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Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, Volume 3, Hoisting the Sails of a Ghost Ship: Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, #3
Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, Volume 3, Hoisting the Sails of a Ghost Ship: Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, #3
Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, Volume 3, Hoisting the Sails of a Ghost Ship: Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, #3
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Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, Volume 3, Hoisting the Sails of a Ghost Ship: Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, #3

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Following a trail of breadcrumbs that Ashley showed her in a dream, Lisa heads to America to search for Ashley's unpublished missing songs, only to discover that Glen, her allegedly deceased heart-throb, is still alive! However, she's fighting unfounded guilt stemming from the fact that he was Ashley's husband, and tries her best to keep him in the 'friend-zone', (totally unaware that her late cousin sent her to Annapolis for that very purpose).Volume 3 quickly develops into a romantic comedy, as the star-crossed duo keep attempting in vain to keep things platonic. In the midst of trying to maintain her 'make nice, not love' policy with Glen, Lisa joins forces with Glen and the rest of Ashley's former bandmates to try and find that missing music. Even as the search continues, they begin making plans to form a combined musical tour de force to win Ashley the fame and recognition that she was denied due to her untimely end. Meanwhile, more clues concerning the identity and whereabouts of Ashley's mysterious Aussie friend, Dahlia, begin to surface, and Libbet begins to make some progress in her obsession to have a two-way conversation with Ashley in order to get some answers about her still-unsolved murder. Eventually, Glen's taunting message to Moxie's killers, (from the Tarantella concert footage), finally reaches them in New Zealand, and they send someone to Annapolis to look into things. Finally, all the dominos begin to fall when the FBI apprises New Scotland Yard of their presence in Annapolis. Justice proves to own a sense of humor, as the FBI and the Yard set up a sting for the killers, as well as that hangman's noose for the grim reaper, as well...

Release dateOct 22, 2019
Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, Volume 3, Hoisting the Sails of a Ghost Ship: Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, #3

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    Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy, Volume 3, Hoisting the Sails of a Ghost Ship - JT Thilbertson

    Never to be Unsung, a rock trilogy

    Volume 3:

    Hoisting the Sails of a Ghost Ship

    C 2019  by J T Thilbertson


    1) When the Levee Breaks

    2) Leftenant Reports for Duty

    3) Down the Hatchet

    4) The Double Shanghai

    5) Opposable Chums

    6) Breakfast in America

    7) Memoirs of a Dead-Header

    8) Unarmed and Ready

    9) Curiosity Killed the Radio Star

    10) Amidst the Cold, Stilled Ashes, a Stir

    11) Walls and Bridges

    12) Finding Clues at the Scene of the Rhyme

    13  A Trick of the Light

    14) Return Fiah-h-h!

    15) A Most Uncomfortable Question

    16) Anatomy of a Miracle

    17) Hoisting the Sails of a Ghost Ship

    18) Showdown at the Barlow Moor Corral

    19) After Minter, Comes the Spring

    20) Best Bat, and Beyond...

    21) Rocket Science

    22) Did You Have a Nice Nap, Mr. Phoenix?

    23) Germs of Endearment

    24) Not to be Taken Away

    25) Red Rubber Ball

    26) Occupy!

    27) To Hang a Fallen Star

    28) Fire in the Cobra's Lair

    29) One Tomorrow at a Time

    30) The Endgame Begins...

    31) Something Wicket, This Way Comes

    32) Sergeant Delkco and the Guilt-Grenade Brigade

    33) Dateline: Band Helps Bat Bite Victim

    34) Launching 10,000 Tomorrows

    35) Mercy Street

    36) And Finally, for the Good Noose

    Epilogue: Forever Moxy


    When the Levee Breaks


    Lisa's flight landed at BWI in Northern Anne Arundel County at 12:20 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. As she navigated the terminal toward the luggage receiving area, she noticed that something was, well, missing.  For the first time in six years, she was in a public place, and no one was approaching her. They weren't even looking at her twice. No autograph seekers, no looks of querrysome recognition in anyone's eyes..

    That's right, she realized. I'm not famous here. She walked up to a group of people who were talking and caught their gaze. May I help you? One of them asked. She just smiled and wagged her head as she walked away.

    Blimers! she exclaimed. No one knows me here! I'm free! I can go anywhere I like without an escort for protection. Oh, I could get used to this.

    She then picked up her luggage and flagged a taxi. The driver placed her suitcase into the trunk as she climbed into the back seat.

    Where to, ma'am? The driver inquired. Lisa checked her itinerary which she had picked up at Heathrow. I need to go to the Holiday Inn on Riva Road in Annapolis, she instructed.

    Oh, you're in from England, he exclaimed. Yes, She confirmed. This may seem a strange question, she remarked, but do you recognize me? He switched on the interior light and glanced at her in the rearview mirror. I'm afraid I don't, he admitted. Should I? Blinding!, she grinned. Absolutely blinding. He just got a screwy look on his face, and shook his head.

    Lisa checked into a private suite on the third floor of the hotel, facing the rear of the building. From her balcony, she could see Paul Bunyan, who was facing the other way, towering above the treeline across Route 50.

    "And, there he is", she smirked. "Dreadful thing". Excited, wide awake, and hungry, she went back down to the front desk and inquired where she might find a bite to eat at that hour of the night.

    Well, the night clerk began, "there's a Denny's about half a mile away on West Street, or, if you want to go across town, there's an all-night Deli called, Chick and Ruth's, on Main Street. Chicken Ruth's"? she queried. "Chick and Ruth's, he corrected. Oh... Sorry".

    Denny's will be fine, she decided. How do I get a taxi? I'll make the call for you, he offered. Thanks, she smiled.

    The hours between then and sunrise were just fidgety, dead-time. She couldn't sleep, but there was nothing to do until daylight. She watched The Late, Late Movie on cable, then went down to the lobby and chatted with the night clerk a while.

    This was about lunchtime where she came from. At 6 a.m., she went back to Denny's for... lunch. Then, she walked about 500 yards down West Street extended, toward Mr Bunyan. As she reached the building where he was perched, there it was, about fifty yards away; Three- Mile Oak. More aptly, the cement block on which it's remains once stood, with the rusted steel rebar jutting up from its center.

    She stood musing at it for a moment. "Now I know why you didn't take a picture of it, cuz", she muttered. "It's not much to look at, is it"? She was anxious to get her search underway, so she walked back to Denny's, and called a taxi. It was now 7:30 am. The taxi pulled up at 7:50, and she climbed into the back.

    Where  to, ma'am? The driver queried. There's a place near here, she began, an outdoor pavilion, where they have concerts. Oh yeah, he confirmed. "You must mean, Ashley's Acres. It's right over there on Jennifer Road". Lisa's face turned stupefied.

    "What did you call it"? She half whispered. Ashley's Acres, he repeated. It was named after Eddie Maddox's daughter, who's band played the first concert there, just before she and her famous father were killed in a plane crash. "They.. named it after her"? she marveled, getting teary-eyed. Well yeah, he explained. From what I hear, she helped to fund the place.

    He then glanced in the mirror to see her attempting to choke back a sob. Between that and her accent, he was beginning to put two and two together.

    You knew her, didn't you?  he inquired. She was my best mate, she revealed. Oh hun, I'm sorry, he offered. I didn't know. It's all right, she managed. Just take me there, okay? Sure thing, he agreed.

    As they drew near the entrance, the driver looked up ahead. The gate to the pavilion itself is locked, he said, but I can get you near it if I go in here toward the main house. The main house, she mused. That's where I wanted to go, anyway.

    As they progressed down the long driveway, Lisa recognized the carriage house from the photo album, as a sat about an hundred feet from the house. "There", she pointed. Pull up in front of that out-building.

    She then reached into her purse, and offered him $40. Will you wait for me? she requested. Feeling a spot of compassion for her after what had just happened, the driver took one of the $20 bills from her hand. If you're going to be more than about fifteen minutes, he offered, "then, we'll talk about the other one, he winked. Lisa managed half a smile. Thank you", she said.

    She stepped outside the cab and stood, peering at the building, beginning to get overwhelmed. From inside the main house, Derek saw what was going on, and came outside to inquire what this stranger might need. May I help you, ma'am? He asked, noticing the wetness in her eyes.

    Because of the on-site ministry, he was used to women coming there looking for help, but this woman didn't seem to fit the profile. She was too well dressed and groomed, sporting a designer leather purse, and no child at her hip. She didn't answer him at first, steeped in her emotional gaze at the building.

    Ma'am, are you okay? he queried again. Finally, she turned and looked at him. After a moment, her eyes came  alight with recognition.

    "Your'e Heathkit, aren't you? She inquired. Derek reared back. Heathkit"?  he exclaimed. I haven't been called that in years! Do we know each other? No, she admitted. But I know alot about you. How? he queried. I'm not exactly famous. In my house you are, she smiled. You, and the whole lunchroom Navy. Derek's face went blank.

    "Lunchroom Na...  ma'am, who are you? I'm sorry, she said. You must think me awfully rude. I'm just a bit overwhelmed right now. She reached out, offering her handshake. I'm Ashley Maddox's cousin, she revealed. Lisa Clover".

    C... Clover?  he mused. An old married name, she explained. Big mistake. I just haven't shed the legality of it, yet. My maiden name was Maddox.

    Wait a minute, Derek realized. "Did Ashley call you...  Leesy? Oh my! she exclaimed. Now that's a name I haven't heard in years, and if you ever say it in front of witnesses, I'll deny it to the hilt, but yes, that's me". He shook his head.

    "Lisa",  he mused. We had all but given up on you. No one knew how to find you. Well, there's a reason for that, she explained. "I'm actually a famous musician in Europe. I made it over there, but I go by a stage name:  Lisanne Ray".

    "Well, good for you! he exclaimed. That's wonderful! I guess that explains a lot. So, what finally brings you here"?

    Well, she explained. I came to find Ashley's friend, Libbet. Do you know how to get in touch with her? Tsk, It might take me all of about ten seconds, he smiled. Come on in, I'll give you her number. They went through the front door, and then down the hall to his office.

    I would introduce you to my wife, Tasmine, he apologized. But she's over at building number one serving up breakfast. We have a ministry here for single moms, he explained.

    Tasmine, she mused. Are you talking about Ashley's friend, who plays the violin? You know about Tasmine, too? He marveled. She looked at him intently.

    Derek, she explained. "I know the name of every person who saluted me in that cemetery thirteen years ago. You were my heroes, every one of you".

    Derek found himself speechless. I, uh... Let me write down Libby's number for you he stammered. He wrote down the number and handed it to her.

    Ace, she  said. If you should hear from her, tell her that I'm at the Holiday Inn on Riva Road, suite 312. If she calls the front desk, they'll patch the call right up to my room. She's going to be beside herself when she finds out you're here, he assured. I'm looking forward to that, she smiled.

    Well, she concluded. I'd better get going. My driver has been more than nice already. I'll be in town for a few days. Ring me up if you like. I think you can count on that, he said. Welcome to Annapolis, Lisa. Thanks' Derek. Cheers.

    She was no sooner out of the driveway then he called Libbet. The call went to her answering machine, where he left the news, and the contact information. Later, when she got the message, she immediately called Glen, and got his answering machine;

    Hello, this message is for Mr. Doubting Thomas, she taunted. We're calling to advise you that your 'Fig Newton' has arrived. If you'd like to speak to the Loch Ness Monster in person, she can be reached by calling the Holiday Inn on Riva Road. Just ask them to patch the call up to room 312.

    By the way, she added. I hope you're sitting down. I guess I should have said that first, huh? Sorry about that. I guess I'm just kind of excited right now. Call me when you get this, okay? Bye! (click, h-m-m-m).

    As soon as she hung up, she looked up the number for the hotel and called the front desk. Lisa was in the shower when the phone rang.

    "On your mark, get set, wait". She mused. "I never did like that word, especially today. I can't just stand around here, doing nothing. I'm going over there"!

    About twenty-five minutes later, she found herself standing in front of a door labeled, 312. She drew a cleansing sigh, and knocked gently. Through the door, she could hear approaching  footsteps. Then, the door opened, and she looked into a more matured face of the one in the snapshot which she had been carrying. Lisa saw the same thing, an older version of the 'girl' she had watched on video tape only three days before.

    Lisa? Libbet half whispered. "Libbet"? She returned. Libbet bobbed her head in confirmation. I'm sorry to come by unannounced, she explained. But when I heard that you were in town, I didn't want to wait! I'm glad you didn't, Lisa smiled. Please, come in, do. Have a seat. Can you stay awhile?

    "I've got all the while in the world, she answered. Splendid, Lisa smiled. In that case, let me ring up room service for a snack while we chat. Do you like chocolate? O-o-o", she remarked. You know how to pamper a guest, don't you? I do for a guest of honor, she grinned. I'll be right back.

    She then went into the bedroom and made the call. When she returned, Libbet was standing by the sliding glass door, looking off into the distance. Lisa walked up beside, and noticed that her eyes were a little wet.

    Is anything wrong? she queried. Derek said that you made it big in Europe, she commented. "Ashley would be so proud. I know that I am. She then turned and opened her arms. Come here", she invited. Lisa hugged her back, hard. Then they both began to leak. Let's go sit down, Lisa suggested.

    Apparently, your records never made it over here, Libbet surmised. I've never heard of Lisanne Ray. Lisa shook her head. Tsk, music industry politics, she explained. They only open the door for a few select performers every year. I seem to have a propensity for drawing one of the long straws, she lamented.

    So, how does fame agree with you? Libbet queried. Off and on, Lisa remarked. On stage, I love it. Off stage, not so much. I can't go anywhere over there, Libbet. You can't just turn off fame when it doesn't benefit you.

    Oh, don't get me wrong, she continued. "I love and appreciate my fans, but when I became famous, I lost something precious, something that most people take for granted. I thought that it was lost forever, until I got off the plane in Baltimore, and no one knew me. For the first time in six years, I can breathe"!

    I think that I can understand what you're saying, Libbet concurred. "I guess that I narrowly dodged that bullet in this life, although I despise the reasons why. Oh, Lisa agreed. We're both on the same page there, to be sure".

    "Speaking of that page", she seguayed. I'd like to take Glen some flowers while I'm here. Flowers"? Libbet queried. I want to, she said. Do you think he'd appreciate that? "Well... um... sure", she surmised. "I guess everyone appreciates flowers. Even guys... I...I suppose. Ripper! Lisa smiled. Just then, there was a knock at the door. That would be room service, Lisa said. By the way, she added as she headed to answer the door, is he buried near here? Buried"? Libbet exclaimed. Lisa, what are you talking about?! Hold on, Lisa said.

    Lisa opened the door for room service, only to see Glen standing  four feet in front of her with a big grin on his face.

    Lisa! he exclaimed. "Ashley said that you were coming here, but I didn't believe her"! She then sucked in a voicey gasp, and dropped like a deserted marionette. From the sofa, Libbet heard a thud. She looked to see Glen standing in the doorway, gawking over a 'pile of Lisa' on the floor.

    Glen! she shrieked. "What happened"?

    "I have no idea! He exclaimed. I said, 'hello', and she said, goodbye! Do I look like Paul McCartney"?

    Come on, she instructed. Let's get her inside before someone sees her. Quick, grab an arm!

    They then dragged her cross the room, and propped her up on the sofa. Libbet immediately checked her pulse.

    Should we call someone? Glen queried. Maybe she's a diabetic. I don't think that's it, she answered. She was just asking me where you were buried! "Buried"? He marveled. Yeah, she confirmed. "She wanted to take you some flowers. Apparently, she thought you were dead. You must have scared the bejeebers out of her"! Just then, Lisa began to stir.

    Quick, Libbet whispered, Get out of here until I find out what's going on!

    Yeah, but...

    "The bathroom", she whispered. "Go on"! Libbet took Lisa's hand as she opened her eyes.

    Are you okay, hun? she inquired.

    What happened? Lisa queried.

    You fainted, she explained.

    I did?

    Yeah, she confirmed. Right over there in the doorway. Suddenly she gasped.

    "I saw Glen's ghost"! she exclaimed.

    "His ghost"? she queried.

    "Yeah, right there in the hallway. He spoke to me"!

    Lisa, she said calmly, "you didn't see Glen's ghost. You saw Glen".

    Don't be ridiculous! she exclaimed. He's in Heaven with Ashley!

    Lisa, she said gently. Glen's not in Heaven. He's in the bathroom.

    "For what purpose would a blooming  ghost require a louve"? she reasoned. At that, Libbet gave up trying to reason with her.

    I need some help here, bubba! she called out.

    "I couldn't begin to know how"! came the voice in the doorway behind them.


    Don't do that! he pled. Please... I'll go if you want me to. Just don't hurt yourself again! Lisa looked to Libbet in total confusion.

    Glen didn't die, hun, she assured. He's still with us.

    She then stood up, and reached for Lisa's hand. Come on, she gently invited. It's okay. I'll go with you. Lisa reluctantly took her hand, and they started toward him.

    Lisa approached him cautiously at first, staring at him in silence for a moment. Then, she patted her hand down his arm, and poked him in the chest, just to make sure that her finger wouldn't go through. Suddenly, she pointed to her own eyes.

    "Look at me", she said. There, she saw two baby blues she knew all too well.

    "Oh no", she half whispered. "You're alive". Glen's look of confusion then multiplied.

    You don't sound very happy about that, he observed. At that, she seemed to come to herself a little.

    Oh no, no, she assured. I just meant... the reasons.... I thought you were dead, that's all.

    Why did you think I was dead, Lisa? he inquired. She then looked toward Libbet. I need to sit down, she requested. Sure, hun, Libbet consented. Come on.

    They went over to the sofa and sat down. Glen followed a few steps behind, and then stood by the chair across from them.

    May I... sit down, too? he said softly. Lisa just looked up at him and bobbed her head in consent.

    Lisa, Libbet remarked. We're just as confused as you are. Oh, I seriously doubt that, she rebutted. What happened, hun? Libbet queried. Put us in the loop, here. Lisa then got a far away look in her eyes.

    "Bastard", she muttered, "That blooming bastard"!  She then slowly turned her head toward the window.

    All I can tell you,  she quietly seethed, "is that when I get back to England, I've a mind to dig up my Father, cremate him just to be sure, and then put him back"!

    Your father? Glen queried. Yes ,Glen, she explained. "He's the one who told me that you were dead. Unbelievable, he marveled. We knew that your father had pulled something, but we never imagined anything like this".

    Lisa's eyes then trailed off to a blank stare.

    He showed me an obituary, she muttered.  And I... (breath) I...

    Glen then  caught Libbet's gaze. She's in shock, Lib. he said. She's still frightened of me. I need to go.

    No!, Not again! Lisa blurted out. Glen and Libbet shot each other a most confused look.

    Oh, sheit on a shingle, she mused. "Sit down. You're the last person I'd be frightened of".

    Actually, Glen recalled. "I did die for a couple of minutes back in '73. But in order to get an obituary, you have to stay that way".

    "Glen"!  LIbbet chided.

    Well those are the rules! he defended. If you want an obituary you've got to...

    "Glen, stop talking"! she interrupted.

    "What do you mean,' you died in 73'"? Lisa inquired. He almost drank himself to death a couple of weeks after the tragedy, Libbet explained. Libbet found me, he added. Just in time. I almost did lose you, then,  Lisa mused. What's that? he asked. I said... um... we almost did lose you".

    Glen and Libbet exchanged another curious look. Lisa then peered at him and wagged her head.

    I'm still trying to digest what I'm looking at, she mused. They say that seeing is believing, but somehow, it's just not sinking in. May I come over there? he requested. I'm not going to faint again, if that's what you mean, she assured. He then went over and got on his knees in front of her, holding his hands out toward her.

    Touch your friend, Lisa, he invited. Because that's what I am. And I'm very much alive.

    She then looked into his eyes, and saw the same look of concern that she saw in the cemetery thirteen years before. Suddenly, she ignored his hands, and siezed him around  the neck.

    "You're here"! she finally cried out. "It's really you! You're alright"!

    Libbet stared at her in utter amazement. In less than ten minutes, she had gone from cowering at the sight of him, to embracing him like some long-lost friend. It made no sense. He looked up at Libbet.

    I think she likes me after all, he smiled. "Uh-huh"? she mused.

    Glen soon got up and went back to his chair. Just then, there was a knock at the door. Glen and Libbet both looked at Lisa.

    "I'm not opening that door again"! she declared. They all laughed. I've got this, Libbet offered. This time, it was room service. The tension had finally been broken, at least for the most part. Libbet divied up the culinary delights, and the conversation finally began to flow;

    So, Derek said that you were married, Libbet remarked. "I was", she corrected. I married a guitarist named Nigel Clover. A real charlatan, he was. Libbet shot Glen a look. Suddenly, his eyebrows raised, and he spun his head back to her.

    Anyway, she continued. After only a few days of marriage, I caught him impersonating a human being, so I threw him back in the water with the rest of the sharks.

    What about you, Libbet? she inquired. I married my high-school sweetheart, Tony Wilkins, she smiled. "We have a son, now six. Jason Maddox Wilkins". Lisa's mouth came open. Are you serious? she marveled. Absolutely, she confirmed. "There's a story to that, but I'd rather tell you when we have more time. We are going to spend some time together, aren't we"?

    We have much to make up for , Lisa cited. I'm looking forward to it.

    What about you, Glen? She queried. "Is there a Mrs. Delray for me to meet"?

    Let me tell you something, Lisa, he began. "My cousin works at a bank. They taught her how to spot a counterfeit bill by putting her in a room and making her handle real money for hours on end. That way, when a phony dollar bill comes into her hands, she knows that it's phony, even before she can pinpoint why".

    It's the same with love, he went on. "I've had the real thing, and I haven't met the real thing since. I'll know it when I find it. I see", she half whispered.

    Well, Lisa lamented. "I hate to say this, but I'm knackered. I have a killer case of jet lag that's finally caught up with me. I really need to lie down a while. Would you guys be able to come back in the morning, say, around nine? I'll have a nice breakfast brought up, and we can, well, start over right", she smiled. I have so much I wanted to talk to you about, but honestly, there's nothing left of me.

    My schedule for tomorrow has just been cleared, Glen announced. Mine too, Libbet concurred. We'll just pretend that today didn't happen. "I'll sign off on that offer", Lisa sighed.

    Oh, she added. If you don't mind, just for tomorrow, could we make it just the three of us? I have something rather delicate to discuss, and it's going to be hard enough talking about it with just the two of you. After that, I want to meet everybody. Glen and Libbet glanced at each other, then back to her.

    You got it, Libbet agreed. Not a problem, Glen confirmed. Thanks, she smiled. In the morning, then?

    She walked them to the door, and they said their goodbyes. Glen pushed the button, and the elevator door closed.



    "Are you trying not to say, what I'm trying not to say"?

    "I'm trying not to think what you're trying not to say", he said. "And don't you think it either"!

    Why not? she queried.

    "I'd rather not say", he said.

    The elevator door then opened. They  walked through the lobby, and out into the parking lot...

    What are you smirking about? he inquired.

    I'd rather not say, she said.

    Good, he snarked. "I'll see you in the morning".

    Okay, she agreed. 'Nite, Bubba.

    'Nite Sis.

    Libbet closed her car door and stared at the dashboard. A smile slowly began forming on her face.

    "Well, blip blip, little 'spare rib', she smirked. "Welcome to Happy Acres".

    As soon as Lisa closed the door behind them, she leaned her back against the door.

    "Alive", she marveled. "I just talked to a miracle I never expected, and can never have. If only he'd been anyone's but Ashley's... and single to boot. The only buffer between us as my conscience. She drew a deep sigh. I need some air", she remarked.

    She then opened the sliding glass door and walked out onto the balcony. As she peered to the Northwest, she saw Paul Bunyan, towering above the treeline. She then formed a scowl, and pointed at him.

    You know, Mr. Bunyan? she scolded.

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