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The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time
The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time
The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time
Ebook192 pages1 hour

The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Here's How an Overworked Computer Engineer Accidentally Discovered the Little-Known 'Secrets' to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

I'd had enough of my unhealthy lifestyle… I didn't exercise … I had a two hour commute to my hospital IT job in Chicago… I had a wife and 2 kids (4 & 7)

And most of the fitness advice I read was geared towards guys who had the time to workout 6 days a week. 

But after a LOT of research (and a lot of trial and error), I finally figured out how to burn fat and build muscle while still maintaining my busy lifestyle. The result is "The Science of Getting Ripped"

This is my step-by-step manual I created for busy guys that want to burn fat, build muscle, get stronger, and increase their athleticism and power. 

This is not a typical "bodybuilding" book because it's geared towards regular guys with busy lives. 

Here's What You'll Discover

  • How a little known nutrition trick slashes fat! (once you know this, you won't have trouble burning fat)
  • The little used strategy that means you get stronger on ANY lift: (this is a common sense technique I hardly ever see anyone do)
  • Are you looking to lose belly fat? You're in luck... I'll show you a proven way to target your flabby belly... this is great for beer belly's
  • How to get a six-pack and an incredible core with these under-utilized ab movements
  • Imagine increasing strength and muscle growth week after week! Well now you can... this literally transforms your body in a matter of weeks... but surprisingly no one does it
  • The exact time it should take you to lower a rep (I guarantee most people are messing this up)
  • The magic time frame each set should take for optimal growth (are you going too fast?)
  • Why training for too long is counter-productive and often a barrier to muscle growth! (This little tip is the #1 tool to avoid plateaus)
  • The one thing you MUST do to stimulate new muscle growth. (Simple to learn... and once you do... you won't have trouble putting on new muscle)
  • What the TRUE muscle-building hormone is and how to ignite it every single workout
  • Why drastic reductions in calories are counter-productive and damages long term weight loss
  • Banish your cravings with this in your diet (never cave in to cravings again)
  • How to SMASH through plateaus and sticking points: (this scientific principle you MUST incorporate in your workouts to help prevent plateaus)
  • How to eat your favorite "junk" foods and STILL lose body fat: Finally discover how to eat your favorite foods like pasta, chocolate cake, hot dogs, pizza, ice cream, cup cakes, french toast, and cinnamon rolls to HELP you build muscle while STILL dropping body fat! (This one mind-blowing tip shocks most people)
  • Can't make it to the gym?... No problem. Just do this simple "get ripped at home" workout
PublisherRaza Imam
Release dateMar 6, 2019
The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time

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    The Science of Getting Ripped - Raza Imam

    Go To My Blog for More AWESOME Ways to Burn Fat and Build Muscle

    My wife is a registered dietitian and I’m a fitness nut. Check out my blog for some great fitness tips. Here are my top articles:

    ●  37 Mind-Blowing Tips to Burn Fat & Build Muscle (w/ pics and links)

    ●  How to Burn Fat & Get Ripped Eating One Meal per Day

    ●  The 39 Coolest Fitness Blogs in the World (plus their most mind-blowing  articles)

    ●  The AMAZING Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt for Weight Loss and Bodybuilding

    ●  6 Dirty Secrets the Fitness Industry Uses to Make Billions (don’t fall for these tricks)

    Please share these articles on Facebook and Twitter!

    And while you’re there, don’t forget to sign up to my email newsletter where I share free tips, updates, and exclusive articles. I’ll even give you a copy of my free report "The ULTIMATE Muscle-Building Dessert"

    Get access to all of this at my blog:


    Copyright Notice

    No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved.

    Disclaimer and Legal Notices

    The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure the tips given in this course are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided in this course. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.

    Table of Contents



    Who This is For

    My Story

    What You'll Learn

    What You'll Need

    Biggest Mistakes Most Guys Make

    Not Having a Plan

    Doing Isolated Exercises

    Using Machines

    Long Bouts of Low and Slow Cardio

    Crunches and Sit-ups for a 6-pack

    3 Secrets the Fitness Industry Won't Tell You

    Everything Works

    Nothing Works Forever

    Most Workouts are the Same

    Now Make a Goal

    The Scientific Formula to Get Ripped

    How to Hack Your Body to Get Ripped

    The Problem with Going Too Low on Carbs

    Putting It All Together

    Timing Your Carbs

    Key Takeaways

    What About Supplements

    Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s)



    Where to Get Them 

    Training Principle 1: Training for Strength vs. Training for Muscle Mass

    Training for Strength - Myofibrillar Hypertrophy

    Training for Mass - Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

    Key Takeaways

    Training Principle 2: Fitness is Intensity Dependent, Not Time Dependent

    Training Principle 3: Compound Full-Body vs. Split Body Part Routines

    The Benefits of Compound, Full Body Workouts

    The Benefits of Isolated, Split Body Part Workouts

    Key Takeaways

    Training Principle 4: The Science of Rest

    Key Takeaways

    Training Principle 5: The Only REAL Way to Get Abs

    Training Principle 6: Progressive Overload for Progressive Gains

    Key Takeaways

    Training Principle 7: The Supreme 7 Movements to Build Muscle, and Lose Fat

    Training Principle 8: Strength Circuits to Build Muscle and Burn Fat


    Supersets for Super Gains

    Key Takeaways

    Training Principle 9: High Intensity Interval Training for Fat Loss

    The Science of Interval Training

    The Afterburn Effect Explained

    How to Perform Intervals

    Key Takeaways

    Training Principle 10: Developing Power

    Training Principle 11: Cut THEN Bulk?

    3 Things to Get Right - Sleep, Water, and Stress Management


    Growth Hormone



    How to Engineer Your Hormones So You Get Ripped

    The Actual Workouts

    Simple Get Ripped Workout

    Classic 5x5 Strength Workout

    Home Dumbbell Workout

    Scientifically Simple Muscle Gain

    Explosive Power Circuit Workout

    18 Mind-blowing Nutrition Tips

    Common Form Mistakes


    Bench Press

    Overhead Press


    Free Bonus Report (exclusive for my readers)


    I wanted to thank the following people, without whom I never would have been able to create this book. Their support, advice, insight, and expertise was invaluable in writing.

    The following fitness experts have helped me, both directly and indirectly in writing this book. Shawn Lebrun. Rusty Moore. Shin Ohtake. Robert dos Remedios. Craig Ballantyne. Mike Whitfield. Elliott Hulse. Mike Westerdal. Joel Marion. Mike Geary. Mike Ross. Shawna Kaminsky. Ryan Magin. Vince Del Monte. Chad Howse. Nate Green. Steve Kamb. Shawn Hadsall. Eric Wong.

    Of course, I wanted to thank my family and friends who supported me, motivated me, and worked out with me while I wrote this. Dave Vela. Majeed Khan. Odeh Neshawait. Chris Smith. Dr. Ali Malick.



    One of my high school teachers once told us the simple keys to success. He was talking about Roger Bannister, the first man to ever run a 4 minute mile. Everyone thought it was impossible and told him he’d never do it. But he didn’t care and kept practicing. At the end of the day, accomplishing goals can be broken into 3 simple steps:

    1). First you have to do good

    2). Then you start feeling good

    3). Then you start looking good

    I don't care if you're trying to lose weight, be a better parent, learn a new language, or find a new job. You have to take the first step, which means you have to take ACTION. In time, consistent action will lead to confidence and a strong self-image. Then eventually, you, and those around you, will see results.


    Who This Is For

    This is for the average guy who wants to lose fat and build muscle. It’s for the busy parent, the entrepreneur, the guy who wants to help others. He needs the physical strength to accomplish his goals, but also the discipline, fortitude, mental toughness, character, and self-respect to handle life’s most difficult tasks.

    Whether that means turning around a struggling business, volunteering with young kids, or raising a growing family, having a solid physique in addition to the inner strength to blast through life’s obstacles and challenges is the key to success.

    The ideal reader doesn’t want to be a pretty boy fitness model nor a bodybuilder. He reads popular men’s health magazines, is interested in technology, and photography, and current events, and sports. He is tech savvy and forward thinking, with aspirations and ambitions for himself and his family. He doesn’t want to spend hours a day in the gym. He looks for efficiency and fitness hacks to get him the most results from his workouts.

    Here’s the thing, most products focus on getting ripped, and this will show you how to do just that. But the way I see it, you don’t walk around with your shirt off all day. You DO meet people, solve problems, create plans, help others, encounter obstacles, and live a full life. So why not focus on not only the physical benefits you’ll get when you workout, but on the confidence and mental toughness you gain as well? Seems like the best of both worlds to me. .

    My Story

    Like most 30-something guys with kids, I have a very busy life. Here’s my typical day: An hour-long commute to and from work. Helping my 5 year-old with homework. Giving the kids baths. Putting them to bed. Doing dishes. Hanging out with the wife. And going to bed.

    I love working out and used to be heavily involved in martial arts. But I just couldn’t keep it up with this crazy schedule. I’ve been wanting to get back in shape for quite a while, but never had the time to go to the gym consistently. Once I hit 30, I was terrified that I would get the dreaded skinny fat body type. You know what I’m talking about. Skinny body with a pot belly.

    I wanted to get my lean, defined, and muscular body back, but not having enough time was my biggest excuse. Truth is, I mentally gave up. I still wanted to get ripped, but it didn’t seem like it was going to ever happen. Because I didn’t think I could fit it into my schedule...

    I know for a fact that lots of guys can relate.

    I did a lot of research and came to realize that guys who want to get ripped need a specific type of workout.

    In this report, you'll learn about the workout I followed and the results I was able to achieve.

    I hope it helps you in your journey to get lean and ripped. If you follow my advice, I'm sure you will, even if you only have 30 minutes a day.



    Raza Imam


    What You’ll Learn

    This book is geared towards busy guys who want to get lean and fit as fast as possible. For most guys, especially those

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