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Ebook383 pages6 hours


Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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A psychic discovers the man of her dreams is a vampire-demon—and her kidnapper—in this paranormal romance by a New York Times–bestselling author.
Janie Kayrs has known Zane almost her whole life. He was her friend in the dream world. She trusted him. But that was before he kidnapped her, spiriting her away to an isolated cabin to learn what her dreams never told her. Like how dangerous he looks. How he got on the wrong side of the negotiating table. And how much sexier he is in real life…

Zane is a battle-hardened warrior, used to command and solitude. But Janie has attracted him from the minute they met. His need for her could destroy everything he's worked for, but the risk is too sweet not to take it. They call her the Chosen One. But when it comes down to the questions of peace or war, life or death, safety or passion, it will be Janie who makes the choice….
Praise for the Dark Protectors Series

“Marked is a fast-paced, excitement-filled explosion of action that will not disappoint. Zanetti keeps getting better.”RT Book Reviews, 4.5 Stars Top Pick 
“Hot and fast from beginning to end.”—New York Times–bestselling author Kate Douglas on Fated
“Paranormal romance at its best!”—New York Times–bestselling author Cynthia Eden
“If you want hot, sexy, dangerous romance…this series is for you.”—Paranormal Haven
Release dateDec 22, 2014

Rebecca Zanetti

New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti has published more than fifty novels, which have been translated into several languages, with millions of copies sold world-wide. Her books have received Publisher’s Weekly starred reviews, won RT Reviewer Choice awards, and have been featured in Entertainment Weekly, Woman’s World and Women’s Day Magazines. Her novels have also been included in Amazon best books of the year, and have been favorably reviewed in both the Washington Post and the New York Times Book Reviews. Rebecca has ridden in a locked Chevy trunk, has asked the unfortunate UPS guy to release her from a set of handcuffs, and has discovered the best silver mine shafts in which to bury a body…all in the name of research. Honest. Please visit Rebecca at: Facebook: Instagram:

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Summary Janie has known Zane since she was four years old and she entered the dream world. She has always held a soft spot for Zane, but the time for reality is now. Janie, is the key to saving the future, and every race seems to have plans for her future. But she is determined to show Zane that she can be his partner and not to be held back on the sidelines. When she learns about who he really is, that he is half demon and half vampire, she is shocked. And not only that, but he is related to the leader of the demons. Zane has been trained as a soldier, and has suffered under his uncles hand, but Zane will do everything in his power to keep those he loves safe, including Janie and his family whose locations are being kept from him if he takes action against his uncle. However time is running short for him, and when he devises a plan, it puts Janie in the middle of danger, and he might have to choose where his loyalties lie, and is he strong enough to face his uncle and become leader over the demons he despises and take hold of his future…The Hero Zane is a character that we don’t know hardly anything about until we read Marked. His true identity is kept from us in the whole series, and in the previous books the anticipation was just about to kill me. But we learn who he really is pretty quick in the first few pages. Zane is half vampire and half demon, and his mother is imprisoned, and his brothers are out fighting on locations he doesn’t know about. Zane is the next successor to his uncle, who is the most powerful demon and taking him out could prove disastrous. Zane is going to be tested personally in this book, and we see his true character come forth. There are many facets to his character, and we see him struggling with loyalty, his devotion to Janie, his love for his family, and battling his dominant side to protect those he loves. What was so astounding about his character, was seeing the inner battle that wages inside him. We see his strength and determination and what will he has. It was quite a thrill to see different sides to his character.The Heroine Janie is a heroine that is sweet and loving and can fight hand to hand if she needs to. She is human, so she doesn’t have certain abilities to help in a fight, but she does have visions and is one of the few people who can enter the dream world. Janie acts like an obedient daughter but in reality she is free-spirited and a fighter. She can be quite mischievous and has this spontaneity, very impulsive at times. Always getting herself into danger without thinking about consequences. But she has a heart of gold, and she will fight for those she loves most. Her character is quite charming, and you can’t help but love her, especially since the whole of the series we have seen her grow up and I loved seeing her as an adult, trying to deal with all the crazy conflicts that are trying to control her.Plot and Story Line Marked is the last and final installment in the series, and what a ride, and what a conclusion. Technically there is a novella after this one. But Marked is the final full length novel in the series. I have been looking forward to Janie’s and Zane’s story since we first see them. And of course we have quite a few surprises and conflicts added into the mix that just makes the story even more interesting. This isn’t your average love story, its packed with crazy villains but a couple that surprise you, we see more of the previous characters in the series, and what a romance that is put front and center. There is quite a bit of conflict going against Zane and Janie, and it almost seems impossible for them to reach their HEA. There is quite a bit they have to accomplish and win before they have a hope of a future. We see some questions answered and the series got wrapped up pretty nicely. I loved the conclusion, and seeing Janie finally get her HEA, and what was most interesting about this one was seeing everything fall into place. I enjoyed seeing Zane and Janie fight for one another, in different ways, but they are equally matched and both determined to win the upcoming battles.The Cover This is a bit different from the others, I am not sure if I like the color theme, I love pink, but this color just looks a bit out-of-place for me. But I do love the couple pose.Overall View Marked is a story that is a must read, for any paranormal romance lover. It’s a story of sacrifice, love and honor. We see a culmination of aspects come together in Marked, and you will be amazed by this authors storytelling capabilities, and being able to write a world that is complex and captivating!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book was worth every time spent reading it, been a while I read something this good

Book preview

Marked - Rebecca Zanetti



Twenty-one years ago

Janie snuggled down in her bed, her four-year-old arms wrapped around her favorite stuffed bear. Mr. Mullet snuggled right back, although he didn’t move much. Probably so she could get some sleep and see what was coming. Her recent dreams promised their lives were about to change.

Janie’s dreams always came true.

In the next room, her mama slept quietly. Maybe Janie should warn her. But maybe not.

Bad people were coming, but so were good people. The ones with fangs. Especially the really big man with the golden eyes who she’d one day call daddy. She’d always wanted a daddy, and one with fangs would be nice.

But first, she had to dream again.

So she tightened her hold on Mr. Mullet and sank into a dream world. This one she’d created at the side of a sparkling lake way high up in the mountains. She left the water blue but made the surrounding trees purple.

She loved purple.

Glancing down, she straightened her favorite shirt. White with bright pink flowers in the front, it made her feel pretty. Maybe her new friend would like it, too.

He peered out from behind a tree.

She waved.

Even from across the small distance, she recognized his green eyes. Very deep green eyes. She’d been dreaming about him forever. Maybe even before she got borned.

He slowly stepped out of the trees and walked toward her, glancing all around. This close, he was a lot bigger than she’d thought, and had to be at least five years older than she was. Probably.

This is a safe place. We’re both asleep, she said.

He scratched his head, rumpling long black hair. Who are you?

Janet, she said. You’re Zane.

He stopped moving. How do you know my name?

She shrugged. I dreamed about you. About us being friends and ending the war.

What war? he asked, frowning and looking around again.

It hasn’t started yet. But boy, things were about to get bad. We can meet here in dream worlds where nobody can hurt us. Janie smiled.

You’re human? Zane asked, focusing on her.

Yep. She peered closer. You gots fangs?

Maybe. Zane glanced toward a ripple in the dream, where the trees kind of jiggled funny. He somehow stood taller. Who’s there?

Janie swallowed. Um, it’s another boy, but we won’t let him in yet. He’s bad.

How bad?

Dunno. But she knew not to let him in yet. She’d dreamed about Kalin for a while now, too. But we’ll save everybody we love. I promise.

Zane focused down on her, his shoulders relaxing. Janie?

Yep. Janet Isabella Paulsen. If things worked out right, she’d have a new last name soon.

Zane grinned. You’re too small for that name.

It’s still my name.

He shook his head. How about I call you Janie Belle?

Janie grinned and fought to keep from clapping her hands. They were gonna be friends. Okay.

Chapter 1

The present day

Sometimes destiny arrived with the crash of a bomb detonating in the trees.

Janet Isabella Kayrs perched on a rock wall facing the tarmac as men in full combat gear loaded helicopters. A young vampire had accidentally launched a rocket into the Oregon forest, but the blaze had already been contained. Unlike the smell.

Dawn began to peek over the horizon, bringing a flash of sunlight lacking in warmth. A breeze slithered through her black silk shirt, but she’d chosen carefully, and she didn’t want a jacket. Just in case she needed to fight.

Tension battled with oxygen, mingling with power. The vampires, each and every one, had a power more daunting than oxygen molecules. With destiny all but riding her, Janie fought to control her emotions. Indulging in fear would get her killed.

With a screeching protest, a heavily secured door opened to her right. She turned and forced a smile. There’s my favorite firefighter.

Garrett Kayrs, her younger brother, wiped soot off his forehead. I helped put out the fire, but it wasn’t me. He leaned back against the wall, long legs extended, worry cutting grooves next to his generous mouth. I haven’t accidentally set off an explosive since the fifth grade.

I remember. This time her smile arrived easily. You were playing in the armory and blew up several trucks.

Dad was mad.

The understatement widened Janie’s smile. Yeah, but he was amused, too.

Garrett’s odd gaze sharpened as he watched a missile being loaded. I don’t think you should go.

I know. She took a deep breath and studied him. At twenty years old, the young vampire stood well over six feet tall. He’d inherited their father’s broad shoulders and rugged features, but the unique metallic gray eyes were all Garrett’s. She slipped her arm through his, impressed by the solid muscle. I have to go.

He shut his eyes, the cords in his arm vibrating with a dangerous tension. Then I should be there.

Janie leaned against him. With almost five years between them, she’d vowed to protect him at his birth. Even after he’d outgrown her when she’d turned twelve, she’d known how to make him laugh, how to ease the pressure he must surely feel as the sole Kayrs born in the new generation.

Vampires produced only male babies, and not very often. So far Garrett was the single progeny of the Kayrs ruling family.

You’re needed here to protect headquarters, she said. And Mom.

His massive body shuddered. I’m torn. Garrett lifted his chin. I need to be here for Mom but want to be at the peace talks with you.

In profile, he looked just as dangerous as their father.

I’m trained, Garrett.

You’re human, Janie. Garrett hunched his shoulders forward. No matter how well trained you are, you’re still human.

Janie nodded. The breeze whipped around them, and she pushed hair out of her eyes. When her mother had mated Talen Kayrs, he’d adopted Janie. He was the only father she’d ever known. While she loved her family, she’d never lived a normal life. Sometimes I forget I’m human.

I don’t, Garrett said softly.

When had his voice deepened so much? She hoped to whatever God watched over them that she’d see him again. See him grow fully and become who he wanted to be in this life. For today, she couldn’t leave him in such a worried state. For as long as I remember, I’ve had visions of the peace talks to end the war. I’m present to play a part, and I know I have to be there.

His head slowly turned to face her. But no visions about the outcome.

No. She swallowed. Visions had filled her dreams her entire life, and sometimes she even saw different outcomes to different events, depending on the actions of the people involved. Free will always trumped destiny. But the last vision she’d had of her life included the peace talks about to commence so deep underground. I’ve never seen past the peace talks.

Garrett exhaled. I don’t like this.

She nodded. A chill skittered down her back, and her stomach churned. For the rest of the Realm, she needed to appear calm and determined. But with Garrett, she could be herself. I’m frightened. God, she was scared—on so many levels. What if she failed?

Then don’t go.

Why did men try to fix everything with an absolute? While she wanted to tell him everything, she just couldn’t admit the horrible sense of foreboding hanging over her head and tightening her neck muscles into a headache. We have the chance to end a terrible war that has cost us so many lives. Good lives. How can I not go?

Is peace worth your life? Garrett’s jaw hardened.

Yes. She drew out the response, while truth filled her with regret and fortitude. Surely her fear of failure was coloring her entire outlook right now, although maybe not. Sacrifices were made in war, and more important, to gain peace. I don’t want to die, but if that’s what it takes to find peace for our people, I’m okay with it.

I’m not.

She shook her head, drawing on a courage she’d stored up for a decade. Don’t get me wrong. I want to live, and I’ve given this a lot of thought. This isn’t ego or a quest to be a hero or to fulfill any destiny.

Then what the hell is it?

A chance for less bloodshed. There had been so much for nearly two decades. Vampires, witches, shifters—even Kurjans and demons, who were the enemy. Too many people had died.

Enough death, and she didn’t want to be included in the toll at the age of twenty-five. Besides, we’ve taken every precaution possible. Just because I don’t see visions of myself after the peace talks doesn’t mean I don’t have a future.

That doesn’t make sense. Garrett’s nostrils flared in warning of his rare temper.

Sure it does. Unfortunately, fate never played fair. Maybe the peace talks will change the future for all of us, and thus I can’t see any outcome until after they occur. Oddly enough, the idea made sense to her.

The sun grew in brightness, and Garrett glanced down at her neck. You think that’ll bring you luck?

Janie lifted a shoulder and fingered the silver horseshoe necklace her best childhood friend, Zane, had given her on her fifth birthday. How the shiny gift had made it from the dream world where he’d presented it to reality remained a mystery. Luck can’t hurt.

You sure about that? Garrett scuffed his size fourteen boot in the dirt.

He saved your life. Janie elbowed her brother, who recently had been kidnapped by Kurjans, their monstrously creepy, white-faced enemies who couldn’t go into the sun, unlike the vampires, who enjoyed the sun. Zane had rescued Garrett as a favor to Janie.

Garrett shook his head. Yes, but we don’t know why he helped me. Zane is only half-vampire, and I’m pretty sure his other half is more dominant—whatever that may be.

Janie rubbed her chin, nearly burning with curiosity. She and Zane had met in dream worlds her entire life, and she’d seen him change from a good-natured vampire into something else when he’d moved to live with his mother’s people after his vampire father’s death. Maybe he’s a mystical dragon who will save the world.

Garrett snorted. There’s no such thing as mystical dragons.

Most people don’t believe in vampires. Janie had no clue what genes thrived in Zane, but they had to have some good in them.

No. My guess is that he’s a shifter—a member of an outlying clan that does not align with us. That makes us his enemy, and if he wants to attack, doing so while we’re preoccupied with the peace talks is great timing. Garrett softened the harsh words by sliding an arm around her shoulders.

Zane helped you, Garrett.

Just because he saved my life doesn’t mean I won’t take his. If he’s a threat to you. Garrett tugged her closer.

Janie shook her head. Her younger brother should be joking about going off on adventures and meeting girls—maybe hitting the beach somewhere tropical. Definitely not talking about killing another soldier. The mantle of responsibility had landed as formidably on Garrett’s head as on her own.

A shadow fell across them as their father approached. Janie? Talen asked.

I’m ready, Dad. She smoothed her calm smile into place and released Garrett.

Talen looked down at them, his golden eyes softening. I don’t like this.

Me either, Garrett muttered, standing to his full height.

Then it’s a good thing we all believe in fate. Janie hugged her brother and fought as tears pricked the back of her eyes. Clearing her throat, she pushed away. I’ve already said good-bye to Mom and that I’ll see her later tonight.

Talen nodded, looking beyond vampire dangerous in tactical gear and wearing his heading-to-battle expression. We’ve been training for weeks. Do you understand the plan and all escape routes from the meeting cavern?

Yes. Janie eyed the helicopters, trying to remain calm. We also ran simulations yesterday.

This is a bad idea, Garrett said, facing their father over her head.

Talen nodded and clapped his son on the arm. Emotion glowed dark in his eyes, but his expression remained stoic and hard. You have your orders. Protect headquarters in case the peace talks are just a diversion for an attack. We’ll be back tonight. Taking Janie’s arm with a gentle touch, he escorted her to the nearest helicopter, where he jumped in beside her.

Dage Kayrs, the king of the Realm, turned from the pilot’s seat. He’d tied his dark hair back, probably in case of a fight, and his silver eyes were somber. You ready?

Yes. Janie folded her hands in her lap, meeting her uncle’s gaze as the sense of destiny clicked into place. I’m ready.

Two hours later, deep underground in an impossibly dangerous cavern, Janie settled onto a stone bench, her hands clasped on the stone table. The ride down into the earth had taken forever, yet she’d arrived much too quickly at one of the four entrances, each controlled by one of the species attending the talks.

A mutation in the laws of physics made survival in the room possible, allowing them to breathe so close to the earth’s core. The possibility existed that the safeguards put in place might fail, and she swallowed to keep from panicking.

The king sat to her right, looking nearly bored. He eyed the fire burning in the center. Ever feel like we’ve challenged quantum physics one time too many? he muttered.

Yes. God, yes. I shouldn’t have, but I Googled fault lines on the Internet. The one beneath this cavern connects with the Andreas Fault, she whispered.

He nodded. If our safeguards fail, we’ll trigger the largest earthquake in history. Millions will die.

Anxiety flattened her chest and compressed her lungs. She swallowed. Great.

Behind them stood her father, at guard. He was the only person who’d be allowed to stand in the room. Everyone else had agreed to sit behind solid rock.

It was more difficult to attack from a seated position.

But Talen could stand as a concession because Janie was attending the talks. Every species on earth had prophesied her birth, and her attendance was mandatory. But fate had failed to whisper why Janie was prophesied. She had no clue what to do to fulfill destiny, and the fear of failure squeezed like a vise.

I’m sure our safeguards will hold. You okay? Dage asked quietly, his gaze remaining on the roaring fire in the middle of the stone tables. The fire was necessary both for light, and because somehow the element assisted the quantum physics protecting the occupants.

Yes, she lied. Just ready to get started. Another lie. Why did the Kurjans and the demons have to arrive last? It was as if they wanted to make a big entrance. Enough with the waiting. She glanced around the tavern.

To her left sat the three prophets of the Realm. While they advised the Realm, they stood as the true spiritual leaders of the immortal world, and all species respected them. Prophet Lily sat regal in a flowing gown, her blue eyes sparkling like a lake in the peace of summer. The ancient Prophet Guiles wore a brown overcoat and had dark bags under his eyes. As a traitor to the Realm who’d tried to aid the Kurjans, he was fortunate to be breathing.

And finally, Prophet Caleb, Lily’s mate, looked pissed off and ready to hit anybody at any time. It was his normal expression, so Janie wasn’t alarmed.

Lily looked toward Janie and winked.

Misplaced humor bubbled up from Janie’s stomach. Lily’s trying to calm me.

Dage nodded. I hope she can keep us all calm.

Calm would be good.

Dage cleared his throat. If something goes wrong, you run for the lift behind your father. Don’t hesitate.

I understand. They’d been over the plan many times.

Frustration twisted Dage’s lip. I can’t teleport from here. You know that. We’re too deep in the earth.

Yes. Janie patted his arm. Vampires had extra abilities, but Dage was the only vampire she’d ever heard about who could teleport from one place to another. Probably because he was the king and from the ruling family.

Janie glanced past the prophets to the two men representing the shifter nations in the talks; they’d shared the vampires’ entrance to the cavern. Jordan Pride, head of the lions, and Terrent Vilks, head of the wolf nation, both sat without moving, attention on the openings in the rock where the Kurjans and demons would enter.

When shifters remained motionless, things were about to blow up.

Janie exhaled and counted to ten, trying to slow her heart rate. Immortals could sense fear, and she had to be a beacon right now. To keep her mind occupied, she glanced past Dage to the witches sitting regally at their table.

Vivienne Northcutt, the leader of the witches, sat at proper attention, waiting with no expression on her intelligent face. Next to her sat Moira Kayrs, Janie’s aunt, and a witch enforcer. Moira’s curly red hair had been pulled back, and her green eyes flashed five shades of plasma electricity. Deadly and ready.

They were to continually monitor the quantum physics keeping the group safe, so the meeting didn’t set off the worst earthquake in human history.

To their right, on a sharply cut stone edge, lay the Prophecies of Arias. A book bound in worn green leather, an ancient text sought by all species. The witches had possessed the volume for at least two centuries after having stolen it from the demons. Janie had dreamed about the book for years, but she still couldn’t see inside its pages. As she watched, the book began to glow.

Welcoming her?

A rustle sounded, jerking Janie’s attention to one of the vacant openings. Tall and whipcord thin, a Kurjan she didn’t recognize entered through the detector that would immediately vaporize him if he dared bring a physical or chemical weapon. Seven feet tall and dressed in all black, the white-faced predator had the typical Kurjan red hair with black tips . . . and purple eyes. He took his seat, obviously weaponless.

Kalin, the current leader of the Kurjans, entered next, his odd green gaze immediately seeking her out.

Her smile came naturally.

His arrived with a flash of fangs. He bowed. Janet. It’s good to see you again.

You too, Janie said, even though Dage stiffened next to her. She’d met Kalin in dream worlds since childhood, and they’d formed an uneasy, unlikely sort of friendship. He was a butcher, and he killed easily, but he’d also saved her life once. Maybe they could find peace together in order to save their families.

He took his seat, his black hair and slightly darker skin a contrast to the Kurjan soldier sitting next to him. With a bit of makeup, Kalin might appear human.

Janie said a quick prayer that Kalin really wanted peace. The Kurjans had created a deadly virus, Virus-27, which attacked the chromosomal pairs of vampire mates as well as witches, and Janie’s mother had the illness. Hopefully Kalin had a cure to share.

Now we just need the demons, Moira muttered. Are they still dressing, or what?

Dage growled low.

Janie swallowed. Suri, the demon leader, had captured and tortured Dage’s youngest brother for nearly five years. Janie wanted Suri dead as badly as Dage did, because it had taken Uncle Jase years to recover.

How were they ever going to find peace?

Power permeated the air when Suri stepped into the cavern. Broad and tall, the demon had presence. White hair and black eyes showed his purebred lineage. He glanced around the cavern, and his chest puffed out.

Dage shifted his weight next to Janie.

She kept her gaze on the enemy. Whatever demon soldier he’d brought with him didn’t matter. Only this man did. If he would agree to peace, no more blood would be shed.

He took his seat, his dark gaze landing squarely on her.

Dage eyed his enemy. You come alone, Suri?

No. I brought my nephew. Suri didn’t break eye contact.

A large body suddenly overwhelmed the doorway behind him.

Heat rushed down Janie’s throat to burn her lungs. A roaring filled her ears. Her hand involuntarily sought the necklace at her throat. The soldier standing behind Suri, so tall, broad, and deadly, was the one person she thought she’d be able to trust forever.

Hi, Janie Belle, Zane said.

Chapter 2

Zane’s a demon. A demon. A demon. A demon. The mantra ripped through Janie’s head in an endless loop of pain. A fucking demon.

He sat directly across from her, the firelight flicking shadows across his familiar face. Somewhat familiar, anyway. In reality, in person, a hardness angled his features in a way the dream world had masked. A scar ran along the right side of his face, proclaiming battle and near death. He’d once told her a pissed-off demon had scarred him.

Had he lied?

The boy she’d known, the teenager she’d loved, had grown into a predator studying her with eyes a deeper green than she’d realized.

Strength, power, and determination all cascaded around him, enhancing a wildness at his core he didn’t bother to conceal.

Half-vampire and half-demon? What kind of power would mixing two such predatory races create? Even surrounded by deadly creatures, he stood out as something unique. Deadly. The mere uncertainty of his birth made him an excellent ally or a deadly enemy. As he sat next to Suri, the one being Janie hated more than any other, his allegiance became all too clear.


Well, that explains why we couldn’t find Zane’s mother’s people when his father died, Dage muttered quietly just for her.

Janie lifted her chin. Even if she’d wanted to speak, her vocal cords had frozen.

A demon.

Shock and hurt chilled her, until slowly, with a sure burn, the fire of fury banished the cold.

Pure, raw, female fury.

She didn’t know him. Maybe she never had. Even so, the sense of betrayal failed to mask the feelings she’d harbored for him. Deep and real. Her focus narrowed, and Zane’s chin slowly lowered, his nostrils flaring like a wolf’s accepting a challenge.

As their gazes clashed, a silent war cry resonated through the unnatural physics in the chamber so deep in the earth. The protective walls morphed, and the immortals all around tensed.

Take it easy, Jane, Dage whispered.

She nodded and exhaled slowly, allowing anger to replace the pain. Her human emotions didn’t have the strength to affect the mutated quantum physics keeping them safe.

Zane’s emotions did.

At the realization, triumph lifted her lips in almost a smile. Yeah. She’d gotten to him.

His eyes blazed ten shades of fire, but that hard face remained expressionless.

Dage leaned in. "So Zane’s the Ghost. He must be."

Oh. The demon assassin whispered about at campfires and in strategic meetings. The deadly demon close to Suri who had nearly supernatural powers and a fatal ability to kill. Janie swayed and quickly tightened her thighs to keep from falling. How could the sweet kid she’d known so long ago be the feared Ghost?

Prophet Lily cleared her throat. Well, then. Ah, shall we get started?

Whispers of movement sounded as attention turned toward Lily. Yet Zane kept his focus on Janie, and she couldn’t look away. He gave her no expression, no inkling of what he was thinking or even feeling. Nothing. How could he be a demon?

She wanted to run across the chamber and touch him. Feel the real man and get him to say this was all a mistake. That he still cared for her, and they’d work together. That what she remembered wasn’t some silly girlhood dream. That she mattered.

But he sat across the room next to her biggest enemy. It was time for Janie to grow up and let go of childhood dreams. Her chest actually hurt as if somebody had kicked through her breastbone to her heart. Direct hit.

Lily cleared her throat. Since nobody put demands in writing, we’ll go around the room and state our initial demands. I’d appreciate it if everyone waited to respond until all demands have been made.

Janie blinked and tried to concentrate, but so many questions swirled through her head, she couldn’t focus. How could Zane keep this from her? Had any of their friendship been real? It had to have been. She’d known him as a scared kid, way back when, and he’d cared for her.

Did he still?

Dage leaned forward. The Realm demands all warring stop, the demons return any prisoners of war immediately, the Kurjans turn over all research and data concerning Virus-27, and any contracts out on any Realm citizens or members of the Kayrs family be immediately rescinded. In addition, we demand a treaty prohibiting biochemical warfare. His deep voice held power and echoed around the cavern. And we want possession of the Prophesies of Arias, as it must be our turn.

Janie broke eye contact with Zane to glance around the group for reactions. Damn immortals. Nobody even twitched.

Vivienne Northcutt clasped her long fingers together on the stone. The Coven Nine demands all information regarding Virus-27 be turned over immediately, and any contracts on witches be rescinded. She glanced at Dage. The Prophecies of Arias remains in our possession. In addition—she turned to face Suri and Zane—we want Eastern Europe. The former Soviet Union and all the Baltic States. The lands were settled by witches, so get out.

Janie wanted to nod but instead kept still. The witches needed the land because of a dangerous mineral inherent in the rocks there that harmed witches, and they wanted Virus-27 information because the damn illness affected witches as well as vampire and probably demon mates who had once been human. Apparently witches had fewer chromosomal pairs than other immortal species and thus lacked the protection vampires, demons, and Kurjans had with their additional pairs. The witches’ demands seemed fair.

Jordan Pride’s eyes flickered just like a cougar’s as he straightened.

The shifter nation wants all prisoners of war returned immediately, and considering Virus-27 turned shifters into werewolves until we found a cure for shifters, we want all research associated with the virus.

It was too bad they hadn’t found a cure for witches or mates yet. Janie took a deep breath.

In addition—Terrent Vilks eyed the fire crackling in the center of the room—we want information regarding any werewolves still alive, and we demand autonomy in dealing with werewolves. Nobody hunts or kills our own but us.

Wow. Janie hadn’t been expecting that one from their allies, and by the stiffening of Dage next to her, neither had he.

Kalin tapped bony fingers on the stone table. The Kurjans demand all research regarding our biology and aversion to sunlight from every species in here, because we know you’ve been studying us. We also demand the return of any imprisoned Kurjans, as well as our turn taking possession of the Arias book. He turned his odd green/purple gaze on Janie. Finally, we demand access to the chosen one.

Janie blinked. What did access mean? Her father moved closer to her, bringing the reassuring scent of pine.

Kalin didn’t

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