Tubbataha Aggressor Philippines

Tubbataha sits in the Sulu Sea and is in the middle of the Coral Triangle between Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The Tubbataha Reefs National Parks is an UNESCO World Heritage site. The atolls are made up of the North Atoll, South Atoll and the Jessie Beazley Reef to the northwest of the main atolls and are all part of the park. Tubbataha scuba diving itineraries include these areas:

Northern Tip of North Atoll

The northern tip of the North atoll is an area with high diversity of shark species such as blacktips, white tips, grey reef sharks, silky sharks in addition to turtles, rays and whale sharks. The walls have beautiful soft corals, barrel sponges and lots of cleaning stations.

Southern Tip of North Atoll

In this area lies a shipwreck dive site, Malayan Wreck located on an beautiful wall. This shipwreck scuba diving experience includes big animal action with the chance to see dogtooth tuna, giant trivially, different species of barracuda in large schools, turtles, manta rays and almost every kind of native reef fish imaginable.

Northern Tip of South Atoll

This area is known for hammerhead sharks, large pelagics, different species of sharks and reef fish.

Jessie Beazley Reef

This area has pristine coral with an area of branching corpora corals and lots of species of sharks can be seen; hammerhead sharks, silky sharks and even whale sharks.

May 17 – 24, 2025 Three Accommodations Options
  • Balcony Suite: $4695.00

  • Deluxe Main Deck: $4395.00

  • Deluxe Lower Deck: $4195.

Price includes 7 night’s Stay aboard Aggressor Philippines

How to Sign Up:

You can sign up for this adventure by calling Diver Dan’s or Stopping in! 800-24-SCUBA

Refund Policy & Trip Insurance

Diver Dan’s recommends buying Trip Insurance in the event you are unable to go on this trip.

If you need to cancel this trip, the refund policy for this trip is:
  1. If more than 180 days prior to departure date: Full Refund.
  2. If less than 180 days, but more than 90 days prior to departure: Forfeiture of $500.00 (US$). Any deposits over $500.00 (US$) will be refunded.
  3. If 90 days or less prior to departure date: NO REFUNDS.
