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Returns and Exchanges

All Desertcart products are shipped in the original packaging from the manufacturer/supplier, however manufacturing defects or handling issues can occur in rare circumstances.  If this happens then we will do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Some products are covered under warranty from the original manufacturer.  If you encounter a defect with the item where it does not function as it is designed to, then kindly contact us and we'll assist you to process a warranty claim in line with the terms set out by the manufacturer.

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, then you have 14 days (extended to 30 days for Pro members) to request a refund.  All refunds are issued in the form of store credit for the amount paid excluding any shipping charges selected at checkout and/or applied subsequently for special handling.

Items that are opened or that have been used cannot be refunded.  This includes but is not limited to undergarments, software, products where the serial number has been removed, grocery products, food products, supplements, personal grooming products, items with a security/quality seal etc.

Since items are sourced from suppliers across the globe it is the customer's responsibility to check the user manual and technical specifications prior to opening any electrical items.  Electrical items which have been damaged due to misuse (unintentional or otherwise) are ineligible for return.

Our Returns Process

You can request a return by contacting Desertcart Support through Live Chat or email within 14 calendar days of taking delivery of the item (extended to 30 days for Pro members).

You may be requested to provide photos and/or videos to verify the issue or condition of the item.  This is necessary to further process the claim or refund, therefore we may not be able to proceed if this is not available or clearly visible.  In exceptional cases, we may be able to issue a refund with no need to return the item.

If the item needs to be returned, then Desertcart will arrange the return shipment.  Once confirmed, you can coordinate directly with the courier to schedule a convenient date and time for collection.  Your return item should be handed over to the courier without unreasonable delay in order to be returned within 14 days.

The item should be returned in its original packaging in an unused and new condition, including all parts, accessories, and manuals that were included with the product.

Once the item has been received by Desertcart, the refund will be processed within 48 hours and immediately visible in the Store Credit section of your account.