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From a Mess to a Miracle: Experiencing True Transformation in Christ
From a Mess to a Miracle: Experiencing True Transformation in Christ
From a Mess to a Miracle: Experiencing True Transformation in Christ
Ebook168 pages2 hours

From a Mess to a Miracle: Experiencing True Transformation in Christ

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Don’t give Satan a foothold inside the church!
When Kimberly Daniels left the streets and came into the church, she thought her struggle was over, believing that she was surrounded by the most loving people in the world. But she soon discovered that there were people in her new life who were just as dangerous to her spiritual health as anyone in her past.
In From a Mess to a Miracle she exposes the enemy’s traps that are at work inside our churches that prevent believers from experiencing a truly transformed life in Christ. With a bold call for radical change, she pulls no punches as she teaches you how to:
·          Sharpen your spiritual discernment
·          Demolish strongholds
·          Tear down idols
·          Avoid snakes in the pews, and more!
Release dateSep 2, 2014
From a Mess to a Miracle: Experiencing True Transformation in Christ

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    From a Mess to a Miracle - Kimberly Daniels


    ORLANDO, FLORIDA, IS KNOWN ALL OVER THE world as a vacation retreat. I had been to this city many times with my family, but this visit was no relaxing getaway. I was scheduled to speak at the annual Church of God Florida women’s retreat, and I was terrified. Everything around me seemed enlarged, and I felt so small. The hotel where I was staying seemed like a huge mountain, and the conference was larger than any I had ever attended. My heart was racing.

    I had arrived late and did not have time to check into my room. Pastor Joy, one of my mentors in the church, met me at the front door to let me know I had only fifteen minutes before the meeting started. Women were everywhere, wearing big, pretty hats in every color of the rainbow. My heart began to beat even faster as I mentally counted the number of women in attendance.

    The halls were so crowded that a small traffic jam made it impossible to get into the room where my workshop was being held. As I moved hesitantly toward the door, I silently hoped someone would announce: There has been a mistake. Kimberly Daniels is not really the speaker! I turned to Pastor Joy and asked her to step into the restroom with me. As we entered, I told her I was so afraid I could hardly breathe. She prayed for me, and though my heart slowed down, my mind was still moving ninety miles an hour.

    As we walked into the workshop room, I noticed that there were more than two hundred women present. I had been assigned to teach about moving from a mess to a miracle. Sister Miller, the state overseer’s wife, was confident this was the message I was to minister, but I was still nervous. I knew only two people in the building: Sister Miller and Pastor Joy.

    When I could no longer prolong things, I found myself standing behind the pulpit. As I opened my mouth, the women in the room drew to the Jesus in me. With no seminary training and no church upbringing, all I had to offer them was Jesus. I did not know the rules, and I could not see how I could ever fit in. Knowing I had received a sure word from the Lord helped me deal with my differences.

    Without transformation there can be no dedication.

    I opened by telling the women that I was certain I looked different to them, but they also looked a little strange to me. As the crowd laughed, the ice was broken, and we got to know each other by the spirit. God dealt with me about the title, From a Mess to a Miracle, and showed me that this was not just a message, as my natural mind would conceive it. Sister Miller gave the assignment, but the orders to preach this word came directly from heaven.

    God opened up Romans 12 in a new realm. He began to speak to me about transformation. You see, this is what salvation is about. Without transformation there can be no dedication, and God will not accept anything less than total dedication to Him. According to the Book of Romans, the number one enemy of transformation is conformation. Romans 12:2 clearly tells us that we are not to be conformed to the things of the world, but transformed.

    The devil is an infiltrator and works as an inside operator. He knows that as people of God we will not openly go to Satan’s den to worship, so he places the tools of his kingdom in the midst of the church. When we compromise to the spirit of the world in the house of God, we conform to the world. We become victims of the matrix, which is the world system, and we become subject to the god of this world.

    In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

    —2 CORINTHIANS 4:4

    I was launched into a new level when God showed me that my autobiography, Against All Odds, was my testimony on the streets, but my testimony in the church was being transformed from a mess to a miracle. People need to know that although God may have miraculously saved and delivered them, they must still allow Him to clean up the mess they made while they were in the world. We are born again, but there are situations from our past that are still unsaved. The fact is, there are some things that are impossible to save or salvage.

    To salvage something is to save or rescue it. After a hurricane the victim tries to salvage all that can continue to be used. We may as well face the fact that after we come out of the storm of living in the world, there is a lot that can never be salvaged and brought into the kingdom with us. Things try to follow us from the world in an attempt to make us struggle with a lukewarm lifestyle for Christ. A lukewarm temperature is a result of mixing hot and cold. We cannot mix the curses behind us with the blessings ahead of us. In the Bible God instructed His people to put the blessing on one mountain and the curse on the other.

    And it shall come to pass, when the LORD thy God hath brought thee in unto the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt put the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal.

    —DEUTERONOMY 11:29

    It is futile to attempt to live victorious in Christ with old ways following us like dark shadows. In Ephesians 4 we are told to: (1) put off the things that concern the old man; (2) be renewed in our minds; and (3) to put on the new man. These three principles are a road map to victorious living. When we lay down the old man, it helps us to live saved. On the other hand, when we put on the new man, it helps the people we come in contact with stay saved after they deal with us.

    The reason many saints cannot adapt to a stable, Christlike lifestyle is because they are trying to save issues from their pasts that cannot be salvaged. These issues must be given to God so He can remove them from our lives. We have a great part in this deliverance, but only God is the true deliverer. As we humble ourselves and allow God to show us the areas in our lives that need to be dealt with, we will receive the power to resist the devil, and he will flee!

    But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    —JAMES 4:6–7

    We must allow Jesus to clean out the mess of our past. If this does not happen, our past troubles will infiltrate our present deliverance. This is why people cannot declare the blessing of being free indeed. Because of the precious blood of Jesus Christ, any mess the devil has placed in my life when I served him has already been approved to work out for my good now that I am saved. The key is that I have to be born again first!

    If we do not learn from our mistakes, we will go through them again.

    There are a lot of things that leave us after we accept Christ; other things leave after we are delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit. I want to target the issues that need to be dealt with after that. We may as well be honest with ourselves: even after deliverance and the infilling of the Holy Ghost we still have some things that God needs to deal with. Paul said that when he tried to do right, evil was always buffeting him.

    I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

    —ROMANS 7:21

    I believe that this book is a testimonial and spiritual warfare tool for victorious living that will make a difference in your life if you allow it. I have to be transparent and tell about some of my church mess so you can really appreciate my miracle. As we walk with God, we will make many mistakes along the way, but a mistake is only a waste of time when we do not learn from it. If we do not learn from our mistakes, we will go through them again. I pray that you will learn from some of the things I have been through so you will not have to go through them too. On the other hand, there are some things you will never understand until you experience them firsthand. At least this book can help you know you are not going crazy while you are going through them.

    My autobiography was originally going to be titled From a Mess to a Miracle, but God said no because that would be the title of my next book. The fact of the matter is that there was a whole bunch of mess that I had to come out of before I could deliver this message. This was a new kind of mess. It was religious, obscure, and smiled in your face. When the odds were against me on the streets, I could curse people and fight. On the streets we usually knew who our enemies were. It was hard, but it was real.

    This new kind of mess was hypocritical backstabbing and backbiting. I will never forget when Emma McDuffie prophesied to me before a crowd in my city. She said, Yea, little dreamer, your brothers and sisters are about to throw you in the pit because of the vision. The next week another prophet said he saw me surrounded by snakes.

    I thought the most loving people in the world surrounded me. They did not have names like Dragon and Killer. These people did not deal drugs and carry illegal weapons with a mind to use them. These people did not stay out all night in the clubs and curse and brawl. They carried Bibles, and they hung out at Christian conferences. But I soon discovered that some people were more dangerous with Bibles than the jackman was with a .45 caliber.

    Dealing with this new kind of mess was like boxing with shadows. The apostle Paul said he did not fight as one beating the air; he had a definite enemy.

    I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air.

    —1 CORINTHIANS 9:26

    In the crack house they have a term called ghosting. This means that you know something is there, but you cannot see what it is. This is how I felt in certain situations I faced in the body of Christ. I knew something was opposing me, but I all I saw in the natural were smiling faces. My spirit was telling me that something was wrong, but my mind said I was just being judgmental.

    I remember when I first found out that not everyone in the church was born again. I thought to myself, How can I deal with this kind of mess and stay saved? Today I stand in victory praising Jesus Christ! He sent a word that answered the question in my mind. He said, Be not conformed! Tradition and religion are not of God, therefore, they are of the world. Tradition is repetitive, and religion is an enemy of revival. These two strongmen come into the church under disguise.

    God described the children of Israel as a stiff-necked people. The spirit that stabilizes its grip on the neck of its victim is Leviathan. A monstrous sea creature known for its ferocious strength, Leviathan represents a strongman that is a king over all the children of pride (Job 41:34). It is important that Christians understand how this spirit operates.

    His scales are his pride (Job 41:15).

    These scales are knit so closely together that no air can come between them. The word air is ruwach in Hebrew, and it represents the wind of revival. The scales of pride are enemies of revival. God could not move the people of Israel forward because of their stiff necks. A stiff neck will hinder the move of God.

    He beholds all high things (Job 41:34).

    The Hebrew word for beholdeth, ra’ah, means to see, look at, perceive. Second Corinthians 10:5 refers to every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. The word high is hupsoma in the Greek, and it means for someone to put himself in an elevated place or to have an elevated attitude. Leviathan is the latch for the high thing. He looks upon it with joy and secures it in place.

    His heart is as firm as a stone (Job 41:24).

    A manifestation of pride and rebellion is hardness of heart. Rebellion is as the sin [or act] of witchcraft (1 Sam. 15:23). A

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