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Live, Love and Laugh
Live, Love and Laugh
Live, Love and Laugh
Ebook184 pages2 hours

Live, Love and Laugh

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About this ebook

Are you tired of putting in endless efforts, with no goal or results in sight?
Do you find it difficult to cope with a hectic lifestyle that drains you of all energy?
Has the race to perform exceptionally worn you out completely?
Love, laughter and a happily ever after have been some of the goals that we rush to achieve throughout our lives. But in trying to live, we forget to love; in trying so hard to be content, we forget to laugh. Our mind holds the key to some of the best gifts life has to offer, and this book helps us unlock them.
Live, Love and Laugh is a guide to applying the principles of yoga for understanding the human mind and character. The book is a coming together of the practice of yoga, along with the principles and practice of the law of attraction, making it a spell-binding read.
Release dateOct 11, 2019
Live, Love and Laugh

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    Live, Love and Laugh - Yogi Amrit Raj; Manjit Sargam Chawla



    The completion of this book could not have been possible without the participation and assistance of so many people, whose names may not all be enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

    My heartfelt gratitude towards Sristhi Publishers & Distributors, for trusting my work and helping in every possible way.

    My heartfelt thanks towards all the relatives, friends and others who in one way or another shared their support, either morally, financially or physically. Thank you so much.

    Above all, to the great king almighty formless, the author of all knowledge and wisdom, the key to all secrets of the universe, grateful for showing its kingdom to me and teaching me to live every moment, to love beyond words and to laugh every day.


    You shall be able to do marvellous things when you start using the magical powers of your Subconscious Mind.

    —Dr Joseph Murphy (1898-1981 AD)

    The Power of Your Subconscious Min

    Every person in this universe wants happiness and peace of mind. The last wish of each and every person is only happiness, whether in the form of divine contentedness, health, wealth, mental happiness or peace at the level of the soul.

    With the grace of the Formless Almighty, I am writing this book for a feeling of joy and to attain the inner peace with a good health to manifest each and every dream you see in your life.

    The book will help you with the art of living. If you are wondering how yoga and the law of attraction come together, notice how it works. It will teach you to:

    •All that you experience in your lives, you have attracted (both the good and the bad) by your thoughts, feelings, prayers, actions, inactions, decisions and soul’s energy level.

    •You can change your circumstances by changing the way you think (and feel), altering what you believe, what you say to yourselves (self-talk) and the actions you take.

    •The energy needed to make your dreams come true is already around you, it’s already available in your mind and heart. It is waiting for your thoughts and beliefs to manifest it into the material world.

    •Love is the energy; belief is the vehicle for manifestation. There exists nothing which is stronger than love and belief.

    If you need a good health, then here it is…

    If you need riches, money and luxury, then here it is…

    If you need love, respect and care in relationships, then here it is…

    Yes! All the dreams are here.

    Peace, respect, money, riches, travel, dream home, dream cruise, dream business.

    All that you want…

    Here it all is…


    Art of Living: Basics of Manifestation

    Thoughts and their Vibrational Frequency

    Thoughts are living things – they travel far.

    –Swami Vivekananda

    Due to some unknown fears of my subconscious mind, I woke up from my deep sleep. Waiting for sleep to greet me once again, logged into my social media account, only to see the picture of a Syrian child’s dead body lying on the seashore. I was in deep grief and pain, worried about the innocent people who have been killed. I woke my husband up and insisted on him to pray for humanity with me, around 1:30 a.m. Moreover, to pray for so many countries that are suffering and bleeding at the mercy of terrorist attacks. After praying to the Almighty, my husband pampered me and somehow managed to make me sleep.

    Early the next morning, I got a phone call from one of my friends, Mr Surjit Budhiraja, and he asked a question; Why are you interfering in the will of God? Praying can be considered alright, but to act stubborn in front of the almighty is not at all good.

    A chill went down my spine and I asked, How do you know what happened? How do you know that I prayed the whole night for humanity and terrorism affected countries and was acting stubborn before almighty?

    I heard silence in response.

    This is how the vibrational frequencies of a person can be easily felt by another person.

    This is how the frequency of our thoughts makes our aura.

    Have you ever wondered that ‘thoughts’ are also living beings?

    Thoughts are like seeds that you plant in your mind and feed them, nurture them with your learning and perceptions. A positive attitude strengthens the plant and empowers the thoughts, and ultimately empowers life. However, if you let weeds grow its roots in your mind, then you won’t be able to attain the pinnacle of mental peace and eternal happiness.

    Whatever you think is sown on the land of your mind, and the result of the thought is what you cut as the ripe crop. Every thought is associated with a certain vibrational frequency and each thought carries its energy at a different frequency.

    You are just a bunch of thoughts and impressions. Those thoughts, which are positive, uplifting and in harmony with the universe, love and joy have a faster frequency of consciousness and they contain more light energy. Everything is made up of vibrations and all vibrations are a part of one soul, that is ‘The Super Soul’.

    It is a method of describing the overall state of a person. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies.

    The soul, super soul and entire species of flora and fauna of the universe are a form of energy. As you know, energy can neither be created, nor can it be destroyed. Energy can only be transformed from one form to another.

    Even objects are made up of vibrational energy fields, just like you and me. The only difference is that everyone’s energy is vibrating at a different frequency and at a different level. A person’s vibration is a way of describing his/her overall state of being.

    From scientific and metaphysical perspectives, we are made up of different energy levels which are – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of these levels has vibrational frequencies, which combine to create an overall vibration of a being which we also call an ‘aura’ of a person.

    Albert Einstein in 1905 discovered ‘Ignited Humanity’s Curiosity’. Einstein proved through quantum physics that energy and matter are interchangeable and interconnected. The formless universe (cosmos) and all things within it are interchangeable. Your energy, vibrational frequency and physical self-care are interchangeable.

    You are a universal energy that is a soul manifesting itself in various forms throughout the universe and it comes from the super soul (the highest energy, the source).

    The original substance is the vibrating energy from which all the living and non-living beings come out. The difference between an organism’s energy and non-living things is that they are made up of different vibrational frequencies.

    That way, the matters we deal with are like the imagination of the thoughts which occupy our mind, and ultimately, the mind of ‘the source’. Imagination in thought-processing can easily be created by the power of positive thoughts. So precisely speaking, all living and non-livings things are a product of a thought.

    It is thought from which all things are made and which in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe and hence gets manifested in the real form. The only thing that matters is the frequency of your vibrations.

    There are two types of vibrational frequencies – the lower vibrations and the higher vibrations. Lower vibrations of a person are associated with disempowering thoughts like guilt, jealousy, lack of self-worth, negative emotions, poor health, and lack of spiritual awareness.

    Higher vibrations, on the other hand, are associated with empowering thoughts, positive emotions, gratitude, appreciation, acceptance, good health and strong spiritual awareness.

    We all were busy gossiping and eating food at a certain party; there was somehow a little sadness and negativity in the environment. Rajeev arrived at the party and suddenly we all felt happy. The environment of the party was transformed into joy and enjoyment. His presence made things lively and positive, one of the guests stated.

    But what had happened in the party after Rajeev came?

    Rajeev had the positive high vibration frequency which made other people calm and joyous. It was the inner pleasant music in Rajeev’s soul which was heard by the others and that paved the way for positivity and calmness.

    Your thought system decides the height and depth of your vibrational frequencies. It is this system that tells you whether you are having high or low frequency. You become what you think. Your subconscious mind has some thoughts associated with your lives and that, without letting your conscious mind know, makes your destiny. Old belief system, and perceptions make your entire being. Positive and negative thoughts are distinguishable like noise and musical notes.

    The sound you make with your thoughts will determine the outside world. You can create music into your mind through positive thoughts. You can attract miracles into your lives by changing your old perceptions and old belief systems by raising your overall vibrations. In other words by, making all your thoughts positive and empowering, you can bring about a major change in your life.

    The price of greatness is a responsibility for each of your thoughts.

    Now, to take this notion further, to attract the miracles and to fulfill one’s dreams:

    Attract Miracles through the Power of

    your Mind and Thoughts

    A thought in this essential substance produces what this thought imagines. An individual can imagine things in his or her mind, and if she prints this thought in the amorphous substance, he or she will be able to generate what the thought imagines.

    The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

    Like attracts like. Actually, you all are magnets because you are made up of energy which is vibrating constantly and attracts the same vibrations. So ultimately, what you are and what you want to be in your life attracts each other. Perception in your subconscious mind works for you and it always comes in front of you. It’s the vibrational frequency in which you are. You attract the things, people and circumstances having the same frequencies.

    The thoughts you have related to money, relationships, home, business or any subject, cause a vibrational environment that brings to you the people and circumstances that surround you. Everything that comes to you is about what you’ve got going on a specific vibration, and what you’ve got going on that specific vibration is usually because of what you are keenly observing. But it does not have to necessarily be like this.

    A mind is like a mirror, always reflecting back to you what you see out there. So, the higher the frequency of your thoughts and your feelings, the more miraculous the outcome will be. Therefore, think whatever is of high vibrational frequency and you will get a higher frequency in return; just like the process of reflection.

    One of my favourite poets is Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Rumi, a twentieth-century Sufi philosopher and poet. He was an exceptional guide for personal and spiritual growth with extraordinary persuasive power. He said; That whatever you seek is seeking you. Whatever you want is really wanting you, you should just have that dedication and desire to achieve it.

    So whatever you think of, whatever you want through your conscious and subconscious minds, you attract the same into your lives.

    I have seen many couples who are living happily from the past so many years. Although when they got married, they had different mindsets, different priorities and different thinking, but gradually when they came in the same vibrational frequencies, same perceptions and same thoughts, then their behaviour began to be similar. As if they were born for each other. How does that happen?

    The only answer is; Like attracts like.

    If you are happy, you will attract happy people. If you are sad or upset, you will attract the same emotions and circumstances the whole day, whole week and whole life until you raise your frequency. Your risen frequency purifies your aura.

    People usually complain, It was a very bad day! Why?

    They become upset over petty and trivial things. For example, you go to brush your teeth in the morning and the toothpaste tube is empty. Is it a reason good enough for being upset or ruining your whole day?

    One more example is, you got a phone call from your house maid that she won’t be coming and you start yelling at yourself and your kids, not because they did something wrong, but because you are in anxiety

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