Rehabilitation facilities and treatment centers in Colorado can help you recover from alcohol and drug addiction.
443 S. Hwy 105, Palmer Lake, CO, 80133
Facility Features: Gym, Yoga Area, Lounge, 58 beds
Treatment Available: Detox, Acute Treatment, Family Programs, Inpatient Outpatient, Outpatient Programs, Aftercare
Specialties: Trauma Track, Marijuana Addiction, Multidisciplinary Approach, Co-Occurring Disorders
Colorado legalized marijuana in 2012, and marijuana businesses were allowed to open in 2014. Sales from the drug brought in $44 million in taxes in 2014, but there were also negative results from the increased availability of marijuana.
You can find effective drug rehab facilities throughout Colorado. The state’s major metropolitan areas are home to the most treatment centers, but reputable facilities can be found throughout the state.
You can recover from addiction in the state of Colorado. The state’s programs, support groups and community resources will help you during treatment and recovery. The metropolitan areas in and around Denver are home to numerous drug rehab centers. Other cities and counties throughout the state contain equally reputable facilities for you to choose from.
Total Number | 9th (547) |
Treats co-occurring disorders | 6th (212) |
Provides residential detox | T-17th (18) |
Provides outpatient detox | T-25th (19) |
Provides residential treatment | 18th (61) |
Provides outpatient treatment | 7th (415) |
Accepts private insurance | 15th (224) |
Accepts Medicare | 22nd (94) |
Accepts Medicaid | 13th (239) |
Accepts payments on a sliding scale | 5th (336) |
No charge for clients who cannot pay | 11th (174) |
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