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Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020
Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020
Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020
Ebook220 pages3 hours

Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020

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Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020" is a Desperate Attempt by Author, Jerry Gallagher, to convince anyone who is not already convinced that Donald Trump is not an Acceptable Candidate for President in 2020. In this book Gallagher makes a strong case for Democratic Party Challenger, Joe Biden to defeat Donald Trump in 2020.

It is the Author's contention that if the Democratic Party Candidate does not defeat Donald Trump in 2020 that Democracy as we have known it in the United States may be a thing of the past.

Most of the chapters in this book are a series of Blog Posts that the Author has been Writing and Posting since before 2016 on his Blog titled "Letters To A Lost Nation"

Release dateMay 27, 2020
Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020

Jerry Gallagher

Jerry Gallagher was a reviewer for the University of Scranton's "Best Sellers" Magazine for several years and has also written Feature Stories, as well as Concert, Television and Movie Reviews for PA East and The Morning Call Newspapers in the Lehigh Valley Area of Eastern Pennsylvania.Jerry has also been a Guitarist, Singer and Songwriter both as a Solo Artist, as well as in several Folk and Rock Groups in Eastern Pennsylvania including The Lehigh Valley Folk Music Society, The Shamrockers and The Earth Riders.Jerry's Music and Writing have been wonderful and fulfilling hobbies but not really a source of income so Jerry worked for many years in the field of Social Work prior to his retirement in 2011.After completing his Bachelors Degree in English at King's College in Wilkes Barre, PA and his Masters Degree in Counseling at Shippensburg State University in Shippensburg, PA, Jerry worked as a Counselor, Social Worker and a Family Therapist in his home area of Eastern Pennsylvania.Jerry's First Published Book, "Letters To A Lost Nation: A Watergate Chronicle" in addition to being published as an E Book by Smashwords is also published by Createspace and is available in Paperback through The Createspace Store, as well as through, Barnes & and other book distribution outlets.Jerry's Second Published Book, "The Triumph Of Barack Obama: More Letters To A Lost Nation" is published through Smashwords but is also available as a Paperback through The Createspace Store,, Barnes & and other OutletsAll of Jerry's books are currently available through Smashwords. Information on his other books can be obtained through Smashwords, Jerry's Writers Website and by searching Jerry Gallagher on Amazon.comOther books written by Jerry Include the Following:The Folksingers: - is a Novel about Four Different Characters who meet and Interact at the Historic Newport Folk Music Festival during the Summer of 1963. It is a Love Story and a Road Story very reminiscent of "The Catcher in The Rye.""The Man On The Grassy Knoll - The Assassins": - is the First Volume in a series which spans decades and deals with some of the Most Important Political and Moral Issues of the 20th Century. This book puts a new Fictional and Factual Spin on the Nightmare Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963 by combining some very Disturbing and Controversial Truths with some even more Disturbing and Controversial Fiction. In the end "The Man On The Grassy Knoll - The Assassins" is a Fast Paced and Interesting Novel which presents an often told tale with some New and Frightening Insights regarding the Back Story of the JFK Assassination."Lonesome Travelers" is a Non Fiction Novel Travel Memoir - During the Summer of 1977 Jerry Gallagher set out On The Road with his Friend, Hal, who Jerry had worked with and known for many years. Hal had a Cousin who was moving to Phoenix, Arizona and needed nomeone to transport her Mercury Monarch out to Arizona. In the Tradition of Jack Kerouac and John Steinbeck, "Lonesome Travelers' is a book about the American Dream of Traveling through the United States and Canada in Search of Adventure."The New American Revolution 2016" is a Book Project that Jerry Gallagher began in February of 2015 and was completed in September of 2016. The Author, who is an Avowed Progressive Democrat was convinced that the time had come to promote a Serious Non Violent Revolution of the Ballot Box in November of 2016. Little did the Author know when he began the Project that Revolutionary Politics was truly in the air in 2015 and 2016. Political Revolutions occurred in both the Democratic and Republican Parties and "The New American Revolution 2016 is a Commentary on the Strange and Shocking Election Season of 2016 complete with the Author's Recommendations concerning what he feels Americans should be considering when they enter the Voting Booth in November of 2016.All of Jerry Gallagher's books are available on in both Paperback and Kindle Editions. All of Jerry's books are also currently available also on to the November Election of 2016 "The New American Revolution 2016" will be available on Smashwords as a Free E Book

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    Book preview

    Donald Trump And The Death Of Democracy 2020 - Jerry Gallagher

    Chapter 1

    TRUMPZILLA: The Monster Who Ate The Republican Party

    Thursday August 6th, 2015

    My Dear America:

    Well, Finally the day has come when we will find out tonight during the First Republican Debates of the 2016 Election whether or not Donald Trump will be able to maintain his phenomenally Surging Popularity in The Republican Party’s Race for the White House.

    The Truth is that in the field of 17 Republican Candidates for President on the Republican side, it can truthfully be said that prior to Trump’s Bombastic and Controversial entry into the Republican Candidate Field in early June, no real Republican Superstars had been emerging. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio’s Campaign poll numbers were higher than most of their competitors but for the most part polls were not showing anyone in the Republican Race for President breaking out of the pack.

    Then came Donald Trump’s Announcement on June 3rd. Anyone who was expecting a new and improved contrite and humble Donald Trump to arrive on the scene was quickly disappointed. Donald’s announcement of his entry into the Republican Candidate Field was loaded with outrageous comments and behavior that many political commentators felt would lead in short order to Donald Trump’s Candidacy for the Presidency to go down in flames.

    Trump’s commentary on Immigration was incendiary. Trump stated that Mexico was not sending us their best people. He identified many of those people Mexico was sending as Rapists, a comment which immediately set off fireworks of all sorts.

    Trump’s immigration commentary set off political bombshells everywhere, as did his continuing bragging about himself. Trump also set off political aftershocks by his identifying almost everyone in the Republican Party or Political Journalists who opposed anything he said as Losers.

    One of his continuing barrage of self aggrandizing comments was about previous Republican Party Presidential Candidate, John McCain. When Trump was asked in an interview about John McCain’s status as a War Hero due to his many years of torture and incarceration by the North Vietnamese, Trump stated that he preferred War Heroes who weren’t captured.

    Clearly Donald Trump’s continual bragging about how rich he is and his seemingly endless obnoxious commentary about President Obama, Hillary Clinton and nearly every other 2016 Candidate for President would have finished off most serious Candidates for President but the Teflon Donald seems to be, this afternoon, before the debate tonight what he has been since his announcement in June, which is The Front Runner.

    Will Donald Trump emerge from tonight’s debate unscathed and still the Front Runner. We will see what happens tonight.

    As Rachel Maddow is prone to saying , Watch This Space.

    Sincerely Yours

    Jerry Gallagher

    Chapter 2

    The First Republican Presidential Debate

    & Jon Stewart's Last Daily Show

    Friday, August 7th, 2015

    My Dear America:

    Last Night was the end of one era and the beginning of another new and more terrifying era. Jon Stewart appeared on his last Daily Show on Comedy Central and all 17 Republican Candidates for President appeared on their First Debates on Fox News.

    Jon Stewart's last show featured a gathering of nearly all of The Daily Show Correspondents who had worked with Stewart over the 16 year course of his anchoring of The Daily Show. Many of those Correspondents went on to bigger and better things. Stephen Colbert will replace David Letterman on CBS. John Oliver now has a weekly Fake News Show of his own on HBO. Michael Che is now a regular Fake News Anchor on Saturday NIght Live. Also Steve Carrell, Ed Helms, Rob Cordry, Bob Riggle and others have gone into acting in movies and on television. The skits that the returning Correspondents appeared in last night were entertaining and a fitting tribute to Stewart's leadership over many years.

    Probably the best and most entertaining, as well as surprising part of the show, was at the end when the Moment of Zen turned out to be Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band playing while Stewart and everyone in the studio came up and danced to the music being played by The Boss.

    Probably the most enduring part of the evening was when Jon Stewart did what he had done so many times before and addressed Camera 3 and lectured on how to spot Bullshit.

    Prior to the airing of Stewart's show, my wife and I had watched several hours of Bullshit on Fox News as Fox initiated their two tiered debate system.

    The First Debate earlier in the evening had no audience and Bill and Margaret (Whoever the hell they were) as the interviewers. With no audience, only two no names as interviewers and one no name ex Governor of Virginia, Jim Gilmore, there was very little excitement. But with Rick Perry and Lindsey Graham on the stage there was certainly a lot of Bullshit, primarily aimed at President Barack Obama.

    Some Commentators that I saw on television following the First Debate said they were impressed by what Rachel Maddow and others called The Kids Table Debate by the performance of Carly Fiorina. Personally, whatever spark they saw in Fiorina, I must have totally missed.

    What the hell were Fiorina and Rick Santorum doing on the debate stage in the first place. Fiorina has had the high honor of being very publicly fired from her job as CEO of Hewlett Packard (HP) for her role in running the company into the ground.

    Rick Santorum has had the high honor of having his political ass kicked by Bob Casey Jr. in Pennsylvania during his last race for the Senate which was years ago.

    Lindsey Graham has made a career of whining and bitching about Barack Obama, usually as a desperate sidekick of Senator John McCain.

    Overall, The Kids Table Debate was an embarrassing display of Bullshit.

    During the Second Fox News Debate of the night with those Candidates who Fox News had determined were the real serious Candidate Debaters, there was a large and loud audience and three more well known Fox News Anchors, Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly and Bret Bair and the ten Anointed Ones.

    For the most part the questions asked by the interviewers were appropriate and some were even questions that had been suggested on Facebook.

    Actually, all of the First String Debaters did pretty well shooting the Bull. One very interesting question was asked at the beginning of the debate and all of the debaters except Donald Trump pledged not to run an independent Candidacy if they weren't chosen as the Republican Party Nominee. Trump alone refused to make that pledge.

    For the most part, Trump was relatively under control and the debate proceeded with everyone getting some air time to show their stuff.

    Chris Christie and Rand Paul got into it about National Security and Rand Paul also gave Trump a shot for refusing to take the pledge not to run independently.

    Mike Huckabee was sanctimonious, as usual.

    Ben Carson seemed like a heartless snake bragging about his surgical skills like a megalomaniac.

    Speaking of megalomania, Trump showed his from time to time during the debate but he did not call any one of his debate mates a loser to their face all night.

    Although nobody could be called a winner in the second Fox Debate of the night, certainly Marco Rubio showed himself to be a contender worthy of his place on the stage.

    John Kasich barely squeaked into the 10th spot on the second debate stage as a result of some questionable polling. Kasich proved to be someone who seemed rather reasonable and intelligent with a background in Congress, the Ohio Governor's Office, as well as Fox News.

    While some intelligent conversations did arise during the second debate, the conversations regarding the nuclear deal with Iran and President Obama were disgustingly insulting and frightening to anyone who can recognize the truth about both of these subjects.

    Clearly the Republican Debate A Team and the B Team are people who seem to believe their own lies that they have created with their Non-Stop Bullshit.

    Why did you have to leave us now, Jon Stewart, when we need you the most?

    Sincerely Yours

    Jerry Gallagher

    Chapter 3

    Why Joe Biden Shouldn’t Run – Yet

    October 12th, 2015

    My Dear America:

    Certainly, although a lot has gone on in the Presidential Campaigns in recent months, it is, of course, really still at the beginning of the Presidential Race.

    Today we are one day away from the First Televised Debate featuring the announced Democratic Party Presidential Contenders.

    Those Contenders so far include Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb and Lincoln Chaffee.

    Presently at the head of the pack Hillary Clinton seems to be the likely Democratic Party Choice, although Bernie Sanders certainly at this stage of the game seems to be giving Hillary more than a run for her money. In poll after poll recently Bernie’s numbers have been increasing to the point where he is beating Hillary in polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, as well as elsewhere.

    Right now in Las Vegas as CNN, the sponsor and broadcaster of tomorrow’s Democratic Debate, has set up 5 podiums and has announced the setting of tomorrow’s debate participants. Although the five mentioned debaters have confirmed their agreement to participate in tomorrow’s debate, CNN has also confirmed that they agreed that even if he decides to participate in the debate at the last minute, that Vice President, Joe Biden would be included in the debate. An extra podium is just offstage in the event that Joe Biden decides to participate in tomorrow’s debate.

    Speculation about Joe Biden running for President has been raging for months. He has talked to friends and his family members about it and, in fact, his son, Beau, on his dying bed advised his father to run. Many other Democrats have also urged him to run.

    In my opinion Joe should not participate in tomorrow’s debate although his last minute participation would certainly make the debate more interesting.

    I feel, however, that if Joe runs for President that there will be no advantage for him to announce now and debate now. Certainly Biden is an excellent debater, as he has proved many times over the years and he would likely add much to tomorrow’s debate. If Joe does run for President, however, I think he has more to gain by taking his time getting into the race.

    Although the chaos in the Republican Party thus far and the BS about Hillary Clinton’s E Mails makes it feel as though the Presidential Campaign is almost over, the truth is that it has really just begun and has a long way to go. Joe Biden jumping into the race right now will only give Republicans a longer time to go after Biden and try to tear him apart.

    Although certainly Joe Biden’s tendency to say what he thinks has gotten him in trouble in the past, in the era of Donald Trump, Joe’s honesty might be considered more of an asset than a liability by the voters. Certainly, Barack Obama has shown his appreciation for Joe’s political capabilities over the course of the Obama Administration. Whether Obama would outright support Joe for the Democratic Nomination for President remains to be seen.

    Joe Biden was, after all, the person who early on in the debate about Iraq suggested that Iraq be partitioned into Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish regions. If we had followed Joe’s advice perhaps we would all be better off now. Certainly Iraq would have been better off.

    During the insanity that led to the government shutting down it was, in the end, Joe Biden and his friendly relationships with Republican Congressional Leaders that led to reasonable people in the Congress coming to their senses and ending the stupidity of shutting down the United States Government.

    Joe Biden is a decent man and a truly talented politician. He would make a Great President, just as he has made a Great Vice President.

    In my opinion Joe should run but not this early. Let the Republicans finish each other off in the coming months and let things play out in Democratic Politics, as well.

    Certainly Joe Biden takes a chance if he waits to get into the race. He is, however, in double digits in the polls even without being officially in the race. Joe is already a Contender in the race. In my opinion Joe should continue to do his job as well as he can and avoid being tarnished by the Republicans as a Politician First and a Vice President Second.

    Joe Biden should save his money, do his job and watch how things play out in both the Republican and Democratic Parties. Joe will be welcome to join the election process whenever he chooses to do it and he will be able to raise money and meet the competition with all the vigor he has. I am sure that his dying son’s request that he should run is with him every day and in time will cause him to make the right choice.

    I personally hope that Joe Biden joins the race. I am not sure at this point whether I will vote for him or not but I certainly think that his long and distinguished career in politics and especially his performance as Vice President will guarantee him a podium on a debate stage at some point in the future.

    Whether or not he runs or doesn’t run and whether I will vote for him, I, as a proud Democrat will always love that other proud Coal Cracker from my Home Town of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Joe Biden.

    Sincerely Yours

    Jerry Gallagher

    Chapter 4

    The First Televised Democratic Debate of the 2016 Election

    October 14th, 2015

    My Dear America:

    Last night was the First Televised Debate featuring the Five declared Candidates hoping to be selected as the Nominee of the Democratic Party for President in 2016. Although it was far from a Love Fest, It was a far cry from the two previously broadcast Human Demolition Derby’s featuring Trumpzilla and the Seventeen Republican Dwarf Candidates. The brutal Republican slugfests were in stark contrast to last night’s rather sedate and respectful presentations by the Democratic Candidates. Most of what could be said about last night’s debate has been said, all day yesterday and most of last night following the debate that was broadcast on CNN.

    What last night’s debate showed was the fact that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are Great Debaters and Great Candidates for the Presidential nod by the Democrats. Both explained themselves and their positions very well. When the issue of Hillary’s E Mails came up Bernie took the unusual political step of stating that the American people have heard Enough about the Damn E Mails and in so doing turned the attention back to the important issues that needed to be dealt with in America and around the world. Hillary and Bernie made me feel proud to be a Democrat last night.

    Although Anderson Cooper and the CNN Team did a good job of coordinating the debate and asking relevant questions, clearly

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