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How the States Shaped the Nation: American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920-2000
How the States Shaped the Nation: American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920-2000
How the States Shaped the Nation: American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920-2000
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How the States Shaped the Nation: American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920-2000

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The United States routinely has one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any developed democracy in the world. That rate is also among the most internally diverse, since the federal structure allows state-level variations in voting institutions that have had—and continue to have—sizable local effects. But are expansive institutional efforts like mail-in registration, longer poll hours, and “no-excuse” absentee voting uniformly effective in improving voter turnout across states?

With How the States Shaped the Nation, Melanie Jean Springer places contemporary reforms in historical context and systematically explores how state electoral institutions have been instrumental in shaping voting behavior throughout the twentieth century. Although reformers often assume that more convenient voting procedures will produce equivalent effects wherever they are implemented, Springer reveals that this is not the case. In fact, convenience-voting methods have had almost no effect in the southern states where turnout rates are lowest. In contrast, the adverse effects associated with restrictive institutions like poll taxes and literacy tests have been persistent and dramatic. Ultimately, Springer argues, no single institutional fix will uniformly resolve problems of low or unequal participation. If we want to reliably increase national voter turnout rates, we must explore how states’ voting histories differ and better understand the role of political and geographical context in shaping institutional effects.
Release dateApr 11, 2014
How the States Shaped the Nation: American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920-2000

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    How the States Shaped the Nation - Melanie Jean Springer

    Melanie Jean Springer is assistant professor of political science at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

    The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637

    The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London

    © 2014 by The University of Chicago

    All rights reserved. Published 2014.

    Printed in the United States of America

    23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14    1 2 3 4 5

    ISBN-13: 978-0-226-11418-7 (cloth)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-226-11421-7 (paper)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-226-11435-4 (e-book)

    DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226114354.001.0001

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Springer, Melanie J., author.

    How the states shaped the nation : American electoral institutions and voter turnout, 1920–2000 / Melanie Jean Springer.

    pages cm — (Chicago studies in American politics)

    ISBN 978-0-226-11418-7 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-226-11421-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-226-11435-4 (e-book)   1. Elections—United States.   2. Voter turnout—United States.   I. Title.   II. Series: Chicago studies in American politics.

    JK1967.S775 2014



    This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48–1992 (Permanence of Paper).

    How the States Shaped the Nation

    American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920–2000


    The University of Chicago Press

    Chicago and London


    A series edited by Benjamin I. Page, Susan Herbst, Lawrence R. Jacobs, and Adam J. Berinsky

    Also in the series:











    POLITICAL TONE: HOW LEADERS TALK AND WHY by Roderick P. Hart, Jay P. Childers, and Colene J. Lind


    Additional series titles follow index

    For Joey, my love


    List of Illustrations


    ONE. Introduction


    TWO. Electoral Federalism and Participation in the American States

    THREE. Twentieth-Century Voter Turnout in the United States

    FOUR. A History of Twentieth-Century State Electoral Institutions


    FIVE. Exploring the Effect of Electoral Institutions on Twentieth-Century Voter Turnout in the American States

    SIX. Where Are the High Turnout States?

    SEVEN. Voting in the Southern States during and after Jim Crow

    EIGHT. Conclusion: The Future of Electoral Reform

    Appendix A: State-by-State Voter Turnout Rates Compared with the Average National Voter Turnout Rate during Election Years, 1920–2000 (also available online)

    Appendix B: Mississippi Voter Registration Application Form

    Appendix C: Descriptive Statistics, Presidential Election Years, 1920–2000

    Appendix D: Descriptive Statistics, Nonpresidential Election Years, 1922–98


    Works Cited




    2.1. National Voter Turnout Trends, 1920–2000

    3.1. Presidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by Region, 1920–2000

    3.2. Nonpresidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by Region, 1922–98

    3.3. Midwestern Presidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by State, 1920–2000

    3.4. Midwestern Nonpresidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by State, 1922–98

    3.5. Western Presidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by State, 1920–2000

    3.6. Western Nonpresidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by State, 1922–98

    3.7. Northeastern Presidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by State, 1920–2000

    3.8. Northeastern Nonpresidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by State, 1922–98

    3.9. Southern Presidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by State, 1920–2000

    3.10. Southern Nonpresidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends by State, 1922–98

    5.1. Timing of Literacy Test Effects in the Nonsouthern States

    5.2. Timing of Poll Tax Effects in the Southern States

    6.1. Turnout in the High Turnout Midwestern States, 1920–2000

    6.2. Turnout in the High Turnout Midwestern States, 1922–98

    6.3. Turnout in the High Turnout Western States, 1920–2000

    6.4. Turnout in the High Turnout Western States, 1922–98

    6.5. Turnout in the High Turnout Northeastern States, 1920–2000

    6.6. Turnout in the High Turnout Northeastern States, 1922–98

    7.1. Southern Presidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends, 1920–2000

    7.2. Southern Nonpresidential Election Year Voter Turnout Trends, 1922–98

    7.3. Southern Voter Turnout Trends during Primary Elections, 1920–70


    3.1. Regional Classification of the American States

    3.2. Ranking of States with Consistently High Turnout

    3.3. Ranking of States with Consistently Low Turnout

    3.4. Average National Voter Turnout (%)

    3.5. High Turnout States Compared with the National Average

    3.6. Low Turnout States Compared with the National Average

    4.1. State Voting Qualifications, by First Election Year after Elimination

    4.2. Voter Registration Laws, by First Election Year after Adoption

    4.3. Voting Procedures, by First Election Year after Adoption

    4.4. Total Number of States with Various Electoral Laws over Time

    5.1. State-Level Voter Turnout during Presidential Election Years, 1920–2000

    5.2. Southern Voter Turnout during Presidential Election Years, 1920–2000

    5.3. State-Level Voter Turnout during Nonpresidential Election Years, 1922–98

    6.1. Indentifying High Turnout States in the Midwest, 1920–2000

    6.2. Indentifying High Turnout States in the West, 1920–2000

    6.3. Indentifying High Turnout States in the Northeast, 1920–2000

    7.1. Southern Voter Turnout by Reform Period, 1920–2000

    7.2. Southern Voter Turnout during Primary Elections, 1920–70


    This book would never have been possible without the steadfast support and encouragement I received from my colleagues, family, and dear friends. I offer my most sincere thanks and appreciation to this tremendous group of people.

    First, and foremost, this work benefited greatly from the input of several generous scholars at Columbia University. There is no doubt it was improved by their attention, suggestions, and criticism. I especially thank Bob Erikson, who fostered my interest in voting and elections during my first months in graduate school, and who encouraged this work from the very beginning. I also thank Ira Katznelson for championing and guiding my interest in political history and for his one of a kind insights that never fail to inspire. I also offer my heartfelt thanks to John Lapinski, Rob Lieberman, Bob Shapiro, and Greg Wawro for their guidance during many important moments along the way, and to Mat McCubbins, who urged me to pursue this path in the first place.

    After I left graduate school, Saint Louis was my home. I offer my utmost gratitude to my colleagues at Washington University. It was a privilege to begin my career supported by such wonderful scholars and friends. I especially thank Randy Calvert, Bill Lowry, Andrew Martin, Sunita Parikh, John Patty, Steve Smith, and Jim Spriggs for their encouragement and sound advice over the past several years. I also acknowledge the stellar research assistance I received from Morgan Hazelton, and generous funding from the Murray Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy.

    This work has evolved greatly thanks to the input of scholars far and wide. Although the individuals who helped shape this book are too numerous to name them all here, I especially thank Chris Achen, Becky Morton, Bob Stein, Caroline Tolbert, and Dan Wirls for their very helpful suggestions. I also thank my good friend and collaborator Elizabeth Rigby, who graciously offered her expertise and never wavered in her enthusiasm for this project.

    I also offer my utmost appreciation to John Tryneski, Rodney Powell, the editors of the American Politics Series at the University of Chicago Press, and all the scholars who anonymously reviewed my manuscript. It was an absolute privilege to work with such a supportive team. There is no doubt that their commitment to this endeavor and their invaluable suggestions greatly improved this book. To Rick Valelly, whose sage advice sparked a new direction at a critical time, I am especially indebted. Last, I must convey my immeasurable gratitude to Jamie Druckman, who has been a true mentor since my days as an undergraduate and an unwavering champion of me and my work—thank you Jamie.

    I also offer my deepest thanks to my incredible family and friends, whose consistent love and friendship has brightened my life infinitely. Specifically, I thank my parents, John and Kathy Beamer, and my sister, Tiffany Campbell, who were my first teachers and encouraged my love of books. I thank Debby Springer, and the rest of my dynamic family, for supporting this pursuit every step of the way. I also acknowledge my father-in-law, Bill Springer, whom I miss dearly. And I thank my amazing friends—Michelle Hall, Guinevere Jobson, Liz Mosco, Gabrielle Muse, and Jocelyn Pietsch—who have tirelessly cheered me along throughout this journey and many others. I am so lucky to be able to share my life with each of you.

    Last—but far from least—there are not enough words to thank my incredible husband and best friend, Joey. You are a remarkable partner. You have supported me endlessly, offered reassurance at every fork in the road, and urged me to persevere when I doubted. You have helped me overcome what seemed insurmountable, and you fill my days with hope and laughter. I am immensely grateful for your constant love, friendship, and unmatched ability to convince and inspire me with your even-handed sensibilities. There is nobody I would rather have by my side. Although it is a small token compared to all that I owe, I dedicate this work to you, Joey. Thank you for always being you, and for always believing in me.



    The presidential election held on November 7, 2000, was historic on many counts. One of its lasting legacies was bringing the rules governing American voting to the forefront of political debate and public conversation. This was not the first time the American public had confronted the political ramifications of the country’s variable electoral systems; yet in the aftermath of this now infamous election, Americans were reminded that the federal system allows the individual states to set the electoral rules by which all voters must abide. By design, this system fosters variability while allowing, and perhaps even creating, instances of inequality. The heightened awareness of state power over electoral procedures following the Bush versus Gore election initiated widespread criticism and spurred countless calls for national electoral reform. In the years since, balloting procedures and voting machinery have been closely scrutinized, the availability and convenience of polling places and other voting opportunities have been addressed, and restrictions such as voter identification requirements have been added. In each instance the individual states have been the major political players, shaping the who, when, and where of voting as they see fit.

    This system of decentralized rule making by the states is an enduring feature of American politics. Indeed, debates over states’ rights and voting laws have colored political conversations since the days of the founding fathers. Yet these laws often are merely the backdrop to electoral politics, influencing the process but not raising eyebrows. The critical aftermath of the 2000 presidential election is one of few exceptions in a very long history. Generally, national tallies are compiled and public figures are elected without much criticism of the process. Yet even when things run smoothly, the states are indisputably important players. Empowered by the federal arrangement, the American states have been able, with few limitations, to actively expand and constrict the electorate through institutional design, and in doing so they have greatly influenced political participation across the nation. This book explores the underpinnings and consequences of electoral federalism over time. I evaluate the numerous state electoral institutions, both restrictive and expansive, that have helped shape American elections and voting behavior throughout the twentieth century—long before the events in Florida put the rules we vote by under a national spotlight.

    What Are State Electoral Institutions?

    Throughout this book, state electoral institutions are defined as the laws and procedures governing registration and voting in the American states. They set the parameters for participation in American elections and effectively mediate the relationship between political actors and political outcomes. They are the rules of the game, and for the most part each state has maintained control over its own institutional profile throughout the twentieth century. Owing to American federalism, there has been great variation in the rules as institutionalized by law, both between states and within states over time. This institutional variation, coupled with and complicated by an assortment of state political histories, leads to a range in participation trends. In short, I posit that institutional effects are conditional on a state’s political history, and institutions and political context together have led to varying voter turnout rates in the states and regions throughout the century.

    The state electoral institutions I examine here pertain to voting qualifications, voter registration, and voting procedures. These laws are characterized as being either restrictive (rules that aim to limit the vote by restricting participation or making it more costly) or expansive (rules that aim to expand the vote by making participation more convenient or less costly). My expectations about particular state electoral institutions relate to the burden they impose on, or alleviate for, voters in the states where they are implemented—and their effects on state turnout rates are theorized about and assessed accordingly. For example, the most-restrictive electoral institutions that American states enacted during the twentieth century pertained to voting qualifications (e.g., long residency requirements and poll taxes). These limiting institutions are expected, both theoretically and empirically, to decrease voting rates wherever they were implemented. Conversely, later in the century many states enacted expansive reforms to make registration and voting more accessible and convenient. Modern voter registration reforms, especially, sought to reduce the costs associated with registering so as to increase voting.

    I contend that examining the boundaries created by both restrictive and expansive state electoral institutions is critical to understanding twentieth-century voting and elections. By institutionally easing state electoral processes and fostering a heightened participatory climate through expansive electoral laws, electoral institutions may have changed the status quo. And the restrictive laws implemented over time may have created and perpetuated depressed voting patterns in many American states. The states and regions have differed dramatically in their voting rates throughout the twentieth century, yet there is also a complicated interaction at work between electoral institutions and states’ historical legacies that persists even after the institutions have changed. This suggests that while appreciating how state-level electoral institutions evolve over time, we must also try to understand how institutions and social context interact to influence voter turnout. That is, restrictive or expansive laws alone do not explain variation in state voting rates: many high turnout states share some institutional mechanisms, but there is no clear pattern of electoral laws common to all high turnout states in a region. Instead, I posit that the impact of institutions depends on the social context within the state—for example, that the effect of electoral institutions interacts with the racial homogeneity of the state. This dynamic relationship is consequential. Practically speaking, this book demonstrates that if the goal of electoral reform is to increase national participation, we must pay attention to how states’ voting histories differ with their institutional profiles. One institutional fix will not uniformly solve problems of low or unequal participation. As long as policy makers ignore this variation, they will be disappointed with the results of electoral reform. Understanding this important relationship—between state electoral institutions, political context, and voter turnout rates from 1920 to 2000—is the focus of this book.

    A Historical Vantage Point: Eighty Years Deep

    This study begins in 1920—an electoral cut point marking the end of the Progressive Era. Starting in 1920 lets me concentrate on the institutional changes following, but separate from, the electoral reforms initiated during the Populist and Progressive movements in the mid- to late nineteenth century (e.g., women’s suffrage, the Australian ballot, the direct election of US senators, ballot initiatives, and referenda). In addition to these institutional changes, voter turnout was quite a bit higher during the nineteenth century than during the twentieth (Bensel 2004; Burnham 1982; Kleppner 1982; Teixeira 1992).¹ As such, the twentieth century emerges as distinct in terms of both voting rules and participation rates, and understanding the changes that occurred during this period is pivotal to understanding the modern American electorate.

    The presidential election in 1920 was also the first federal election held after female enfranchisement became national. It thus reflects a moment when the American polity became comparatively inclusive (Kleppner 1982; Rusk and Stucker 1978). It was also a time after the national party system developed, when national elections became more systematic and competitive. Of course there are important exceptions; for example, the restriction of black and minority suffrage within and outside the South and the Democrats’ single-party dominance of politics in the southern states during the early twentieth century. I view these specific limitations on participation and electoral competition as by-products of state control over elections and address them directly.

    The years since 1920 have been characterized by the evolution, and ultimate removal, of discriminatory voting procedures, especially in the southern states. Restrictive qualifications were generally relaxed during the early years of the century, with a growing emphasis on permanent registration requirements and a modest expansion of the electorate by liberalizing substantive qualifications such as age and duration of residency. The latter half of the century was also marked by growing federal protection of voting rights and increasing federal influence on the administration of elections overall. After the civil rights movement, midcentury electoral reform was directed almost entirely at making participation easier and more convenient, first through registration reform and later through changes in timing and in access to voting opportunities. The book concludes with the remarkably apropos 2000 presidential election, which not only marked the end of the twentieth century but also was punctuated, if not defined, by the power of American federalism to shape national outcomes.

    The eighty-year vantage point offered here is unusual. Typically, even in historical accounts, the relationship between electoral institutions and voting behavior has been evaluated over a fairly limited time frame (see, e.g., Franklin and Grier 1997; Kleppner 1987; Lawson 1976, 1985; McGerr 1986, 2003; Rusk 1970, 1974; Rusk and Stucker 1978). And many of the studies on more recent expansive electoral reforms have intentionally limited themselves to the last two decades of the century to avoid being complicated by the dramatic election law changes of the 1960s and to capture the incremental, state-initiated electoral changes taking place in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s (Fitzgerald 2005, 852). Although these temporally bound studies offer a degree of historical appreciation, they tend to contribute institutional snapshots rather than comparative analyses. They thus are incapable of making important comparisons over time and evaluating the evolution of electoral systems throughout the century. By limiting the time frame studied, previous research on electoral reform has ignored the institutional and political changes that have occurred incrementally throughout the history of the United States, failing to recognize the effects of gradual change.

    The scope of this book is broader. Examining the progression of American electoral institutions throughout the twentieth century lets me analyze the cumulative effects that changes in electoral institutions have on voting and provides both a historical and a contemporary analysis of twentieth-century political participation in the United States. With its historical breadth, this book not only demonstrates the direct effects that individual electoral laws have on participation, but also explores the important ways a state’s collection of electoral laws—its institutional profile—can shape patterns of participation over time. The existing literature does not span space and time in this way and therefore cannot make these macro-level institutional comparisons.

    Chapter Overview

    Research on voting and elections in the United States, and voter turnout more specifically, has accounted for a vast amount of the scholarship in political science for decades. There have been at least three distinct trends in research on voting behavior in general and on the relationship between electoral institutions and voter turnout in particular.²

    First, a great deal of the work has focused on individual-level determinants, typically without discussing how electoral institutions condition voting behavior. Second, most studies that have examined electoral institutions have dealt with a single reform or a handful of reforms. Finally, most of the existing institutional scholarship evaluates the relationship between electoral institutions and voting behavior over a fairly limited time span. This book builds on each aspect of the existing literature.

    To begin, chapters 2 through 4 provide the theoretical and empirical basis for understanding the evolution of state electoral institutions and their effects on voter turnout in the American states throughout the twentieth century. These chapters underscore my motivation for the book: that I believe the study of voting and elections should not be confined to individual behavior, and that addressing the institutional variants of state electoral processes—a product of American federalism—is critical to advancing our understanding of voting and electoral reform.

    I begin chapter 2 by discussing the importance and exceptionalism of American federalism. Then I situate the contributions of this study within the existing literature on how the costs and determinants of voting relate to twentieth-century voter turnout and within the current literature on state electoral reforms. Ultimately I aim to bolster the link between research on political behavior and research on political institutions. By dealing exclusively with the independent actions of individual voters, a strictly behavioral approach neglects the interactive effects and structural patterns surrounding elections. Instead, I stress the importance of institutional design, and of institutional change over time, in shaping political outcomes while building on previous work about the behavioral norms of political actors. I treat the laws governing elections in the states as the institutional mechanisms that empower citizens or deter them from voting. I focus on the American

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