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Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World
Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World
Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World
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Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World

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In spite of decades of research on toxicants, along with the growing role of scientific expertise in public policy and the unprecedented rise in the number of national and international institutions dealing with environmental health issues, problems surrounding contaminants and their effects on health have never appeared so important, sometimes to the point of appearing insurmountable. This calls for a reconsideration of the roles of scientific knowledge and expertise in the definition and management of toxic issues, which this book seeks to do. It looks at complex historical, social, and political dynamics, made up of public controversies, environmental and health crises, economic interests, and political responses, and demonstrates how and to what extent scientific knowledge about toxicants has been caught between scientific, economic, and political imperatives.

Release dateJan 1, 2014
Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World

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    Powerless Science? - Soraya Boudia


    The Environment in History: International Perspectives

    Series Editors: Dolly Jørgensen, Umeå University; David Moon, University of York; Christof Mauch, LMU Munich; Helmuth Trischler, Deutsches Museum, Munich

    Volume 1

    Civilizing Nature: National Parks in Global Historical Perspective

    Edited by Bernhard Gissibl, Sabine Höhler, and Patrick Kupper

    Volume 2

    Powerless Science? Science and Politics in a Toxic World

    Edited by Soraya Boudia and Natalie Jas

    Volume 3

    Managing the Unknown: Essays on Environmental Ignorance

    Edited by Frank Uekötter and Uwe Lübken

    Volume 4

    Creating Wildnerness: A Transnational History of the Swiss National Park

    Patrick Kupper

    Translated by Giselle Weiss

    Volume 5

    Rivers, Memory, and Nation-Building: A History of the Volga and Mississippi Rivers

    Dorothy Zeisler-Vralsted

    Volume 6

    Fault Lines: Earthquakes and Urbanism in Modern Italy

    Giacomo Parrinello

    Volume 7

    Cycling and Recycling: Histories of Sustainable Practices

    Edited by Ruth Oldenziel and Helmuth Trischler

    Volume 8

    Disrupted Landscapes: State, Peasants, and the Politics of Land in Postsocialist Romania

    Stefan Dorondel

    Powerless Science?

    Science and Politics in a Toxic World

    Edited by

    Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas

    Published in 2014 by

    Berghahn Books

    © 2014, 2016 Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas

    First paperback edition published in 2016

    All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission of the publisher.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Powerless science? : science and politics in a toxic world / edited by Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas.

            pages cm. — (The environment in history ; volume 2)

       Includes bibliographical references and index.

       ISBN 978-1-78238-236-2 (hardback) — ISBN 978-1-78533-198-5 (paperback) —

       ISBN 978-1-78238-237-9 (ebook)

    1. Science and state. 2. Science—Political aspects. 3. Science—Moral and ethical aspects. I. Boudia, Soraya, editor of compilation. II. Jas, Nathalie, editor of compilation.

       Q125.P923 2014



    British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

    ISBN 978–1-78238-236-2 hardback

    ISBN 978-1-78533-198-5 paperback

    ISBN 978–1-78238-237-9 ebook


    List of Figures and Tables


    Introduction. The Greatness and Misery of Science in a Toxic World

    Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas


      1. Precaution and the History of Endocrine Disruptors

    Nancy Langston

      2. The Political Life of Mutagens: A History of the Ames Test

    Angela N.H. Creager

      3. DES, Cancer, and Endocrine Disruptors: Ways of Regulating, Chemical Risks, and Public Expertise in the United States

    Jean-Paul Gaudillière

      4. Managing Scientific and Political Uncertainty: Environmental Risk Assessment in a Historical Perspective

    Soraya Boudia


      5. Work, Bodies, Militancy: The Class Ecology Debate in 1970s Italy

    Stefania Barca

      6. What Kind of Knowledge is Needed about Toxicant-Related Health Issues? Some Lessons Drawn from the Seveso Dioxin Case

    Laura Centemeri

      7. From Suspicious Illness to Policy Change in Petrochemical Regions: Popular Epidemiology, Science, and the Law in the United States and Italy

    Barbara L. Allen

      8. Guinea Pigs Go to Court: Epidemiology and Class Actions in Taiwan

    Paul Jobin and Yu-Hwei Tseng


      9. Reckless Laws, Contaminated People: Science Reveals Legal Shortcomings in Public Health Protections

    Carl F. Cranor

    10. Untangling Ignorance in Environmental Risk Assessment

    Scott Frickel and Michelle Edwards

    11. Low-Dose Toxicology: Narratives from the Science-Transcience Interface

    Sheldon Krimsky

    12. Unruly Technologies and Fractured Oversight: Toward a Model for Chemical Control for the Twenty-First Century

    Jody A. Roberts

    Notes on Contributors


    Figures and Tables


    2.1. Pictures of Ames Tests for (A) Spontaneous Revertants and exposure to (B) Furylfuramide, (C) Aflatoxin B1, and (D) 2-Aminofluorene. The mutagenic compounds in B, C, and D were applied to the 6 mm filter disk in the center of each plate. Each petri plate contains cells of the tester strain in a thin overlay of top agar. (The strain used here is TA98, derived by adding a resistance transfer factor to a Salmonella tester strain, mutant hisD3052, that scores frameshift mutations.) Plates C and D contain, additionally, a liver microsomal activation system isolated from rats. The spontaneous or compound-induced revertants, each of which reflects a mutational event, appear in a ring as spots around the paper disk. Ames, McCann, and Yamasaki 1975. © Elsevier

    3.1. Co-occurrence of keywords, 1992–1999.

    3.2. Co-occurrence of keywords, 2000–2005.

    3.3. Co-occurrence of keywords, 2006–2009.

    3.4. Association between keywords and journals, 1992–1999.

    8.1. TAVOI’s General Secretary Hwang Hsiao-ling addressing the media in front of the Taipei District Court on the day of the first court hearing, 11 November 2009. On her right is Lin Yong-song, lead counsel for the plaintiffs. © Paul Jobin

    8.2. Placard forbidding the use of the fish farms, Anshun, August 2008. © Paul Jobin

    8.3. Containers of soil contaminated by the dioxin, stored in a former factory of Taiwan Alkali Industry. © Paul Jobin

    8.4. Pilgrims at Mazu Temple, Anshun, October 2012. The health checks take place in the temple. © Paul Jobin

    10.1. Post-Katrina Flooding in Greater New Orleans.

    10.2. Epistemic Efficiency in Risk Assessment.

    10.3. Epistemic Reach in Risk Standards. The EPA Hierarchy of Human Toxicity Values.

    11.1. Case Control Study. Hidden Genetic Effects.

    11.2. Causal Chain of Endocrine Receptor Mediated Effects.

    11.3. A Two-Range Dose Response Curve Reflecting Two Mechanisms of Action.


    3.1. Four Ways of Regulating Health-Threatening Food and Drugs

    8.1. Carcinogens Implicated in the RCA Case

    10.1. Information Gaps in the EPA’s Hierarchy of Human Toxicity Values


    As editors of the book, we are indebted to many people without whom this project would not have been possible. We are thankful for the many stimulating and friendly discussions we had with Francis Chateauraynaud, Josquin Debaz, Antoine Blanchard, Axel Meunier, and Elifsu Sabuncu of the Research Project FADO—Low Doses and Expertise: Historical and Sociological Approaches. We also would like to thank Amy Dahan, Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Dominique Pestre, and Sezin Topçu for the sometimes lively, but always heavily inspiring, discussions we had during the three years that the seminar on the Global Government of Technosciences (GATSEG) lasted. The debates we had within the FADO and GATSEG projects greatly improved the conception of the book and helped us strengthen our main thesis.

    We would like to thank the commentators on earlier versions of the first chapter of the book. In this respect, Beate Bächi, Christophe Bonneuil, Olivier Borraz, Yves Cohen, David Demortain, Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, Claude Gilbert, Emmanuel Henry, Jean-Noël Jouzel, Carsten Reinhardt, Alexander von Schwerin, and Didier Torny have been especially helpful and stimulating. We are also grateful to the anonymous referees for their insightful comments.

    The generous support of the Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR) for the FADO and GATSEG projects facilitated our own research for this book.


    The Greatness and Misery of Science in a Toxic World

    Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas

    Most of the necessary knowledge is now available but we do not use it.

    —Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

    Twenty-five years after the Chernobyl disaster, the Fukushima catastrophe once again brings into sharp focus the risks imposed on all of humanity by certain technologies. An earthquake, followed by a tsunami, triggered a major international crisis, arousing fears of an unprecedented technological disaster. The nuclear explosion ultimately did not take place, and the worst seems to have been avoided. But significant quantities of radioactive material, iodine 131 and caesium 137 in particular, were released into the atmosphere by three of the six reactors that partially melted. Moreover, large quantities of seawater that had served to cool down the reactors were released into the environment. This event highlights a number of problems linked to the dangers of technoscience. It shows that even in one of the richest and safest countries in the world—and one of the most economically and technologically developed ones—in a high-tech sector that mobilizes a large community of experts and is subject to a whole range of very strict international regulations, and in spite of decades of experience, the management of technoscientific risks—particularly environmental contamination by dangerous chemical substances—is still a major scientific, technological, social, and political problem.

    Fukushima is a perfect illustration of the observation that underpins this book and that presents itself as a paradox. Throughout the twentieth century, scientific knowledge and expertise were constantly mobilized to develop public policies designed to prevent or manage the effects of toxic substances on health and the environment. Science has thus served as the guarantor of the effectiveness of systems regulating dangerous chemical substances and physical agents. Yet today, in spite of decades of development in research on toxicants, along with the growing role of scientific expertise in public policy making and the unprecedented rise in the number of national and international institutions dealing with environmental health issues, problems surrounding contaminants and their effects on health are far from being resolved. Indeed, they are often at the heart of new public crises and advocacy movements denouncing the shortcomings or even failure of policies implemented. These problems therefore remain a major issue for Western societies and international institutions. However, while scientific knowledge has not made it possible to truly protect populations, it has retained a key position within all public debates—particularly because it is still essential in the identification and characterization of toxicants as well as in public legitimization of different policies related to toxicant-related issues. Scientific knowledge and techniques thus have played and continue to play a determining role in rendering the toxic world visible and in making the resulting issues public.

    This statement calls for a reconsideration of the roles of scientific knowledge and expertise in the definition and management of toxicant-related health issues. That is the aim of this book, which seeks to shed light on the way environmental health problems posed by toxicants have been conceived and governed since the 1940s. The different chapters analyze the historical, social, and political trajectories that have structured and continue to structure the statuses and functions of scientific knowledge in toxicant-related issues, whether in toxicant regulation regimes or in the different advocacy movements surrounding them.

    The analysis in this book is founded upon three methodological choices. First, it encompasses various approaches, both in its questions and methods of investigation, stemming from environmental history, science and technology studies, political science, sociology, and the philosophy of law. By drawing on very different yet complementary perspectives, we can highlight a much broader range of mechanisms, which have governed and organized the production and use of scientific knowledge, expertise, and counter-expertise for the management of problems posed by toxicants. Second, together, the contributions in this book cover a sufficiently long period of time to account for the important transformations of the role of knowledge in the regulation of toxicants, as well as for the diversity of ways in which knowledge has been produced and mobilized in toxicant policies since 1945. Third, the proposed analysis considers several spatial scales, namely, local, national, and transnational, with a diversity of case studies covering different geographic areas.

    As a result, this book analyzes the official and alternative statuses and uses of scientific knowledge in the social and political handling of the issue of toxicants at different times from the late 1930s until today, at different levels, from the most local level to international institutions. A significant part of the chapters are focused on the United States, as that is where the design, experimentation, and transformations surrounding the ways toxicants have been governed historically took place, to then spread to the rest of the world. However, that is not to say that we neglected other parts of the world; we selected case studies through which a much broader host of configurations could be addressed. Thus the Italian case, that of a country that industrialized rapidly in the 1960s and 1970s and witnessed a substantial number of major industrial incidents, the best-known one being Seveso, offers a national configuration very different from that of the U.S. case. The presence at the time of a powerful left wing and trade unions that had found original ways of integrating health and environmental concerns also produced forms of mobilization and counter-expertise worth discussing. Finally, we selected Taiwan in Asia, as it offers yet another configuration, insofar as the contaminated sites result from a long history, related to both colonialism and Western industrial relocations, that further complicates both the production of knowledge on contaminations and advocacy. Through these choices, this book thus offers original perspectives and renewed insights into the issues and processes involved in the management of toxicants.

    This book is organized into three parts. Each of them explores a particular aspect of the roles of science in the definition and management of toxicant-related health issues. In this Introduction we discuss each of these main themes. First, we present the various changes in the scientific conceptualization of toxicants since the 1940s, and the ways in which these changes have shaped expertise on and the regulation of toxicants and the problems they pose. We thus show how the production of scientific knowledge and expertise on toxicants and their effects evolved alongside the modes of toxicant regulation. In the second part, we examine the production and uses of scientific knowledge in advocacy movements and in the gradual construction of counter-expertise. We analyze the appearance of counter-expertise in the 1970s and describe the different forms it took on, whether stemming from scientific academia, from the work of scientists working for regulatory agencies, or from lay persons involved in advocacy movements. We identify the diverse roles that the different forms of production of scientific knowledge have played and continue to play in social and political movements surrounding toxicant issues. We emphasize the complex, nonmechanistic relations that subsist between advocacy, non-advocacy, and knowledge—whether extensive or poor—or ignorance about toxicants. In so doing we highlight that while advocacy movements may involve dynamics of production of knowledge, the existence of significant knowledge on contamination does not necessarily ensure the success of movements, nor even the strengthening of movements.

    Finally, in the third part, we consider the role of the social sciences and humanities in the production of knowledge about the ways toxicants have been regulated and as resources for action, whether for regulatory systems or as part of advocacy movements. We first turn back to the main frameworks of analysis that have been developed, such as the propositions formulated by the social sciences and humanities since the end of the 1960s—when they began to consider ways in which toxicant regulatory systems could be improved. We then present a series of current approaches emanating from the social sciences and humanities after decades of toxicant policies and at a time when regulatory systems in Europe, the United States, and international organizations are being reconfigured. The propositions made seek to define the conditions of production and mobilization of knowledge in regulation, so as to develop systems that can deal more effectively with the public health and environmental problems generated by toxicants.

    Knowledge, Expertise, and the Transformations in Regulatory Systems

    The issues underlying the problems posed by environmental health risks have a long history that has significantly shaped their role in current expert and decision-making communities, as well as in the public sphere. The current ways of managing the environmental health problems posed by toxicants and the roles that scientific and technical knowledge have played in these are the result of an historical accumulation of actions, responses, and institutional configurations and reconfigurations that are rooted in long-term processes about which more needs to be said (Boudia and Jas 2007; Boudia and Jas 2013).

    The scientific understanding and study of environmental health problems and the regulatory and public policy systems dealing with them are the product of changes that began back in the nineteenth century and that are closely intertwined with the history of capitalism. Already in the nineteenth century, galloping industrial change profoundly altered the environment, at the cost of chemical pollution, technical accidents, and the poisoning of the bodies of workers, residents, and consumers alike. These multiple effects were not overlooked. They triggered numerous debates and controversies as well as the implementation of a wide range of management mechanisms: expert commissions, especially within academia, court cases, insurance policies, compensation, improvements to technical systems to limit emissions or their effects, the development of sets of regulations to frame the use of toxicants, and new administrations dedicated to the management of potentially dangerous substances (Young 1986; Bernhardt and Massard-Guilbaud 2002; Dessaux 2007; Fressoz 2012; Massard-Guilbaud 2010). Regulation of the activities generating pollution found itself caught up between contradictory logics with, on the one hand, the struggle against visible environmental damage and long-term concerns regarding such damage, and, on the other, the desire to legitimate sustained industrial growth by states concerned first and foremost with ensuring economic development.

    Holding these contradictory logics together has constituted a major issue for the administrations in charge of managing pollutants and the dangers caused by industrial activity. These administrations primarily resorted to science and technology as solutions to hold often contradictory imperatives together: to simultaneously ensure industrial and economic development and manage the concerns and protests that could arise—and to provide forms of health and environmental protection. A doctrine of management of industrial excesses developed in the nineteenth century. It elaborated a logic and rhetoric of intervention that gave scientific knowledge and expertise a central role. Thanks to these, it was possible to regulate the dangers posed by industrial pollutants, by precisely determining danger thresholds and elaborating tools of effective control, management, prevention, remediation, and reparation. As a result, the constant progress of science and technology also allowed for regular improvement of the systems regulating the deleterious effects of industrial activities.

    Although laws in this respect were inherited from the early nineteenth century, from 1870 on the implementation of regulatory systems accelerated. This corresponded to a period during which, in general, the state was expanding its ambit and simultaneously changing its methods, notably by developing new administrations in which scientific expertise played an essential part. The last third of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century was thus a period in which the foundations were laid for many national regulatory systems, namely, with regard to foodstuffs, medicines, professional medicine, toxic substances, and industrial pollution. Science played a crucial role in these changes, in several respects. From the growth of chemical analysis to the rise of the hygienist paradigm, and from the development of toxicology to the increasing normalization and security standards on technological facilities, science and technology, through the knowledge and instruments they produce, contributed to building and ensuring the functioning of systems regulating dangerous activity. But although these regulatory systems became stronger during the interwar period, they failed to prevent sanitary scandals resulting from the development of certain sectors of activity: pollution through industrial accidents and collective poisoning through pesticides, medicines, cosmetics, paintings, foodstuffs, etc. (Kallet and Schlink 1933; Whorton 1974; Sellers 1997). These numerous scandals pointed to regulatory systems’ incapacity to prevent the dangers posed by the unfolding Chemical Age. They sometimes brought to light regulatory systems’ functioning mechanisms and showed their limits. In most cases the regulatory policies implemented seemed to result from negotiated compromises that were acceptable for industrial actors, not from a desire to encourage the production of scientific expertise on the health and environmental effects of toxicants with the goal of elaborating regulatory measures centered on the protection of public health.

    Right at the end of the 1930s, these repeated scandals led to the creation of a movement to amend legislation on toxic substances, which remained active throughout World War II and after it ended. The transformations of regulatory systems that took place between the late 1930s and early 1950s gave an even more explicit role to scientific knowledge and expertise. During this period, the principle of toxicity evaluation prior to issuing a product license, namely, was imposed in a number of countries and for a number of substances (medicine, pesticides, food additives). The aim of these evaluations was to decide whether the substances could be authorized or not, and to set the conditions for their use so that they did not present a danger for public health. The designers and promoters of these new regulations argued that the objective was the complete elimination of hazards. The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1938, discussed in the first chapter of this book by Nancy Langston, offers a paradigmatic example of this new approach. Langston shows that this law was based on precaution, but that that was not enough to prevent the dissemination of a substance that is as dangerous as diethylstilbestrol (DES). She analyzes how during the 1940s, three instances of industrial lobbyists’ political work achieved the reversal of a decision by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that, for precautionary reasons and within the framework of the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, had demanded that DES be banned.

    Among other things, the emblematic case of DES, discussed by Langston, shows that laws on toxicants in the late 1930s, the 1940s, and the 1950s, while theoretically very protective, were not able to deal with the radical change of scale in the problems posed by toxicants from the end of World War II on. First, the numerous biases toward industry did not disappear with these new regulatory systems, and the development of economic activity remained a major concern that justified public health protection systems being virtually systematically bypassed. This was made all the more easy by the rise of potentially dangerous industries like the petrochemistry, synthetic chemistry, and nuclear industries, which stood as emblems of a modernity that promised wealth and a new well-being. These industries developed at such speed that regulatory systems, with far more limited means, could hardly be effective. These industries were socially, economically, and politically far too powerful for public health or environmental protection to have been considered by political authorities as a sufficient reason to restrict their expansion. As a result of the development of these industries, the world witnessed an unprecedented increase in the quantities of chemical substances put into circulation and onto the market, and some of those substances started to be found in the atmosphere, the soil, and water. Although the regulatory systems did rely on scientific expertise, they did not have the means to carry out in-depth examinations of the numerous new substances brought onto the market (Davis 2001; Ross and Amter 2010; Vogel 2012). In fact, most of them were not evaluated or regulated in any way whatsoever.

    This book shows that it is crucial to understand and analyze the changes that took place between the late 1960s and the early 1980s if we are to make sense of the way the regulation of toxicants is structured and functions at present. The most significant change during this period was the unprecedented growth of environmental issues and the long-term inscription of environmental health issues within the different public and professional arenas (Hays 1989; Brooks 2009). At the end of the 1960s, in the wake of the social and political movements of the time, the environment gradually became a major theme of radical criticism. There was a proliferation of environmental health issues making their way onto the political agenda: various types of chemical pollution, air pollution, water contamination, and food contamination were denounced and associated with an unrestrained capitalist economic development.

    There was a shift in the way the nature of the issues raised was represented, as evidenced in several chapters of this book. The crisis of the 1970s brought to light the rise of problems whose scale and potential consequences were unprecedented. These new problems were partly defined by the greater scales of space and time within which they existed. Pollution was no longer local but could affect the entire planet. It affected not only health but the entire ecosystem. The consequences were not only immediate; they could be felt decades after exposure or contamination, and over several generations. Due to their unprecedented scale, from the infinitely small to the infinitely big, health and environmental issues raised a host of new questions that experts and institutions had to deal with. Various types of answers were provided. They were both political and administrative, involving regulatory and institutional reconfigurations. At national level, in the United States and certain European countries, this translated into the creation of agencies to manage environmental problems, and/or the reconfiguration of systems regulating toxicants, as symbolized by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States in 1970 or the development of environmental regulations by the European Economic Community and in European countries from the late 1960s on. At transnational level, new initiatives proliferated. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972, for instance, was organized to discuss the general state of the environment and to identify problems requiring international collaboration. One of the memorable initiatives to come out of this conference was the creation that same year of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

    These different transformations that took place in the late 1960s and early 1970s reflect, and themselves induced, important changes in the role and place of scientific knowledge in dealing with toxicant issues. In the context of questioning, criticism, and activism, science, along with its actors, products, and methods, came to occupy a central position. The keener attention paid to environmental issues gave a whole new standing to researchers working in the field of environmental health. In the alarms that they sounded these researchers identified the extensive presence of chemical contaminants in the environment as being responsible for the development of new health problems, such as genetic mutations and effects on reproductive problems, which thereby acquired unprecedented public visibility. A large volume of scientific work was produced. After studies on carcinogenesis came those on ecotoxicology and environmental mutagenesis (Frickel 2004). Hence, for a whole host of substances, the lack of greater precautions surrounding their use and regulation in the 1970s could not be explained by uncertainty or a lack of knowledge regarding their pathogenic effects. The absence of significant mitigation of the problems caused by toxicants, following the explosion of knowledge production in the 1970s, began to highlight the fact that, contrary to the public discourse developed for decades, science alone cannot solve the problems posed by contaminants—to take Langston’s words.

    With the proliferation of substances in circulation and the multiplication of denunciations of their effects by activist movements, the screening of dangerous substances and the precise definition of their effects became a core part of the work of researchers, experts, and new institutions in charge of managing contaminants. The U.S. agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and international organizations like the International Agency for Research on Cancer, created in 1968 under the World Health Organization (WHO), all took on the role of leaders in the field. The multiplication of regulatory and expertise agencies allowed for the growth of research on testing and screening methods. Another feature characterizing the work that developed in the 1970s was the classification of chemical substances’ effects. As shown in Angela N.H. Creager’s and Jean-Paul Gaudillière’s chapters, several research projects and institutional initiatives were dedicated to identifying a relationship between carcinogenicity and mutagenicity or reproductive effects.

    Creager’s chapter evidences the rise of research focusing on the screening and characterization of chemical substances’ toxicity during the 1970s, an explosion that has so far been studied very little. Creager studies the evolution of the work of biochemist Bruce Ames to show the importance given to the development of dangerousness tests, both by industrial actors and by regulatory agencies and environmentalists. In 1973, Ames devised a test to determine the carcinogenicity of chemical substances, which generated strong interest given the possibility of applying it to a host of chemical substances on the market. The test stirred real enthusiasm among environmentalist groups and was rapidly adopted by industrial actors due to its simplicity and the lower costs involved compared to animal testing. It was based on the assumption that any carcinogen was a mutagen, and that a microorganism was an adequate model for testing mutagenicity as it can develop in human cells. Since the 1970s, the nature and results of this type of test—those by Ames and many others that have been put forward over the years—have played and still do play a crucial role in the definition of regulatory systems. They generate stormy controversies among scientific experts, which are visible to varying degrees in the public sphere. The movement that developed in the 1970s around the Ames test is currently at the heart of proposals to overhaul and elaborate a new toxicology, formalized in a 2007 report by the U.S. National Research Council (NRC), and seeks to ensure that regulatory toxicology no longer relies essentially on animal testing, but on in vitro tests and computer modeling.

    Research on the relationship between carcinogenic effects and toxic effects on reproduction is addressed in Gaudillière’s chapter. Since both look at the DES case, comparing Langston’s and Gaudillière’s contributions sheds light on the nature of the transformations that took place between the 1950s and the 1970s. Gaudillière analyzes the multiple transformations, both legal and scientific, that took place throughout the American court cases on DES in the 1970s. He shows how the confrontation of experts over the course of the court cases led to the production of new knowledge on toxicants. Although this chapter contributes to highlighting an important phenomenon of the transformations that took place starting in the 1970s and that is analyzed in detail in the second part of this book, that of the diversification of the sources and places of production of knowledge on toxicants with the rise of counter-expertise, it also contributes to another very important aspect. It allows us to grasp the crucial issue of the categorization of dangerous substances in regulatory systems. While in the 1950s carcinogenic substances motivated continued investigation and classification work, in the 1970s two other categories of particularly hazardous substances were formalized: mutagens and reproductive toxicants. Later on the CMR category (Carcinogens, Mutagens, Reproductive Toxicants) was developed with a view to adopting a more holistic approach to effects, to establishing links between them, and to classifying chemical substances according to their effects. This classification comprised the substances considered to be the most dangerous, in terms of both their effects and their capacity to have a delayed effect in low doses. It has formed the basis for the development of systems of regulation of toxicants since the 1970s and, in modified versions, is still highly influential in current regulatory systems. Gaudillière’s account shows how during a court case, through the confrontation of experts, some of the characteristics of DES which did not fit in with the then prevailing conceptions of toxicants’ effects were highlighted. The deleterious effects of DES could be more significant in low doses than in higher doses, and the timing of exposure could play a crucial role in the type of effects obtained. Gaudillière ultimately shows how instrumental the DES case was in the early 1990s, as during the Wingspread Conference (1991) scientists linked to U.S. health and environmental activism formulated the endocrine disruptors (EDs) hypothesis, and with it a new category of highly hazardous chemicals. Activists currently use EDs characteristics to call for the overhaul of the CMR classification system and for regulatory systems implemented in the 1970s to be scrapped. They consider these both out of date and incapable of protecting populations from the deleterious effects of what they see as the new toxic substances (Krimsky 2000; Vogel 2012).

    As well as the transformations in the scale of the problems and in the way toxicants were conceptualized and categorized, this book highlights another type of change in the 1970s. It pertains to the ways in which public policies on contaminants are managed and legitimated, as analyzed by Soraya Boudia in this book. Her chapter shows that the growth of work and the accumulation of data on contaminants and their effects led to the challenging of the threshold paradigm that had structured the perception as well as the regulation of toxicants since the end of the nineteenth century. To fully grasp these changes, it is useful to remember that environmental health problems were approached essentially through the dogma of toxicology, which holds that the dose makes the poison, in other words, that for each toxicant it is possible to determine a threshold below which no deleterious effect is observed, or below which risks are perfectly negligible. Until the 1970s, all regulations on toxicants were based, officially at least, on this dogma. This meant that from the 1940s on, threshold values were increasingly used, with denominations specific to each domain and the creation of a host of labels, such as tolerable dosage, permissible dosage, Maximum Allowed Concentration (MAC), or Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). These threshold values made it possible to use substances without their having—at least in theory—too significant or irreversible an effect on health. Nevertheless, from the early 1970s on, suspicion began to grow regarding this approach, through discussions on the effects of low doses of radioactivity and many carcinogens. The accumulation of results concerning the effects of exposure to carcinogens in the workplace or in the environment, along with a number of experimental studies, tended to show that, for numerous substances, nothing permitted the definition of a threshold below which no deleterious effects could be observed.

    The question of low doses was a major political issue. It cast doubt on a host of activities that until then had been considered safe or seen as presenting negligible risks. Raising this issue amounted to claiming that innovations could have negative sanitary and environmental effects not only in exceptional situations like accidents, but also in ordinary situations, in their normal use. This was inherently a critique of various scientific and industrial domains: without generating major threats, they contributed to spreading in the air, water, and ground proportions of toxicants considered negligible. The issue of exposure to low doses undermined regulatory systems, for which defining thresholds and threshold values was a major activity. The recognition of the potential problem of exposure to low doses of pollutants de facto generated a contradiction in the practices of regulatory systems. On the one hand, this meant admitting that there is no threshold below which one can assert the innocuousness of a substance; on the other, setting threshold values remained central to regulatory

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