medical facilities.

    The second demand, non-negotiable demand which was made by those defendants I just mentioned, was for a march to the International Amphitheatre where the Democratic National Convention was taking place. They said they were going to have a march of up to or exceeding 200,000 people. Although they were told that the United States Secret Service which was charged with the protection of the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States and the candidates for nomination—although they were told that the Secret Service said that a permit could not be authorized because of the danger to the security of these individuals, the President and the Vice President and the candidates, the defendants demanded a permit for a march.…

    So, ladies and gentlemen, of the jury, the Government will prove with regard to the permits that I have just mentioned that the defendants incited the crowd to demand sleeping in Lincoln Park and to demand that [they] march to the Amphitheatre so that when the police ordered the crowd out of Lincoln Park at curfew and when the police stopped the march, the crowd, having been incited, would fight the police and there would be a riot.

    … The Government will not prove that all eight defendants met together at one time, but the Government will prove that on some occasions two or three of the defendants would meet together; on other occasions four would meet; on some occasions five of them would meet together to discuss these actions, and on several occasions six of the defendants met together to discuss their plans.…

    In sum, then, ladies and gentlemen, the Government will prove that the eight defendants charged here conspired together to use interstate commerce and the facilities of interstate commerce to incite and to further a riot in Chicago; that they conspired to use incendiary devices to further that riot, and they conspired to have people interfere with law enforcement officers, policemen, military men, Secret Service men engaged in their duties; and that the defendants committed what are called overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy—that is, they took steps, they did things to accomplish this plan, this conspiracy.…

    The Court: Is it the desire of any lawyer of a defendant to make an opening statement?

    Mr. Kunstler: It is, your Honor.

    The Court: All right. You may proceed, sir.

    Mr. Kunstler: Your Honor, it is 12:30.

    The Court: I know, I am watching the clock. You leave the—What does that man say—you leave the time-watching to me—on the radio or TV—leave the driving to me. Mr. Kunstler, I will watch the clock for you.

    Mr. Kunstler: Your Honor, will you permit us to complete the opening statements?

    The Court: I will determine the time when we recess, sir. I don’t need your help on that. There are some things I might need your help on; not that.

    Opening statement on behalf of certain defendants by Mr. Kunstler

    Now the Government has given you its table of contents. I will present to you in general what the defense hopes to show is the true book. We hope to prove before you that the evidence submitted by the defendants will show that this prosecution which you are hearing is the result of two motives on the part of the Government—

    Mr. Schultz: Objection as to any motives of the prosecution, if the Court please.

    Mr. Kunstler: Your Honor, it is a proper defense to show motive.

    The Court: I sustain the objection. You may speak to the guilt or innocence of your clients, not to the motive of the Government.

    Mr. Kunstler: Your Honor, I always thought that—

    Mr. Schultz: Objection to any colloquies, and arguments, your Honor.

    The Court: I sustain the objection, regardless of what you have always thought, Mr. Kunstler.

    Mr. Kunstler: The evidence will show as far as the defendants are concerned that they, like many other citizens of the United States, numbering in the many thousands, came to Chicago in the summer of 1968 to protest in the finest American tradition outside and in the vicinity of the Convention, the National Convention of the party in power. They came to protest the continuation of a war in South Vietnam which was then and had been for many years past within the jurisdiction of the party in power which happened to be the Democratic Party at that time.…

    There was, as you will recall, and the evidence will so indicate, a turmoil within the Democratic Party itself as to whether it would enact a peace plan, as part of its platform. This, too, would be influenced by demonstrators. The possibility of this plank was what motivated many of the demonstrators to come to Chicago. The possibility of influencing delegates to that National Convention to take an affirmative strong stand against a continuation of this bloody and unjustified war, as they considered it to be along with millions of persons was one of the prime purposes of their coming to Chicago.…

    At the same time as they were making plans to stage this demonstration and seeking every legal means in which to do so, the seeking of permits would be significant, permits in the seeking of facilities to put their plans into operation in a meaningful and peaceful way.

    At the same time as all of this was going on, the evidence will show that there were forces in this city and in the national Government who were absolutely determined to prevent this type of protest, who had reached a conclusion that such a protest had to be stopped by the—the same phrase used by Mr. Schultz—by all means necessary, including the physical violence perpetrated on demonstrators. These plans were gathering in Washington and they were gathering here in this city, and long before a single demonstrator had set foot in the city of Chicago in the summer of 1968, the determination had been made that these demonstrations would be diffused, they would be dissipated, they would essentially be destroyed as effective demonstrations against primarily the continuation of the war in South Vietnam.…

    We will demonstrate that free speech died here in the streets under those clubs and that the bodies of these demonstrators were the sacrifices to its death.…

    … [T]he defense will show that the real conspiracy in this case is the conspiracy to which I have alluded, the conspiracy to curtail and prevent the demonstrations against the war in Vietnam and related issues that these defendants and other people, thousands, who came here were determined to present to the delegates of a political party and the party in power meeting in Chicago; that the real conspiracy was against these defendants. But we are going to show that the real conspiracy is not against these defendants as individuals because they are unimportant as individuals; the real attempt was—the real attack was on the rights of everybody, all of us American citizens, all, to protest under the First Amendment to the Constitution, to protest against a war that was brutalizing us all, and to protest in a meaningful fashion, and that the determination was made that that protest would be dissolved in the blood of the protesters; that that protest would die in the streets of Chicago, and that that protest would be dissipated and nullified by police officers under the guise of protecting property or protecting law and order or protecting other people.…

    Dissent died here for a moment during that Democratic National Convention. What happens in this case may determine whether it is moribund.

    [At this point in the trial the Court summarily held in contempt of court two Defense Lawyers, Michael J. Kennedy and Dennis J. Roberts, who attempted to withdraw from the case. Mr. Sullivan is their counsel]

    The Court: I don’t think there is any doubt that those two lawyers are in contempt. I will sign the order. I said substantially these things orally already.

    Mr. Sullivan: May I be heard on this, your Honor?

    The Court: Yes.

    Mr. Sullivan: I object on behalf of Messrs. Kennedy and Roberts to the entry of this order. I would like an opportunity to respond.

    The Court: No, I will sign the order, Mr. Sullivan.

    The Court: Is there any other defense lawyer who wishes to make an opening statement to the jury?

    I take it that your standing there means yes, you do, Mr. Weinglass.

    Mr. Weinglass:… I leave the judgment of what is a non-negotiable demand to you, but you are going to hear some interesting evidence in the course of this case on that issue, because the city, the people who were in charge of granting to these young people the right which they have as citizens to congregate, and meet, and we contend even sleep in our public parks which are publicly-owned property held in trust for the public by the public officials, were reasonable demands which the city could have met if the persons responsible for that decision would not have been persons who were so fearful and so misunderstood the young in this country that they could not meet and talk to them in a reasonable, rational way.…

    The Court: I have repeatedly cautioned you. I caution you again, Mr. Weinglass. I think you understand me. You persist in arguing and telling the jury what you propose to do in respect to objections.

    Mr. Weinglass: Yes, I thought that was the purpose of an opening statement.

    The Court: That is not the function of an opening statement. I have cautioned you time and time again. I caution you once more.

    Mr. Weinglass: I thought that was the purpose of an opening statement. Thank you, your Honor.

    The Court: Don’t thank me. I didn’t do it as a favor to you. I am cautioning you not to persist in it.…

    The Court: Mr. Weinglass, I have repeatedly admonished you not to argue to the jury, not to tell the jury anything other than what in your opinion the evidence will reveal.

    I think your persistency in disregarding the direction of the Court and the law in the face of repeated admonitions is contumacious conduct, and I so find it on the record.

    The Court: Does any other defense lawyer wish to make an opening statement?

    Just a minute, sir. Who is your lawyer?

    Mr. Seale: Charles R. Garry.

    Mr. Foran: Your Honor, may we have the jury excused?

    The Court: Ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry, I will have to excuse you again.

    [Without the presence of the jury]

    The Court: Mr. Kunstler, do you represent Mr. Seale?

    Mr. Kunstler: No, your Honor, as far as Mr. Seale has indicated to me, that because of the absence of Charles R. Garry—

    The Court: Have you filed his appearance?

    Mr. Kunstler: Filed whose appearance?

    The Court: The appearance for Mr. Seale.

    Mr. Kunstler: I have filed an appearance for Mr. Seale.

    The Court: All right. I will permit you to make another opening statement in behalf of Mr. Seale if you like. I will not permit a party to a case to—

    Mr. Kunstler: Your Honor, I cannot compromise Mr. Seale’s position—

    The Court: I don’t ask you to compromise it, sir, but I will not permit him to address the jury with his very competent lawyer seated there.


    Case for the Government


    Officer of the Court:

    THEREUPON the government, to maintain the issues in its behalf, presented the following evidence, to-wit:

    [With these words the case for the government officially begins. In the ensuing pages you will read the highlights of that presentation.

    We remind the reader that the dialogue which follows is the verbatim language of the participants in the trial—ed.]

    Mr. Weinglass: To avoid unnecessary repetition, may I have a standing objection?

    The Court: I don’t deal in standing objections on anything.

    Mr. Weinglass: I will state my objection once again.

    The Court: Every time you have an objection, you make it, and every time you make one, I will rule on it. I might sustain it, too.

    [A standing objection is a single objection which if granted, would obviate the need for individually objecting to a future series of similar questions—ed.]

    The Court:… I think Mr. Schultz’ suggestion that subpoenas be stayed—I think you said or one of the lawyers said that a man named Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, was subpoenaed also, is that right?

    Mr. Kunstler: We don’t know if he has been served yet but the subpoena is out.

    The Court: It wouldn’t be nice to take him from the comforts of his ranch in Dallas or wherever it is, Johnson City, if we couldn’t reach him on Monday…

    [Discussion concerning request of four defense lawyers to withdraw from the case]

    The Court:… Now, Mr. Sullivan, have you resolved your differences?

    Mr. Sullivan: I think so, but at least I would like to give it a college try.…

    It is my understanding that these defendants are willing that Messrs. Tigar, Lefcourt, Kennedy and Roberts not be present during the trial of this case and not participate in the trial as defense counsel, and they are willing to agree to their withdrawal as trial counsel. They are, as I understand it, satisfied to be represented in the trial of this case by Messrs. Garry, Kunstler and Weinglass, and that they do not waive any claim of prejudice arising from the absence of Mr. Garry.

    That is my understanding, your Honor, and in light of that understanding, if that is the case, then I ask your Honor to take such action as you may deem appropriate, and I would suggest—

    The Court: I don’t care to participate in negotiations. I don’t want to bargain here before the Court. I don’t want to participate in a bargaining session. As you know, I am not a bargainer.…

    The Court: First of all, before I consider that motion there will be a finding that the respondents Michael E. Tigar and Gerald B. Lefcourt are in contempt of this Court. I direct the United States Attorney to prepare the same kind of order that was submitted in connection with Michael J. Kennedy and Dennis J. Roberts.

    Mr. Sullivan: May I be heard?

    The Court: I deny the motion, the other motion, in its entirety, the motion submitted here.

    Mr. Sullivan, I am not going to have lawyers flaunt the authority of this Court and not have the other lawyers be fair with the Court and try to intimate or suggest that while they filed appearances, they don’t really represent them.…

    The Court: I commit them without bail. I deny the motion for bail.

    Mr. Sullivan: If the Court please—

    The Court: I don’t bail a lawyer contemner.

    Mr. Sullivan: Your Honor, are they to remain in custody for—

    The Court: Yes.

    Mr. Sullivan:—for the rest of their lives?

    The Court: For when?

    Mr. Sullivan: For the rest of their lives? Is there no term?

    The Court: I will determine on the disposition of this case Monday morning at ten o’clock.

    Mr. Sullivan: Your Honor—

    The Court: That will be the disposition. They are now held in contempt. I didn’t say—don’t put words in my mouth, Mr. Sullivan. I didn’t intend and you know you were talking foolishly when you said the rest of their lives.…

    SEPTEMBER 29, 1969

    The Court:… I have always followed the practice, and it is the law, to require lawyers in criminal cases to present a motion for leave to withdraw, not to send a telegram and say they are withdrawing, but to present a motion for leave to withdraw, giving evidence that they have served such notice of the motion not only on the Government but on their own clients. That was not done in this case.

    It appears now that in the opinion of the Court all defendants are adequately and responsibly represented and as far as this Court is concerned, I have no desire to damage the professional careers of young lawyers; but even young lawyers who have corresponding lawyers here must comply with the law.

    Agreeable with the motion and suggestion of the Government, the contempt proceedings against the two lawyers who were here and the other two lawyers who were not here—you have their names, Mr. Clerk?

    The Clerk: Yes, your Honor.

    The Court: —will be vacated, set aside, and leave will be given to them to withdraw…

    The Clerk: There is a motion, your Honor, on behalf of amicus curiae, one hundred lawyers, to declare a mistrial and drop contempt proceedings.

    The Court: I deny that motion not only as moot, partially moot, but I deny the motion because you have no standing, sir.

    Mr. Meyers: Certainly the mistrial application is not moot.

    The Court: I said in part it is moot. Is your hearing good?

    Mr. Meyers: Yes, but I am here on behalf of a hundred lawyers.

    The Court: In respect to amicus curiae, one hundred lawyers, I deny that because they do not have standing at the trial under this indictment and the pleas of not guilty entered pursuant thereto.

    Mr. Meyers: May I have the privilege of stating my—

    The Court: No, no.

    Mr. Foran: Your Honor—

    The Court: No. This is not a public forum. It is a branch of the United States District Court.

    [Argument on defense motion for mistrial. Such a motion, if granted by the Court, would immediately terminate the present proceedings without a finding of innocence or guilt]

    Mr. Kunstler: Your Honor, without repeating any of the long history of the controversy with reference to the lawyers which was disposed of this morning, I am moving on behalf of all defendants for a mistrial in this case or, in the alternative, again for the disqualification of this Court. Your Honor, we have set forth some seven or eight grounds of this motion.

    Our first ground is that your Honor illegally, unlawfully and unconstitutionally ordered and directed the arrest of some of the pretrial lawyers in the case; that equally illegally you effectuated the imprisonment and appearance in court while in custody of these attorneys; that you refused, again we claim unconstitutionally, to set bond for these attorneys, and again, number four, equally unconstitutionally, you attempted to coerce the defendants by these arrests and imprisonment and denial of bail to waive their Sixth Amendment rights to counsel of their choice; and that you have during the course of the trial degraded, harassed and maligned in diverse ways and fashions these and other of defendants’ attorneys, and because of this you have so prejudiced this case that there can no longer be a fair and impartial trial—all we claim in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States.…

    In addition we claim that you have consistently and systematically harassed, humiliated, maligned and degraded all of these attorneys by the following—and I have set forth starting on page 4 some of the following—that you have refused to permit them to complete oral argument and that you have frequently interrupted their presentation; that you have threatened them with contempt and that you have adjudicated two of them in contempt.

    I might add, your Honor, I believe you also have adjudicated Mr. Weinglass in contempt from the language on the record of last Friday. That you have stressed in a highly derogative fashion the fact that lead trial counsel are from other states; that you have insisted on the daily presence of local counsel whom you knew were never intended to participate in the actual trial, and that you have converted routine courtroom language by these attorneys into criticism of both Chicago and the prospective jurors, and that you have granted only one trial motion by the attorneys and that was to adjourn four minutes earlier than usual with the observation in words or substance that the defense have finally won one. And I believe the words finally won one is a quote.…

    The Court: Mr. Clerk, the motion styled Emergency Motion filed by the defendants over the signature of William N. Kunstler and a signature of Leonard Weinglass signed as represented by William N. Kunstler for a mistrial or, in the alternative, for the disqualification of the Court, will be denied. The Court directs the Clerk of the Court to impound this document for such consideration as the Court may give to it at some future time during or after this trial.

    Mr. Marshal—

    Mr. Kunstler: Your Honor, I object to that last statement. There is another intimidation being practiced here upon the attorneys that we now have to worry about what happens to us for filing the paper, and I would like the record to so indicate.

    The Court: You always have to worry in this courtroom, Mr. Kunstler, when you make remarks or make allegations in a document such as you made over your signature. That will be all.

    Mr. Kunstler: We made—

    The Court: That will be all, sir.

    The Court: Mr. Weinglass, will you continue, please, with your cross-examination of this witness.

    Mr. Weinglass: May we have the presence of the jury, your Honor?

    The Court: Oh, I thought they were ordered out. That is not a bad idea.

    (Whereupon, the following further proceedings were had herein, in open court, within the presence and hearing of the jury)

    The Court: You must expect to do pretty well for the remainder of your cross-examination.…

    Cross-examination of Government Witness Raymond Simon, Corporation Counsel for the city of Chicago, by Mr. Kunstler

    A. Yes, Mr. Kunstler, and there I was trying to point out the reason how that comes about to Mr. Feinglass, and that is because—

    Q. I think his name is Weinglass instead of Feinglass.

    A. I beg your pardon, Mr. Weinglass.

    Q. Just so we will have no problems in the future.

    A. Your name is Mr. Kunstler?

    Q. Yes.

    A. I apologize, Mr. Weinglass, for saying Feinglass.…

    Q. Just one last question. Now that it is all over, don’t you think that the city made the wrong decision—

    A. No, sir.

    Q. —to force those people out of Lincoln Park?

    A. I don’t know what would have happened if that wasn’t done. That is kind of speculation. I represent the city of Chicago, Mr. Kunstler. I know what they were doing at that time. They were striving as hard as they could and in as deep earnestness as they could to have it be orderly in the city. They didn’t want another Robert Kennedy assassination here. They didn’t want Senator McCarthy or McCarthy workers, or all the rumors that were bouncing in in the intelligence reports, they didn’t want that to happen in an assembly in the middle of the night in Lincoln Park, and have a young girl supporter of Senator McCarthy killed. We didn’t want that to happen, and it didn’t happen. I think we made the right decision by not letting them take over the park. They were honest judgments.

    SEPTEMBER 30, 1969

    The Court:… You say, as I read from the motion slip, Motion of Stanley A. Bass, local counsel, to be excused from required attendance for the duration of this trial. That to me means you want to get out.

    Now if you want to get out and there is no objection either by your client, any of your clients, and they will so state for the record themselves, and there is no objection by the Government, I am disposed to allow your motion to withdraw.

    The Court:… You may call them in the order their names appear in the indictment.

    Mr. Dellinger: I only require Mr. Kunstler and Mr. Weinglass and Mr. Garry.

    The Court: Ask him his name, first, for the record.

    Mr. Davis: Your Honor, my name, on the record, is Rennard C. Davis. My friends call me Rennie. It was never my intention that Mr. Bass represent me in this trial. It has only been my intention from the beginning that we have a trial team of three, so I am going into this trial with not full representation since Mr. Charles Garry is not here, but I do again, for I don’t know how many times, release Mr. Bass from obligations to the trial.

    Mr. Bass: Mr. Hayden, please.

    Mr. Hayden: I consent to the withdrawal also.

    Mr. Bass: Mr. Hoffman.

    Mr. Hoffman: I consent to the withdrawal.

    Mr. Bass: Mr. Rubin.

    Mr. Rubin: I consent with the understanding that the trial is illegitimate because Charles Garry is not here, our head counsel.

    Mr. Bass: Mr. Weiner.

    Mr. Weiner: I consent.

    Mr. Bass: Mr. Froines.

    Mr. Froines: I consent.

    Mr. Bass: Mr. Seale.

    Mr. Seale: I fired all of these lawyers a long time ago. Charles Garry ain’t here, and I want my legal counsel here.

    [Mr. Bass’s motion to be excused was subsequently granted—ed.]

    Mr. Kunstler:… We have filed a renewed emergency motion to disqualify your Honor in this case, and I would just briefly summarize it.

    The Court: I have read it carefully.

    Mr. Kunstler: I understand, sir.

    The Court: I have read every line of it.

    Mr. Kunstler: But I think it is important at least to indicate generally what is in it.

    The Court: May I suggest to you that was the reason for my delay in coming to the bench, for which I ask your pardon most humbly.

    Mr. Kunstler: You notice my inquiry was directed at the prosecution, not at your Honor.

    The Court: I am sorry, but you did send this motion in, and I look at the papers here, and the bar of this Court knows that I am not considered a loafer.

    Mr. Kunstler: Your Honor, you are misinterpreting.

    The Court: You were complaining at my late arrival.

    [In reference to a motion that Judge Hoffman disqualify himself, Mr. Kunstler made the following statement]

    Mr. Kunstler:… Now apparently, according to one newspaper reporter who is under subpoena and is waiting outside to testify if your Honor would have a hearing on this matter, you were overheard to say in the elevator, as I understand it, and we have included Mr. Von Hoffman’s article in the Washington Post as Exhibit A, you were overheard to say, Now we are going to hear this wild man Weinglass.

    Now Mr. Von Hoffman is prepared to take the stand and swear that that is what he heard in the elevator from your Honor’s lips.

    If that statement is true and correct, and Mr. Von Hoffman so testifies, and your Honor finds it to be true and correct, then I think that there is absolutely a valid just cause for your Honor to disqualify himself in this matter, and when you add this with all the other objections which the defendants have had up to this time, the cumulative effect is, I think, so overwhelming that in all justice, your Honor should disqualify himself.

    The Court: Mr. Clerk, the motion of the defendants styled Renewed Emergency Motion to Disqualify the Honorable Julius J. Hoffman as Judge in This Matter will be denied, because the papers filed in support thereof do not state grounds for the relief sought.…

    [Colloquies concerning possible disqualification of two jurors. Out of the presence of the jury]

    Mr. Foran: Judge, the reason we were late this morning and then the reason for the request for the interruption was I was informed just about the time we were to come to court by the FBI that they had been informed that one of the jurors had received a letter or her family had received a letter that certainly could be of a threatening nature.… I have a copy of it here, your Honor, marked as Government’s Exhibit A. It is addressed to the King family, 81 South Caroline, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. It is written in script, You are being watched. The Black Panthers.…

    The Court: Now my own marshal, gentlemen, was handed this morning this communication addressed to the Peterson family.…

    The Court:… [I]t is not unlike Government’s Exhibit A for identification…

    Mr. Weinglass: I think this does raise the flag of caution that more than one has received a similar document. Perhaps we ought to ask all of the jurors.

    Mr. Kunstler: I think the record should also indicate that the newspapers in Chicago did publish the addresses of each one of the jurors. I saw it in at least two newspapers.

    Mr. Foran: Yes, they did.

    The Court: There is a suggestion by Mr. Feinglass—

    Mr. Kunstler: Mr. Weinglass is going to be Mr. Feinglass before this trial is over. I may put in a change of name application for him.

    The Court: It is

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