Part-animated comedy film starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy film starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy film starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy film starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy film starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy film starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Part-animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Animated comedy starring Hank Azaria and featuring the voice of Katy Perry, 2011. The Smurfs leave their village and head for New York City while pursued by the evil Gargamel. [S,AD]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]
Live action and CGI comedy starring Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, 2011. The blue gang are run out of their village by the evil Gargamel and find themselves transported to Earth [AD,S]