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Grace Day by Day - A Daily Devotional with Grace in the Water
Grace Day by Day - A Daily Devotional with Grace in the Water
Grace Day by Day - A Daily Devotional with Grace in the Water
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Grace Day by Day - A Daily Devotional with Grace in the Water

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Grace Day by Day is a Daily Devotional derived through the book Grace in the Water. 


It was designed to bring God's assurance to our heart and morning through giving our first fruits of the day to our Heavenly Father.


Each day carries a verse from the King James Bible, a more in depth elaboration and a beautiful prayer to close.

Release dateJun 12, 2020
Grace Day by Day - A Daily Devotional with Grace in the Water

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    Grace Day by Day - A Daily Devotional with Grace in the Water - Liz A. Darnell


    Day by Day

    A Daily Devotional with Grace in the Water


    Liz A. Darnell

    Copyright © 2020 Liz A. Darnell

    ISBN: 978-0-578-63232-2

    All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

    Some people and incidents in this book may be composites created by the author.  Names and details may have been changed and any similarity with names or stories of individuals described in this book known to readers is purely coincidental.

    Published by Liz A. Darnell, Edgewater, Florida, U.S.A.

    Printed on acid-free paper.

    Liz A. Darnell


    First Edition


    To reach the author:

    Unless otherwise noted, all scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan.  All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Scriptures marked (NKJV) are taken from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION (NKJV): Scripture taken from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION®.  Copyright© 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.  All rights reserved.

    ~ About the Cover ~

    One day, I came across a Chapter in Matthew that moved me so much.  In Chapter 13, God tells us about the wheat and the tares.  The field owner's enemy comes in the night to foil the owner's field of wheat and He plants tares among the wheat to destroy it.

    Much like God’s own field of Children, the enemy tries to sow his tares among us to try and destroy God’s harvest.  In Matthew, God shows us that if He allows the tares to continue to grow within the wheat (his children) we cannot be harmed as we grow in the end.

    If the owner allows the tares to grow with the wheat, the harvest will in turn be protected and mature to its full richness and potential.

    It moved me so much to read this parable.  It was like God removed a blinder from my eyes and I got to experience His concept of allowing us to grow beside what was meant to harm us. 

    The tares cannot harm us.  We still mature and become the greatness we were always meant to be, even when we are surrounded by the enemy’s darkness and plan for our destruction.

    It is so moving to me.  I hope you enjoy looking at the wheat on the cover.  It's one of the most beautiful things I've been blessed to be a part of creating.  I think it’s so stunning and I hope you will see it deeply.


    This book is dedicated to you and everyone that opens it.  I pray for you daily and am sending you beautiful hope. 

    I so adore having you here.  You affect my life Greatly.  I am thankful that I get to sow into your life and that you get to sow into mine.

    Our beautiful Father above gives me strength, courage, and His love in my heart so much that it makes me turn around and send it out to you.


    John 3:30 - He must increase, but I must decrease.

    Matthew 13:38 - The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents














    A Healing Prayer for You

    About the Author

    Tulips blooming pink

    I'm sending love so true

    Wishing you a blessed day

    Sending peace and prayers too


    When I first started dedicating a scripture to each morning, it helped me so much to give God my first fruits of every day.  I hope you enjoy my words and that these particular scriptures and prayers help you too.

    I'm so happy to be able to start this book with my beautiful Heavenly Fathers very own words from so long ago.  The Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4:


    Here's Hope for today

    Here's Hope for tomorrow

    Give God all your pain

    And all of your sorrow


    ~ First ~

    Titus 3:4-7 - But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

    When I first wrote these verses I stopped and pondered the true depth and meaning behind them.  Tears filled my eyes.  When I finished writing them out, I literally wept.  We are so fortunate to have such a saving and loving Father.  I hope you'll go back and read them one more time.

    Everything God does is with purpose and meaning even when it seems like we can't comprehend it all.  He's such a beautiful presence in our lives.  He touches my heart when I least expect it.  Little daily things we do sometimes transform into God revealing His fullness and greatness to us.

    Father, thank you for giving us hope.  Thank you for this New Year and new dawn that You've brought before our eyes.  Because we have You, we have beautiful forgiveness from our mistakes and short comings.  Because of You, our slates are renewed and clean, once again.  Please help us offer Your kindness and love to others not only today but throughout this wonderful New Year.

    ~ Second ~

    1 Peter 1:7 - That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

    God shows us how important it is to keep our Faith.

    This verse reminds us that our Faith is more precious than gold.  Sometimes it's easy to get discouraged and second guess our lives or the decisions we've made in the past.  The wonderful part about accepting our Heavenly Father is it doesn't matter what has happened in our past any longer.  We made mistakes.  We all make mistakes.  It's what helps us grow and learn.  God's word tells us that no matter what comes our way, it will be used for our good.  That is such an amazing promise to have in our lives.  We now have God’s Grace and protection.  How fortunate we are to have such an awesome life and future.  We can now give God our praise and honor for being just as we are.

    Father, thank you for standing with us through our trials.  When we have You, it becomes easier to go through trying times in life.  You help us become greater for Your glory as we make it through those tough moments on our paths.  Please help us offer Your gracious courage to others today.

    ~ Third ~

    Isaiah 52:7 - How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

    God shows us that He brings goodness.

    This verse reminds us that our Father is the Prince of Peace.  He's all things good.  When we have God inside, we want to be good too.  We start to notice kindness and gentleness in our environment because we can feel those things inside through God’s presence.  We become more attracted to the good and abundant peace in our life.  The Bible tells us that God has many fruit that come with Him to live inside us with His spirit.  When we have God, what He has, we now have.  We instantly inherit what God has.  God is love, kindness, gentleness, joy, patience, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.  We have all these things living inside us when God moves into our hearts.  We carry Greatness.  It's true that we really do change when we accept our Father into our life.  That's because of who God is not because of who we are.  We now enjoy being in calm environments that show love and kindness.

    Father, thank you for bringing us Your peace.  Your word reminds us that when we have You, all things will work out for our good.  Because we have You, we not only receive good tidings, Your word made sure it was amplified twice.  Please help us offer Your goodness to others today.

    ~ Fourth ~

    Psalms 107:2 - Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

    God shows us how important it is to be a witness for Him. 

    This verse reminds us that our Father redeems us from our enemies.  He wants us to say so.  When we share our stories, we glorify our Father.  We help other people want to be with Him too.  We show others how much He's done for us internally when we speak about our journeys.  God always has our best interest at heart.  He always has us in the palm of His hand.  It's so freeing to accept God’s protection.  He releases us from the need to fear and worry.  He relieves our anxiety about what the future holds.  When we have our Father, it almost becomes exciting to see what He will do with our tomorrows.  It's a joy to wait upon the Lord and observe His powerful and protective ways.

    Father, thank you for Your protection.  When we have You, we have rested assurance with our souls.  Our minds can release the desire to know all the outcomes of tomorrow.  Please help us offer Your gentleness to others today.

    ~ Fifth ~

    1 John 4:4 - Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    God shows us that no matter what we go through we've already overcome because He lives.

    This verse reminds us that God is Greater than anything that comes against us.  He is our power, our strength and our shield.  When I was younger and someone would challenge me or come against me, I would want to retaliate and prove to them that they couldn't do this or that to me.  I use to have the attitude that says, I don't have to take this, and I'll show you.  The more time we spend with God, the more He shows us that we don't have to worry and think about repaying our enemy.  We have a mighty protector that is strong when we are weak.  The Bible tells us that vengeance belongs to our Father.  I trust and believe Him with every aspect of my life.  When we lean, we are at ease.  When we have God, we can rest.  Life with our Father gives us Blessed assurance.

    Father, thank you for helping us overcome.  When we have You, we have Your greatness living inside our hearts.  You become our wonderful counselor and guide.  Please help us offer Your love to others today.

    ~ Sixth ~

    Psalms 9:2 - I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.

    God shows us that when we have Him, we can sing true songs of praise. 

    This verse reminds us that we should carry gladness.  One morning I found a picture of a little girl laying her head on Jesus’ shoulder while He held her closely in His arms.  She looked sad and weary.  My mind felt so much joy as I reflected upon how vulnerable and comforted, she seemed to be.  It's so wonderful to know that we have the same ability to rest upon our Heavenly Father at any moment of our day.  He will come and touch our hearts when we least expect it.  God will always be with us even when it doesn't seem so.  Some days He touches my heart so deeply inside that it can make me shutter at the core.  God washes us clean with His glorious presence.  He will be with us through the good times and the bad times too.  God wants us to come to Him when we are weak and feeling low in life.  He's our protector and our fortress.  How wonderfully blessed we are to have such a savior in life.

    Father, thank you for giving us a new voice.  When we have You, we learn to be gentle and kind.  You bring softness to our lives, and we start to rejoice in Your presence.  Please help us honor and praise You more today.

    ~ Seventh ~

    Psalms 5:11 - But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

    God shows us that we have a beautiful heritage of joy. 

    This verse reminds us that God defends us.  When we have our Father, we have a glorious protector, and we have love that stays with us every single moment of every single day. 

    Joy is mentioned twice just in this one verse.  God wants us to put our Trust in Him.  Sometimes we don't understand that we already carry the things that we're most searching for.  God never leaves our side.  The enemy wants us to believe that we've made a mistake and we're lost again, or we never had God at all.  God tells us that He never goes away.  God never abandons His children.  We have Glory to pronounce today!  Let us get up every morning and shout to the Lord and all the Earth!  Let us make a Joyful song because we have our Father.  Let us sing to Him with Praise!

    Father, thank you for giving us Your fruit inside.  So much Joy is bestowed upon our hearts because we have You.  The more we come to You, the happier we will grow.  Please help us offer Your peace to others today.

    ~ Eight ~

    Psalms 107:6 - Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

    God shows us that He wants us to come to Him with anything we're going through.

    This verse reminds us that we have a redeemer.  God delivers us when we cry out to Him.  Sometimes we immediately want to ask our friends for advice instead of going straight to our Father in prayer.  I have done this so many times in life too.  God never lets us down and He will always be there waiting for us to come to Him through prayer.  It only takes a few times and soon we begin to recognize God’s power on our hearts and minds when we go to Him first.  He eases our anxiety and fear.  God has us in the palm of His hand and He never leaves us.  God wants to be our Best friend.  He is the most reliable companion we could ever have, and we can lean on Him all the days of our lives.  When I met the little girl in the ocean described in Grace in the Water, God showed me the marvelous way He protects us.  We can lean on Him every single moment until we go to be by His side.

    Father, thank you for walking with us daily.  Help us forgive people the way that You forgive our transgressions.  Sometimes it's easy to notice the bad in everyone else before we ever begin to notice our own.  Please help us offer Your gentleness today.

    ~ Ninth ~

    Luke 1:68-69 - Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;

    God shows us that He has protected us through the cross and He has redeemed us because we believe.

    This verse reminds us that we have freedom.  We've been redeemed!  Did you know that to redeem something means that it's been reclaimed?  God has given a horn of salvation for His children.  When we want to turn around and fight other people, we have a defender that vindicates us, and He fights for us through His glorious power.  The Bible reminds us that no weapon formed against us shall ever prosper when we are God’s child.  It actually tells us that we are covered and reside under the Almighty's shadow.  It's so inspiring to write those things down.  It makes my heart sing and rejoice just to place those words upon this paper.  We are blessed beyond measure to have our Father.  Let us arise and be joyful from this moment forward.

    Father, thank you for giving us salvation.  You stand beside us day by day.  Having You means we are now redeemed.  We are now filled with You, and we are now free indeed.  Please help us offer Your forgiveness and grace to others today.

    ~ Tenth ~

    Acts 2:21 - And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    God shows us that He will accept any person that comes to Him and calls upon His name to be saved. 

    This verse reminds us that anyone that asks our Father to be their savior shall be saved.  This means that everyone we see is meant to be God’s child.  It doesn't mean they will come to our Father but if they do, God will bring them into His family just like He did for us.  Sometimes it's easy to look at a person and think more highly of ourselves.  The truth is we all have sin and you and I can't see others from the inside out.  We will be sinners as long as we're here.  God wants every person who will humble themselves.  God's not looking for the nicest dressed individual or the wealthiest being that has the most trinkets.  God looks at our hearts.  He sees the very best part of us.  He gets to see the truth about our motives, and He doesn't have the same sight as we do on earth.  I heard a few days ago the human eye can only see about two hundred colors but there's actually thousands.  God gets to see all the glorious things we can't.

    Father, thank you for accepting us just as we are.  We often come to You in the worst shape of our lives, and You accept us just as we are.  You change us and mold us daily.  You're our wonderful, masterful designer and potter.  Please help us offer Your kindness to others today.

    ~ Eleventh ~

    Psalms 59:16 - But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

    God shows us that it pleases Him when we rejoice over Him and His wonders.

    This verse reminds us that when we have trouble, even then should we sing to our Father.  Our Father is so good to us every single moment of the day.  He protects us and sees the things we cannot.  It's impossible for us to fully lean on God and trust in Him if we need to know everything He's doing for us.  The truth is all of our blessings are uncountable.  Sometimes we feel sad and alone or let down but there's no reason for our souls to be troubled because we have something different inside.  We have Gods almighty presence.  The Bible tells us that God promises to watch over us when we become His children.  This is what trusting is all about.  When we know deep inside that God has us covered under any circumstance, that's when we are thriving in Faith.

    Father, thank you for giving us a new song.  We can sing praises to You anytime we choose.  You are our Great defense and refuge.  Your Mercy is always waiting as we rise into a new morning.  Please help us offer Your gentleness today.

    ~ Twelfth ~

    Nehemiah 8:10 - Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

    God shows us that not only does He provide for us, but He also gives us abundant Joy because we have Him.

    This verse reminds us that the Lord is our strength.  God is with us when we have nothing and He's with us when we have plenty.  When God gives us more than enough, we should give our overflow to others who have not.  It's a never-ending cycle that comes only from our Father.  One day, I met an older man on the corner of a street as I was walking.  He was waiting on a family member to pick him up later in the day.  We talked for a moment and then he asked me if I could spare a few dollars.  He told me that if he had $15, he would be able to make it the entire day.  I gave him a $20 bill and hugged him goodbye.  Was he lying to me?  I don't really know for sure, but the Bible tells us when we give to those in their time of need, we're really giving to our Father.

    Father, thank you for giving us Your glorious rod and staff of comfort.  When we have You, we don't need to worry about how we will make things work.  Your word reminds us that You are our true strength.  Please help us offer Your calming presence to others today.

    ~ Thirteenth ~

    Psalms 34:7 - The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

    God shows us that when we have Him and believe His word, He will deliver us through His mighty power.

    This verse reminds us that God loves His children and protects them from trouble.  When we have our Father, we don't need to fear the enemy or anyone that tries to come against us because we have Him and we know His powerful hand will deliver us.  To fear doesn't only mean that we are afraid of a person, it can also mean that we are in fear for them.  I fear for anyone that tries to attack something that our Father loves.  When we have fear for our Fathers true power, it also means that we have fear for anyone that tries to come against us.  Not because we're afraid of their power but I know that the Bible tells us that God will hold our vengeance as His own and we, as believers, don't need to fear others.  We don't need to worry about paying back our enemy.  We belong to our Father and our Father will not allow anything to come against us that He has not already ordained.  Let us give Praise for Gods mighty protection today!

    Father, thank you for giving us Your Angels of protection.  Your word tells us so much about Your glorious strength and how we need not fear.  Help us trust and lean more on You.  Please help us offer Your peace to others today.

    ~ Fourteenth ~

    Romans 8:15 - For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

    God shows us that with Him, we no longer have the spirit of bondage upon us. 

    This verse reminds us of so many things.  We don't need to fear.  We aren't under bondage.  We have received adoption from our Father.  We can praise and worship Him through our trials.  We are heirs to our glorious King because we are part of His family now.  Our Father knows us by name.  He knows the count of hairs upon our head.  Just writing these things makes Joy spring forth.  We have so many wonderful blessings to be thankful for.  We don't need to carry fear and sadness because we have a higher protector.  Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of what we really hold inside.  God's word is so important for us to seek because it will continuously remind us of His Truth.  Let us bury the anxiety and depression today.  Let us praise our Father for giving us His perfect love.

    Father, thank you for picking us up and adopting our souls.  Our slates are cleaned and renewed when we have You.  You restore us and give us a new heritage under Your powerful Grace.  Please help us offer Your love to others today.

    ~ Fifteenth ~

    Matthew 10:26 - Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

    God shows us that we need not worry about the schemes being planned against us.

    This verse reminds us that God is in control of His children's lives.  The Bible actually tells us that He will be an enemy to our enemies and an adversary to our adversaries.  (See Exodus 23) God tells us that there is nothing covered that will not come to light.  One time I started a project, and I was going to put the word Secret in the title.  One day while I was working, God showed me that anything done in secret is sin.  That made me stop right there and I knew I couldn't continue with the project under the name.  God's love is so good to us.  He helps us when we need Him the most.  He never fails to amaze me with His words that were written so long ago.  They heal our hearts when we are down and not at our best.  He picks us up when we are weak, and He washes us and renews us in so many ways.  Let us give thanks to our Father for His protective care from this moment forward.

    Father, thank you for giving us Your truth.  Your word reminds us that whatever is in the dark will eventually come to the light.  No weapon formed against us shall ever prosper when we have You.  Please help us offer Your forgiveness to others today.

    ~ Sixteenth ~

    2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    God shows us that when we have Him, we carry His glorious Power.

    This verse reminds us that we no longer need fear.  We have been given love and a sound mind.  This means we don't need to allow our thoughts to wonder from one emotion to another.  When we start thinking about being alone in life or being afraid, we can command our minds to stop having these thoughts.  They're not from the Father of Truth, thoughts like this are from the father of lies.  God's word tells us that He will never leave us.  We have a spirit of adoption the moment we accept Christ into our lives.  We have authority and power now.  We can speak God’s word and the enemy must bow in the name of Jesus.  When I'm afraid, I continuously remind myself that God is not fear.  If God is for us, who can be against us?  He is with us wherever we go.  We have been given a sound mind.  Where He leads, we shall follow.  We

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