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People, Pigs, and Principalities: The Reality and Power of the Supernatural in Your Life
People, Pigs, and Principalities: The Reality and Power of the Supernatural in Your Life
People, Pigs, and Principalities: The Reality and Power of the Supernatural in Your Life
Ebook231 pages4 hours

People, Pigs, and Principalities: The Reality and Power of the Supernatural in Your Life

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Angels and demons are operating all around you.


Whether you believe it or not.


Whether you can see them or not.


In fact, the Bible tells us there is a battle going on. Demonic powers are at war against God’s children, opposing the work of God. Angels, as part of their creative purpose, minister for God’s people. They are on our side.


In People, Pigs, and Principalities Don Dickerman gives you insightful teachings and testimonies about this spirit realm and how it intersects with your everyday life. With powerful true stories—including the inspirational story of his youngest son’s contact with angels at the age of seven—Dickerman combines the miraculous events in his own life with support from scripture to empower you to successfully comprehend the spirit world and win your spiritual battles. 


Whether you realize it or not, every day you are involved in the activity of angels, demons, and the spirit realm. The true stories in this book will amaze and inspire you to explore God’s supernatural world for yourself.
Release dateMay 6, 2014
People, Pigs, and Principalities: The Reality and Power of the Supernatural in Your Life

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good read. Kept me engaged the whole book. Educational and backed up by scripture.

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People, Pigs, and Principalities - Don Dickerman

In his latest book, People, Pigs, and Principalities, Rev. Don Dickerman draws from his twenty-plus years of deliverance ministry and skillfully lays a solid foundation addressing the important issues of spiritual warfare like a wise master builder. All the while he places top priority on the atoning work of Christ on the cross by providing the biblical and commonsense tools of how to fight our enemy and his demonic powers by the authority and Lordship of Christ. The author rightfully points out, There is no power that is not subject to His (Christ) control and beneath His name. Dickerman’s book provides the spiritual keys necessary for every believer desiring to live an overcoming life. It is a must-read for every Christian seeking God’s victory over the forces of darkness for their lives.



Don Dickerman has a clear understanding of the spirit realm. He is a specialist in deliverance. He has the Word of God and personal experience concerning the supernatural. Don is not one who just talks about deliverance but one who does it with great success and is seeing changed forever. In this book he shares many key truths and much needed wisdom that is vital in deliverance ministry. This book is an essential read for leaders and laypeople who are in the ministry of setting people free.




Don Dickerman has done a wonderful exposition of the spirit realm in this book. This is a practical book, written to empower its readers to successfully navigate the spirit realm without casualties. I am intrigued at the details Don went into, with powerful illustrations, giving to the dos and don’ts of winning in spiritual warfare without compromising the theological integrity of the subject. It is obvious that the greatest weapon of the adversary is the ignorance of people, which is exactly what Don has set himself to dislodge. With this book both clergy and laity can successfully navigate the cumbersome terrain of the spirit with proficiency. I strongly recommend it for your spiritual enrichment and advancement.




For more than twenty years I have had the opportunity to get to know personally some of the greatest ministers of deliverance. I have continually looked for ways and ministries that I could put on the air on our daily radio broadcasts. One of the quickest ways to get our program canceled was to incorporate the ministry of deliverance. I used such phrases as inner healing to stay afloat.

Deliverance is not a bad word or a mysterious practice. In the New Testament the Greek word used for deliverance is the same word used for salvation.

I needed a strong, stable, gentle spokesman who could teach inner healing as deliverance and still stay on the air. Along came a man who had experienced more than twenty-five thousand deliverances in his ministry. Don Dickerman was and is that man.

Don made it clear to our audience that ignorance, lies, and fear among believers allow the enemy, demons, to continue to manipulate and oppress them even after they have experienced the new birth. I have found that Don’s teaching and books can clearly put the ministry of deliverance into your hands. Don Dickerman’s books take the mystery and fear out of the ministry of deliverance and deliver a one-two punch to our enemy.




Every once in a while there is a resource that speaks so directly to issues facing the church in this day and age that it becomes an absolute must-have for all Christians and church leaders. This book will open your eyes to the realm of the supernatural and give spiritual insight into the application of angelic hosts and principalities and powers unlike anything you’ve ever read. This book brings incredible confirmation to the verse of Scripture in Hebrews 2 that declares, Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels (NKJV).

The personal testimonies and transparency of Don Dickerman’s understanding of the spiritual atmosphere around us should cause everyone to draw closer to God’s anointing and presence in these last days. This book brought connection and blessing to things in my personal life and ministry we all have experienced and may never have been able to explain or understand! It’s a powerful book!




The godly wisdom revealed by Brother Dickerman in this writing is priceless. Both the layperson and the scholar must not pass up the opportunity to obtain the clear balance of experience, wisdom, and knowledge this book brings to the church in an area where many have groped and gasped for an effective, proficient, comprehensive, and biblical approach to deliverance.





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This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Scripture quotations marked AMP are from the Amplified Bible. Old Testament copyright © 1965, 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified New Testament copyright © 1954, 1958, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked rsv are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission.

Copyright © 2014 by Don Dickerman

All rights reserved

Cover design by Justin Evans

Design Director: Bill Johnson

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Dickerman, Don.

People, pigs, and principalities / Don Dickerman. -- First edition.

pages cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 978-1-62136-530-3 (trade paper) — ISBN (invalid) 978-1-62136-531-0 (ebook) 

1. Angels--Christianity--Anecdotes. 2. Demonology--Anecdotes. I. Title.

BT966.3.D53 2014



While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and Internet addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors or for changes that occur after publication.


Foreword by Gregory L. Jantz, PhD

Introduction: Why Am I Interested?

1 What Are Principalities and Powers?

2 Insight Into the Demonic Realm

3 The Demons’ Favorite Scripture

4 What Makes Jesus Rejoice?

5 Are Angels Principalities and Powers?

6 Dad, Have You Ever Seen an Angel?

7 Heavenly Visitor to My Wife

8 Bones and Bonuses

9 An Angel Visits My Great-Grandfather

10 Recognizing Their Work in Our Lives

11 Angels From the Throne

12 Angelic Activity Surrounding the Birth of Jesus

13 Do Angels Bring Healing?

14 What Angels Are Not

15 Where Do Demons Prefer?

16 Sleepless in Seattle

17 Jacob’s Ladder

18 Jesus Sends His Angel



AS A MENTAL health professional of thirty years I have witnessed firsthand the foundation of truth you will find in the pages of People, Pigs, and Principalities. In this eye-opening book Don Dickerman outlines the source, nature, and consequences of demonic influences, shedding light on the kind of darkness I see inhabiting the hearts, minds, and souls of men, women, and adolescents who turn to me desperate for help, hope, and healing.

When I founded The Center for Counseling and Health Resources in 4, it was on the basis of a unique approach to treatment—whole-person health, addressing the physical, mental, emotional, relational, and, last but not least, spiritual aspects of a person’s life.

I have seen people come through our doors spiritually bankrupt. A number of them have been in and out of treatment programs for years, none of which made a lasting impact in what I believe to be a direct result of neglecting the spiritual side.

As Don Dickerman touches upon throughout this book, the deliverance ministry he has been engaged in for going on twenty years is anchored in shedding light on the truth, for, as he writes, It is truth that enables us to be free.

Believing lies empowers dark forces, a truth all its own, which I see manifested in the lives of those I treat for mental health conditions.

The longer you hold on to a lie, the harder it is to let go. And, sadly, many people have been holding on to lies all their lives—lies that feed the self-doubt and self-loathing associated with the addiction, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders that plague millions around the world. Their perception of the world, of others, and of themselves is distorted. They see, hear, feel, and believe not what’s true but what they’re afraid is true. And the difference between them is often one between peace and torment.

In People, Pigs, and Principalities Don Dickerman explains how demons are masters of perception deception. Demonic influences not only need us to believe a lie, but they also know how to twist and turn our hearts, minds, and souls into fertile ground for these lies to take root and to grow.

Though the whole-person approach to treatment is the key, there have been times with severe addictions and depression that we have witnessed deliverance from demonic influences as the completion step to a person’s healing.

All of that said, the author is quick to note in chapter 2 of this book that there is one place demonic influences hold no sway:

While the unclean spirits may possess an area of a person’s life, genuine possession by demons cannot happen to a Christian, for possession is ownership, and we are owned by the Lord Jesus. . . . The spirits dwell in the flesh and/or the soul, but never in the spirit, for that is where the Holy Spirit lives.

I am further comforted by the attention Don Dickerman pays to angels through inspiring accounts involving those closest to him. After all, no book about demonic influences that work for evil should be complete without the inclusion of angelic influences that work for God.



Dr. Gregory Jantz is an internationally recognized best-selling author of twenty-six books and a mental health expert. He is also the founder of The Center for Counseling and Health Resources, Inc. Known as A Place of Hope, it is a leading health care facility based in Seattle. The treatment center offers therapy programs for individuals, teens, families, and even celebrities who struggle with addiction, stress, abuse, depression, PTSD, weight loss, unhealthy body image, relationship problems, and more.



RECENTLY A MINISTER and his wife from Canada were in our office for deliverance. After the sessions we had some conversation, and I was asked, maybe for the hundredth time, How did you get started in deliverance ministry?

Boy, that’s a long and involved story including many, many miles, hundreds of prisons, and thousands of lives—but I want to share a significant part of that answer with you.

I was preaching at the Federal Correctional Institution in Three Rivers, Texas. The facility prison is located about halfway between San Antonio and Corpus Christi just off Interstate 37. This is a medium-security complex of about fourteen hundred inmates. The chaplain, who was my friend, was a gracious host. There was something very unusual in the chapel service that evening. A uniformed correctional officer was seated among the inmates and was worshipping with them. That just never happens. If there is an officer present, it is because he has been assigned to the chapel.

It is very unusual for an officer to mingle with the inmates. I found out later that he was off duty and studying to become a federal prison chaplain or counselor. After the service he told the officer on duty that he would escort me to my car because he wanted to talk with me.

When the service was over, this officer came up to me and shook my hand. I recall that the evening was brisk and the sky was very clear and crisp. It was one of those perfect evenings. The officer told me of his call to the ministry and of his desire to become a federal prison chaplain. We visited some more after reaching the prison parking lot, and after we prayed together, I headed back to Corpus Christi to the south, and he headed toward his home in Beeville to the east. I stopped at a convenience store for a soft drink and a snack before getting on Interstate 37 to drive back to Corpus Christi, where I was staying.

As I pulled up at the convenience store/service station, I was unaware that the officer pulled in right behind me. Before I could get out of my car, he came running over and told me, with great excitement, that God had given him a vision about me, and he had to share it with me. He said, I would have followed you all the way to Corpus to tell you about the vision. He was so excited I could feel and sense that God had spoken to him. This is what he told me:

I saw you standing in this big black pot, and there was oil bubbling all around you, not boiling, just bubbling. All around the pot there was a sea of people, as far as you could see, and they were all sick. The stench of their sickness was nauseating as it went up to the heavens. Then the oil began to bubble up and cover you, and as it ran from your head and down your arms and touched the people, they were healed! Get ready, brother, God’s fix’in to pour it out on you!

I cannot adequately describe what I felt. It was like I was just bathed in God’s glory. While he was sharing the words with me, I sensed the presence of God’s Spirit stirring in me. I knew these words were from God. But I didn’t know what to do with the words from the vision. As I drove back to Corpus Christi, tears continually moistened my eyes. There was subdued excitement in my spirit. I had seen thousands receive Christ as Savior, perhaps one hundred thousand or more, but I had never seen anyone healed or delivered of demons. Actually, what I had been taught did not fit with the word given to me. I had been taught that the gifts of the Spirit had died out with the apostles. I had been taught that the gifts would cease when that which is perfect has come (0), and that this perfect meant God’s Word. Since we have God’s Word, then there is no need for the gifts of the Spirit to operate—that’s what I had been taught.

I wish I had been more open to scriptural truth and not so heavily influenced by denominational tradition; I missed some of the greatest truths! I didn’t know how to make this vision happen. I didn’t know how to give altar calls except for salvation. Soon I would find out I didn’t need to know.

Not long after this incredible experience I was back in that same area of the state preaching at a state prison in Beeville. That unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is named the Garza West facility. About five hundred inmates were in the gym that night, and perhaps as many as two-thirds of the men had answered the altar call. When the service was over, the men returned to their seats and were called back to their housing area by dorm location. As they filed out in single file, one of the men stepped from the line and approached the chaplain.

I had noticed this young man during the service; he sat on the front row and stared at me as though he saw something. There was sort of a look of wonderment on his face as I ministered. The chaplain brought him over to me and said, This inmate has a word for you from the Lord, something the Lord showed him as you preached.

He still had this look on his face. He said, Sir, God told me something to tell you. He continued: While you were preaching, I saw something, and God told me something to tell you. He moved beside me and asked me to stretch my arm forward, straight out toward the now empty seats. He placed his arm on top of mine and said, God told me to tell you that as you extend your hand, so will He extend His. He seemed puzzled, like he was just passing on a message. Do you know what that means, sir?

Yes, I told him, yes, I do. Thanks for sharing that with me. When I left the prison that night, again the Holy Spirit of God just seemed to cover me. It is so holy that it is very difficult to share. Tears again filled my eyes simply from the glory of His presence. I knew God had spoken to me again, and I am just unable to describe how humbling this was and is to me.¹

Before there were demons, there were angels. Before there were angels, there was God. We actually don’t know much about what happened prior to our present creation. It seems the more we study and learn about God and His marvelous works, the more we realize that we really don’t know much at all. I never thought I would be dealing with this subject of principalities and powers, angels and demons. I don’t think I ever heard a preacher or Sunday school teacher

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