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I Am the Voice: A Call Back to God’s Original Plan
I Am the Voice: A Call Back to God’s Original Plan
I Am the Voice: A Call Back to God’s Original Plan
Ebook182 pages3 hours

I Am the Voice: A Call Back to God’s Original Plan

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We are in the last days indeed and our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back to take His church. But before His second coming a very great darkness is going to cover the earth and the people (Isaiah 60: 2, Joel 2:2), what we see now is just the beginning of the gross darkness to come. But the good news is that during this great darkness is when the fullness of God’s glory and power is going to be experienced. God is going to release His power and glory like never before, and this book is among the tools He is using to prepare you. This book is the work inspired by the Holy Spirit of the Almighty God to prepare you for this season. Through this text you will get to know the vision and plan of God for the times we are in and get aligned so that you become part of what He is doing. You are going to understand the true meaning of Christianity and the kingdom of God and we strongly believe that the Holy Spirit will help you to stand and walk on the way of Truth.

PublisherHekima Hyson
Release dateOct 17, 2019
I Am the Voice: A Call Back to God’s Original Plan

Hekima Hyson

Hekima Hyson is a Christian books writer, Preacher and Architect. He helps young ministers to grow in ministry and serve the LORD more effectively. Before starting writing, Hekima spent seven years serving and learning the ways of ministry under Rev. Edward Amri of AKUZAMU (a swahili acronym for God’s greatest commands), a ministry focused on teaching about the love of God. The ministry is based in Dar es Salaam Tanzania, Hekima served his last term of two years as a senior Pastor of the church. Now Hekima supervises his business consultancy and Agribusiness firm called hundredfold international and serves the LORD as the president of I am the voice ministries international. Apart from teaching, preaching and writing Hekima enjoys hiking, bird watching, traveling and of course reading. Hekima is available for speaking, You can reach Hekima at

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    Book preview

    I Am the Voice - Hekima Hyson


    IAM THE VOICE: A call back to God’s original plan

    Copyright © 2019 by Hekima & Elizabeth Hyson

    ISBN: 978-9976-9978-5-9

    All rights reserved. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request.

    Bible verses are cited from the King James Version

    (1850 revision) unless otherwise stated.

    Other Bible translations used;

    NKJV; the Holy Bible, New King James Version,

    Copyright © 1982 Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.

    ISV; International Standard Version

    AMP; Amplified Bible, Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631

    AMPC; Amplified Bible classic edition, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation

    NIV-78; New International Version, 1978.

    Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating grammatical rules.





    CHAPTER ONE: The vision of God

    CHAPTER TWO: The Church of Christ

    CHAPTER THREE: The Apostolic and the Prophetic

    CHAPTER FOUR: The Ministry of Elijah

     CHAPTER FIVE: The Mega-harvest

    CHAPTER SIX: The coming of Jesus Christ

    CHAPTER SEVEN: The new Earth and Heaven

    About the authors


    This book is dedicated to the Church of Christ Jesus; all who continue in the high calling and eagerly wait for our Lord’s glorious immediate appearing.


    I thank my Father and Friend the Holy Spirit for his grace which has enabled me to accomplish this task; He is the author and finisher of this work. I also give my sincere appreciation to my beautiful wife Elizabeth Hyson for her love and patience. Thanks love! You are always a great encouragement to me. I glorify the Lord for my parents Mr. & Mrs. Hyson Mwambene for their sincere love and support. I bless the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for the wonderful family of AKUZAMU International Church under REV. Edward & Mary Amri, you have been and you are still a great help to me and this work is the product of your love, teachings and guidance. I am so grateful for my brothers and sisters in the Lord; Fredrick Ponceous, Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Kitime, Exuperius Niwemujuni, David Blessing, Mr. & Mrs. Daimon Nathan and many others for their great contribution towards this work. May the good Lord bless richly the wonderful generals of our generation; Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Prophet Uerbert Angel, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Apostle John Mumba, Pastor Peter Ikera and family plus many others, your teachings and prayers are of great value to my life, may the good Lord bless you richly.


    We are in the last days indeed and our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back to take His church. But before His second coming a very great darkness is going to cover the earth and the people (Isaiah 60: 2, Joel 2:2), what we see now is just the beginning of the gross darkness to come. But the good news is that during this great darkness is when the fullness of God’s glory and power is going to be experienced. God is going to release His power and glory like never before, and this book is among the tools He is using to prepare you. This book aims to awaken the Church; it is not just another Christian book but is the work inspired by the Holy Spirit of the Almighty God to prepare you for this season. Through this text you will get to know the vision and plan of God for the times we are in and get aligned so that you become part of what He is doing.

    The church of our time is busy looking for riches and status; we are busy trying to be like the world while we are called to reveal Jesus! (Roman 12: 2). Truth has become so rare and very few dare to preach it because we don’t want to pay the price of being different from the world! Through this book you will understand the true meaning of Christianity and the kingdom of God and we strongly believe that the Holy Spirit will help you to stand and walk on the way of Truth.

    It is our earnest desire and prayer that through this book you will know your position in the body of Christ and start playing your part. You will also receive the grace to stand firm in the end times and be the ambassador of Truth. We encourage you to read this book prayerfully and alongside your Bible, as you do this the good LORD will open your eyes and spiritual ears to comprehend spiritual realities shared in this book. Receive this book as the gift of God’s Love to you and you will be transformed! May the grace and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you, Amen

    Your humble servants,

    Hekima &Elizabeth Hyson

    CHAPTER ONE: The vision of God

    As we read the book of Genesis from the first chapter we see the visionary working to manifest His vision. We see that God had the vision of extending His heavenly kingdom to the earth. He wanted to create another kingdom just like His heavenly kingdom which will have a throne for a king who is just like Him to oversee it. God created the heavens and the earth in the first place (Genesis 1:1), and His seat of Power is in heavens but the earth is an extension of His kingdom of heaven.

    He created the earth in the likeness of Heaven, and the first kingdom of God in earth (Eden) was under Lucifer, this was before man was created (Ezekiel 28: 11-19). Lucifer was a temporary overseer (covering cherubim) of the first Garden of Eden. He was to cover this garden until the time appointed for the creation of man (the true king of the earth). But Lucifer desired to take over the kingdom of God, he wanted to be God, his heart was lifted up and he was no longer submitted to God. Satan assumed authority over the earth but he didn’t end up there he wanted to ascend to heaven and take over the throne of God too! Because of his sin the earth was polluted and filled with darkness, 

    You profaned your sanctuaries By the great quantity of your sins and the enormity of your guilt, By the unrighteousness of your trade. Therefore I have brought forth a fire from your midst; It has consumed you, And I have reduced you to ashes on the earth In the sight of all who look at you. Eze 28:18 AMP

    The earth was hallowed unto God, it was God’s sanctuary but due to satan’s sin it was defiled and everything which was good became corrupt , this caused the LORD God to destroy the first earth with fire and water, the garden was destroyed together with all its creatures and trees, this took place millions of years ago. This can be proved through the scientific records of great mammals like dinosaurs which existed millions of years ago before man. Satan lost his glory and he was reduced to ashes (something of inferior quality and status) all the erect angels of God witnessed how Lucifer lost his first glory and became a devil together with the angels who agreed to follow him. Lucifer lost his heavenly beauty which was described by his name, hence there was a change of name, he became the devil and satan, the name Lucifer describes the wisdom which was in him, the name Lucifer means brilliant star, and according to the Bible a brilliant star represents wisdom (Dan 12:3).

    But now satan possesses the corrupt wisdom and he uses it to lead many into temptations and causing them to drift away from the will of God (Genesis 3:1). After a long time God came to continue with His vision of starting a new kingdom which will be under a man;

     The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, Let there be light; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. (NKJV Ge 1:2-5)

     This verse first shows us the face of the earth under satan (the prince of the kingdom of darkness), the earth was devoid of beauty and formless but we see the God who never gives up on His vision, out of darkness and formless earth He saw the wonderful garden and He proceeded to reestablish the earth according to His original vision.

    His first step was to introduce the kingdom of Light into the earth, you must bear in mind that the kingdom of Light is also the kingdom of life, of Heaven, and of God. God does not start to do anything until His kingdom is established, so He established His kingdom first by saying, Let there be Light! And indeed there was light.

    God separated the kingdom of Light from the kingdom of darkness, the devil was sent to his place and he was no longer part of the new earth. And from there emerged the kingdom of the Day and that of the Night. After the introduction of life into the earth God created all things and furnished the earth with good things for six days and on the sixth day God reached the most sensitive part which is the creation of the king of the earth even man:

    Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (NKJV Ge 1:26-27)

    God created man as the king of the earth and gave him tools for dominion, he gave to him two tools namely: the image of God and Likeness of God which in its totality mean the glory of God, through these tools he was to exercise dominion over the earth and the fullness thereof. Let’s learn about the image of God through the following verse;

    But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. (NKJV 2Co 3:18)

    We behold the glory of God (image and likeness of God) through His Word and we are being transformed into the same image (the person of God). By this we know it was given to man the image of God which refers to the way God thinks and judges things. And the phrase according to our likeness refers to the pattern or the way in which God behaves or performs things, to man it was given the ability to function like God. These two are the tools of leadership i.e. the image of God (His mind) and the likeness of God (functioning like Him).

    Conclusively we can safely say that man was given the glory of God as his tool of leadership, he was given the ability to think, reason, behave and function like God.

    God created man in the spirit and gave him authority over the things He has made! Man became the king over the earth since the plan of God was for this man to exist in two realms at the same time i.e. the spirit and physical realm, God formed a house for a spirit man from the dust of the ground.

    then the Lord God formed [that is, created the body of] man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being [an individual complete in body and spirit]. And the Lord God planted a garden (oasis) in the east, in Eden (delight, land of happiness); and He put the man whom He had formed (created) there. Gen 2:7 - 8 AMP

    The Lord God formed (not created) a man from dust! This means God modeled the house of dust for the man He has created in Genesis 1: 27, then He breathed the spirit of man into the body and man became a living being (a physical being). Then God established His heavenly kingdom in earth even Eden and put the man there. It is very crucial that we understand why God put man into the garden

    So the Lord God took the man [He had made] and settled him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, You may freely (unconditionally) eat [the fruit] from every tree of the garden; but [only] from the tree of the knowledge (recognition) of good and evil you shall not eat, otherwise on the day that you eat from it, you shall most certainly die [because of your disobedience]." Gen 2:15 - 17 AMP

    The man was put in the garden (kingdom of God on earth) to tend it (dress it or in other words to ensure its expansion and continuation) and to guard and keep it. Just imagine among his tasks was to guard and keep the garden! The question is why should he guard and keep it? This proves to us that there was an enemy even satan the leader of the kingdom of darkness and he was against the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth, he wanted to rule the earth with darkness but now God has established His kingdom of light and has put a new king over the earth. God told the man to guard and keep the kingdom of God on earth because it belongs to him.

    The two trees

    In the garden God planted there were two special trees, one being a tree of life and the other a tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God commanded man not to eat fruits from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because eating of it will result into death (spiritual and physical). Many people argue over this tree, some say it was not a real tree, but we want to assure you that it was a real tree because in the spiritual realm knowledge is food! A spiritual being feeds on knowledge, and trees in heaven bear fruits which make those who eat more wise and strong in the spirit.

    Just like the way we feed the physical body so is the spiritual body craving for spiritual food which is knowledge. Man was not supposed to eat fruits from the forbidden tree but he was to eat fruits from all other trees. The knowledge he got from other fruits enabled him to rule and to maintain the kingdom of God on earth. You must also know that the tree of life represents Grace /God’s righteousness while the tree of knowledge of

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