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Complaints rules

Company: DISCOMP s.r.o.

Seat: Cvokařská 1216/8, 312 00 Plzeň, Czech Republic

Reg. No.: 25236792

Tax No.: CZ25236792

File ref.: C 11558 registered at the Regional Court in Pilsen

Herein referred to as "seller"

Address for RMA:

DISCOMP s.r.o.

RMA department

Cvokařská 8

312 00 Plzeň

E-mail address:

Fixed line: +420 377 477 794

Personal claims at seller's offices in Pilsen. The effective day of claim is considered to be the day of product delivery to seller.

  1. The purchaser agrees with this Return Policy by entering into the purchase agreement and taking over the product.
  2. The Return Policy stipulates ways and conditions of dealing with item defects and the legal warranty for quality, in accordance with Act No. 89/2012 Coll. of the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1995 Coll., on consumer protection.
  3. RMA procedure
    • The buyer shall file a claim on the seller's web site after singing in with his customer's account and properly mark claimed item with assigned RMA number or attach created dispatch note. Alternatively, you can request RMA number via e-mail addressed to
    • The buyer shall return the item no later than the specified warranty expiry date at own costs icluding customs charges when shipping from countries out of EU. We recommend to use shipping company DHL, TNT and FEDEX that usually provide customs clearance for free. In case that additional shipping fees are imposed to the seller, the seller will refuse this shipment. In reasonable cases, the extended warranty may be granted upon prior consent. The buyer shall return the item for RMA procedure within 14 days after RMA number was assigned, after which period, filed claim shall be cancelled automatically. For foreign customers, the item return period shall be extended up to 60 days.
    • It is the buyer's responsibility to clean the item and remove any dirt, especially birds excrement, etc. If the buyer fails to do so, seller may refuse to accept the dirty item.
    • Seller has a right to refuse the item, which has been shipped or passed over, if it is not properly marked with the RMA number or defect is not properly described, in which cases seller may return the item to the buyer.
    • If asked by seller, the buyer is obliged to return the complete defective item, which shall be replaced by a complete new item. Seller has a right to refuse a claim of incomplete item, if required so by the producer.
  4. Seller is not responsible for the defect in following cases:
    • the defect was found at hand-over, for which a price reduction was agreed;
    • any improper handling which is not in compliance with technical norms, special requirements and best practice in the field;
    • used item with a defect related to usual wear and tear at the time of hand-over to the buyer;
    • defect caused by the buyer's improper use, storing, maintenance, interference or mechanical damage of the item;
    • defect caused by external condition out of seller's influence;
    • expired warranty date;
    • damaged or removed manufacturing, safety and warranty seals, labels or other safety gadgets that prevent opening or disassembling of the item or ensure its clear identification.
  5. Warranty does not apply for damage caused by:
    • mechanical damage of the item;
    • overvoltage;
    • use of the item in unfavourable conditions, which differ from conditions the item is usually used in, and relate to temperature, dust, humidity, chemical and mechanical conditions;
    • unprofessional installation, handling, operation or improper care for the item;
    • computer virus;
    • illegal or non-authorized software and consumer materials;
    • improper use of the item in relation to overload or incompetent conditions defined in the technical documentation or general principles;
    • incompetent interference or change of parameters;
    • adjustments of the item by the customer (painting, bending, etc.);
    • incorrect update of bios or firmware;
    • natural elements or force majeure;
    • usual wear and tear of the item caused by its use (e.g. battery capacity reduction).
  6. The buyer has no right to receive benefits if the defect must have been detected and recognized by common senses and usual attention at the time of entering into the purchase agreement. The buyer shall check the item according to his possibilities as soon as possible after handing-over and inspects its quantity, characteristics and functionality.
  7. If the item is software, applicable warranty covers specifically readability of the media (no scratches, etc.). The moment the buyer removes safety protection (foil, seal, opens envelope, etc.), he becomes an authorized user of the software product and thus accepts license conditions given by the SW producer.
  8. The warranty applies to material and functional defects as well as defects caused in the manufacturing process. The item returned for RMA process shall be checked and tested just with regards to the defect described in written by the buyer (in the RMA form, in the attached sheet with defect description).
  9. The warranty may be extended for individual kinds of the item under the same conditions the warranty is provided by the manufacturer and importer of the item (seller's suppliers). The extended warranty of a particular item shall be marked by seller in the delivery note.
  10. Seller shall not be held liable for loss or damage of any buyer's data. Seller shall not be held liable for possible data loss caused by a technical failure of the item or data carrier or incurred while performing service works.
  11. If any damage on the item has been observed at the hand-over, it is necessary to refuse the item or write a report on the damage, including photos. If any damage on the inner packaging has been observed, it is necessary to contact the shipping company without delay, make photos, write a report on the damage with the shipping company and report the incident to seller. All claims related to the damage of the shipment shall be reported within 3 days from the date of delivery. Later claims and claims without prior communication with the shipping company shall not be accepted.
  12. The buyer is aware of the fact that should the item be replaced in the RMA process, a new warranty period is not initiated. The warranty period shall not be considered the item's life cycle, which differs with respect to the item's characteristics, maintenance, correctness and intensity of use or a deal between the buyer and seller.
  13. The claim shall be addressed, processed and the defect removed without delay in the period no later than 30 days from the date of claim report, if not otherwise agreed between the buyer and seller. If the buyer is not an end user, the claim processing period shall be prolonged up to 45 days. The buyer shall not decide on the way of claim resolution, this is a sole right of seller.
  14. For personal pick-up of the item after the RMA process, the buyer picks up the item without delay within 30 days from a notification message on the claim resolution; this period shall not expire less than 60 days from the claim receipt by seller. The pick-up period shall also be triggered if the delivery is returned with the status “undelivered” and sent back by the shipping company. If the buyer does not pick up the item after the claim was resolved at least on the last day of the pick-up period, seller shall charge the buyer a storage fee amounting to 1.5 % of purchase price plus VAT for each day of delayed pick-up. If the buyer does not pick up the item within 6 months after receiving a notice on resolution of the claim, seller has a right to sell the item and use earned profit to cover storing expenses.
  15. Usual warranty period of 24 months shall be provided to the end user by seller. Agreed extended warranty period shall be stated in the delivery note and warranty certificate.
  16. Usual warranty period of 12 months shall be provided to the entrepreneur by seller. Agreed extended warranty period shall be stated in the delivery note and warranty certificate.
  17. Provisions of the Civil Code on responsibilities in relation to a defective item, or rather claims of the consumer regarding defective item, shall remain unaffected.

This Return Policy of the company DISCOMP s.r.o is effective as of: 23.8.2017.

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