Wallpaper swatch packs are subject to the following delivery charges:
USA | $8 (per order) 5-7 business days |
Canada | $8 (per order) 5-7 business days |
Rolls of wallpaper are subject to the following delivery charges:
USA | $40 (per order) 2-4 business days |
Canada | $55 (per order) 2-4 business days |
You can view a full delivery quote for your basket and shipping address in the checkout. All charges shown include any applicable tax and duty. State tax is calculated in the checkout.
We offer one tracked service from DHL, all items are sent from our UK workshops. Orders will be dispatched only when all items are ready and they should arrive within 2-4 business days. If you wish to receive individual items as soon as they are ready, please consider placing them as separate orders.
Please visit our UK website if you wish to place an order from outside of the USA and Canada.
View our Delivery support page for more information.