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New religious movements arise from the need for new wineskins to accommodate the fresh outpouring of the Spirit. In their beginnings these new churches are represented by individuals who have been touched by the fresh outpouring of the Spirit. The spread of the new-found experience follows. This invariably calls for the founding of Bible Schools to train students to establish a fixed creed. This is generally the beginning of the end for any God-sent spiritual movement.

I have determined to add my testimony as an eyewitness to the facts.

Release dateMay 1, 2020

Richard Govier

Richard O. Govier (1928-2018) was a Protestant pastor and missionary and travelled the world in that capacity. He planted a number of churches as well as training pastors who served in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and across the United States.After his marriage to his lifetime sweetheart, Christine Ann Golfis, at the Bethesda Missionary College in Portland, Oregon, he attended extension classes at Pierce College and the Portland State college. Touched by the Latter Rain revival that began in the Northwest, the call of God rested continually on their hearts and they were forever seeking means of preaching the Gospel to their generation. They bought a small trailer and began an evangelistic trek across the United States, preaching in small churches that were open to the work and moving of the Holy Spirit. They criss-crossed the United States from Los Angeles to New York and finally settled down in Los Angeles where they both got jobs and attended a church in Long Beach, California. While serving in that church their son, Jeffrey Lee, was born on November 4, 1963.God had spoken through prophetic words that they would be going to a land whose language they would not understand. Going through a dry period in their lives, Richard loaded up a small tent and made a trip to Mount Palomar, to wait on God. After a week of prayer and fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart that it was time to fulfill the call to a foreign land. Richard, Christine, and Jeff, set out for Brazil. They had no financial support for this until the night they boarded the ship. God sent a local Christian businessman who committed himself to their support for two years, just enough time to attend language school.It was while attending the Brazilian language school that a missionary visited and introduced Richard to one of Brazil's most notable guitar players, who had recently converted to Christianity. Richard played with him on the banjo and the two began a ministry together that took them to Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Richard taught pastors in afternoon meetings, while accompanying his Brazilian friend in large city-wide evangelistic campaigns in the evenings.After serving for ten years in South America, Richard and Christine returned to the United States, primarily to get Jeff into an English-speaking school. Richard pastored churches in York, Pennsylvania, and later in Brooksville, New Jersey. The family eventually moved to Florida where Richard went to work for Piper Aircraft and Page Avjet.Richard loved studying the word of God and, in his retirement years, wrote over thirty books about the unfolding revelations of God in human history. His son, Jeff, published these books one year after his father passed away.

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    Book preview

    Wineskins - Richard Govier


    Seasons of Refreshing

    Richard O. Govier

    Copyright © 2020 by Jeff Govier

    Bible quotations unless otherwise identified are taken from

    the King James Version with emendations by the author.

    After reading this book and finding it of value to you, please consider sending a small donation for the the costs of advertising my father's work. Send all donations either by Paypal account name or by mail to:

    Jeff Govier, 5511 Lorraine St., Lakeland, FL 33810.



    I. The Parable

    II. The Old Wineskin

    III. A New Wineskin

    IV. The Theocratic Nature Of The Church

    V. The Modern Era Of Protestantism

    VI. My Personal Witness

    About the Author


    My Ecclesiastical Autobiography

    This book does not spring from just a theory, but from a real life experience of having lived at a time when a season of refreshing came from the presence of the Lord; and I was not only privileged of the Lord to have witnessed the beginning of this visitation of God, but was also a witness to the reaction of organized religion to it.

    I was an ordained minister in the Assemblies of God of Springfield, Missouri, and pioneered an Assemblies of God church at Redmond, in the state of Washington. I attended the Northwest Bible College in Seattle some years prior to its being moved across the bay to Kirkland.

    While attending the Northwest Bible College in Seattle, I received the Pentecostal experience known as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. To my associates in the Pentecostal movement, this was the ultimate experience until Jesus comes. As I continued my studies at the Northwest Bible College and at the same time pioneered the church at Redmond, I began to question the teachings of the denomination. The questions that I began to raise were: why were we not teaching and seeing the operation of the gifts of the Spirit as taught in the New Testament? Why were we accepting the ministry of the Pastor and Evangelist while rejecting the ministry of the Apostle and Prophet according to Ephesians 4?

    The answer came shortly afterwards when I heard about a man at Snohomish, Washington, who was laying hands on believers for the gifts of the Spirit. Could this be the answer to what I had been seeking? I gathered together some of the Bible students from the school and, one Saturday night, we all made a trip to Snohomish. When we arrived there, the service had already started. The first thing that hit me as we entered the door of the church was the glorious presence of the Lord that permeated the very atmosphere. The people were so caught up in praise and worship that they were little aware of our presence. On the platform was a big man kneeling at a chair, who I assumed was the pastor. The praise and the worship went on for nearly an hour before the big man arose from his chair and began to address the audience. The first words that left his mouth were: Seeing that the Lord is here, there is nothing preventing us from ministering.

    The big man was the pastor of the church, the Rev. Bob Islander. He was not only the pastor of the church, he also worked as a timber logger in order to support his family. Every night when he got home from work, he would go to the church to pray. One night, while praying, he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he turned to see who it was, no one was there. This happened three times before he finally stopped praying long enough for God to speak to him. The Lord said to him that night that if he would lay his hands on the people that they would receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. That Sunday morning when he announced that he would be laying hands on that evening for the gifts of the Spirit, his elders were the first to respond. He placed a chair in front of the podium, and he laid hands on them one by one. In almost every instance they came forth prophesying, or manifesting some gift of the Spirit. That was my introduction to the Latter Rain outpouring that began shortly afterward.

    I was unaware at the time that God was about to do the same thing at the Sharon Bible School at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. Like Azusa Street in Los Angeles, North Battleford is credited with being the sacred ground where the 1948 Latter Rain revival began. Yet God had already visited the church at Snohomish, and was about to visit our church at Redmond.

    When I saw what God was doing through Brother Bob Islander, I invited him to our church at Redmond. We were so enthused by the prospect of his coming that we got on the radio and announced that he would be with us on the following Saturday night. Of course the place got packed with spectators (especially students from the Bible school in Seattle) to see what this man would do. The only problem was that when I got up to open the service that night, it appeared that God had stayed away. Unlike the praise and worship that I had witnessed at Snohomish, there was nothing. The people stared at me with a blank look and I could hardly muster enough courage to continue.

    I was at a loss to know what to do, when suddenly a young lady who Bob had brought with him, began to prophesy. That was the first time in my life that I came to understand what Paul the apostle meant when he said: That the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. God, through the gift of prophecy and the word of knowledge began to pull down strongholds in the minds of these spectators. It was not long before the people began to worship, and the unmistakable presence of the Lord moved in. When Bob Islander saw this, he got up and said: Seeing that God is here, there is nothing hindering me from ministering.

    That night I was the first to receive the laying on of hands, along with the Bible students that were there. From that night forth, the church was never the same.

    When the revival that broke out in Canada reached the Northwest United States, I was drawn to it like a bee is to pollen. The meetings were being held at the Moore Theater in downtown Seattle under the leadership of Rev. Ralph Sanders. People were flocking to these meetings from all over the State of Washington and beyond. The president of the Northwest Bible College put out a warning to the students attending the Bible College not to attend these meetings lest they be expelled from school, but I could not stay away.

    I continued to visit the meetings under duress. Bad things had been said about the brethren leading the revival and I was not certain that they were not true. So I kept a low profile, sneaking into the meetings and hiding in the midst of the throng of people attending the meetings. My ministerial card felt like lead in my hip pocket as I avoided being seen by someone that I knew. I knew that if I were spotted there, I would probably be kicked out of the Bible College, and what’s worse, I could loose my ministerial license. Adding to the situation was Ralph Sanders often repeated statement: Preachers! They know that you are here. Come on up and join us on the platform!

    It seems that every visitation of God has had its stumbling block. Jesus was a stumbling block to the Jews, for He ate with publicans and sinners. Just about everything that He did offended them. I think that God does this deliberately to keep people from the kingdom who cannot forgive, and who rely on their own good works for justification. There were those sitting on the platform of the revival meetings whose reputation was certainly not spotless, and I could not see how God could use anyone who was not clean. But as I was pondering these things, a brother on the platform began to prophesy. The man was Rev. Perry Wright, a local pastor who had a small log church in the woods. I came to know him well, because he was one of the brethren who God used mightily in a teaching ministry during the revival. He began to prophesy thus: My son, behold the waters! Are there not many kinds of water? Water that is beautiful to behold, with not a ripple upon its surface. But this water is stagnating, and if a man drink thereof will he not die? If you would have life, then come to the water that is flowing, for flowing water purifies itself. Be not deceived, for flowing water gathers up every kind, including the rubbish along the shoreline. Irrespective of what you see on the surface, flowing water is safe, and will bring life.... These few words of prophecy destroyed the stronghold in my mind, and for the first time I was delivered from religious bondage. I began to attend the meetings without fear of being

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