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The Mooncave Mystery
The Mooncave Mystery
The Mooncave Mystery
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The Mooncave Mystery

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The legendary, half-artificial, half-natural geological formation over 20,000 years old, located somewhere on the Slovak-Polish border. Known to local residents, it was discovered in 1944 at the end of the Slovak National Uprising by a scholar and a soldier, who had to then flee from communists to France and then to the United States, where he revealed his find to the world in 1960s

What is the Mooncave? An extraordinary creation of Nature? The remnant of some visitor from outer space on Earth? Or maybe a remnant of the Atlantis civilization or even older than her Atlantic? Is it really, or is it just ignis fatuus attracting all sorts of adventurers? We are trying to answer these and other questions in this book. And this is not so easy.

This work is the result of several hypotheses about the breakthrough of humanity and what happened to it in the times which describes, among others Plato and his contemporaries, and is a continuation of the monograph known from the Internet entitled Gods of Atomic War (Usti nad Labem 1998) and the Tatry Project published in Poland (Krakow 2002). A lot time is dedicated to the account of the search for this artifact, placed against the backdrop of certain historical and literary documentation.

Release dateFeb 3, 2020
The Mooncave Mystery

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    The Mooncave Mystery - Robert K. Lesniakiewicz


    Description: Yggdrasil

    The Levoča Mountains, Slovakia



    he boy took one last look at the blackthorn slope bathed in the light of summer morning and then entered the dark expanse of the cave hole hidden behind the rocking snowmen under the tall montane spruces. There was little light here, and he couldn’t form his opinion about what surrounded him. In his imagination, the caves consisted of underground halls and corridors full of wonders, marble mushrooms stuck to the walls, with a tire of underground raindrops – stalactites, stalagmites, and stalagnates created by millions of years of water work and other wonders of the underground world. Meanwhile, here, against his expectations, was a dark smooth chamber narrowing into the corridor.

    He took a deep breath and plunged into darkness and silence. Bits of burnt wood and branches from the old fire crackled under his sneakers and something round and smooth like a ball protruded a little further from the clay floor. He overcame fear and sighed again, and the cave answered him with reverberations and a sinister echo lost somewhere in its depths. That round thing was the human skull of some nameless Wehrmacht soldier, which he recognized by the characteristic shape of the helmet and whose body probably turned to dust after decades. But that wasn’t the thing he feared the most.

    The boy heard only silence and had the impression that this silence was an unspeakable threat to him. Despite the thick darkness, he felt as if the shadows of long-dead soldiers had been coming out of the walls and stretching their skeletal hands towards him. The helmet fell out of his hand and rolled rattling down the cave floor. The boy, in a panic, didn’t even try to lift it, but turned and ran toward the cave’s opening, in which particles of dust danced in the rays of the sun.

    As he emerged from the tufts of grass and sharp rock teeth surrounding the entrance, he heard the call of his brother, who in the meantime was digging with a survival shovel in a small excavation. When he came closer to the excavation – in the bright light of the July sun this thing was not so terrible, as if there – in the darkness of the cave, hidden under the rocks and spruce roots, had been a cut part of a human skull, several bones, and shoe remains. Also, among the remains, was a military cap, a rusty badge of the insurgent army.

    We have a problem, said the older boy, putting a rusty piece of metal in the pocket of his pants, in which he then wiped his hands soiled with clay. Here, he waved his right hand wide toward the excavation where his brother stood, can be some grenades or other explosives. We will need to call someone.

    A few hours later, a patrol car of the sapper unit climbed the slope covered with small excavations, on which men walked in heavy explosion-proof suits with mine detectors in their hands. When they finished their work and found the place safe, their commander, who in the meantime checked the entrance to an unknown cave, talked for a long time with his supervisor over the field radio. In a short time, appeared Lada Nivas of the green military police, whose soldiers closed access to this area for all bystanders – including residents of nearby villages, nature protection guards, forest workers, and foresters.

    What was also weird is that on the slope a small tent town was build, covered from the top with masking nets. There were satellite antennas, strong reflectors, monitoring equipment, field electricity generators, and so on and so forth. One hour before sunset, the amazed inhabitants of the surrounding villages, terrified and curious about passing motorcades of olive-green military trucks, had one more interesting show – a military helicopter emerged from the interior of the bloody setting sun, flown low over the roofs, and had disappeared over the mountain. None of them were close enough to see where the machine landed. They also didn’t see a man in civilian clothes getting out of the helicopter, accompanied by people dressed in chemical protective suits and gas masks, with various instruments at their side.

    Let me report you, the man in uniform with the lieutenant colonel’s distinctions said vigorously, that we found it. We found the Moon Cave. This is how it would look like in a bad movie like The X-Files" or something like that made in Hollywood. Above all, we will show the reader the chronological course of study and search for this artifact, which perhaps dates back to the time of the existence of Atlantis or even Atlantica."

    The history of the search for the Moon Cave reminds meanders of Dymitriada or the history of life and achievements of such characters as Copernicus, Retyk, Devius, Kelley, Sędziwoj, Dr. Faustus, and other well-known figures of Polish and European history, which are characterized by this elusiveness characteristic of Polish and European Renaissance. Many people were looking for it, many gave up, but the engaging secret was disturbing, and still, people gave into its sinister charm. Also, at stake is not only the discovery of an amazing artifact but perhaps also new technologies or new information about the history of our planet.

    Specialists, scholars, journalists, ufologists, historians, and outsider researchers like us, helped us in our search. It is impossible to name them all, so let us at least thank them all here and now, taking the opportunity which is publishing the book. Of course, special thanks to the publisher - Mr. Pavel Mészáros. Thanks to him our second joint work, which is a contribution to the common European cultural heritage, saw the light of day. It is a continuation of the subject raised in our earlier works: Bohové atomových válek (Ústi nad Labem 1998) by Dr. Jesenský and my Projekt Tatry (Cracow 2002). Now, let’s examine some facts.


    Description: Yggdrasil

    Records of Captain Horák


    acques Bergier’s account - An unusual story of an insurgent captain - Dr. Horák finds a strange cave - Chronicle of extraordinary events day after day - Traces of Atlantis in Slovakia?

    We would like to present to the reader the state of our knowledge about one of the most interesting mysteries of our planet and the history of civilizations that exist on it. One of them is the Metal Walls Well, discovered by a Slovak fighter during the Slovak National Uprising at the end of 1944. In addition, we present our assumptions of the conclusions that may arise after reading this material.

    We present the reader materials in a chronological manner that we have developed ourselves and which we received from our friends from Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and the United States, and for which we thank them very much. Here is the first of them - an article by Miloš Jesenský, published in Wizje Peryferyjne No. 2, 1996.

    Slovaks and Czechs call it POLMESIAČNA JASKYNA, or just as in the title – MESIAČNA JASKYNA, which means the Crescent or Moon Cave. In world literature, it is most often called - the Metal Walls Cave or simply, the Well, which is imprecise because it is more a shaft, a steep excavation, and not a natural formation, such as a cave or grot. According to all researchers and enthusiasts of hypotheses about the existence of ancient civilizations or extraterrestrial civilizations, the Moon Cave is a trail and evidence that about 20,000 years ago in the territory of today’s Central Europe, there was a civilization of the Hyperborean Era, so accurately and visually described by Robert E. Howard, or there was landing of representatives of another civilization unearthly (e.g. Shamballa, Agatha, underground K’n-yan or from the legendary island of Atlantis) or extraterrestrial. In Poland, the topic related to these peculiarities, as there are many similar shafts around the world, is rather unknown. If you are interested, please refer to Thomas de Jean’s Księga Tajemnic 2 published in Łódź in 1992, where the text about the Moon Cave is on pages 79-88. Competent Tatra guides and many hunters of singularity treat the Moon Cave only as a legend with no factual fortitude. The thing is that to date, no one has managed to find the place that Antonin T. Horák writes about in his diary, and this is the only source with a description of the Moon Cave. In 1992-95, a Slovak researcher, medic, and ufologist, Dr. Miloš Jesenský, investigated this matter and gave us the results of his search; so, we now have the opportunity to present the results of his work.

    At one time, Ronald D. Calais told the world about the discovery, in the late 1960s, in the quarries in McDermott (Ohio, USA) at a depth of about 15 meters, of a prehistoric shaft of circular cross-section. Nobody had noticed it before, and the people working in the quarries buried it with production waste, small stones, and gravel.

    The events I write about further are presented in a diary by the late Capt. Dr. Antonin T. Horák, from where the entire text was quoted almost literally in the National Speleological Society Bulletin - NSS News No. 3,1965, from where it was reprinted in the work of Jacques Bergier and the INFO group, Le livre de l’inexplicable, in Paris, 1972. The author of the diary, a former officer of the insurgent army formed during the Slovak National Uprising and then a linguist, tries to encourage speleologists to find what Jacques Bergier called the strangest puzzle of our planet - the old shaft of a prehistoric mine, which he discovered in one of caves in Slovakia. Here is how Antonin T. Horák described it. He is the author of the account that caused all the commotion around the Moon Cave (Bergier J. Et al.: Le livre de l´inexplicable, Albin Michel, Paris 1972, Czech ed. Ivo Železný, Praha 1995, p. 38-49. Parts of the text that have been left out in French translation are marked in bold).

    October 23, 1944

    Yesterday, in the early morning, we were found by Slavek while we were hidden in this cave. Today at dusk, he returned to us with his daughter Hanka and brought food and medicine. We had nothing in our mouths since Friday, and before that, during the last two skirmishes, we only ate cornbread, and that was not enough.

    On Saturday afternoon, the remnants of our battalion (184 soldiers and officers, 1/4 of whom were wounded, and 16 people were carried on stretchers) hobbled on the snow on the northern slope. My company was in the rearguard. On Sunday at dawn, we were attacked from a distance of 300 meters by two 70-millimeter guns. We resisted for 12 hours, then repelled the attack, but the left-wing couldn’t withstand, which cost us several wounds. During the fight with the enemy, I was wounded by a bayonet and a bullet in my left hand, and in addition, I was wounded in the head, which happened in the next battle. Due to the lack of a helmet, I was hit hard on the head - hence the nagging wound.

    I regained consciousness when someone pulled me out of the trench. He was a tall peasant. He rubbed my hands and head with snow and smiled. Then this Good Samaritan helped Jurek. He took off his pants, pulled a splinter from his leg and put it on the snow. He skillfully dressed a deep wound on Martin’s stomach. When he made a makeshift stretcher, he introduced himself to us as a herdsman (actually a senior shepherd) Slavek, to whom the pastures surrounding us belonged. We got to our shelter with his help after 4 hours.

    Slavek threw several boulders and showed a narrow hole – the entrance to the spatial cave. He put Martin to the corner and hid him, he also hid us and the cave, and then bowing, he also hid himself in front of the back wall, where the entrance to its further part was visible.

    When he was leaving us, he repeated the same ritual and asked me not to go deeper into the cave. I followed him a bit, saying I would gather something to eat. He told me that he was in this cave together with his father and grandfather, that this is a vast labyrinth full of abyss which they never wanted to explore or visit, that there are poisonous gases, and it’s haunted. I returned to the cave around midnight completely exhausted. I relieved my headache with snow. Martin was unconscious and Jurek had a fever. We ate a modest supper. I put hot stones on Martin, and Jurek took the first watch.

    It was a horrible night. When Martin returned to consciousness, I gave him three aspirins and some water with plum brandy, exactly ten drops. Hungry, Jurek wandered around two German helmets, where snow water boiled, to which I added ten drops of plum brandy. Perhaps because of the snow flood and the avalanche threat, as well as numerous enemy ski patrols that were wandering in the area, Slavek won’t come to us sooner than in a few days. With two sick people on my hands, I couldn’t even try to hunt some animal, let alone, I could get lost in unknown terrain. We have a cave, to which, as Slavek said, there may be another entrance and it is possible that even an animal hibernated here. I considered these possibilities out loud, and Jurek chewed on fir bark and asked me to go deep into the cave to hunt. He promised me he wouldn’t tell anyone. I didn’t feel hungry, but I was interested in what could frighten so confident Slavek, that he was calling God. I took my gun and torch with me. After an hour and a half, walking a fairly comfortable and safe corridor, I got into a long vestibule of sorts that ended with a small opening.

    I went into this hole and bruised my knee. There was something similar to a large black silo sunk into the white ground, something like black lava covered in salt or ice. It disturbed me and I felt a strange fear because I realized that what I was looking at is the work of human hands. The shaft was curved as if a cylinder with a radius of 25 meters had been imprinted in it. In the place where the roller was in contact with the wall, white stalactites and stalagmites formed. The wall was blue and black, made of a material that was a combination of steel, glass, or porcelain and rubber. I touched the substance with a knife; I couldn’t even scratch it. I thought I was in a wild land where there was nothing that civilization would have created and there is an artifact as high as a tower, like a castle tower sunk into the ground and covered with infiltrates – the cold went through my bones due to all this.

    There was a narrow and long crack in the wall, at the bottom about 20-25 cm wide, at the very top barely 2-5 cm, through which a person barely would be able to squeeze. Its interior is completely black and covered with sharp jags, as big as a fist. The bottom of the crevice had the shape of a shallow trough in YELLOW SANDSTONE and is inclined at an angle of about 60°. I inserted a lit torch there, it hissed like coals thrown into the water and went out.

    I wanted to examine the item on the spot and found that I could squeeze through the gap. First, I pushed my head and right hand there. The hand with the candle also passed, but I had to act quickly because there was little stearin. I gave up but only for now because the mystery fascinated me. I decided to come back here again.

    I returned to our cave around four in the afternoon. Jurek washed Martin and put him among warm stones. I gave him three aspirins and hot water with plum brandy. I explained to Jurek that I would need a twine, pole, and a torch to hunt. Fortunately, the Slavkovs came with supplies.

    Then I went with them to collect brush for torches. I came back to the cave about two in the morning half-dead from tiredness – but at last, we ate our fill, Jurek even too much – so I took the second watch.

    October 24, 1944

    The night went quietly. Martin drank an herbal decoction with honey to fight the fever. I hope that he will recover. Jurek no longer had such a swollen back, but my head was still not right. I cut our belts and thongs, so I gained about 8 meters of strong rope. At 10 o’clock I was again at the wall, where I used the rod with a tied rope, after which I passed to the other side of the dark shaft crack. This time I had a carbide lamp, which I threw there first. I didn’t see anything but heard something like the sound of flowing water. I was afraid that there would be a chasm behind the gap and that I would fall headfirst. There were no loose stones in the gap, so I broke off a few stalagmites

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