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Speak Out: Releasing the Power of Declaring Prayer
Speak Out: Releasing the Power of Declaring Prayer
Speak Out: Releasing the Power of Declaring Prayer
Ebook277 pages5 hours

Speak Out: Releasing the Power of Declaring Prayer

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Do you long for your prayers to pack more of a PUNCH against the enemy? If you have ever felt inadequate in this area, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and there is something you can do about it.

In her book, Speak Out, author Kathy DeGraw assures you that because the HOLY SPIRIT co-labors with you, you cannot fail when you pray.

DeGraw teaches you how to decree and declare, and also answers these questions:
  • What is the difference between praying in your mind silently and declaring out of your mouth?
  • How can decreeing and declaring increase your faith?
  • What is the benefit of praying in tongues?
After you read Speak Out, feel empowered through verbal prayer to take the authoritative mantle Jesus gave you and BREAK DOWN STRONGHOLDS IN YOUR LIFE.
Release dateMay 2, 2017
Speak Out: Releasing the Power of Declaring Prayer

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    Speak Out - Kathy DeGraw

    SPEAK OUT by Kathy DeGraw

    Published by Creation House

    A Charisma Media Company

    600 Rinehart Road

    Lake Mary, Florida 32746

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    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked CJB are from the Complete Jewish Bible by David H. Stern. Copyright © 1998. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Messianic Jewish Publishers, 6120 Day Long Lane, Clarksville, MD 21029.

    Scripture quotations marked CEV are from the Contemporary English Version, copyright © 1995 by the American Bible Society. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked AMPC are from the Amplified® Bible (AMPC), Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked The Message are from The Message: The Bible in Contemporary English, copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

    Scripture quotations marked MEV are from the Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House.

    Unless otherwise noted, all definitions are from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary copyright © 2015 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

    Cover design by Bill Johnson

    Copyright © 2017 by Kathy DeGraw

    All rights reserved.

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017937196

    International Standard Book Number: 978-1-62999-217-4

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    My family, for faithfully standing by me and enduring as I prayed out loud, declared in the midst of a conversation, and spoke to everything and anything, whether or not it had ears to hear;

    Everyone who stood by me in faith and contributed in the natural and spiritual to the manifestation of my Dodge Charger so that the world could see the power of decreeing and declaring through prayer.



    1: Praying Versus Declaring

    2: Spoken Words Have Power

    3: God Spoke and Created

    4: Jesus Spoke, and Things Responded

    5: Does Your Faith Line Up?

    6: Scriptures Were Meant to Be Read

    7: Lord, You Said If I Ask

    8: Renewing Your Mind

    9: Everything in Order

    10: Defining Your Words

    11: Writing a Declaration

    12: Taking the Territory

    13: Audible Instructions



    About the Author

    Additional Books by Kathy DeGraw

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    I decree this is a new day, a new season for you.

    I call forth the abundance of heaven to rain down upon you.

    I declare that this day the revelation of declaring and decreeing will open to you, that knowledge will be in abundance, and the Spirit of the Lord would bring forth understanding.

    I say and declare that the spirit of understanding and wisdom will be upon you.

    I release good and abundant knowledge to come through this time of learning and growing in your prayer life.

    I declare an ease of receiving the revelation the Holy Spirit desires to impart.

    I call forth every good and perfect thing the Lord wants you to receive. In Jesus’ name, amen!

    PRAYER IS INTIMACY , silence, solitude, and connecting with the Father, spirit to Spirit. We develop a relationship with Him by spending time with Him. In our time in the presence of God we receive revelation from our Father. It comes in as an impartation and deposit as a result of putting ourselves in a position to receive from Him, our Creator. However, once all that information is received, what do you do with it?

    Declaring and decreeing is putting out and calling forth what you received through prayer. It distributes out through the power of your words what you received in prayer. Declaring is activating your faith and creating movement in the natural based on the revelation you received. It is taking everything you received from the Father in that quiet place and releasing it to establish the kingdom and break down strongholds.

    I like to say that prayer is where we take in from the Father, and declaring is where we put out what we received from the Father. They are both equally important. I received a prophetic word years ago that said that I would change the way the church prayed. The exact word was, My daughter, you have a desire for prayer. You’ve been thinking, ‘Lord, I feel like the church has forgotten about prayer. I wish someone would reinstitute prayer in the house.’ Guess who I am going to use? I’m going to use you to rally men and women to seek Me, seek Me, seek Me, like they have never before. When I received this word I thought to myself, This word is so far off. I took the prophetic word and put it up on a shelf. I thought, I have no desire to teach the church how to pray. Years later as I was writing a book the Holy Spirit got a hold of me, and it felt as though a bolt of lightning shot down throughout my body. He brought me back to this prophetic word and reminded me that I had been speaking out of my mouth for the past six months that people didn’t know how to pray. It was then that I received the revelation that reminded me that the church is not a building but the people. I embraced my calling to teach people how to pray.

    My first desire in teaching people how to pray was to teach them how to pray out loud. I don’t think I have ever heard one sermon on the power of praying aloud. In fact, I know that when the moment comes to pray aloud over the offering or for a sick person everyone is hoping that it won’t be them who is asked to pray. It is similar to what happens at the dinner table or at a small-meal blessing while being out with a friend; usually we sit back and wait for someone else to pray so that we don’t have to. One person, usually the pastor or ministry leader, is always looked on to pray. Even when the leader of the group chirps up and asks someone to pray before they are called upon, nobody wants to be chosen.

    When you are asked to pray aloud, many thoughts can run through your head. Is it going to sound good enough? Who is listening? I have no idea what to pray! People feel inadequate in their prayer life. People feel insecure and intimidated about praying out loud when they hear how others pray out loud. When you go into a prayer meeting or hear another person pray out loud and the anointing is really flowing from that person, you think to yourself, That person can really pray. You don’t stop to consider that the anointing that is flowing through them is directly from the Holy Spirit, and the same anointing that is flowing through them can flow through you. Instead, people use that as an opportunity to make up excuses, such as, I can’t pray like that; I don’t have the words to say, or, I have thoughts but don’t know how to put them all together in a prayer. People cower back and never try to pray aloud out of fear of failure. You can’t fail when you pray! The Holy Spirit is right there interceding and co-laboring with you, and Jesus takes all of our prayers up to heaven and makes them sweet incense before the Father.

    The Holy Spirit takes part when we pray. We can start praying in the natural from what we know, but as we continue to pray the anointing takes over. When the anointing comes upon us, all of a sudden prayer just becomes easy. We start receiving what I call downloads. Thoughts rapidly start dropping in our mind and spirit of what we should be praying for and what words to say. This is the Spirit of God co-laboring with our prayers, which are sometimes weak and ineffective. As we go forward in faith and attempt to pray, the Holy Spirit will pray with us. He desires to take part with us when we pray and make effectual intercession before the throne of God.

    In Romans 8:27 it says, Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. He who searches the mind is Christ, and Christ knows the mind of the Spirit. Jesus makes intercession for us (Rom. 8:34). We have such power with the Holy Spirit and Jesus on our side to make intercession and co-labor with us. What we need to do is trust and rely on them co-laboring with us. We need to do our part to open our mouths and speak out and pray. We cannot leave it to them alone; we have a part to play in it. We need to participate. There are many Christians who don’t want to participate in prayer. They ask people to intercede for them, but they don’t want to open their mouths and pray for themselves. They have the greatest weapon, the Spirit of God Himself, who co-labors with them!

    So, then, what is the difference between praying in our mind silently and declaring out of our mouth, verbally?

    Prayer can take on different forms. The most common type of prayer is when we communicate with God in our mind. This is us asking God to protect our families, help us find a job, and other simple requests that we make known to God. The majority of us have been taught to pray in our mind, communicating with God. We can and do hear from God when we pray. But most of us think it is our own thoughts and don’t recognize it as the voice of the Lord giving us discernment. (To learn more about hearing from God read my book Flesh, Satan or God: Who Are You Hearing From?)

    You can pray through a time of solitude and silence, which we call meditation. You hear from God during this time, but you are not speaking out loud back to God. You are communicating silently in your mind. You are receiving, yet in a different way. It is a great time of focusing your attention on God and getting into a quiet place to find rest and solace. I start every day in a time of solitude with the Lord and literally cannot go through my day without it. If for some reason I have to jump out of bed to attend to a need, as soon as that situation is taken care of I go to my secret place. At the beginning of the day, I sit in solitude for fifteen minutes to gather my thoughts, quiet my soul, and connect with my Father spirit to Spirit.

    People pray in the spirit, or in tongues, as another way of praying. The Holy Spirit has given us a very incredible prayer language to pray to release those things that we don’t know how to pray during spiritual warfare, or any time. Praying in the spirit is powerful, impactful, and produces results! The Holy Spirit co-labors with us in this time of prayer. Even though the Spirit is releasing on our behalf, we still need to co-labor with Him, and that is why we have the power to declare.

    Prayer declarations are times when we are speaking things into existence with power and authority. This binds and restricts demonic forces. There are many things we can declare and decree for, such as salvation, marriage, or a new job. We can bind and restrict the demonic realm from activating in our lives, bind spirits of offense from operating against us, and command sickness and disease to go in Jesus’ name.

    Faith comes by hearing (Rom. 10:17), and as we speak aloud what we want to see manifest or take authority over, it will increase our faith. Several times a day we are impacted by what people say, either positively or negatively. It impacts us and affects our mood. What if we could change our emotions and attitude by what we pray aloud? There is power in speaking out! Jesus said in Luke 10:19, Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. When we speak out words in advance on the offense of a situation and bind and restrict spiritual warfare on the defense, nothing by any means shall hurt us.

    One time I was ministering at a church about the power of decreeing. I started to declare aloud in prayer. What I was doing appeared very foreign to the congregation. They had never heard of declaring and had never been taught to declare. I want you to think about the prayers that haven’t been answered or the warfare you have experienced in your situation that hasn’t stopped. If you were taught to pray differently or declare, would you have seen the manifestation of your petition? The church, we the people, must rise up and fight and pray differently to see the fruit of our prayers. Speak out with authority into the spirit realm what you want to see happen in the natural realm. Take authority and command the spirit realm to activate on your words. It changed my life, and I want to empower you to have it change yours!

    Praying the same repetitious prayers can get you into a mentality of defeat. There are times when you can feel stagnant praying your prayer list. Is there authority or faith in consistently repeating a list that you are not enthusiastic about? You are simply doing your duty. Declaring takes action and activation! When you rise up, take your authority, and get your physical body moving in alignment with your prayers of declaration, all of a sudden there is an atmosphere shift within you. Your prayer time becomes enthusiastic. Heaven responds to your actions and faith to believe and receive!

    Empower your prayer life by decreeing and declaring. When you do, you are establishing and taking the authority that Jesus gave to you. You go from wondering if God can or will do it to speaking it into existence and co-laboring with the very Spirit of God! Empower yourself! Do something for yourself that you would normally ask another Christian to do for you. Speak out on your own behalf! Declare and prophesy into your own situation! Get active in your walk with the Lord. Open your Bible and deeply digest God’s Word. When you empower yourself, the enemy loses his foothold and discovers that you are serious for the kingdom!

    Declaring charges the atmosphere around you. When you start to declare things that you know in the natural and keep declaring them, the Holy Spirit will arise within you and start giving you further revelation about what else to declare. When you receive discernment and co-labor with the Holy Spirit your prayer time ignites, and you become excited to pray! What kingdom impact Christians could make if we all started speaking to everything and every condition! Speak out with your words in your prayer time.

    Power and authority from the very Spirit of God are inside you! That means when your declaration is in alignment with God’s will and purposes for your life, it will manifest! Jesus didn’t go to the grave so that you wouldn’t take your authority. He transferred His authority to you! What if all Christians decreed and declared for five, ten, or fifteen minutes a day? What could change? Would people be delivered, the homeless fed and sheltered, the abused healed, our churches filled? What dreams would come true? Could marriages be restored and financial situations turned around? What if everyone spent fifteen minutes a day declaring what they desire instead of talking and complaining about what they don’t have? I believe heaven and Earth’s atmosphere would be impacted, and a shift would happen in the world.

    Declaring isn’t a name it, claim it game. You take a biblical fact, a word of knowledge, or a revelation that the Father has given you, and activate your faith. Put authoritative words with it to call the spirit realm into action! There is a difference between naming and claiming and believing and receiving. We don’t go around loosely naming and claiming. We are speaking with the authority that Christ gave us. Christ transferred to us the gifts and callings that our Father already had planned for us.

    I’m not one of those name it, claim it preachers who encourage everyone to speak out and declare what they want to manifest. I am a preacher who is trying to teach people how to pray differently, according to faith. When in alignment with God’s will, anything can manifest in our lives. I teach people the opposite of the name it, claim it preachers. I teach them to proceed with caution and always emphasize that whatever they are calling forth has to be in accordance with God’s will.

    What about declaring some good things to come forth and manifest in your life? Declaring is to speak out and reveal something in the spiritual to cause it to happen in the natural. It is to proclaim out and speak out with words in order to get a response. Declaring can include releasing some positive thoughts out of your mouth at the beginning of the day. It can include claiming and taking territory over your day and releasing your expectations for the day, such as:

    I declare I am going to be happy, joyful, and full of God’s love today, demonstrating God’s love to all I encounter.

    I declare my marriage to be restored, and I call forth unity, love, and restoration.

    I declare my body is going to feel great today, and I will be full of strength to accomplish God’s work.

    I declare I am going to have favor in the sight of the Lord and with man today.

    Call forth is a term you can use when making simple statements. Calling forth indicates that you are expecting a result to happen from a verbal command you speak out. Calling forth is what Jesus did to the fig tree. He summoned it into action and told it, Let no fruit grow on you ever again (Matt. 21:19). I am sure there are things in your life that could stand to be called forth, such as:

    I call forth a good Christian job to come my way where I will have influence and favor in the marketplace.

    I call forth my loved ones to come into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    I call forth doors to open on my behalf where I can share my talents, giftings, and love of the Lord.

    The word command is another powerful word to speak out in our prayer time. Jesus commanded the demons to get out of the man and go into the swine, as in Matthew 8:32: And He said to them, ‘Go.’ So when they had come out, they went into the herd of swine. And suddenly the whole herd of swine ran violently down the steep place into the sea, and perished in the water. He said, Go. Go is a command. What do you need to speak into the atmosphere and tell to go in your life? We can take authority over the spiritual realm and tell things to go, such as:

    I command sickness and disease in my body to go in Jesus’ name.

    I command no delays in my God-given assignments. Hindrances go in Jesus’ name.

    I command distractions in my life to go in Jesus’ name.

    I command everything unproductive and unfruitful to go now in the name of Jesus!

    Declare, call forth, and command, whether you are activating something positive to come forth or binding and restricting a negative spiritual warfare attack. You don’t always have the time or opportunity to pray. I know this may sound like an odd statement coming from a minister, but in emergency situations or certain ministry situations you don’t have time to go into your prayer closets. It is in these moments that coupling the faith we have in our soul with the power of declaring results in quick, effectual, meaningful prayer that can change the outcome of an immediate situation.

    When in an emergency situation sometimes all you have time for is to shout out the name of Jesus. In highly intense situations we can forget how to pray or be in such a moment of trauma that we are more concerned with what’s going to happen in the immediate moment. We are in shock and freeze up and don’t know what to do in the situation. I am sure some of you have heard of people calling on the name of Jesus

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