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Conferences and workshops


The Sixth Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Par­al­lel, Dis­trib­uted, GPU and Cloud Com­put­ing for Engin­eer­ing

4–5 June 2019, Pécs – Hun­gary


19th IEEE Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Scal­able Com­put­ing and Com­mu­nic­a­tions 

19–23 August 2019, Leicester – UK

Big Data Pipelines 2019

Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Multi Tier Big Data Pipelines from
Edge to the Cloud Data Cen­ters

Decem­ber 17, Hydera­bad – India

GECON 2020

17th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on the Eco­nom­ics of Grids,
Clouds, Sys­tems and Ser­vices

 15–17 Septem­ber 2020, Izola – Slov­e­nia [UPDATE: ONLINE event]

Research and Innovation Projects, Programmes and Initiatives

Devel­op­ment of Human Implicit/Explicit Inten­tion Recog­ni­tion Tech­no­lo­gies for Autonom­ous Human-Things Inter­ac­tion (No. 2017–0-00167, IITP-KR, 2017–2018)

In DECENTER, the out­put from the pre­vi­ous pro­ject is the basic approach to handle IoT data to get user con­texts. Vari­ous kinds of time-series data from IoT device have been handled in this pro­ject. DECENTER will use this res­ult and improve the AI algorithm inter­act­ing IoT.

Devel­op­ment of User-Con­text Respons­ive & Inter­act­ive Digit­al Sig­nage Plat­form (No.2017–0-00385, IITP-KR, 2017–2018)

This pro­ject detects user char­ac­ter­ist­ic with ana­lyz­ing the video from embed­ded cam­era and provide suit­able sig­nage accord­ing to the ana­lyzed res­ult. DECENTER plans to improve and modi­fy AI algorithms based on decent­ral­ized infra­struc­ture.

Devel­op­ment of Respons­ive RRUI Tech­no­logy based on Device/Environmental/ Emotional/ Cog­nit­ive Inform­a­tion for Inform­a­tion Tech­no­logy Devices. (No. R0101-16–0159, IITP-KR, 2014- 2017)

This is a pro­ject that remotely cre­ates a UI accord­ing to con­text. Task 4.2 of DECENTER, Rep­res­ent­a­tion using extrac­ted fea­ture, is sim­il­ar to this pro­ject. We have a plan to apply basic AI algorithm from this pro­ject into DECENTER.

Devel­op­ment of SW fused Wear­able Device Mod­ule and Flex­ible SW Applic­a­tion Plat­form for the integ­rated Man­age­ment of Human Activ­ity (No. 2016–0-00286, IITP-KR, 2016–2019)

This pro­ject builds a plat­form to man­age wear­able IoT data. DECENTER will review main concept of this pro­ject to fit decent­ral­ized com­put­ing envir­on­ment.

Micro-serv­er Integ­rated Resource Man­age­ment (Min­istry of Sci­ence and ICT of South Korea, 2014–2018)

In this pro­ject, low-power micro-serv­er was developed. DECENTER will use the res­ult as an optim­iz­ing meth­od for Edge resources.

Block­chain based IoT Reli­ab­il­ity and Man­age­ment Sys­tem Development(Ministry of Sci­ence and ICT of South Korea, 2017–2018)

In this pro­ject, block­chain tech­no­logy related to IoT is being con­duc­ted. In addi­tion to DECENTER’s decent­ral­ized com­put­ing block­chain tech­no­logy, apply­ing IoT’s block-chain tech­no­logy will also be con­sidered.

IoT Mid­dle­ware Plat­form Devel­op­ment for Open Hardwares(Ministry of Sci­ence and ICT of South Korea, 2015–2016)

In this pro­ject, the man­age­ment and secur­ity of IoT has been stud­ied. The rel­ev­ant tech­no­logy will be applied to DECENTER so that it can be improved to man­age IoT eas­ily in the cloud-edge struc­ture.

Devel­op­ment of Life­Media hub ter­min­al and ser­vices based on life style ana­lys­is (2015–0-00195, IITP-KR, 2015–2018)

This pro­ject is a tech­no­logy that provides the appro­pri­ate media based on the life cycle ana­lysed by sensors. Apply­ing this pro­ject will be con­sidered to enrich DECENTER’s use case.

Devel­op­ment of Big data-based Intel­li­gent CCTV Search Tech­nique (No. PA-C000001-2015–201, Korea Nation­al Police Agency, 2017–2018)

This pro­ject has stud­ied AI tech­no­logy that recog­nize people in video. DECENTER seeks to devel­op new AI algorithms to fit the decent­ral­ized com­put­ing archi­tec­ture.

SNU – Sam­sung Smart Cam­pus (Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics, 2015–2018)

In this pro­ject, AI algorithm recog­niz­ing human hand ges­ture is developed. DECENTER will con­sider the res­ult of this pro­ject to evolve the use case.